Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Hajj Pilgrims are given hallf a million brochures on health awarenesss

Hajj Pilgrims are given hallf a million brochures on health awarenesss

Zamzam Charity for Medical Voluntary Services in Makkah Province has distributed more than 500,000 brochures entitled 'Health of a Pilgrim', issued by the Charity.

The brochures include medical directives to pilgrims on health and preventive procedures that could assist pilgrims in performing Hajj rituals without being subjected to health problems.

Islamic Banking Growth Strategy to Be Reviewed

Islamic Banking Growth Strategy to Be Reviewed
-- More than 1,200 delegates from 50 countries will take part in the World Islamic Banking Conference (WIBC), which opens today at the Gulf Hotel in Manama, Bahrain. Themed New Strategies for New Economic Realities, the event has attracted leading figures from the Islamic finance industry to debate the way forward following the credit crisis and the global economic downturn.   "As cautious optimism returns to the global economy and ...

Miles of Smiles convoy arrives in Gaza

Miles of Smiles convoy arrives in Gaza

The Miles of Smiles 15 aid convoy arrived in Gaza Strip on Wednesday via the Rafah border terminal.

Crossing sources told the PIC reporter that 70 solidarity activists accompany the convoy from a number of Arab and foreign countries especially Britain, Jordan, Egypt, and Algeria.

The sources said that the convoy is carrying with it medical assistance and other relief material.

Imam Reza's (AS) Birthday Anniversary to Be Celebrated in France

Imam Reza's (AS) Birthday Anniversary to Be Celebrated in France
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - A special ceremony is going to be held in Paris to mark the auspicious birthday anniversary of Imam Reza (AS), the 8th Imam of Shia Muslims. According to beytolzahra-paris, students and Muslim citizens of Paris will attend the ceremony to celebrate this happy event, which is due to be held at Beytolzahra building in Paris on October 18. The celebration will begin with recitation of verses from the Quran followed by ...

Saudi Regime Carrying out Crimes Easily to Present Islam and Muslim People as Terrorists: Iran Cleric

Saudi Regime Carrying out Crimes Easily to Present Islam and Muslim People as Terrorists: Iran Cleric
He said the Saudi regime is funding Wahhabi crimes across the world, adding that these Wahhabis, who claim to be Muslims, are supporting the policies of the Zionists and the US and are carrying out crimes easily “to present Islam and Muslim people as terrorists.”Wahhabism, the radical ideology dominating Saudi Arabia, is freely preached by clerics in the Arab country.It fuels the ideological engine of terror organizations like the ...

Turkish union asks for prayer rooms in schools

Turkish union asks for prayer rooms in schools
  The Education Personnel Labor Union (Eğitim Bir-Sen) has petitioned the Education Ministry to demand a prayer room in schools, noting that many universities across the country already have prayer rooms. In a written statement, the organization said compulsory education has now been extended to 12 years and that means the time students spend in school has also increased. "We have also received many petitions from people working in ...

Anti-Muslims Obscene Hate Mails to Mosques under Investigation

 Anti-Muslims Obscene Hate Mails to Mosques under Investigation
The local office of a national Muslim civil rights group says they have met with postal investigators about several anti-Muslim hate mailings that were sent recently to area mosques, Islamic centers and Muslim organizations. Officials for the Michigan office of Council on American-Islamic Relations, located in Southfield, say they were investigating mail received by a local mosque that contained pornographic references to Islam. Lena Masri, ...

Two Tajik pilgrims die in Holy Islamic places this year

Two Tajik pilgrims die in Holy Islamic places this year
 The first airplane flying from Saudi Arabia with Tajik pilgrims on board is expected to land today in Dushanbe. TajikAir’s jet will deliver 212 pilgrims, deputy head of the Committee for Religion under the Government of Tajikistan Mavlon Muhtorov told the AP. Two Tajik air carriers, TajikAir and SomonAir, will conduct 28 flights from Saudi Arabia to Tajikistan. Muhtorov said that two pilgrims from Tajikistan died while performing this ...

Tehran's Friday Prayers Sermons

Tehran's Friday Prayers Sermons
Tehran's Interim Friday Prayers Leader, Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Khatami has described the ten day dawn celebrations, marking the victory of the Islamic revolution as an example of "The Day of God".   Speaking to a large crowd of Friday prayers worshippers in Tehran, on the eve of the Ten-Day Dawn celebrations marking the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Tehran's Interim Friday Prayers Leader, Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami ...

