Wednesday 17th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Famous executioner in ISIS propaganda footages killed in Nineveh

Famous executioner in ISIS propaganda footages killed in Nineveh
Abu Sayyaf, a prominent ISIS executioner, was reported dead on Sunday after a group of gunmen attacked his car in Nineveh Governorate, in northwestern Iraq, ARA News reported.Abu Sayyaf had beheaded hundreds of people in front of the camera. He was one of the main executioners in ISIS ranks and has appeared in several propaganda footages published by the Takfiri group.“He was found dead in the Dawassah District west of Mosul city in ...

27th Quran contest opens in Iran

27th Quran contest opens in Iran
The competition is held annually on reciting and memorizing the Holy Quran. Reciting the Quran with correct pronunciation is a delicate art and memorizing the holy book is also considered very important to Muslims. This year, more than 90 representatives from 60 countries are taking part in the event, which is also considered an opportunity to further strengthen relationships among Muslims around the world. In the opening ceremony on Friday, ...

ISIS is enemy of humanity and Islam: Indian minister

ISIS is enemy of humanity and Islam: Indian minister
Indian Union Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi on Saturday said that terror groups like ISIS are enemies of both humanity and Islam. Naqvi was in Anand district in the western Indian state of Gujarat to attend the inaugural ceremony of two-day international spiritual conference during the 796th annual ceremony of Sarkar Shah-E-Miran Hazrat Peer Miran Saiyed Ali Vali at Ashraf Nagar in Khambhat town. Addressing a ...

Photos/ professor Ansarian's lecturing ceremony in the Husseinieh of Shohada during the third ten days of Rajab

Photos/ professor Ansarian's lecturing ceremony in the Husseinieh of Shohada during the third ten days of Rajab

Professor Ansarian: Only Allah is able to pay the reward of the martyr

Professor Ansarian: Only Allah is able to pay the reward of the martyr
Professor Hossein Ansarian in the memorial ceremony of the Shrine defender martyr commander-in-chief"Ahmad Gholami" which was held in tehran at the Sepah Hosseinieh  on Thursday evening said that by the emergence of the religion a group of people gradually came into existence who are materialistic, voluptuary and lustful and they are drowned in their affairs.this group has taken a kind of inimical side against religion. He went on to say ...

Terrorists killed 759 Iraqis, injured 1207 in July 2016: UN

Terrorists killed 759 Iraqis, injured 1207 in July 2016: UN
 A total of 759 Iraqis were killed and another 1,207 were injured in acts of terrorism, violence and armed conflict in Iraq, excluding Anbar, in July 2016 according to casualty figures recorded by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq ...

Anti-Islam group must be protected

Anti-Islam group must be protected
The Federal Court of  Switzerland says an anti-Islam group has the right to give out leaflets from an information booth if it wants – and the local authorities must protect them.Fribourg Council banned the group – The Movement Against the Islamization of Switzerland – from setting up an information booth Place Georges-Python during the anti-minaret campaign in 2009It said it refused to give permission because of a fear that violence and ...

Seven Muslim Masjid; Wonders of the World

Seven Muslim Masjid; Wonders of the World
According to Ahlul Bayt News Agency – ABNA.ir – Each mosque is unique in architecture and design, inspired by the various teachings of the Quran and the people of the land who have embraced the religion. This August, 7 Wonders of the Muslim World takes viewers on a journey around the Muslim world, showcasing seven exquisite mosques and tracing the history and message of Islam through the eyes of six young Muslims. The one-hour documentary ...

Washington is takfiri terrorists’ sugar daddy

Washington is takfiri terrorists’ sugar daddy
If there is one major power in the world that has consistently fought against Takfiris, in Afghanistan and everywhere else, it is Russia. And, the major power most responsible for the rise of the Taliban and other Takfiri outfits, is the United States, which teamed with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to create the international Takfiri network in order to force the Soviets out of Afghanistan, almost 40 years ago. Takfiris from Chechnya have done the ...

Religions’ solidarity conf. against ISIS, terrorism held in Bangladesh

Religions’ solidarity conf. against ISIS, terrorism held in Bangladesh
Religions and Sects solidarity conference against the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) and terrorism was held with presence of Ahlul Bayt World Assembly’s member in Bangladesh. Ahlul Bayt Bangladesh religions and sects solidarity conference against ISIS and terrorism emphasized on Islamic unity and uprooting of extremism and terrorism. This conference was held with the presence of Sheikh Ibrahim Khali Razavi -chief of Bangladesh Ahlul Bayt ...

