Thursday 25th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Grand Ayatollah Makarem: Takfiri terrorism great danger for entire world

Grand Ayatollah Makarem: Takfiri terrorism great danger for entire world
 A senior Iranian cleric here on Tuesday termed Takfiri terrorism as a great danger for the entire world. Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi made the remarks in a meeting with Chairman of Indonesia People’s Consultative Assembly Zulkifli Hasan. He added, ‘All of us should be vigilant and join hands against terrorist groups to foil the danger of Takfiri terrorists.’ He also warned over the spread of Takfiri Wahhabism in ...

Swedish stand in solidarity with Muslim women

Swedish stand in solidarity with Muslim women
An attack on a pregnant veiled Muslim woman last week in Stockholm has triggered calls on Swedish women of all religious affiliations to don hijab on Monday, August 19, in a show of support to Muslim rights.“We want people to wear a headscarf on Monday. Primarily because we want to normalize the headscarves,” said Bilan Osman, one of the initiators, to P4 Göteborg, Goteborg Daily reported.“People view headscarves and Muslims as something ...

Istanbul sets world’s longest, most crowded Iftar table

Istanbul sets world’s longest, most crowded Iftar table
Ahlul Bayt News Agency, The Esenler Municipality in Istanbul has broken a Guiness World Record by organizing the world’s largest and most crowded Iftar table. Some 41,120 people broke their Ramadan fasts at a 10-kilometer-long table, consisting of 7,000 individual tables, at the record-breaking “iftar,” laid in a central area of the district. Atışalanı Street, which continues until Davutpaşa Street, was the only street closed to ...

Happy Ramadan! Common questions on Islam's holy month answered

 Happy Ramadan! Common questions on Islam's holy month answered

The Holy Land of Karbala on the Second of Muharram

The Holy Land of Karbala on the Second of Muharram
With the advent of this month of mourning, Husseini organizations and groups in the city of Hussein (A) – Karbala – have erected camps to hold marasim-i-aza – majalis al-aza and mawakeb and, hospitality of Husseini mourners. The whole city is draped in black to signify grief, black banners inscribed with sayings of Al-Imam Al-Hussein (A) have been placed on buildings, shopping stores and streets, sound systems have been put at takaya ...

Urgent: Tension in Kaduna as Shiites protest; Tens killed and injured

Urgent: Tension in Kaduna as Shiites protest; Tens killed and injured
Many more Shiite were killed in Kaduna town in the  northern Nigeria. Police opened fire Tuesday on unarmed Shiite Muslim protesters in the northern city of Kaduna, leaving three dead Tuesday, the spokesman for Shiites in Nigeria said, as activists accused soldiers of having killed hundreds of Shiites in “a massacre” in a nearby town in recent days.Spokesman Ibrahim Musa of the Shiite Islamic Movement in Nigeria says 10 people ...

Imam Khamenei hails bravery of Iranians martyred in Syria

Imam Khamenei hails bravery of Iranians martyred in Syria
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei praised the bravery of Iranian combatants who lost their lives defending the holy shrines in Syria. The Ayatollah made the remarks when meeting with the families of a number of Iranians who attained martyrdom in Syria. The meeting which took place on January 25 was published on the Ayatollah’s exclusive website on Saturday. The Supreme Leader said these martyrs ...

Prophet Muhammad and twelve Imams' names mentioned in Torah, Gospel - Muslim scholar

Prophet Muhammad and twelve Imams' names mentioned in Torah, Gospel - Muslim scholar

Use and abuse of religion...

Use and abuse of religion...
Back in the 1960s Americans were deeply divided on matters of war and race. While Reverend Martin Luther King Jr and religious leaders associated with his Southern Christian Leadership Conference led protests and committed acts of civil disobedience demanding civil rights, they were countered by white Christian preachers in the south who warned of the dangers of violating God's will by ignoring the punishment God had meted out to the "sons of ...

New Drive to Spread Quran Message in North America

New Drive to Spread Quran Message in North America
Ahlul Bayt News Agency, He intends to distribute tens of thousands of English language copies of the Holy Quran with the support of Muslim philanthropists. “A copy of the Quran will cost only $1.25 if we print it in large numbers,” said Suhail Kapoor. The move comes after a nondenominational church in Gainesville, Florida, announced plans to host an “International Burn a Quran Day” to mark the 9/11 attacks. “Ours is a proactive move ...

