Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Thousand Shias Commemorate Martyrdom Anniversary Of Imam Reza in Qom

Thousand Shias Commemorate Martyrdom Anniversary Of Imam Reza in Qom

NGOs Condemn Violence Against Protesters on Fifth Anniversary of Bahrain’s Peaceful Uprising

NGOs Condemn Violence Against Protesters on Fifth Anniversary of Bahrain’s Peaceful Uprising
Sunday, 14 February 2016, marked the fifth anniversary of Bahrain’s peaceful uprising. Bahraini people took to the streets protesting injustice and demanding freedom and democracy. The authorities responded with extensive use of force which resulted in numerous injuries.The Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR), Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy (BIRD), Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB), the European ...

Lucknow Shia Muslims protest against controversial Zakir Naik

Lucknow Shia Muslims protest against controversial Zakir Naik
The community members on Saturday came out and raised slogans against Naik and other extremist leaders. The members carried banners which had pictures of the so-called Islamic State founder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Jammat-ud-Dawah chief Hafiz Saeed along with that of Zakir Naik. “Protest march against terrorism,” read the banner.The Shiv Sena in Maharashtra called for a complete ban on Naik and his channel Peace TV. Home Minister ...

US should choose either isolation or change

US should choose either isolation or change
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Iran's Secretary of Supreme National Security Council Saeed Jalili said here Sunday that the US should choose one of the following alternatives: “Following the past wrong path and getting further isolated” or “undergoing change.” Jalili further told Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Marzuki Ali that the US is now on a wrong track and should it continue to follow the path, it would get ...

ISIS threatens to eliminate Egypt’s Christians

ISIS threatens to eliminate Egypt’s Christians
 The terrorist group of ISIS on Sunday released a new propaganda video, threatening to eliminate Egypt’s Christians and vowing to ‘liberate Cairo’. The video also shows the last statement of a man it said was responsible for the deadly bombing of a Coptic cathedral in Cairo on 11 December, that killed at least 28 people, mostly women and children. Abu Abdallah al-Masri, the alleged bomber of the St Mark’s ...

Turkish aid groups share with Myanmar Muslims for Eid

Turkish aid groups share with Myanmar Muslims for Eid
 Two Turkish charitable organizations have delivered more than 2,400 packages of meat from animals sacrificed for the Eid al-Adha holiday to Muslims in Myanmar, including those in the troubled western state of Rakhine. A chief of Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) operations in Myanmar told an Anadolu Agency correspondent accompanying the teams earlier this week, “charitable Turks have always extended a hand to those in need ...

12 killed in clashes between ISIL, Taliban

12 killed in clashes between ISIL, Taliban
At least 12 people have been killed in clashes between the Taliban militants and the Takfiri ISIL terrorists in eastern Afghanistan. Authorities in the Afghan Defense Ministry said on Sunday that the fighting took place in the Zawa area of Khogyani District in Nangarhar Province on Saturday. Based on the information released by the ministry, the fatalities included five ISIL terrorists, including the group’s local commander Qari Mirwais, ...

Continuity of US Agenda: Regime change in Syria since 1983

Continuity of US Agenda: Regime change in Syria since 1983
 From training leaders of opposition fronts years before “spontaneous” protests erupted across Syria, to covertly building a multinational mercenary force to both trigger and leverage violence thereafter, the United States engineered, executed, and perpetuated virtually every aspect of Syria’s destructive conflict.Enlisting or coercing aid from regional allies, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the Love of Ahlulbayt and their intercession

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the Love of Ahlulbayt and their intercession
Affection toward Ahlulbayt and their intercession play a decisive role in the human destiny. But first, this affection must be genuine and not merely a claim. Second, intercession has some conditions that the person who needs to be interceded must at least have these conditions. There people who claim extreme love and affection of Ahlulbayt in a way that they are the only real Shias, while their behavior and deeds contradicts the traditions and ...

Air strike on Afghan MSF hospital last year not a war crime: US military

Air strike on Afghan MSF hospital last year not a war crime: US military
A US military investigation has concluded that a deadly air strike in Afghanistan last year that destroyed a hospital run by Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) did not amount to a war crime but was caused by a number of factors, including human errors. Forty-two people were killed and 37 were wounded during the October 3 strike that destroyed a hospital run by the international medical charity. An initial US investigation in November found that US ...

Iraqi official: Over 600 Shia Turkmen women, children under ISIS captivity

Iraqi official: Over 600 Shia Turkmen women, children under ISIS captivity
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (AhlulBayt News Agency) - More than 600 Shia Turkmen women and children remain under the control of the so-called Islamic State (IS), an Iraqi official said on Friday.Masrour Aswad, a member of the High Commission of Human Rights in Iraq, said that international organizations are not paying enough attention to free these hostages.“We have acquired information that [IS] has jailed some of them in a military base in ...

