Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Imam Khamenei Warns US Over Nuclear Deal Violation 'If They Tear Up JCPOA, We Will Burn It'

Imam Khamenei Warns US Over Nuclear Deal Violation 'If They Tear Up JCPOA, We Will Burn It'
Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, has issued a stern warning to the United States over any move to violate a nuclear deal signed between Iran and six major world powers. Speaking in Tehran on Tuesday during a meeting with the Establishment's high-ranking officials in the army and government on Tuesday evening in Imam Khomeini (RA) husseiniyeh on the occasion of Islamic holy month of Ramadan, Ayatollah Khamenei ...

Sanandaj to Host Unity Festival

Sanandaj to Host Unity Festival
-- On the occasion of Unity Week, the city of Sanandaj, capital of Kurdistan Province, will host a festival entitled “Birth of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), Herald of Unity”. Slated for February 27, the festival will be held with the presence of 400 teachers and students of teachers training centers of the country’s western region. Head of Sanandaj Teachers Training Center, which will host the event, told IQNA that the program aims to ...

Iran’s Hajj chief heads to Saudi Arabia

Iran’s Hajj chief heads to Saudi Arabia
“This is the last chance to have Iranian pilgrims in the current year’s Hajj rituals,” said Saeid Owhadi, the Head of Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization to the IRIB before leaving Tehran for Jeddah, on Tuesday. “After expert-level talks with representatives from different organizations in Iran, finally it was decided to have an Iranian delegation attend the talks,” said the Iranian ...

Iraqi clerics call for boycotting Saudi products

Iraqi clerics call for boycotting Saudi products
Several senior Iraqi clerics in the southern holy city of Najaf issued a fatwa (religious decree) for boycotting Saudi products in retribution for the execution of prominent Shiite Cleric Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr.   Dozens of Iraqi clerics poured to Najaf streets to condemn Saudi Arabia for killing Sheikh Nimr, and urged the Iraqi government to show a serious reaction to the crime. Also, hundreds of followers of Sadr movement held a ...

Protest in solidarity with opposition leaders staged in Bahrain

Protest in solidarity with opposition leaders staged in Bahrain
Protestors in different villages reiterated their "loyalty to opposition figures", further stressing on their firm stance demanding to put an end to the ruling Al Khalifa family's monopoly over power. AhlulBayt News Agency - Protestors in various villages across Bahrain expressed their solidarity with political opposition figures on Sunday (February 28, 2016) after the Al-Arabiya channel aired statements extracted from some of the leaders under ...

Foundation of first mosque based on the principles of Islamic architecture in British city Exceter

Foundation of first mosque based on the principles of Islamic architecture in British city Exceter
this mosque has been built with the cooperation of the Muslims of Exceter city. The officials constructing the mosque hoped that, this mosque will provide opportunities for the awareness of Islam and many non-Muslims will visit this mosque to learn more about Islam. Currently, mosques are also present in the Plymouth and Torrey towns of Exceter city however this is the first mosque of the city made under Islamic architecture. The spokesman of ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: It is the morality of the believer not to harm others

Professor Hussein Ansarian: It is the morality of the believer not to harm others

It is the morality of the believer not to harm others under any circumstances; When Muslim Ibn Aqeel was left alone, he leaned against the wall of a house and the owner of the house said: Sir, I am not satisfied with your leaning on my wall that Muslim Ibn Aqeel immediately pulled away from the wall.

France\'s FM warns French against confusing Islam and Terrorism

France\'s FM warns French against confusing Islam and Terrorism
French Foreign and European Affairs Minister Michele Alliot-Marie has warned here about \"unreasoned\" fear of Islam and about confusing moderate Muslims with radical or fundamentalist parties. Speaking after polls here showed significant levels of fear of Islam\'s influence in France and Germany, Alliot-Marie recalled that France \"had avoided the trap set by Al-Qaeda\" in September 2001 when there was a danger of a backlash against Muslims ...

Ali Al-Akbar (p), Look-alike of the Prophet (p)

Ali Al-Akbar (p), Look-alike of the Prophet (p)
The Hashemite Prince Hazrat Ali Al-Akbar (p), son of Imam Al-Hussein (p) and Hazrat Umm-e-Layla (p), born on 11 Shaban, possessed so much remarkable resemblance to the holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad (p) that the Chief of Martyrs and Leader of the Youths of Paradise Al-Imam Al-Hussein (p) was often heard to say “Whenever I desire to see the holy prophet (p) I look at him.”  The resemblance was so marked that people from far and wide were ...

Muslims sue over religious intolerance in California

Muslims sue over religious intolerance in California
One of the suits claims that police in Long Beach forcibly removed a suspect’s headscarf while another suit alleges that a group of women were kicked out of a Laguna Beach coffee house for being Muslim. She was subsequently arrested on two outstanding warrants ─ one linked to her sister allegedly falsely using her identity and one in relation to a 2002 shoplifting incident at a grocery store. Powell, who is African American, alleges ...

