Friday 19th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Imam Khamenei: Who created ISIS? Was it anyone but U.S.?

Imam Khamenei: Who created ISIS? Was it anyone but U.S.?
At this meeting His Eminence stressed that the arrogant powers adopt various methods to impose their desires on others, adding that: one of the methods is to fulfill the interests of the arrogant powers in the name of ‘international norms’ by accusing independent and anti-oppression nations of breaking the norms. Ayatollah Khamenei held: Recently the American authorities have been referring-- in their speeches about Iran—to ...

4th Edition of “Amir Al-Mumenin (AS)” Festival Underway in India

4th Edition of “Amir Al-Mumenin (AS)” Festival Underway in India
The 4th edition of “Amir Al-Mumenin (AS)” annual cultural festival has been organized in Bangalore, India, by the Astan (custodianship) of Hazrat Abbas (AS) holy ...

Quran Competition in Karbala

Quran Competition in Karbala
It has been organized by the Center for Training Quran Reciters and Memorizers affiliated to the Quran Institute of the Astan (custodianship) of Hazrat Abbas (AS). Sheikh Javad Al-Nasrawi, director of the institute welcomed the participants in the competition and said the main objective of the event is to disseminate the Quranic culture in the society and raising a generation familiar the teachings of the Divine Book. The group from Maysan ...

Photos of the Nights of Qadar's special program and the martyrdom of the commander of the faithful, Ali-ibn Abi Talib (AS) -Masjid Amir (AS)

Photos of the Nights of Qadar's special program and the martyrdom of the commander of the faithful, Ali-ibn Abi Talib (AS) -Masjid Amir (AS)

“No Muslims allowed’: how nationalism is rising in Aung San Suu Kyi’s Myanmar

“No Muslims allowed’: how nationalism is rising in Aung San Suu Kyi’s Myanmar
The post was erected in late March by Buddhist residents of the village in Myanmar’s lush Irrawaddy delta region who signed, or were strong-armed into signing, a document asserting that they wanted to live separately. A sign barring Muslims from staying overnight, doing commerce, or marrying in Thaungtan village, in Myanmar’s Irrawaddy Delta Region.Facebook Twitter PinterestA sign barring Muslims from staying overnight, doing ...

Egypt's Free Front for Peaceful Change supports Bahraini revolution

Egypt's Free Front for Peaceful Change supports Bahraini revolution
Militants of Wahabi-Nasabi’s terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahaba and Taliban  riding two vehicles launched gun and rocket attacks on a group of Shia youths in an open ground in Hazara Town. DIG Operations Quetta Police Hamid Shakeel said the victims were in a neighbourhood park in the town in southwestern Pakistan when they were shot at. The attackers fled, he said. He confirmed that Eight people have lost their lives in the deadly ...

Islamic Studies Center at India National University Launched

Islamic Studies Center at India National University Launched
Center of Islamic Studies was opened at India’s National University in New Delhi with the presence of scientific and political figures of the country.  The opening ceremony of the center was held on October 23 from 10 AM local time.  The program began with Quran recitation by Abdul Hasanayn, student of the university and continued with speeches presented by Akhtarul Wase, head of the Islamic Studies Center of the university and Najeeb ...

Qur'anic curtsey in interfaith dialogue

Qur'anic curtsey in interfaith dialogue
Iranian academic figure referred to the features of a Qur'anic curtsey in dialogue and warned against widespread Islamophobia and cultural confrontations against Muslim sanctities.Hojjt-ol-Islam Seyyed Abolhassan Navvab, Iranian cleric and head of Religions and Denominations University of Qom explained the status of morality and Qur'anic Curtsey in Interfaith Dialogue and warned against the efforts of Western countries to wage cultural ...

Daesh in Libya executes 4 rival Takfiris in Sirte

Daesh in Libya executes 4 rival Takfiris in Sirte
he Takfiri Daesh terrorists in Libya have reportedly executed four more members of a rival Takfiri faction that had revolted against the notorious terrorist group in the central city of Sirte. The latest executions came on Sunday as Daesh has engaged in crushing a mutiny by a competing Salafist group as well as armed residents attempting to break the terror group’s grip over the city, located 500 kilometers east of the country’s ...

US Muslims in Michigan, East Lansing gather to share experiences

US Muslims in Michigan, East Lansing gather to share experiences
Muslims from Michigan State University (MSU) and East Lansing communities came together and were given the opportunity to share their experiences, both positive and negative, in an event sponsored by the Committee on Diversity of MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine called “Visions for the Future: Stories from your Muslim Neighbors,” on Tuesday. Speakers came from faraway countries and cities like Dubai and Pakistan in addition to ...