Indian cross-border fire kills three, wounded four: Pakistan

Indian cross-border fire kills three, wounded four: Pakistan
Pakistan accused India of killing three people including a policeman and wounding four others in cross-border firing Monday, at a time of heightened tensions between the nuclear-armed rivals. The incidents occurred near the border dividing Indian-held Kashmir from the Pakistani sector of the territory. "A policeman, a man and a woman were killed when Indian troops opened fire across the border in Nakyal sector," local official Zeeshan Nisar ...

Imam says Muslims and Christians suffer together in Middle East

Imam says Muslims and Christians suffer together in Middle East
“Today I am in the heart of Europe, and I would like to make the most of my presence in this institution, so great for Catholics – the Vatican – to launch an appeal to the entire world so that it can unite and close ranks to confront and put an end to terrorism,” said Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb. “This is my appeal to the world and to the freemen of the world: to come to an agreement immediately and to intervene to put an ...

Bahrain revolution will continue until Al-Khalifa dictatorship ousted

Bahrain revolution will continue until Al-Khalifa dictatorship ousted
On the occasion of Bahrain Uprising 5th anniversary, American author and professor of Political Science Dr. Cavell believes the revolution is still ongoing in Bahrain and as the Bahraini people become more adept at revolutionary tactics they will eventually be successful in achieving their stated democratic goals. In February and March 2011, Bahrain experienced peaceful protests followed by brutal government repression, leaving over 30 dead, ...

Important role of veil against cultural invasion

Important role of veil against cultural invasion
A professor at a university, while addressing a seminar organized in Azad city on the subject of “role of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and Ahl-e-Bait (A.S) in the promotion of veil and chastity” said that the protection of veil and social security and recognizing the extent of the mutual link has many advantages against the cultural invasion of Europe. He while pointing towards the status of women in Islam said that everyone started making fun of ...

Professor Ansarian:You are not allowed to disrespect your parents and avoid observing their rights even if they are pagan, polytheist and infidel.

Professor Ansarian:You are not allowed to disrespect your parents and avoid observing their rights even if they are pagan, polytheist and infidel.
Professor Ansarian talked about the kind look of Allah Almighty upon the parents from the Holy Quran and said: the issue of respecting parents and observing their rights is of such a great importance that the Lord of the universe has raised the topic of observing the rights of the parents in one of the verses of the holy Quran and even explicitly named the pagan parents and Allah Almighty has warned that idolatry, polytheism and their being ...

The dignity of the believer lies in his disinterest towards the riches of others

The dignity of the believer lies in his disinterest towards the riches of others

Imam al-Jawad peace be upon him says:

عِزُّ الْمُؤْمِنِ غِناه عَنِ النّاسِ.

The dignity of the believer lies in his disinterest towards the riches of others.

Source: Bihar al-Anwar, v. 72, p. 109

1st Holy Quran Int’l Seminar to be Held in Kuwait

1st Holy Quran Int’l Seminar to be Held in Kuwait
The first international seminar on the holy Quran titled “being pioneer in teaching and memorization of the Quran” will be held in Kuwait with the motto of “cooperation in serving the Quran”. Adel Al-Fallah, deputy of the country's Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs said, “It is to be held on Monday, December 20, by the Office for Quranic Affairs of the ministry at the grand mosque. “It will be attended by a number of officials ...

Imam Ridha holy shrine hosts a group of American Muslims

Imam Ridha holy shrine hosts a group of American Muslims
 A group of American Muslims attended the Razavi Holy Shrine and visited the museums complex of Astan Quds Razavi. A group of twenty pilgrims visited treasuries of Qur’an and Exquisite Manuscripts including handwritten Qur’ans and those attributed to the Infallible Imams (PBUT, Master Farshchian museum, Muraqqahall, book covers and inscription tools, the Supreme Leader’s Donations treasury, etc. “It is the first time ...

Poll in Canada shows many Muslims feel discriminated against

Poll in Canada shows many Muslims feel discriminated against
The poll by Environics asked the fastest-growing religious minority in Canada about pride and belonging, Muslim identity and practice, discrimination and perceptions of domestic support for violent extremism. “The survey results broadly reinforce my own experiences in Canada and in the Canadian Muslim community,” said Idris Elbakri, president of the Manitoba Islamic Association. “Canadian Muslims love and appreciate ...