Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Winners of Quran Contest for the Mentally Challenged Honored

Winners of Quran Contest for the Mentally Challenged Honored
 Ahlul Bayt News Agency ; Winners of the national Quran competition for the mentally challenged in Egypt were honored Monday, September 20, in a ceremony in the capital Cairo. According to Al-Yawm Daily, the ceremony was attended by Khalid Al-Jundi head of Azhari Satellite TV which sponsored the contest. He said the Quran competition for the mentally challenged was organized for the first time in the Islamic world. It was held last month by ...

Arson attack on Australian mosque

Arson attack on Australian mosque
  Whyalla's Muslim community has been praying outside in stifling temperatures above 40C after fires damaged their mosque.The fires, which started about 4am on Thursday, are being treated as suspicious. A spokesman for the community, Hasan Aziz, said he believes the attack was a "hate crime"."The way it's been carried out tells us that it's a targeted crime, a hate crime," he said. "In a town like Whyalla, of all the places, it's very ...

Muslim women say will flout Belgium’s burqa ban

Muslim women say will flout Belgium’s burqa ban
 The new law, which came into force on Saturday, will see women wearing the full veil in public issued with a fine of €137.5 ($197) and up to seven days in jail. Belgium is the second European country to impose a ban after France. The two women said will take their case to the country’s constitutional court to request a suspension of the law. “We consider the law a disproportionate intrusion into fundamental rights such as the freedom ...

Photos/ Lecture by Professor Ansarian in the mosque of Almojtaba(AS) - Tehran

Photos/ Lecture by Professor Ansarian in the mosque of Almojtaba(AS) - Tehran
<header class="HeaderContentArticle c0c7990 dr tr bold"></header> ...

Nahj-ol-Balaqa Seminar Planned in Beirut

Nahj-ol-Balaqa Seminar Planned in Beirut
Iranian cultural attaché in Beirut says a seminar on Nahj-ol-Balaqa in the Lebanese capital will be held next month. Seyed Mohammad Hossein Raeeszadeh said that the seminar will be organized by the cultural section of the Iranian embassy with the cooperation of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought. The lofty character of Imam Ali (AS) and the book Nahj-ol-Balaqa can be regarded as themes for promoting unity between ...

Quran Memorization Oral Exam in November

Quran Memorization Oral Exam in November
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The oral stage of Quran memorization exams in Tehran province will start in November. According to Mehdi Nadi, head of the Islamic Ideology Development Organization’s Dar-ol-Quran center, the specialized memorization exams will be organized for men and women on November 30 and 29, respectively. He said that some 1050 individuals will take part in the exam which features memorizing the entire holy Quran, 20 Juzes ...

Anti-Islamic graffiti at Wakefield mosque

Anti-Islamic graffiti at Wakefield mosque
The "Israel" Air Force is drafting a new operational doctrine aimed at improving its ability to confront the deployment of advanced surface-to-air missile systems throughout the region.The "White Paper" is a plan under development by the "IAF's" operations division, and includes an analysis of each front that "Israel" faces like Syria, Lebanon and Gaza, in addition to different SAM systems deployed in the various areas of operations.For example, ...

Anti-Islamic Dutch MP to Appear in Court

Anti-Islamic Dutch MP to Appear in Court
--Dutch far-right politician Geert Wilders is due to appear in an Amsterdam court on Wednesday on charges of religious insult and anti-Islam incitement. The prosecution claims his 2008 short film "Fitna", as well as statements made in interviews and speeches, incite hatred against Muslims. Wilders has called Islam a "backward" culture and compared the Quran to Adolf Hitler's book "Mein Kampf".   The politician and lawmaker claims his trial ...

Thousands of Palestinians celebrate their recent victory in Gaza

Thousands of Palestinians celebrate their recent victory in Gaza
 More than 200,000 Gazans are expected to attend the outdoor event on Saturday, which also hosts Hamas Political Bureau Chief Khaled Meshaal. Meshaal, 56, arrived in Gaza City on Friday for his first-ever visit to the besieged Palestinian territory in 45 years, and received a hero’s welcome. The trip comes just two weeks after an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire put an end to the eight days of Israeli war on Gaza that killed over 160 ...

Myanmar Muslims recall Buddhist assault

Myanmar Muslims recall Buddhist assault
 Stranded beside their decrepit flotilla of wooden boats, on a muddy beach far from home, the Muslim refugees tell story after terrifying story of their exodus from a once-peaceful town on Myanmar's western coast. They were attacked one quiet evening, they say, by Buddhist mobs determined to expel them from the island port of Kyaukphyu. There were chaotic clashes and gruesome killings, and a wave of arson strikes so intense that flames ...