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood to join Friday protest

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood to join Friday protest
 Egypt's best-organised political group, the Muslim Brotherhood, said on Wednesday it would join mass protests this week demanding faster reforms, and the government urged organisers to ensure the rallies are peaceful. The Brotherhood's participation is likely to bolster what is billed as a million-person protest planned on Friday, called by secular activists unhappy with the way the military council has been running Egypt since the ouster of ...

Leader says Saudi leaders must apologize for deadly Hajj incident

Leader says Saudi leaders must apologize for deadly Hajj incident
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the Saudi rulers should apologize for the recent deadly incident that killed hundreds of pilgrims during Hajj rituals instead of dodging their responsibility.Addressing a group of clerics on Sunday, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The Muslim world has many questions in this regard and Saudi rulers, instead of shunning [their responsibility] must accept their responsibility in ...

“Coexistence in Quran” forum held for students in Karbala

“Coexistence in Quran” forum held for students in Karbala
The principle of “coexistence in Quran” was highlighted in a forum recently held for students in the holy city of Karbala, Iraq.According to the Astan (custodianship) of Imam Hussein (AS) holy shrine, the program was organized by "Al-Hawra Zeynab (SA)” Cultural Institute, which is affiliated to the Astan.Fatemeh Ismail, expert in Quranic sciences from Qatif, a Shia-dominated city in Saudi Arabia, at the forum stressed the ...

Malaysia\'s Shiite Muslims Demanded Apology from Authorities

Malaysia\'s Shiite Muslims Demanded Apology from Authorities
 Malaysian religious officials allow only Sunni Islam to be openly practiced by Muslims, who make up nearly two-thirds of this Southeast Asian country\'s population. All other Islamic denominations including the Shiite are considered illegal. Sunni Islam is the world\'s largest branch of the religion, followed by Shiite Islam, which is practiced mostly in Iran, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Bahrain, Lebanon, Kuwait and Yemen though there are sizable ...

Bahrain authorities, a source of terror & violator of Shiite religious rights

Bahrain authorities, a source of terror & violator of Shiite religious rights
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Bahrain Forum for Human Rights stated that the Bahraini authorities' campaign against Ashura Banners and Slogans reflects "the deep-rooted hatred and discrimination in the government's structure," pointing out that "turning the state whose duty is to protect freedoms into a terrorizer of citizens and violator of their religious rights raises dozens of questions about the sides responsible for the incidents that took ...

Moroccan security forces dismantle ISIS-linked terrorist cell

Moroccan security forces dismantle ISIS-linked terrorist cell
Morocco’s security services dismantled on Monday five-member terror cell linked to ISIS. The suspects, who were operating in the southern city of Smara and the regions of Belfaa and Ait Amira, were planning to join ISIS in Syria and Iraq before deciding to join the organization in Libya through Mauritania with the help of traffickers in the region, the interior ministry said in a statement. According to investigations, the cell intended ...

Understanding and Countering Islamophobia

Understanding and Countering Islamophobia
Understanding and Countering Islamophobia Islamophobia is a term that describes the warped feelings some people have and their resulting behavior toward Islam and Muslims.   Islamophobia is a term that describes the warped feelings some people have and their resulting behavior toward Islam and Muslims. It is well known that phobias are a group of psychological disorders that afflict a person ...

Photos/ professor Ansarian,s lecture in the Husseiniya of Hamadani people in the third ten days of Rajab

Photos/ professor Ansarian,s lecture in the Husseiniya of Hamadani people in the third ten days of Rajab
<header class="HeaderContentArticle c0c7990 dr tr bold"></header> ...

Palestinians calls for canceling Oslo accords

Palestinians calls for canceling Oslo accords
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - On the 22nd anniversary of the signing of the Oslo accords, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) called Monday for canceling the Oslo agreement and its security, economic, and political addendums. In a statement issued Monday evening, the PFLP called for re-tabling the Palestinian issue within the UN framework and for implementing the UN resolutions and not to negotiate over them.The Oslo accords have ...

Muslim Brotherhood group in Jordan has condemned the desecration of Holy Quran by U.S. military.

Muslim Brotherhood group in Jordan has condemned the desecration of Holy Quran by U.S. military.
Jordan the leader of Muslim Brotherhood group (Akhwan-e-Muslimeen) Mr. Sheikh Hamam Saeed while condemning the desecration of Holy Quran by the hands of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, have demanded to file a case in the International Court to take initiative against perpetrators of this shameful crime. Mr. Sheikh Hamam Saeed said that this incident and other such incidents are crusader war against Muslims. He said that American government is ...