Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Sweden to start government-funded imam-training program to raise Muslim awareness

Sweden to start government-funded imam-training program to raise Muslim awareness
Sweden will begin its first government-funded imam-training program later this year in an attempt to raise Muslim awareness and tackle radicalization in the country.  The training will be provided at Stockholm’s Kista Folk High School, an adult education institution that usually does not grant academic degrees. "There is a great need, and now there are many [actors] who lead most Muslim communities”, Abdulkader Habib, the ...

Iran Condemns Nigeria Mosque Bombing

Iran Condemns Nigeria Mosque Bombing
Marziyeh Afkham on Friday slammed the bombing as an “inhuman and unjustifiable” measure that slaughtered innocent people. The spokeswoman also expressed sympathy with the bereaved families of the victims as well as the Nigerian government and nation. She further emphasized the necessity for concerted action against terrorism and extremism all over the world. At least 42 Nigerians lost their lives when two bombers, disguised as ...

University in South Africa cancels Israeli deputy ambassador's lecture

University in South Africa cancels Israeli deputy ambassador's lecture
The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) in South African has cancelled a lecture which was to be given by Israel's deputy ambassador to the country, Yaakov Finkelstein.The decision was made by UKZN’s deputy vice-chancellor, Professor Joseph Ayee, on Sunday afternoon after coming under pressure from student organisations and academic staff to cancel Finkelstein’s lecture.UKZN School of Social Sciences senior lecturer, Dr Lubna Nadvi, said: ...

Shia primary teacher dismissed for learning students to do the prayers on Shi\'a way

Shia primary teacher dismissed for learning students to do the prayers on Shi\'a way
In December 2010 , the Saudi Wahhabi Ministry of Education removed the Shi\'a primary teacher (Fawzi Shanar) from Hamam town in Qatif , from his post for learning students in the primary school of Sohaib al-Roumi for boys to do the prayers on Shi\'a way . The teacher Shanar was accused by his Salfi colleagues that he present his student in first grade with a booklet about learning prayer on Shi\'a way . The Ministry decision banned the teacher ...

France calls on Myanmar to protect Muslims

France calls on Myanmar to protect Muslims
France called on Monday for Myanmar authorities to protect civilians of all ethnic groups “without discrimination” after reports of renewed deadly violence between Buddhists and Muslim Rohingya.“France attaches great importance to a peaceful and concerted resolution to ethnic questions in Burma, in order to achieve national reconciliation,” Foreign Ministry Deputy Spokesman Vincent Floreani said in a statement.The ministry called for the ...

Professor  Ansarian: Continuous and sincere worship of Allah Almighty is most highly valued form of worship.

Professor  Ansarian: Continuous and sincere worship of Allah Almighty is most highly valued form of worship.
Professor Ansarian went on to say that there are a great deal of enjoyments in this world which some of them are assessed and calculated but some of them can’t be assessed and those are the enjoyments related to heart and they are performed only for the sake of Allah Almighty and understanding and realizing them are beyond our comprehension. At the end, professor Ansarian by referring to the verse(إِنَّ إِبْرَاهِيمَ ...

Madagascar gov’t to close 16 Quran education institutes

Madagascar gov’t to close 16 Quran education institutes
Education Minister Paul Rabary said the decision will be carried out at the end of the current academic year. He said the institutes had been initially established as private Islamic schools but were turned into centers for holding Quranic courses, al-Misriyun daily reported. Rabary voiced readiness to meet with representatives of Muslims to explain the decision. Madagascar is a huge island nation off the southeast coast of Africa. Islam has ...

Letters threatening genocide against Muslims and praising Trump sent to multiple California mosques

Letters threatening genocide against Muslims and praising Trump sent to multiple California mosques
The Council on American-Islamic Relations has called for increased police protection of local mosques after letters that threatened the genocide of Muslims and praised President-elect Donald Trump were sent to multiple California mosques this week.The letters were sent to the Islamic Center of Long Beach and the Islamic Center of Claremont, CAIR’s greater Los Angeles chapter said in a statement. The same letter also was sent to the ...

Millions rally across world to mark Int’l Quds Day

Millions rally across world to mark Int’l Quds Day
People take part in the International Quds Day rallies. Millions of people are attending the International Quds Day rallies across Iran and other countries to show their solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people and condemn Israeli atrocities.  The rallies in Iran, organized by the Islamic Propagation Coordination Council (IPCC), started at 10:30 local time (06:00 GMT) in Tehran and 850 others cities across the ...

Generosity of our Imams

Generosity of our Imams
Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) also had maximum fondness for the worship of Allah. In the prison where he was meted out every type of discomfort, where fresh air was not available and for two years at a stretch he was given nothing but cold water and two loaves of bread to eat. In such a place the condition was such that he used to spend the whole night in the worship of Allah. He fasted on most of the days. The servants of Motamid used to be perplexed ...

