Friday 19th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Barzani: Kurdistan region needs more weapons to defend itself

Barzani: Kurdistan region needs more weapons to defend itself
The head of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, announced on Sunday, that the region is in need to more weapons to defend itself and its presence, stressing the importance of ensuring the future of all the components of the Nineveh province. Barzani said in a press statement issued by the Presidency of the Kurdistan region on the sidelines of a meeting with a joint delegation of the US House of Representatives and the Senate that “The ...

Professor Hussien Ansarian: O God! turn to us in this Ramadan month

Professor Hussien Ansarian: O God! turn to us in this Ramadan month

O God, it is Ramadhan month, this mosque is your house, and we are your servants, at least, with your help, we have listened to you and have fasted, we have taken these few steps, we have come for saying prayers, we have come because of mosque, we have come to fast, now you turn to us too.

Nat’l Quran Competition Underway in Mauritania

Nat’l Quran Competition Underway in Mauritania
Ahlul Bayt News Agency, According to Mauritania’s official news agency, 145 contestants are competing in the three-day event, which is held under the supervision of the country’s Islamic Affairs and Education Minister Ahmed Waled Alnini. The contest is held with the aim of encouraging memorization of the Quran and honoring Quran reciter and memorizers, Muhammad Walad Shuwaf director of the Islamic affairs ministry’s Islamic guidance ...

Ancient mosque turned into ruin

Ancient mosque turned into ruin
Leaked pictures and a video footage showed that the ancient mosque of Sa’sa’a bin Suhan has been vandalized. The mosque, that is located in Askar, had been turned into ruins while under the knowledge and supervision of the regime. It is one of more than 38 mosques to be either demolished or partly vandalized by the regime in a systematic sectarian campaign against Shiite mosques. The mosque houses an ancient grave of a historic Islamic ...

Islamic Culture Basis of the Country’s Power

Islamic Culture Basis of the Country’s Power
-- The basis of our country’s power is our Islamic culture which is abundant with spirituality, head of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization told IQNA. Referring to the theme of the 8th congress of Iranian cultural attachés, namely “spiritual power, cultural front”, Dr Mehdi Mostafavi said that this theme was selected for the congress since the main aspect of the country’s power is cultural power. If we want to make this ...

Fire ravages in Old Dhaka, taking lives and destroying many Shia homes - Bangladesh

Fire ravages in Old Dhaka, taking lives and destroying many Shia homes - Bangladesh
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), On 3 June 2010 at about 9:00 pm, a devastating fire broke out in the town of Nimtali Nawab Katra in Old Dhaka, about half a kilometre from the Hossaini Dalan Imambargha. This is the first time where a fire of this magnitude has occurred in the town, claiming over 115 lives and injuring 151 residents. The World Federation of Khoja Shia Muslim Communites' (KSIMC) partnering agency in Bangladesh ...

Council of Muftis protests court ban of Islamic books

Council of Muftis protests court ban of Islamic books
The Russia's Council of Muftis has expressed its protest against an Orenburg court ruling with respect to Islamic books."On March 26, 2012, Judge A.V. Nuzhdin at the Leninsky District Court in Orenburg granted a prosecutor's request to ban 65 book titles of theological and historical content from all Russian Islamic publishing houses," the Mufties Council said in a statement.A copy of the ruling effective as of April 2012 was produced to book ...

ISIS executioner killed in Sharqat, Iraq

ISIS executioner killed in Sharqat, Iraq
On Sunday, al-Hashd al-Sha’bi leader Jabbar al-Maamouri announced the killing of the so-called ISIS executioner, along with one of his companions, during an incursion into the district of Sharqat north of Salahuddin. Maamouri said in a statement obtained that “A special force from al-Hashd al-Shaabi penetrated Sharqat District through secret paths and succeeded in killing a man known as Abu Eman, who is also called the ISIS ...

Extremist rebels hold bodies of 12 Iranian military advisers in Khan Touman - Official

Extremist rebels hold bodies of 12 Iranian military advisers in Khan Touman - Official

Al Khalifa forces detain Bahraini youth in Buri

Al Khalifa forces detain Bahraini youth in Buri
At least one Bahraini youth was arrested during the latest round of police raids in the kingdom’s village of Buri on Friday. The young man has been identified as Mansour ...