Accessing to the texts of Professor Ansarian’s speech in the shortest time

Accessing to the texts of Professor Ansarian’s speech in the shortest time
According to the information Department and International Affairs of Daralrfan Cultural Institute, by the arrival of the Muharram Month, like past years, the audio lectures of professor Ansarian from his mourning ceremony will be immediately uploaded in (ERFAN.IR) website in the first ten days of Muharram. Public Relations Manager of Daralrfan added: it is noteworthy that professor Ansarian’s lectures will be uploaded in the website in the ...

UK: With Theresa May as PM Muslims are right to be scared

UK: With Theresa May as PM Muslims are right to be scared
Muslims in the UK should view with some trepidation the impending anointment of Theresa May as Britain’s next PM. While 165 of her fellow MPs may have nominated her to replace David Cameron thousands of Muslims overwhelmingly voted her the Islamophobe of the Year in 2015. May topped the annual online poll by the Islamic Human Rights Commission in which the general public elects the most Islamophobic personalities. The former Home Secretary ...

Professor Ansarian’s lectures in the third ten days of Muharram

Professor Ansarian’s lectures in the third ten days of Muharram
Professor Ansarian’s lectures in the third ten days of Muharram of 95 AH are as follows: * mornings 6:30 am,Qiam Sq,Hosseineh of Hedaiat evenings at 8:30 pm,Shahr_e Rey - Shrine of Abul Hasan ...

Boko Haram's attack on Islamic movement in Nigeria! - BBC's new plot

Boko Haram's attack on Islamic movement in Nigeria! - BBC's new plot
The 40 minutes new video released by the specter leader of the group Boko Haram happens to be nothing but a scam and a new plot in the making to attack the incarcerated leader of the Islamic movement in Nigeria.Earlier on Sunday 25th September 2016, it was BBC, an indigenous foreign broadcasting outlet that first published the new Shekau’s scam on their website. The BBC report was what drew the attention of many people to the new clip, ...

Kidnapped More than 100 Protesters

 Kidnapped More than 100 Protesters
 A former Bahraini lawmaker says that around 100 people have gone missing during the Manama-ordered crackdown on the countrywide popular revolution. “We don't know anything about them, we've asked hospital and ministry authorities and none of them are telling us anything about them,” said Hady al-Mussawy, formerly a parliamentarian with Al Wefaq, the country's largest political party. He made the comments during a short protest in front ...

Are You Ready For Hajj?

Are You Ready For Hajj?
  Are You Ready For Hajj? Writer: Madiha Zaidi Hajj Holds Equality and Simplicity.  “Yallah Hajji!”One of the many popular phrases that our dear hajjis bring back as memories of their holy pilgrimage. But there is much more than new Arabic words and some classic halal fast-food to keep as memories from this spiritual journey; although both of those are pluses! Although I personally have not gone to ...

Vigil held to recognize lost lives from Daesh attacks in Iraq

Vigil held to recognize lost lives from Daesh attacks in Iraq
More than 100 students and community members attended a vigil Friday night on the Diag to mourn the losses of the more than 290 people killed in the July 3 bombing of a shopping center in Baghdad, Iraq's capital city. Many of the people at the shopping center were shopping for Eid al-Fitr, a major Muslim holiday and the conclusion to a month of fasting. Daesh claimed responsibility for the recent attack, according to the group’s ...

Source: ISIL Executes Mosul Residents For Not Joining Terrorist Group

Source: ISIL Executes Mosul Residents For Not Joining Terrorist Group
The source also mentioned that the Mosul residents were executed in an ISIL military base in Mosul. "The residents of Aden region in Eastern Mosul attacked and killed an ISIL militant as he wanted to sexually assault a woman in the area," the Arabic-language Ara News quoted an Iraqi journalist Rafat al-Zarari as saying. "The ISIL terrorists did not take any action against the assailants fearing people's uprising," al-Zarari added. "The ISIL has ...

Takfiris make a mockery of Ramadan – Shameless

Takfiris make a mockery of Ramadan – Shameless

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: We All Bear Responsibility of Facing Today’s Soft War

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: We All Bear Responsibility of Facing Today’s Soft War
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said on Friday that the Middle-eastern region has been subjected to a multi-phase soft war which everyone of this area must shoulder the responsibility to face it.During his speech on the third eve of Muharram Hijri month, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that the major cause of the soft war is the evolution of communication means that opens the opportunity for such an attack more than any time ...