German state bans Islamic full face veil

German state bans Islamic full face veil
   Hessen state, west-central Germany, started Wednesday enforcing a court ruling banning Muslim females from wearing 'burqa' (full face veil) at public places. Hessen is the first German state to implement the controversial ruling after a Muslim woman, 39 years, working in a federal agency insisted on wearing burqa at work. Hailing the decision, the state's minister of interior Boris Rhein said it's unacceptable that a civil servant meets ...

Muslims In Egypt Want To Ban Burqas: Face Veil Not Part Of Islam, Lawmaker Says

Muslims In Egypt Want To Ban Burqas: Face Veil Not Part Of Islam, Lawmaker Says
Egypt, a majority Muslim nation, has seen heated debate over women’s clothing in public in recent months. The Egyptian parliament debated a ban on full face veils in public places and government buildings in March and Cairo University banned lecturers from wearing the niqab earlier this year because the veils reportedly led to “poor communication” during lectures. In Egypt’s October election, women ...

Call to Destroy Florida Mosque

Call to Destroy Florida Mosque
The South Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-SFL) today called on the FBI to investigate a call by Pamela Geller, the leader of an anti-Muslim hate group, to demolish a mosque in that state. Geller, who appears as a regular guest on FOX News, posted an article on her blog, titled “Obama’s DOJ secretly drops terrorism charges in Taliban Case,” calling for a Florida Mosque to be demolished. This comes after ...

Yemeni gov't, Shias ink new peace deal in Doha

Yemeni gov't, Shias ink new peace deal in Doha
Ahlul Bayt News Agency, Representatives of the Yemeni government and northern Shiite fighters signed an agreement in the Qatari capital Doha to cement a fragile ceasefire in northern Yemen that ended sporadic battles since 2004, a top official told Xinhua on Friday. The agreement, which was mediated by the Qatari government, contains the items of the returning of internally displaced persons (IDPs) to their home villages, the release of all ...

Iran Steps Up Security Ahead of Tasua and Ashura

Iran Steps Up Security Ahead of Tasua and Ashura
- Deputy Interior Minister for Security Affairs Hossein Zolfaqari said the armed forces have been commanded to intensify security measures across the country, as people are preparing to hold mourning ceremonies on Tasua and Ashura to pay tribute to Imam Hussein (AS) and his companions. The major religious events, which fall on Tuesday and Wednesday, are national holidays in Iran. On Tasua and Ashura, the 9th and 10th days of the lunar month of ...

Eight killed in Taliban attacks on gov't offices in southern Afghanistan

Eight killed in Taliban attacks on gov't offices in southern Afghanistan
At least eight persons were killed after Taliban gunmen attacked government offices in Gereshk district of southern Afghanistan's province of Helmand on Wednesday, an official said. "The gunbattle started roughly at 6:00 a.m. local time. Sporadic clashes are going on as security forces are repelling the attack at around midday. Those killed included seven attackers and one policeman," Abdul Jabar Qahraman, a senior provincial security official. ...

ISIS deploys boys wearing explosive belts to Sharqat, Iraq

ISIS deploys boys wearing explosive belts to Sharqat, Iraq
A local source in Salahuddin province announced that the ISIS has deployed a number of elements of the so-called “caliphate battalion” to some places of Shirqat north of the province. The source said that “The ISIS organization has deployed a number of elements of what is known as “caliphate battalion” in some areas of Sharqat in northern Salahuddin,” noting that, “The elements were young boys between ...

Human rights activist: Bahrain's trial of civilians illegal

 Human rights activist: Bahrain's trial of civilians illegal
 The monarch shares the notoriety with nearly 40 other names on a list drawn up by the France-based NGO. The individuals, states, and organizations on the list “sow terror among journalists,” according to RSF, the French acronym for Reporters Without Borders. RSF cited the example of Karim Fakhrawi — a Bahraini journalist, who died in custody. Yemen and Libya were also placed on the list as countries that terrorize journalists. The ...

Discrimination against Muslims in California reaches absursity

Discrimination against Muslims in California reaches absursity
The women, six of whom were wearing hijabs, say they were ordered to leave Urth Caffe in Laguna Beach on 22 April, ostensibly because they were violating a policy limiting seating to 45 minutes – even though video they took as they were exiting shows that there were open tables throughout the restaurant. After the women protested, management at the restaurant, which boasts “organic coffees and fine teas”, allegedly called its ...

Al-Nujaba fighters deployed to Iraqi-Syrian borderline

Al-Nujaba fighters deployed to Iraqi-Syrian borderline

(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Convoys of Al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance fighters are deployed in recent days near Iraq's "Alwaleed" and Syria's "Albu Kamal" border and are waiting for the zero hour to start operations. Also, some of the fighters rushed to the area for clearing remains of ISIS terrorists in "Al-Savabah" located in the South West Palmyra,