Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

'People fear what they don't know': Mackay mosque opens doors in hope of educating community

'People fear what they don't know': Mackay mosque opens doors in hope of educating community
A north Queensland man says he is grateful his neighbours invited him along to a mosque open day to learn more about their faith. Colin Hofmeier prides himself on learning about other people's religions, and encourages others to do the same. "We have a Muslim family who live next to us who we found are just beautiful people," he said. "They extended an invitation to us and I was very quick to say yes because I like to pride myself on being open ...

Pakistani Specialist: Astan Quds Razavi Museums are Symbol of Islam and Iran Old History

Pakistani Specialist: Astan Quds Razavi Museums are Symbol of Islam and Iran Old History
Dr. Sayed Altaf Baqer Naqavi is one of the guests of 8th International Muslim Physicians Congress who paid a visit of Museum of Qur’an and Center of Exhibitions and Conferences of Astan Quds Razavi. “This is the second time that I am coming to Iran. Center of Exhibitions and Conferences of Astan Quds Razavi is a good environment where all the pilgrims of the holy shrine can make familiar professionally with the performances and ...

Professor Ansarian: making people Pessimistic toward the scholars is the schemes of the Devil + Photos

Professor Ansarian: making people Pessimistic toward the scholars is the schemes of the Devil + Photos
The enemies hire the clergies who have only attire and they have no knowledge or piety so as to make you pessimistic and enemy toward the clergies and scholars who are pious and they are pure regarding passions and finances.they do this to prevent people from referring to religious authorities. If you have no contact with the scholars how are you supposed to learn the religion? How would you escape from the demons and keep yourself healthy? The ...

Half million Iranians sign up for Arbaeen pilgrimage in Iraq

Half million Iranians sign up for Arbaeen pilgrimage in Iraq
Over half a million Iranians have signed up for the Arbaeen pilgrimage to Karbala, Iraq, according to Said Owhadi, head of Iran’s Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization, ISNA news agency reported October 28. In 2015 Arbaeen gathered some 20 million people in the Iraqi city to be named the biggest human gathering in history. Looking beyond the religious content, it is going to turn into a major economic feature for Iraq and the neighboring Iran ...

Imam Khamenei: Why Muslim World Silent on Atrocities Against Faithful, Peacemaker Sheikh Zakzakay & Killing of His Followers?

Imam Khamenei: Why Muslim World Silent on Atrocities Against Faithful, Peacemaker Sheikh Zakzakay & Killing of His Followers?
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - On the birthday anniversaries of the Prophet of Islam and Imam Sadiq (peace be upon them), a group of ambassadors from Muslim countries, Iranian officials and invitees to the 29th International Islamic Unity Conference met with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution on 29 Dec. 2015.In this meeting, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution offered felicitations on the birthday of the Great Messenger of Islam (PBUH) and Imam ...

UK police investigate death of Muslim cleric in Rochdale town

UK police investigate death of Muslim cleric in Rochdale town
British police started investigation into the death of a Muslim cleric who was bludgeoned to death in a children’s playground. The police are examining CCTV footage which shows three men running near the scene of the crime shortly afterwards. Former Imam Jalal Uddin suffered major head injuries as he was walking home after a meal at a friend’s house following evening prayers on Thursday in Rochdale. The 64-year-old was found by a ...

Palestine: Mother & children wounded when Israeli settler rammed vehicle into them

Palestine: Mother & children wounded when Israeli settler rammed vehicle into them
Palestinian medical sources in Bethlehem reported Saturday at night that a Jewish settler rammed his vehicle into a mother and her two girls in Al Jab’a village near Bethlehem, and fled the scene.  The sources identified the woman as Aneesa Hasan Al Tous, 35, and her two daughters Ro’a, 2 years old, and Nagham, 5. They were moved to Al Ahli Hospital In Hebron; the mom and one of her children are in moderate conditions while the second ...

"Ahlul Bayt in Egypt" published

Persian version of the most precise history book on the holy shrines of Ahlul Bayt (AS)titled "Ahlul (AS) Bayt in Egypt" is translated into Persian. The historical and scientific research of "Ahlul Byat (AS) in Egypt" is done by Seyyed Hadi Khosroshahi and translated by Mohammad Moghadasi.The Arabic text of the book is compiled through various credited Sunni credited sources in Egypt and the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of ...

International Quran Contest Kicks Off in Morocco

International Quran Contest Kicks Off in Morocco
Some 50 contesters from 37 Arab and Muslim countries are participating in this renowned international competition. The two-day contest is composed of two branches, the first pertains to the full memorization of the Holy Qur'an with recitation and interpretation, while the second relates to Tajweed (rules governing pronunciation during recitation of the Qur'an) and good performance with the memorization of two and a half parts of the ...

LeJ terrorists take responsibility for killing 5 Shia mourners in Karachi

LeJ terrorists take responsibility for killing 5 Shia mourners in Karachi
    Five Shiite Muslims, among them two brothers, were gunned down and as many others wounded in what police described as an armed attack on sectarian grounds in Karachi’s Nazimabad locality on Saturday. It was the fourth such assault in the city during Muharram.KARACHI, Pakistan (AhlulBayt News Agency) - Five Shiite Muslims, among them two brothers and a woman were gunned down and as many others wounded in what police ...

