Wednesday 17th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

A mosque will be inaugurated during summer of 2014 in Cologne, Germany

A mosque will be inaugurated during summer of 2014 in Cologne, Germany
Shabestan news agency has reported with reference of Ala-Cola that head of Islamic Union of Turkish residents in Germany said that the main mosque of Cologne city that was to be inaugurated in 2012 is going to be inaugurated during summer of 2014. Head of the biggest Islamic institute of Germany said that this mosque is going to be inaugurated after necessary delay in Ramadan of next year. He further added that dispute in the architecture of ...

Shia Muslims to Commemorate 30th Arbaeen procession at Marble Arch

Shia Muslims to Commemorate 30th Arbaeen procession at Marble Arch
Commemorating the 40th day after the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain(as), 30th Arbaeen Procession in London at Marble Arch will be held on Sunday 30th January. According to Hussaini Islamic Trust UK replica models of the Holy Mausoleums of Hazrat Imam Husain(as), Hazrat Abbas(as), Cradle of Hazrat Ali Asghar and Zuljana will be taken out in the procession. Programme will be as follows: · SUNDAY 30th January 2011 (the oldest annual Islamic ...

Professor Ansarian: the true believers of Allah fear nothing and nobody/ the real faith is to be dependent and tied to Allah Almighty

Professor Ansarian: the true believers of Allah fear nothing and nobody/ the real faith is to be dependent and tied to Allah Almighty
According to the public relations and international affairs of the scientific and cultural institution of DarolErfan, professor Hussein Ansarian expressed in one of his lectures in Husseinieh of Hazrat Abolfazle: one of the most prominent and vital evidence by which we can know Imam Hussein peace be upon him is the Ziarat of Warith. In the Ziarat of Warith, five great Prophets including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and the Prophet of Islam and ...

Hujjat al-Islam Raesi: Veil Issue, battle of wills' arena in the world

Hujjat al-Islam Raesi: Veil Issue, battle of wills' arena in the world
Today, the issue of the veil is the ground of volitions’ war in the world, so that volition in order to protect God’s realm and the other is acting to break it” Custodian of Astan Quds Razavi said.Hujjat al-Islam Sayyed Ebrahim Raeisi, meeting the activists of veil and chastity field of Khorasan Razavi province, expressing that the veil is considered the divine limits and God's rights, and it is not a personal and private ...

Press Statement: We Demand the Release of Sheikh Zakzaky for Proper Medication

Press Statement: We Demand the Release of Sheikh Zakzaky for Proper Medication
This week, close relations of Sheikh Ibrahim Yaqoub Zakzaky visited him where the Department of State Services (DSS) claimed he was being held in "protective custody" since the 14th day of December 2016. From the report of the close relations, the health of our leader has deteriorated further. His left eye is in dire need of specialized medical attention. The Doctor assigned to the Sheikh has reportedly given up on getting it back to its normal ...

The daughter of the Holy Prophet Mohammed [PBUH] of Islam

The daughter of the Holy Prophet Mohammed [PBUH] of Islam
Birth:Bibi Fatimah Zehra [SA] the daughter of the Holy Prophet Mohammed [PBUH] of Islam, was born in Mecca on 20th jumada ‘th-thaniyah 18 B.H.The good and noble lady Khadijah and the Apostle Of Allah bestowed all their natural love, care and devotion on their lovable and only child Fatimah, who in her turn was extremely fond of her parents. Character:The Princess of the House of the Prophet, was very intelligent, accomplished and cheerful. ...

Free Quran App ‘Recite it Right’ at Apple Store

  Free Quran App ‘Recite it Right’ at Apple Store
    A new Quran application to help people read the Holy Book correctly is now available at the Apple App Store.     Free Quran App ‘Recite it Right’ at Apple Store (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The application called “Recite it Right” was developed by the Quran Recital and Memorization Society in Jeddah and launched recently by Saudi Arabia's Minister of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Call and Guidance Saleh bin Abdulaziz bin ...

Professor Ansarian: Allah is to kindle the Day of Judgment with Imam Hussein’s (AS) light

Professor Ansarian: Allah is to kindle the Day of Judgment with Imam Hussein’s (AS) light
  Allah has decorated the his throne with the name of Imam Hussein (AS) and kindled the Day of Judgment by Imam Hussein’s (AS) light. According to Rasa News Agency correspondent, Professor Hussein Ansarian, the Holy Qur'an exegete and Professor at the Seminary school, yesterday said in Hosseinieh of Hedaiat, The Prophet (PBUH) said before his demise: I am leaving among you the Two Weighty Things: the Book of Allah and my `Itrat ...

