Sunday 21st of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Death Toll From Boko Haram Massacres Rises to at Least 150

Death Toll From Boko Haram Massacres Rises to at Least 150
A spate of attacks on towns and villages in Nigeria's Borno State has left at least 150 people dead since Tuesday; some witnesses claim 200 people were killed in the attacks.According to reports, Boko Haram militants launched raids which targeted worshipers as they finished prayers, and shot villagers who were in their homes. The group also torched houses and laid mines in the aftermath of the attacks. On Friday, Nigerian President Muhammadu ...

Iraqi Security forces seize explosives workshop supplying ISIS in Diyali

Iraqi Security forces seize explosives workshop supplying ISIS in Diyali
A local official in Diyali province said Tuesday, that the security forces seized a workshop for manufacturing explosive devices in fields northeast of Baqubah, stressing that the workshop was providing ISIS with explosives in seven areas inside the province. The head of Abi Saida District, Harith al-Rubaie, stated that “The joint security forces seized in the agricultural fields surrounding Mukhisa village (6 km east of Abu Saida) a ...

School of Ashura Abundant in Individual and Social Lessons

School of Ashura Abundant in Individual and Social Lessons
 This is according to Hojat-ol-Islam Najm-ol-Hasanayn, principal of Anwar-ol-Huda Ja’fariya School in Sitpur region of Punjab Province in Pakistan.  Speaking at a forum held on Arbaeen, Thursday, January 3, the scholar stated that the lessons of Ashura include promoting virtue and preventing vice, defending Islam and Jihad or fighting against tyranny and oppression.  Stressing that everyone should learn lessons from the messages of ...

I will finish anti-Prophet film maker with my own hands

 I will finish anti-Prophet film maker with my own hands
A Pakistani minister has offered $100,000 bounty to anyone who kills the maker of a recent film that disrespected Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).“I announce today that this blasphemer who has abused the holy Prophet (PBUH), if somebody will kill him, I will give that person a prize of $100,000," Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour told a news conference on Saturday in the northwestern city of Peshawar, AFP reported."I also announce that ...

Islamic Courses to Be Held in Kazakhstan

Islamic Courses to Be Held in Kazakhstan
They will be organized by the Central Mosque in the city of Almaty in Russian language.They will be carried out for men only focusing on Quran reading and the basic principles of Islam.Danial Maher Beykov, a graduate of the Nur Mubarak University of Islamic Culture in Egypt, will teach the courses.The Central Mosque of Almaty and the Department of Kazakhstan Muslims Affairs are among the main organizers such events in the ...

Qatar Charity Launches Relief Campaign For Muslims Of Myanmar

Qatar Charity Launches Relief Campaign For Muslims Of Myanmar
Qatar Charity on Tuesday launched a relief campaign for the Muslims of Myanmar under the slogan "Burma.. Till pain goes away".CEO of Qatar Charity Yousef Ahmed Al Kuwari, said that the campaign aims to provide emergency relief and humanitarian aid to Rohingya Muslims, focusing on providing shelter, food and health services.A delegation from the Qatar Charity and representatives of other Qatari associations visited the Bangladesh-Myanmarese ...

Grand Ayatollah Makarem: Foreigners seek to remove hijab from Iranian society

Grand Ayatollah Makarem: Foreigners seek to remove hijab from Iranian society
Speaking at the Mashhad’s Holy Shrine of Imam Ali al-Ridha on Thursday night, Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi noted the arrival of “Hijab and Chastity Week” and explained that “the new generations may not know” that 81 years ago, Reza Khan ordered a decree prohibiting the veil, adding: “The United Kingdom installed Reza Khan on the throne and ordered him to eliminate Islam from this country because the ...

Seerah of Imam Hassan Askari (AS) to Be Investigated

Seerah of Imam Hassan Askari (AS) to Be Investigated
   Seerah and moral virtues of Imam Hassan Askari (AS) will be clarified and investigated at a seminar today, January 20, in Lucknow District of Uttar Pradesh State of India.The program will be organized by Anjuman Zafar-ul-Iman.Faraz Wasti and Mirza Mohammad I’jaz, eminent indian religious scholars will present speeches at the seminar.A number of scholars and intellectuals of the country as well as Shia Muslim citizens have been invited ...

