Wednesday 24th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Al Saud regime to sink in Yemen quagmire - Grand Shia Scholar 'Javadi Amoli'

Al Saud regime to sink in Yemen quagmire - Grand Shia Scholar 'Javadi Amoli'
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - The land of Divine revelations is enslaved in the grasp of Ale Saud today and that regime has enslaved itself by invading Yemen, where it will get sunk eventually, source of jurisprudence Ayatollah Abdollah Javadi Amoli said on Sunday.'Saudi aggression on Yemen is condemned, the situation there will not remain as it is and Al Saud that has suppressed the Yemeni nation will be punished for the criminal acts it has ...

Iraq’s dam could be collapsed by Daesh militants

Iraq’s dam could be collapsed by Daesh militants
Iraqi offcials have warned of a serious danger to millions of people around the giant Mosul dam, which is undergoing repairs and could breach at any moment, releasing a killer flood wave capable of wiping out entire cities and even flooding Baghdad. According to TASS a failure of the dam could affect up to 6 million people, with as many as 2 million of them living in and around Mosul. “The Iraqi government took important precaution ...


  The book called ‘the Fadakīyah Sermon’ has been translated under the title ‘She was One Word’ into two sections, [the first section in] Fārsī (Persian) and [the second section in] Āzarbāijānī Turkish by Mahdī Na‘lbandī. In the first section, the translator has, by making use of Qur’ānic verses and Hadīths, explained the various aspects of Fātimah’s personality and examined the stages of her life, her status from ...

UNHCR: Number of Syria Refugees Passes 1.6 Million

UNHCR: Number of Syria Refugees Passes 1.6 Million
The UN refugee agency says the number of Syrian refugees sheltered in neighboring countries including Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq has passed 1.6 million. (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) warned on Friday that the number of Syrians who have fled their own land to seek refuge in other states is growing very fast in the face of intensifying conflict in Syria. "UNHCR was able to witness the ...

Egypt: 23 men jailed for killing top Shias scholar 'Sheikh Hassan Shehata' whose death caused topple of Morsi

Egypt: 23 men jailed for killing top Shias scholar 'Sheikh Hassan Shehata' whose death caused topple of Morsi
An Egyptian court has sentenced 23 extremist Salafi mobs to 14 years in jail without parole over the killing of four members of the Shia community in 2013, judicial sources say. An Egyptian court has sentenced 23 extremist Salafi mobs to 14 years in jail without parole over the killing of four members of the Shia community in 2013, judicial sources say.Eight other defendants were acquitted of charges related to the lynching during Saturday's ...

Thousands of Indian Shia stage rally against Shia genocide in Pakistan

Thousands of Indian Shia stage rally against Shia genocide in Pakistan
  - Protesters chanted slogans against Pakistan government and army for their failure to stop target killing of and bomb attacks on Shia Muslims of Pakistan by ISI-sponsored Takfiri (excommunicator) Deobandi terrorists. According to an estimate, more than 20,000 Shia Muslims have been killed by Deobandi militants in Pakistan in the last few decades.Led by noted cleric and spokesperson of the All India Shia Personal Law Board, Maulana ...

The Askariyain Holy Shrine rebuilt

The Askariyain Holy Shrine rebuilt
  SAMARRA, Iraq — When insurgents bombed the Askariya shrine nearly four years ago, Qassim Mohammed Arab saw his fortunes collapse along with the holy site's iconic golden dome.   Shia pilgrims in front of the Askariya shrine in Samarra, Iraq, before insurgents damaged the golden dome on 2006 and two of the minarets in 2007. The attack by suspected al-Qaeda terrorists on ...

The Professor Hossein Ansarian's speech at Mausoleum of Sheikh TARASHTI/photos

The Professor Hossein Ansarian's speech at Mausoleum of Sheikh TARASHTI/photos
<header class="HeaderContentArticle c0c7990 dr tr bold"><img src="http://www.erfan.ir/system/assets/imgArticle/2016/05/84573_DSC00842.JPG" alt="" ...

Saudi Regime behind All Terrorist Crimes in Region

Saudi Regime behind All Terrorist Crimes in Region
Bahrain’s main opposition block, the February 14 Coalition, underlined that the Riyadh regime is behind all the terrorist crimes in the region. Issuing a statement in condemnation of a recent terrorist attack on a Shia religious centers in eastern Saudi Arabia, the group said those who spread the Takfiri ideology of Wahabism are to blame for these acts of terrorism. On Friday, at least five people were killed and nine others injured after ...

Professor Ansarian:Abandoning the Rituals of Imam Hussein peace be upon him

Professor Ansarian:Abandoning the Rituals of Imam Hussein peace be upon him

Tunisia: Culture Ministry bans Iranian film on Prophet Muhammad

Tunisia: Culture Ministry bans Iranian film on Prophet Muhammad
 The Tunisian Ministry of Culture banned Iranian film ‘Muhammad: The Messenger of God’, which focuses on the Prophet Muhammad’s childhood and adolescence, due to its “controversial content” and “personification and depiction of prophets”, which officials deem problematic for Tunisian society, reported news network Ansamed on 14 September 2016. “The personification and depiction of prophets ...