Imam Khamenei appoints new deputy chief of Armed Forces

Imam Khamenei appoints new deputy chief of Armed Forces

Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), In the decree, the Supreme Leader praised the good record of service of Ebrahim-Zadeh in various positions.

The Supreme Leader also thanked the former deputy chief of staff of the Armed Forces for basij affairs Brigadier General Mohammad Baqer Zolqadr for his sincere services in the post.

Imam Khamenei: To destroy Iran, both US, USSR helped Saddam

Imam Khamenei: To destroy Iran, both US, USSR helped Saddam
Referring back to the Soviet Union's part in the war and answering his own question the Leader of the Revolution stated: "The Soviet Union, though opposed to the US, accompanied US in this event because the USSR owned numerous Muslim Republics, and the Islamic Revolution could incite those republics to think of their own Islamic ...

Quran Burning by US Forces as Blatant Violation of Human Rights

 Quran Burning by US Forces as Blatant Violation of Human Rights
"This is blatant violation of human rights and the international conventions committed by US troops burning copies of the Holy Book and hurting sentiments of Muslims worldwide," the ministry said in its statement on Sunday. The statement added that disrespect for religious beliefs of Muslims stem from false understanding of the Afghan people's culture and religious beliefs of the Muslims worldwide. "This is not the first time that the ...

The Truth of Qadr Night Is Knowledge to Guardianship Position of Infallible Imams

The Truth of Qadr Night Is Knowledge to Guardianship Position of Infallible Imams
The vigil ceremony of the Nineteenth-night of holy month of Ramadan, coincided with the night of sword-blown of the honor of Universe, the speaking Quran, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S.), was held by fervent attendance of God-seeking pilgrims, in the Razavi heavenly sanctuary. According to Astan News, on the first night of Qadr Nights, the night that the spirituality occult rain falls down, and its every drop is an angel on the dry and thirsty ...

UK Muslims Gave £100m to Charity in Ramadan

UK Muslims Gave £100m to Charity in Ramadan
Revealing the large scale of Muslim charities work, estimates from the Muslim Charities Forum (MCF) revealed that British Muslims donated around £100 million to charities during Ramadan. “To give some context, that equates to approximately £38 a second.” Nick Donaldson, outreach manager at the Charity Commission, said. A Twitter user called Anna, an Oxford law graduate and trainee solicitor, tweeted that UK Muslims gave ...

On the demonization of Muslims

On the demonization of Muslims
As I noted on Tuesday, Trump’s irrational and impulsive response to the shooting will only help the Islamic extremists who practice a form of theocratic fascism themselves — by alienating the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims, the majority of whom strongly reject violence and terrorism. Like the Islamic State, Trump accepts and promotes the “clash of civilizations” narrative, and he is playing right into the terrorist ...

Professor Ansarian’s speech in the third ten days of Safar

Professor Ansarian’s speech in the third ten days of Safar

From Sunday -30th Aban(for ten nights)- every night at 8 pm.

Located in: Yazd - Amir Chakhmaq Square.

There is a distance of four fingers between truth and falsehood

There is a distance of four fingers between truth and falsehood
بيْنَ الْحَقِّ وَالْباطِلِ أرْبَعُ أصابِع، ما رَأَيْتَ بَعَيْنِکَ فَهُوَ الْحَقُّ وَ قَدْ تَسْمَعُ بِأُذُنَيْکَ باطِلاً کَثيرا Imam Mojtaba (AS): There is a distance of four fingers between truth and falsehood, what you see with your own eyes is truth; and what you have heard or what has been narrated to you may be false. Tuhaf ...

The Map of the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.)

The Map of the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.)




Takfir terrorists exhume and destroy a Sufi tomb in Old Aleppo

Takfir terrorists exhume and destroy a Sufi tomb in Old Aleppo
Takfiri terrorists destroyed the tomb of Sheikh Mohammad al-Nabhan, a known figure within Islamic Sufism, at al-Kiltawiyeh Mosque in Bab al-Hadid area in the Old City of Aleppo, northern Syria. Hossam Hout, a teacher at al-Kiltawiyeh Religious Education School, confirmed that terrorists exhumed and destroyed the grave of Sheikh al-Nabhan. This incident is not one of its kind, as the terrorist organizations have vandalized, exhumed and shelled ...