Pakistani Shia leader: Kashmir mayhem, an example of State Terrorism

Pakistani Shia leader: Kashmir mayhem, an example of State Terrorism

Professor Ansarian: Imam Hussein (AS) is the connecting chain between the prophets and the posterity

Professor Ansarian: Imam Hussein (AS) is the connecting chain between the prophets and the posterity
    Shabestan news agency:   Professor Ansarian said: it is of significant importance to know Imam Hussein (AS), because if the Karbala incident did not take place the relationship of humans with the prophets were cut. According to Shabestan news agency: at the first night of Imam Hussein (AS) mourning ceremony which was held in the Husseiniyah of Qasim ibn al-Hasan (AS), professor Ansarian , who is an erudite Scholar and exegete ...

US Muslims register to vote in record numbers

US Muslims register to vote in record numbers
 The largest U.S. umbrella group of mainstream Muslim American organizations said Wednesday it has achieved its goal to register 1 million Muslims to vote in the upcoming presidential election. “Reports from various cities across the U.S. indicate that thousands of new Muslim voters have registered this year, surpassing any previous year in the history of the community,” U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations’ (USCMO) ...

Peace walk of Muslim community in Montreal

Peace walk of Muslim community in Montreal

Members of Montreal’s Muslim community took to the streets on Sunday for a peace walk.

Organizers said the goal was to promote peace and harmony within the community.

The walk was organized by a group called Peace Initiatives, along with the Muslim Association of Little Burgundy.

"Insulting Symbols of Sunni Brothers Forbidden"

Ahlul Bayt News Agency ; The Translation Text of Fatwa is as follows: World Shia Leader, Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei, issued a fatwa, declared unlawful the insulting Prophet's wife Aisha, and any of the Sunni Islamic symbols. Islamic World widely welcomed the fatwa. Imam Khamenei in response to question announced: "insulting the symbols of the Sunni brothers, including the Prophet Muhammad's wife [Aisha] is forbidden. This includes the women of ...

Bahrain court issues 9 year Sentence against Sheikh Ali Salman

Bahrain court issues 9 year Sentence against Sheikh Ali Salman
- A court in Bahrain has extended the jail term of prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Ali Salman, who is the secretary general of the country’s main opposition bloc, by five years.The Supreme Court of Appeal increased Salman’s prison sentence on charges of inciting violence and calling for anti-regime demonstrations to nine years from the original four.The al-Wefaq opposition group, headed by Salman, denounced the court ruling as ...

Anticipated Launch of World Islamic Banking Competitiveness

Anticipated Launch of World Islamic Banking Competitiveness
WIBC 2010 will be attended by over 1,200 industry leaders from over 50 countries. Over the last seven years World Islamic Banking Competitiveness Report has become an indispensable source of reference for key players in global Islamic banking and Islamic finance industry. The World Islamic Banking Competitiveness Report 2010/11 report is titled as ‘In Search of New Opportunities’ and developed in collaboration with leading global strategy ...

BBC May Broadcast Muslim Call to Prayer

BBC May Broadcast Muslim Call to Prayer
Aaqil Ahmed, Commissioning Editor Religion and Head of Religion & Ethics — the first Muslim to hold the position at the BBC — said the Beeb’s programs are too Christian, the Sun reported. He said that it should increase its coverage of Muslim, Hindu and Sikh religions. It now means the BBC might televise Friday prayers from a mosque in a similar way to Songs of Praise, according to Ibrahim Mogra, of the Muslim Council of ...

Iran, Iraq exchange bodies of soldiers killed during eight-year imposed war

Iran, Iraq exchange bodies of soldiers killed during eight-year imposed war
The bodies of 68 Iranian soldiers and 26 Iraqi soldiers killed during Iraqi imposed war in 1980-1988 was exchanged at Shalamche border line on Monday, according to a local official in the Iraqi province of Basra. Nine out of the 26 Iraqi soldiers and 50 out of the Iranian soldiers could be recognized, Hussein Eidi Hassan said. The ceremony to exchange the bodies of soldiers was held in presence of representatives from International Committee ...

Seattle Muslim Targeted in Bias Attack

Seattle Muslim Targeted in Bias Attack
CAIR-WA said the alleged assailant reportedly told a Muslim clerk at a Seattle grocery store that he would kill her if she did not leave America. According to Seattle police, the alleged assailant said, \"This is f**king America, why are you here,\" to the victim who, according to the police report, wears an Islamic head scarf. Media reports indicate the victim\'s name is \"common to the Middle East and North Africa.\" The alleged perpetrator, ...

Arrival of Ramadan

Arrival of Ramadan

The Seminary Teachers' Society warns Al Khalifa Regime; Current events in the region end in overthrow of the Puppet Regimes

The Seminary Teachers' Society warns Al Khalifa Regime; Current events in the region end in overthrow of the Puppet Regimes