Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Two US teens charged for beating Muslim man

Two US teens charged for beating Muslim man
Two New York City teenagers have been arrested for viciously attacking a Muslim man with shouting “ISIS, ISIS." Mujibur Rahman, 43 year-old, a Bangladeshi Muslim, who was wearing traditional Muslim attire, was picking up his 9-year-old niece from school around 5:30 p.m. on Friday, when the two suspects attacked him. They punched him in the head and knocked him onto the ground where they kicked him several times, police said. The two ...

85 dead migrants found washed up in Libya

85 dead migrants found washed up in Libya
Since Tuesday, volunteers have recovered dozens of bodies of migrants in an advanced stage of decomposition on beaches near the capital, spokesman Mohamed al-Misrati said. They found 75 bodies around Tripoli and another 10 in Sabratah, 70 kilometers (43 miles) to the west, he said. The Libyan coastguard said it had also rescued 212 migrants from two overloaded rubber dinghies off the Libyan coast. "We were informed of the presence of two ...

Conference of “Culture of spirituality “to be held in Kazakhstan

Conference of “Culture of spirituality “to be held in Kazakhstan
The conference of “culture of spirituality “ will be held In Kazakhstan in the presence of Ayatollah Taskhiri. The conference of “Culture of Spirituality “ will be held in Kazakhstan in the presence of Head of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic School of Thought, Ayatollah Muhammad Ali Taskhiri. The conference will be held on 17 Oct and is organized by Kazakhstan parliament; the international deputy of the World Forum for ...

World hunger reaches one billion

World hunger reaches one billion
Nearly 1 billion people go to bed hungry each night, a number that is unacceptably high,” Director of Worldwatch's nourishing the Planet project, Danielle Nierenberg said. According to the Washington-based independent research institute, nearly one billion people worldwide, many of them children have micronutrient deficiency, a condition that lowers their ability to learn or have a productive life. Each year, between 250 million and 500 ...

Chinese 'mualaf' sisters relishing experience of Ramadan

Chinese 'mualaf' sisters relishing experience of Ramadan

leaked phone taps reveal ISIS covers fighters’ hefty bills in Turkish hospitals

leaked phone taps reveal ISIS covers fighters’ hefty bills in Turkish hospitals
ISIS terrorists wounded on the Syrian battlefield regularly travel to Turkey for complex and costly medical treatment, according to tapped phone calls apparently ignored by Ankara’s security forces, and handed to the media by opposition MP Erem Erdem.Transcripts of phone recordings that were obtained by international media conversations with Ilhami Bali, a ‘prominent’ figure within so-called Islamic State (IS, formerly ...

HR Defender Nabeel Rajab Expects Bahrain to be Listed as “Country of Concern” in British Report

HR Defender Nabeel Rajab Expects Bahrain to be Listed as “Country of Concern” in British Report
The President of the Bahrain Center for Human rights and prominent human rights defender, Nabeel Rajab, said that Bahrain is expected to be listed as a "country of concern" in Britain's upcoming report "due to increasing human rights activism". On his personal Twitter account on Tuesday (February 23, 2016) Rajad added: "It is unknown how this new trend would serve the human rights issues" in Bahrain, but it shows "that there is more awareness ...

Beware of the exaggerators: From ISIS to Islamophobes

Beware of the exaggerators: From ISIS to Islamophobes
But while indeed justice requires to be served, especially when innocent lives have been sacrificed to the pyre of fascism, let us be cautious as we assess blame, or else we could stand to play directly in those hands we abhor most of all - those of Daesh, this plague which claimed itself of Islam. Bloodletting is not a pillar of Islam. Extremism, radicalism and spiritual devolution are the very negation of Islam’s message and the Truth it ...

Senior Shia scholar: Al Saud desperation obvious in Yemen

Senior Shia scholar: Al Saud desperation obvious in Yemen

Record 17 million Shi'ite pilgrims in Karbala

Record 17 million Shi'ite pilgrims in Karbala
Record 17 million Shi'ite pilgrims in Karbala Iraqi Defence Minister Khaled al-Obeidi said on Thursday that the number of pilgrims in the city of Karbala for the annual Arbaeen commemoration had reached a record 17.5 million this year. Iraqi Defence Minister Khaled al-Obeidi said on Thursday that the number of pilgrims in the city of Karbala for the annual Arbaeen commemoration had reached a record 17.5 million this year. Arbaeen, which marks ...

Iraqi Cleric Condemns US Ambassador’s Visit to Imam Ali (AS) Holy Shrine

Iraqi Cleric Condemns US Ambassador’s Visit to Imam Ali (AS) Holy Shrine
Iraq's prominent Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr has slammed a recent visit to the holy shrine of Imam Ali (AS) by the US ambassador to Iraq.He has called for collecting signatures from millions of Iraqis to show their protest against the visit.Al-Sadr also called for apologies from all of those involved in the visit, including related government officials.During a trip on Wednesday to the holy city of Najaf, South of Baghdad, Stuart Jones, the US ...