40 Houthi Shias Released over Qatari Mediation

40 Houthi Shias Released over Qatari Mediation
Yemeni security authorities on Wednesday released 40 Houthi-led northern Shiite prisoners following a Qatari mediation, a week after the authorities set free some 428 of the prisoners, a security official said. The 40 prisoners were released from a jail in the northern province of Saada, where the prisoners are stationed, the Sanaa-based official of the Interior Ministry said on codition of anonymity. He said the release came under the ...

Islamic TV, Radio Station in Spanish to Be Launched in Ramadan

Islamic TV, Radio Station in Spanish to Be Launched in Ramadan
-- The first international Islamic TV and Radio station in Spanish will be launched this holy Month of Ramadan (August-September), Time Türk reported. The Cordoba Islamic TV and Radio Station will be launched by Saudi Arabia and will broadcast programs via satellite to different parts of the world. According to Sheikh Abdul-Azeez al-Fawzan, director of Resala al-Islam website, which is a Spanish website based in Saudi Arabia, while there ...

4000 Shia volunteers for Ashura & 9th Muharram

4000 Shia volunteers for Ashura & 9th Muharram
 More than 4,000 volunteers and scouts have been deployed by the Shia community of the city to provide security to the central congregation and processions on 9th (Tasua) and 10th (Ashura) Muharram as a self-security measure in the wake of the prevailing law and order situation in the country.Keeping in view the ongoing sectarian tensions and terrorism, and recent incident of Numaish Chowrangi, the organisers of Majalis (ceremonies) and ...

Death toll rises to 147, Baghdad to mourn 3 days + PIC

Death toll rises to 147, Baghdad to mourn 3 days + PIC
  Death toll rises to 147, Baghdad to mourn 3 days + PIC       The death toll in the double bombing that hit Baghdad on Sunday has risen to 147 and Iraq has declared a three-day national mourning period.     The death toll in the double bombing that hit Baghdad on Sunday has risen to 147 and Iraq has declared a three-day national mourning period. There have been no claims of responsibility ...

Yemen Releases Hundreds of Huthi Shi\\\'as

Yemen Releases Hundreds of Huthi Shi\\\'as
 Yemen began to release hundreds of northern Huthi Shi\\\'a prisoners on Thursday following Qatari mediation, the Shia and security officials said. \\\"The authorities on Thursday began releasing the (Zaidi) prisoners,\\\" said a source close to the group, indicating that the decision would affect about 1,000 detainees. A security official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, confirmed the release and added that \\\"President Ali Abdullah ...

1,366,350 Iraqi Deaths Since the US Invasion

1,366,350 Iraqi Deaths Since the US Invasion
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - The number is shocking and sobering. It is at least 10 times greater than most estimates cited in the US media, yet it is based on a scientific study of violent Iraqi deaths caused by the U.S.-led invasion of March 2003. A study, published in prestigious medical journal The Lancet, estimated that over 600,000 Iraqis had been killed as a result of the invasion as of July 2006. Iraqis have continued to be killed since ...

After Bastille Day Attack, Young Muslims and Arabs Fear for Their Future in France

After Bastille Day Attack, Young Muslims and Arabs Fear for Their Future in France
During Bastille Day celebrations, Mohammed Lahouaiej Bouhleldrove a truck — filled with firearms and explosives — down a promenade in Nice, France, killing 84 and injuring 100 people. President of the right-wing National Front Party president Marine Le Pen has already used the terrorist attack as an opportunity to use anti-Muslim rhetoric and proposed a fight against “Islamic fundamentalism.” This was the third terrorist ...

Shia Men & Localities being Attacked by Sipah e Sahaba Terrorists

Shia Men & Localities being Attacked by Sipah e Sahaba Terrorists
Tension grips Karachi City after the Rally of ASWJ ( SSP) ,who started there rally from the Water Pump area and were coming in a form of a procession towards the Sohrab Goth, But with having some other ulterior motives ,they were chanting Anti Shia Slogans, and calling them infidels, which infuriated the Shia Youth who also came on the streets of their homes in the Incholi society,  but when this Procession  tried to enter Incholi Society ...

Statement of the Union of Islamic World Students on Egypt's Steel Wall

Statement of the Union of Islamic World Students on Egypt's Steel Wall
A year the wall of blood & fire and a year the wall of treachery. In the Name of Allah In the Islamic teachings there are many comments which have recommended Muslims to treat each others and oppressed people in the right way. In this way considering the rights of neighbors and supporting them is one of the most important issues. So what's the reason of the wars occurring among Islamic countries and turn against each ...