The presence of Publishing Center Daralrfan in the Twenty-Fifth International Exhibition of Holy Quran

The presence of Publishing Center Daralrfan in the Twenty-Fifth International Exhibition of Holy Quran
Simultaneously with the beginning of exhibition, the Daralrfan publication will have an active ...

Photos/ Professor Ansarian's lecture during the second ten days of Fatimieh Days

Photos/ Professor Ansarian's lecture during the second ten days of Fatimieh Days

Islam prohibits insulting other religions

Islam prohibits insulting other religions
Ahlul Bayt News Agency ; TEHRAN -- Islam does not permit its followers to insult other religions, Expediency Council Chairman Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said in Tehran on Tuesday during a meeting with Catholicos-Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East Mar Khanania Dinkha IV. “If we really want to put the Quran’s instructions into practice, we should respect other religious faiths. Our religion does not allow us to insult other ...

Turkey to welcome Ramadan with world Muslims

Turkey to welcome Ramadan with world Muslims
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Sunset on Tuesday will mark the beginning of the month of Ramadan for the world's 1.2 billion Muslims -- a special time of fasting, spiritual reflection and togetherness. For Muslims in Turkey, the advent of the month means an increase in worship, social gatherings and community events in addition to the perpetuation of age-old traditions and customs. Ramadan is the holiest month of the year in the Islamic ...

More than 900,000 pilgrims arrive in Holy City of Madinah

More than 900,000 pilgrims arrive in Holy City of Madinah
911,381 pilgrims have so far arrived in Madinah, 762,258 pilgrims left the city, and 149,002 pilgrims remained in the city to offer prayers at the Prophet's Holy Mosque in preparation for proceeding to Makkah to perform Hajj rituals. In its report issued today, the Secretariat of Hajj Committee in Madinah noted that the number of pilgrims who arrived until yesterday in Madinah through Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz International Airport, and ...

Syria comes under military attack by US, British, French forces

Syria comes under military attack by US, British, French forces
A short time ago, I ordered the United States Armed Forces to launch precision strikes on targets associated with the chemical weapons capabilities of” Syria, Trump said in a televised address from the White House on Friday ...

Chinese Muslims banned from fasting in Ramadan

Chinese Muslims banned from fasting in Ramadan
 “If any religious figure discusses Ramadan during the course of religious activities, or encourages people to take part, then they will lose their license to practice,” Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the Munich-based World Uighur Congress, told Eurasia Review on Friday, August 5. “The more serious cases will result in arrests for incitement to engage in illegal religious activity,” he said. A day before the start of the holy fasting ...

Pakistani Flood victims celebrate Eid in tents

Pakistani Flood victims celebrate Eid in tents
Ahlul bayt News Agency ; The water has receded in many places, but remains head-high in others, forcing victims to stay outside their villages in camps or alone on roadsides. Girls gathered at one camp near a power plant in the city of Muzaffargarh, sitting on a rug unfurled on the ground near the road as aid workers decorated their hands with intricate henna designs. Their mothers, hovering behind, said even this small pleasure would soon be ...

63th Bahraini Shia Protester Martyrs by Toxic Gas + Pic

63th Bahraini Shia Protester Martyrs by Toxic Gas + Pic

Professor Ansarian: Worship is the appreciation of the owner of the intellect from Allah Almighty

Professor Ansarian: Worship is the appreciation of the owner of the intellect from Allah Almighty

The appreciating and thankfulness of the intellect is the very worship that the owner of the intellect does. the mankind can reach and have the paradise by intellect and reasoning. The maniac and mad tend to go to hell, the idiot goes to hell, but the intellect never leads itself toward hell and dungeon, we never do meaningless and absurd things because we are friends with our intellect and so is it.

We are not at war with Islam: Belgian PM

We are not at war with Islam: Belgian PM
Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel vowed on Sunday that the West will ultimately defeat terrorist group Daesh (the so called IS) as the royal family hosted a ceremony marking two months since the deadly Brussels bombings.  He vowed that Belgium and other countries fighting IS, which claimed the Brussels bombings as well as last November's attacks in Paris, will eventually prevail. "This is not a war between the West and Islam. And we ...

Norwalk Muslims celebrate Ramadan in a home all their own

Norwalk Muslims celebrate Ramadan in a home all their own