“Christianity in View of Non-Christians” Discussed in Australia

“Christianity in View of Non-Christians” Discussed in Australia
-- A specialized meeting on “Christianity in View of Non-Christians” was held yesterday, December 5, on the sidelines of the fifth Summit of the Parliament of the World's Religions in Melbourne, Australia. Following lectures delivered at the beginning of the meeting by Prof. Lindsey, invited lecturer of Harvard University and Laura Sandra, lecturer of Melbourne Catholic University, Shoja’ipur, member of scientific board of the Research ...

Bahrainis demand release of Sheikh Ali Salman

Bahrainis demand release of Sheikh Ali Salman
Bahraini protesters have once again taken to the streets to express their resentment with the continued detention of the leading opposition figure and Shia cleric, Sheikh Ali Salman. Demonstrators held a rally in the northwestern village of Diraz, situated about 12 kilometers (7 miles) southeast of the capital, Manama, following Friday prayers, demanding the release of Salman, who heads Bahrain’s main opposition bloc al-Wefaq National ...

Special program on martyrdom of Imam Ali (21 Ramadan) - Tehran, Amir Mosque/photos

Special program on martyrdom of Imam Ali (21 Ramadan) - Tehran, Amir Mosque/photos
<header class="HeaderContentArticle c0c7990 dr tr bold"><img src="http://www.erfan.ir/system/assets/imgArticle/2016/06/87518_018A0525.JPG" alt="" ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the manifestation of being Allah’s friend in Imam Hussein (AS)

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the manifestation of being Allah’s friend in Imam Hussein (AS)
  On the second night of Muharram , In Hosseinieh of Hazrat Qasim (AS) in Tehran, Professor Hussein Ansarian In his speech pointed out that every human being accepts the truth due to the God-given wisdom, goodness and positive affairs. He also added that although this person is weak to carry out these acts, he cannot avoid accepting the truth, since many of the facts of the universe and the good things are based on fixed laws and rules- ...

Sunday Express apologises to school for Islamic fanatics claim

Sunday Express apologises to school for Islamic fanatics claim
Northern & Shell's Sunday title published a front-page story on 12 June 2011, headlined "Spies in schools to hunt fanatics", in which it wrongly stated that the King Fahad Academy in Acton, west London, taught extreme Islam. The article, which was also published on the paper's website, falsely suggested that the academy school had been infiltrated by Islamic fanatics. Clare Kissin, counsel for the King Fahad Academy, said in a statement at the ...

Professor Ansarian: heartfelt praise is acquired by believing in Origin and Resurrection

Professor Ansarian: heartfelt praise is acquired by believing in Origin and Resurrection
According to the report of the Public Relations and International Affairs of the Cultural Institute of DarolErfan, Professor Hossein Ansarian, in his speech at Shah Cheragh in Shiraz, stated: due to the intellect human beings have been granted and the freedom they have been bestowed and the wisely decreed duties they have been counted responsible for by Allah Almighty, they are subjected to his mercy and grace- this is something Allah has ...

Lebanese Hezbollah Confirms Detention of Israeli Spy in its Ranks

Lebanese Hezbollah Confirms Detention of Israeli Spy in its Ranks
Lebanon's resistance movement Hezbollah implies that earlier reports on the detention of a senior official within its ranks over espionage for Israel have been true, Lebanese media say. Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem praised the resistance group for its "steadfastness" in standing against "some major infiltrations" into its ranks, The Daily Star quoted him as saying on Sunday. "There is no party in the world as big and ...

South Africa: After Imam Hussain Mosque attack we need to urgently counter sectarian discourse in our communities

South Africa: After Imam Hussain Mosque attack we need to urgently counter sectarian discourse in our communities
We need to develop an internal dialogue that calls out hate speech and violence. It is crucial that we do not tolerate hate-mongering and sectarianism. (AhlulBayt News Agency) - Changing discourses and perspectives in communities is complex and tough. This is indeed the case with current day sectarian discourses among Muslims. But, discourse, or what and how we choose to talk, also kills.This has been shown by the recent attack on a ...

Eminent Egyptian scholar: We Will Stand Against Takfiris with All our Strength.

Eminent Egyptian scholar: We Will Stand Against Takfiris with All our Strength.
One the prominent scholars of Egypt in "international congress of extremist and Takfiri Movements in view Muslim scholars" said: we will root out the Takfiri ideology. According to Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA), "Tajoddin Helali", prominent Egyptian scholar, in the opening ceremony of "international congress of extremist and Takfiri Movements in view Muslim scholars" which was held today in qom, in addition to appreciation of Grand Ayatollah ...