Christian, Jewish Group Condemn 'Koran Burning' Day

Christian, Jewish Group Condemn 'Koran Burning' Day
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Evangelical and Jewish groups are calling plans by a Gainsville, Fla., church to burn the Islamic holy book on 9/11 both destructive and 'morally repugnant.'The Simon Wiesenthal Center -- an international Jewish human rights group -- joined the Christian community in condemning the proposal."Sept. 11 should be a day for prayers for the 9/11 victims and their families and redoubling our resolve to defeat al Qaeda ...

Car bomb kills Seven in Syria’s Azaz

Car bomb kills Seven in Syria’s Azaz
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - A car bomb has been set off in a city in Syria’s northern Aleppo Province, killing at least seven people and wounding 20 ...

Bridging the Ummah: Sunni and Shia as One

Bridging the Ummah: Sunni and Shia as One
Unfortunately, some so-called Muslim scholars on their payroll have also played a key role in keeping these differences alive. Although I was born into aSayyid Sunni family, I did not know of manydifferences while growing up as a child. Our families always respected Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) and his parents and participated inceremonies marking the anniversary of his martyrdom (the 10th day of the month of Muharram which is called ...

Hezbollah, Syria army thwart Daesh attack

 Hezbollah, Syria army thwart Daesh attack
The Takfiris were, however, driven back before reaching their targets. The counteroffensive caused a number of casualties among the terrorists. Earlier in the month, it was reported that Hezbollah had destroyed a bunker used by Daesh terrorists on Lebanon’s northeastern border. Daesh and al-Nusra Front — which the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda — have been active on the outskirts of the Lebanese town of Arsal, located on the border ...

Muslim Teen Wins Best Brain in Canada

Muslim Teen Wins Best Brain in Canada

Islamic Heritage Month welcoming to Muslims and non-Muslims alike

Islamic Heritage Month welcoming to Muslims and non-Muslims alike
The opening event’s program included a film, “Bilal: A Legend Breaks Free,” which is an animated film about the prophet Muhammad. This was followed by the Live Egyptian Tanoura Dancer & Music Show. Additionally Baba Kenya also gave the crowd a short presentation.   Amatullah Abdul-Ghafoor came to the event from Newark, N.J. He said he converted to Islam 29 years ago because it taught him his history. He said that the ...

First Qur’an Exhibition Planned in US

 First Qur’an Exhibition Planned in US
The Qur’an Muslims’ holy book will become the centerpiece of a first-of-its-kind exhibition in the United States as the Smithsonian announced plans to display exquisitely decorated manuscripts from one of the top Qur’an collections. Visitors will be able to compare different Qurans and “see the sweep of history in front of us,” said Sheila Blair, an art history professor who specializes in Islamic art at Boston ...

Society of Seminary Teacher's Statement for Quds Day: Supporting Palestine, Greater Jihad for resistance

Society of Seminary Teacher's Statement for Quds Day: Supporting Palestine, Greater Jihad for resistance
The Society of Seminary Teachers' Statement on the occasion of International Quds Day is as follows:   In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful The holy month of Ramadan provides a chance to fight carnal desires (to perform Greater Jihad); the last Friday of Ramadan also provides a chance for Muslims to fight against the arrogant and oppressors. Quds Day, this valuable reminder of Imam Khomeini (RA), which according to the Iranian ...

Pakistan’s Shia, Sunni Muslims show unity through joint prayers

Pakistan’s Shia, Sunni Muslims show unity through joint prayers

In Pakistan, terrorism and extremism have often been associated with sectarian violence and attacks based on sectarian rivalries, which have been used by terrorists to achieve their agenda of creating division among Muslims. To nullify this and unite against terrorism and extremism, young Shia Muslims of Lahore arranged a joint prayer session, inviting all sects to take part to show their strength and unity.

ISIS Executes Four of Its Leading Figures in Mosul

ISIS Executes Four of Its Leading Figures in Mosul
The ISIS has reportedly executed 4 of its high-ranking leaders on Wednesday, June 22.  The Iraqi media outlets reported that ISIS Sharia court in Mosul sentenced 4 leaders of the group to death on June 22nd, and the sentence was carried out on the same day in public in the center of the city. The four ISIS leaders were charged with disobedience because they had reportedly refused to go to war in Shargati area in southern Mosul. The ISIS ...

ISIS executes civilian by electrocution on charges of sorcery in Iraq

ISIS executes civilian by electrocution on charges of sorcery in Iraq
A senior security source in Diyala province announced on Monday, that the so-called Islamic state in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) executed a civilian by electrocution in northern Salahuddin, after being accused of sorcery. The source said: “ISIS had executed this morning a civilian in the fourth decade of his age in a village in Sharqat northern Salahuddin by a fatal electric shock from a large generator. ” The source, who asked to remain ...