Ayatollah Isa Qasem ‘red line’ for Bahraini revolutionaries

Ayatollah Isa Qasem ‘red line’ for Bahraini revolutionaries
One of the leaders of the Bahrain’s Islamic Action Society reiterated that if the Al Khalifa regime takes any action against Bahraini Shi’ites’ spiritual leader, they will face severe and negative consequences. Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Ja’far Alawi, one of the leaders of Bahrain’s Islamic Action Society, explained that the charges brought against Shaykh Ali Salman, a prominent Shi’ite cleric and opposition ...

Twin Cities Muslims, Christians use Ramadan as an opportunity to get to know each other

Twin Cities Muslims, Christians use Ramadan as an opportunity to get to know each other
Muslims and Christians will gather to eat and break down barriers during eight meals planned for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. For the next month, the Minnesota Council of Churches and Twin Cities-area mosques have planned community meals at Iftar, the sunset feast when Muslims break their Ramadan fast. It's part of the Taking Heart program, which aims started to bring faith communities together. Ramadan calls for Muslims to pray and fast ...

Islamophobia in France on the rise: Muslim body head

Islamophobia in France on the rise: Muslim body head

Photo / Lecture by Professor Ansarian in the mosque of Ayatollah Boroujerdi (RA), Kermanshah

Photo / Lecture by Professor Ansarian in the mosque of Ayatollah Boroujerdi (RA), Kermanshah
<header class="HeaderContentArticle c0c7990 dr tr bold"></header> ...

Amnesty: Expulsion is Bahrain's New Weapon of Choice

Amnesty: Expulsion is Bahrain's New Weapon of Choice
In response to the Bahraini authorities' decision to deport Dr. Masoud Al-Jahromi by force, Amnesty International stressed that expulsion is now "Bahrain's new weapon of choice" to banish ‘unwanted' individuals & silence dissent. Amnesty International further stated on its official Twitter account that the expulsion of Jahromi represents a violation of international law. A source close to the family of Dr. Jahromi, who was stripped of ...

Saudis Still Not Cooperating with Iran on Mina Tragedy

Saudis Still Not Cooperating with Iran on Mina Tragedy
Iranian Vice President for Legal Affairs Elham Aminzadeh strongly criticized the Riyadh government's lack of cooperation with Tehran on probing the death of the country's pilgrims during the Hajj rituals in Mina, near Mecca, on September 24. "The Saudi officials are still not cooperating with Iran on the Hajj tragedy," Aminzadeh said on Saturday. She called on the Saudi government to cooperate with Iran, and said, "We cannot achieve our ...

The Media Department Opens Offices for Distributing Al-Wilaiah Magazine

 The Media Department Opens Offices for Distributing Al-Wilaiah Magazine
Journalism Division that belongs to the Media Department of the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali (PBUH) decided to run a program for distributing the publications of the department which are Qanbar and Wilaiah magazines. Fa’iq al-Shimari said in a statement ‘We ran this program to distribute al-Wilaiah Magazine in the provinces of Iraq. This happens as we send an official delegation from the Distribution Unit in the Journalism Division to the ...

Juma-tul-Wida to be observed with religious zeal, reverence

Juma-tul-Wida to be observed with religious zeal, reverence
Juma-tul- Wida, the last Friday of the holy month of Ramzan would be observed on Ramzan-ul-Mubarak 25 (July 1) with traditional religious zeal and reverence. Millions of fasting people will offer Friday prayers at across country mosques and prayer grounds. Juma-tul-Wida has a special significance since it is a prelude to the departure of holy month of Ramzan and considered the harbinger of the end of the showering of divine blessings that ...

Professor Ansarian’s message of condolence following the death of deceased Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani

Professor Ansarian’s message of condolence following the death of deceased Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani
In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful With all regret and sorrow I was informed of the demise of the deceased Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani who used to be a real hero and server of The Islamic Revolution. This devotee and zealot human used to be one of the first partners and helpers of Imam Khomeini (Allah's Mercy on him) and was one of the hardworking and diligent hero of the Revolution. Tafsir Rahnama is a contemporary 20 volume ...

Jordan warns: Israeli violations against Muslims at Al Aqsa Mosque is violation of Intl laws & conventions

Jordan warns: Israeli violations against Muslims at Al Aqsa Mosque is violation of Intl laws & conventions
The Jordanian government has strongly denounced Israel's persistence in its violations against the Aqsa Mosque and Muslim worshipers, warning that its practices at the Islamic holy shrine would lead to dire consequences.Spokesman for the government Mohamed al-Momani condemned, in press remarks on Sunday, the Israeli violations against Muslim worshipers at the Aqsa Mosque as a violation of international laws and conventions.Momani demanded the ...