Most US House members sign letter backing Israel at UN

Most US House members sign letter backing Israel at UN
More than 90 percent of the U.S. House of Representatives has signed a letter urging President Barack Obama to use U.S. veto power to block any United Nations resolutions seen as biased against Israel, one of the letter's lead sponsors said on Friday. U.S. Representative Nita Lowey said 394 members of the 435-member House signed the letter that was sent to Obama on Thursday. It was written as the Palestinian Authority renewed its drive to ...

ISIS Allegedly Threatens To Kill Maldives President, Citizens Unless Opposition Leader Is Released

ISIS Allegedly Threatens To Kill Maldives President, Citizens Unless Opposition Leader Is Released
n a new video allegedly released Monday on a pro-ISIS group Twitter account, three men threatened to kill Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen and Vice President Ahmed Adeeb if opposition leader Sheikh Imran Abdulla is not released within 30 days. Abdulla, a leader of the Islamic conservative Adhaalath, or Justice party, was arrested in May following anti-government protests. The authenticity of the video has not been confirmed yet. The clip, ...

Iraq: ISIL detonates holy shrine of Sayyida Zainab

Iraq: ISIL detonates holy shrine of Sayyida Zainab
The ISIL terrorists have detonated on Sunday a holy shrine attributed to Sayyda Zainab in Sinjar district in Nineveh. The militants of the Islamic State (ISIS); detonated a holy shrine attributed to al-Sayeda Zeinab in Sinjer western Mosul after their controlling on it, and the militants controlled over two towns which are under the control of the Kurdish Peshmerga forces south of Sinjar. Security source reportedthat "The ISIL terrorists ...

We Didn’t Come to Hand over our Arms, Ready for Real Peace: Yemen’s Ansarullah

We Didn’t Come to Hand over our Arms, Ready for Real Peace: Yemen’s Ansarullah
The delegation voiced discontentment that the local committees, tasked with monitoring ceasefire, are being marginalized and accused by Ould Cheikh that their efforts have failed. The national delegation voiced reservation on the five-point draft presented by the Saudi-backed side and adopted by Ould Cheikh, the sources said, stressing that this side’s commitment to ceasefire shows their seriousness to end the current conflict. The ...

The Shias of Muhammad answer Wahhabism’s cries of hatred

The Shias of Muhammad answer Wahhabism’s cries of hatred
“We must understand they [Iranians] are not Muslims, for they are the descendants of Majuws, and their enmity toward Muslims, especially the Sunnis, is very old,” the Saudi cleric said. But who are those Muslims, Wahhabism now seek to cast out of Islam for it cannot bear their sight any longer? On whose authority is Wahhabism speaking but its illegitimate and untrue self? Who are they but the very apostasy they are claiming onto ...

Myanmar must impartially probe attack on mosque: Amnesty

Myanmar must impartially probe attack on mosque: Amnesty
On Friday, a group of about 200 Buddhist extremists have raided a Muslim area of Thuye Tha Mein village in Myanmar’s Bago Province, destroying parts of a mosque and forcing residents to seek refuge overnight in a police station. Reacting to the assault, Amnesty urged the Myanmarese government to take “swift action” and launch an “impartial” investigation to find those guilty. Djamin further said the Naypyidaw ...

Religious Groups Counter Anti-Muslim Ad Campaign in DC

Religious Groups Counter Anti-Muslim Ad Campaign in DC
In the letter, the coalition requested that WMATA pursue greater outreach to communities before publishing possibly inflammatory advertisements in and on the area’s public transit, add disclaimers to such ads that they do not represent WMATA’s views, and allow free ad space to counter hate speech. The coalition also sought to preempt accusations that their desire was to limit the First Amendment: With respect to your response in this ...

South African Families among ISIL's Newest Recruits

South African Families among ISIL's Newest Recruits
At least 23 South African citizens have travelled to Iraq and Syria to join the ISIL terrorist group, raising concerns of recruitment activity among the country’s sizeable Muslim community. Various sources have confirmed with Al Jazeera that at least 23 people, including families with children, have left South Africa to join ISIL over the past year. At least eight families are believed to be among the recruits. Some of the affected ...

Bahraini forces clash with protesters marking Martyrs' Day

Bahraini forces clash with protesters marking Martyrs' Day
Since 1994, Bahrainis mark Martyrs' Day on December 17 following the extrajudicial killing of two nationals during the 90s ...

Exhibition of Quranic Calligraphy Begins in Karachi

Exhibition of Quranic Calligraphy Begins in Karachi
  --The exhibition of Quranic calligraphy has started under the cultural wing of City District Government Karachi (CDGK) here on Monday night at Markaz-e-Ilm o Saqafat, Federal B Area, Karachi. The exhibition was inaugurated by the chief guest City Naib Nazim, Nasreen Jalil. Talking to journalists, she said that Quranic calligraphy was the part of our cultural heritage and its promotion was our joint responsibility. Jalil also urged ...