Civilians trial in Bahraini military court final kiss goodbye to any pretense of the rule of law: Brian Dooley

Civilians trial in Bahraini military court final kiss goodbye to any pretense of the rule of law: Brian Dooley
One week ago the lower house of the Bahraini parliament approved a contentious amendment to the kingdom’s constitution under which civilians could be tried in military courts.In an article published on The Huffington Post Contributor and Human Rights Defenders Director at Human Rights First, Brian Dooley, noted that a similar move was made in 2011 during a six-month state of emergency, when hundreds of civilians were tried by the military, ...

Italian Shia scholar: Terrorism, tool at the hands of the enemy of Islam

Italian Shia scholar: Terrorism, tool at the hands of the enemy of Islam
Sheikh Abbas Di Palma, the head of the Imam Mahdi Islamic Association of Italy said: "Muslim population is bombed often under military or terrorist attack, in the West mosques are attacked and Muslim are discriminated in the public life. Terrorism is clearly a tool at the hands of the enemy of Islam." Regarding the satiric French Magazine's publication of holy prophet Muhammad's cartoon, he said: "The last Prophet of Islam has been insulted and ...

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appoints German national as ISIS commander for Nineveh

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appoints German national as ISIS commander for Nineveh
- A local source in Nineveh informed on Wednesday, that the ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had appointed a German national as the military commander of ‘Wilayat ...

Muslims, Catholics break bread, build bridges

Muslims, Catholics break bread, build bridges
The 19th-annual Catholic-Muslim Iftar, sponsored by the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago, was held Monday night at the Zakat Foundation of America in Bridgeview. Nearly 200 people gathered to, first, hear experts talk about ways to build bridges across both religions, and then to break the day's fast at sunset in the Muslim custom of Ramadan. Archbishop Blase Cupich was among the keynote speakers. Calling the event "an ...

Secretariat of Imam Ali Shrine Consoles Families of the Martyrs of Karrada, Visits the Injured

Secretariat of Imam Ali Shrine Consoles Families of the Martyrs of Karrada, Visits the Injured
The Secretariat of the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali (PBUH) offered their sincere condolences for the families of the martyrs of Karrada and Balad who passed away in the explosion of Karrada and the terroristic attack on the Holy Shrine of Muhammad Ibn Imam Ali Al-Hadi (PBUH) in Balad. The delegation of the secretariat was represented by Hadi Shanoon, the deputy secretary general, the head of the Public Relations Department Zaid al-Akayshee and the ...

Bahrain court to issue verdict against Zainab Al-Khawaja on Oct. 21

Bahrain court to issue verdict against Zainab Al-Khawaja on Oct. 21
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - The Bahraini court of appeals decided on Sunday (September 13, 2015) to adjourn issuing its verdict in four cases brought against opposition activist Zainab Al-Khawaja until October 21, 2015, except the verdict of the case over charges of "entering a restricted area in Jaw Prison" which was postponed until November 17, 2015.A Bahraini court sentenced Zainab Al-Khawaja to 3 years in prison in December 2014 and fined her ...

Imam Hussein lovers begin their march towards Holy Karbala

Imam Hussein lovers begin their march towards Holy Karbala
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Pilgrims from the southern Iraqi city of Basra have began their march yesterday towards the holy city of Karbala coming from Ras Elbesha district in Fao county; the furthest region in Iraq.Media sources said the pilgrims are served by Husseini caravans distributed along the roads leading the holy city, adding that security forces are on tight security plan to secure the flow of pilgrims and prevent security ...

Islamic Scholar Refutes any link to Orlando Shooting – Sheikh Sakleshfar

Islamic Scholar Refutes any link to Orlando Shooting – Sheikh Sakleshfar
“Killing homosexuals is the compassionate thing to do” is a dangerous statement wrongly attributed to me and I can see why many people have become offended on hearing such a statement as aired on WFTV. The impression given by WFTV is that I am openly sanctioning the murder of homosexuals. This is wholly false in every sense. Furthermore, the edit and misattribution of my words represents one of the most blatant and reprehensible ...

Wikipedia Describes Arbaeen Convention in Karbala as Largest Gathering in the World

Wikipedia Describes Arbaeen Convention in Karbala as Largest Gathering in the World
   Arbaeen marks the anniversary of the 40th day after the battle of Karbala on Ashura in which Imam Hussein (AS) and 72 of his companions were martyred.  This year, some 19 million Shia Muslims gathered in the holy city of Karbala on Arbaeen (Thursday, January 3), the encyclopedia wrote, noting that the number of pilgrims last year amounted to 15 million.  It also said that the number was between 10 to 14 million pilgrims in the ...

The Aqsa Mosque is about to collapse

The Aqsa Mosque is about to collapse
The League of Palestine Scholars (LPS) has warned the Arab and Islamic countries of the escalating Israeli demolitions, settlement activity, and judaization in occupied Jerusalem especially in the vicinity of the holy Aqsa Mosque. It said in a statement on Saturday that the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) had started implementing its scheme of demolishing the Aqsa Mosque and its surroundings. The Arab and Islamic Nation should wake up ...