UK police officers face charges of assaulting Muslim

UK police officers face charges of assaulting Muslim
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Ahmad, who is currently in jail contesting a US extradition request to face alleged terrorism charges, welcomed the state's decision to prosecute PC Mark Jones, PC James-Bowen, PC Cowley and PC Donoghue for occasioning actual bodily harm. “A jury will hear the evidence in this case and it will now be for the jury to determine whether any police officer should be punished for the assault upon me in December ...

Spanish mayor closes 'too popular' mosque

Spanish mayor closes 'too popular' mosque
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), A Spanish mayor has told Muslim worshippers to "pray at home" and closed the town's mosque because it was too popular. Angel Ros, the socialist mayor of Lleida, in the northeastern region of Catalonia, complained that the mosque was too full and closed it on Wednesday until further notice. The building, a former garage used to service trucks, was often filled with crowds exceeding a thousand people, the ...

Heartbreaking Image of Burned Girl Captures Agony of Iraq

Heartbreaking Image of Burned Girl Captures Agony of Iraq
The image of a 4-year-old girl staring into the camera with a penetrating glare, her face wrapped entirely in white bandages, captures the agony of Iraqis after the country struggles to recover from a horrific bombing that killed close to 300 people, many of them burned to death. Asal Ahmed, the girl in the picture, was with her family at the time of the blast, and she and her mother were badly burned. In the photo, she's carried by her father. ...

Syrian forces recaptures strategic town in Latakia

Syrian forces recaptures strategic town in Latakia
The Syrian army says it has recaptured the strategic town of Kansaba in the northern countryside of Latakia Province after heavy clashes with militants. The retaking of the town allows the army to move on to regain the militant-held town of Jisr al-Shughour, northeast of Kansaba in Idlib Province, as well as other areas held by extremist groups in Idlib. The Syrian army has been able to regain large parts of the Latakia countryside in recent ...

Nigerian troops surrounded Shia gathering in Kaduna

Nigerian troops surrounded Shia gathering in Kaduna
“Shortly before the Kaduna Markaz mosque on Zango Road was encircled by armored military vehicles carrying heavily armed soldiers and also an ambulance were among a convoy of 18 military vehicles seen nearby,” the group said. A witness said that the standoff was at the residence of a senior Shia leader, Muhtar Sahabi, and not a Mosque. He said some women and children who started coming out were sent back by the soldiers. The ...

Islamic Cooperation will take Rohingya Muslims' case to UN

Islamic Cooperation will take Rohingya Muslims' case to UN
 In a closing statement, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) decided to take to the United Nations the issue of Myanmar’s Muslim Rohingyas, displaced by deadly sectarian violence. It described as a “crime against humanity” the Myanmar government’s handling of minority Muslims and reiterated support for the Palestinians.Another key decision taken up by the OIC was to condemn “the continued recourse to violence by the Myanmar ...

Senior Pakistani official strongly denies statement regarding Shia Muslims and Iran

Senior Pakistani official strongly denies statement regarding Shia Muslims and Iran
Advisor to Chief Minister Sindh on Information Moula Bux Chandio has strongly denied a statement regarding Shia Sect and brother Islamic State Iran. Chandio said that negative propaganda provoked in social media against me. I did not give any comments regarding brother state of Iran. We keep love and esteem in our hearts for Iran. A fake post has been posted/ uploaded to misguide the people and some elements are working on their negative agenda. ...

Iraqi Peshmerga Seize ISIS Specially Made Tank

Iraqi Peshmerga Seize ISIS Specially Made Tank
Peshmerga Forces fighting the ISIS militants has captured a bizarre pick-up truck with tank-style treads. The picture was posted by Peshmerga, which shows the unusual vehicle, which appears to be a Toyota Hilux 4x4 converted to take tank-style tracks to drive over difficult terrain, was posted on a Facebook page supporting the Peshmerga. The car maker's trucks, particularly Toyota Hilux pickups and Toyota Land Cruisers, have appeared in the ...

London Conference Highlights Destruction of Islamic Heritage Sites

London Conference Highlights Destruction of Islamic Heritage Sites
  The conflict in Syria has brought to light the need to protect Muslim holy Sites and places of worship.     London Conference Highlights Destruction of Islamic Heritage Sites (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Takfiri militants fighting President Bashar al Assad have repeatedly threatened to destroy the Damascus Shrine of Sayedah Zaynab, the granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad.   And earlier this year the shrine of Hujr bin Adi al kindie a ...

Could Geneva become as effective as Astana?

Could Geneva become as effective as Astana?
During the upcoming meeting, the UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura expects to conduct intensive work with both delegations. But could the talks in Geneva become as effective as Astana?Commenting on the format of meeting de Mistura noted that it would be held in the same format, with his direct involvement. He believes that in this way it will be possible to achieve greater success rather than in a general meeting.Within this ...