Sunday 21st of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Hijab ban for cops ruled illegal in Norway

Hijab ban for cops ruled illegal in Norway
Ahlul Bayt News Agency, A Norwegian administrative court on Friday said a ban on female police officers wearing the Islamic headscarf was illegal, in response to a government refusal last year to allow officers to don the hijab. The Norwegian Equality Tribunal said in a non-binding opinion that the ban ran counter to the country's freedom of religion and anti-discrimination laws by depriving a whole category of women from access to the police ...

Boko Haram militants kill at least 21 in northeastern Nigeria

Boko Haram militants kill at least 21 in northeastern Nigeria
Suspected Boko Haram Takfiri militants have killed at least 21 people during an attack on a village in northeast of Nigeria, local residents say. A resident said Saturday that the militants stormed the village of Maikadiri in Borno State at about 9:00 a.m. local time (0800 GMT Friday) and opened fire on people. "They laid siege in daylight because there are no soldiers or police nearby," said another resident, putting the death toll at 21. The ...

Anti-Israeli rallies continue worldwide

Anti-Israeli rallies continue worldwide
According to Ahlul Bayt (A) News Agency – ABNA.ir – In Spain, hundreds of protesters took into streets of the northern Spanish Basque city of Bilbao to condemn the deadly assault. Demonstrators called by several Basque unions and social collectives accused the Spanish government of collaborating with Israel in killing Palestinians. They held a banner reading “Israel kills, Spanish government collaborates.” A similar protest was held ...

Facebook Muezzin Fired For Altering Adhan

Facebook Muezzin Fired For Altering Adhan
An Egyptian imam in Delta city of Kafr Al Dawar has been fired following complaints that he tampered with the phrasing of the call to fajr prayer to reprimand Muslim Facebook browsers who does not perform prayers. An Egyptian imam in Delta city of Kafr Al Dawar has been fired following complaints that he tampered with the phrasing of the call to fajr prayer to reprimand Muslim Facebook browsers who does not perform prayers. “He will be ...

Moroccan Scholars Condemn Quran Desecration

Moroccan Scholars Condemn Quran Desecration
They described the desecration as a terrible sin that has hurt the feelings of Muslims all over the world. The statement, that was issued by Morocco’s Supreme Council of Muslim Scholars, said the sacrilegious act has been committed against a book that invites people to peace and goodness. "Such provocative acts will not make Muslims renounce Islamic values that are based in the teachings of the Quran,” the scholars stressed. They called on ...

Clashes between Wahhabis and Shiites in Saudi Arabia in Commemoration of Ashura

Clashes between Wahhabis and Shiites in Saudi Arabia in Commemoration of Ashura
 Saudi Shia sources said "Saudi security forces dispersed the crowds of Shiites and Wahhabis after fights broke out in Medina during the Ashura mourning procession on Thursday". According to Saudi Medias, Shia Muslims are under severe restrictions and discriminations by ignorant Wahhabi sects, but the Saudi government denies the accusations. Ignorant Wahhabis attacked number of Shiites with stones when they were perfrming Ashura ...

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the major and minor sins

Professor Hussein Ansarian: the major and minor sins

When there are no major sins and no insistence upon doing the minor sins, people will be safe from heavenly and earthly calamities.

Zionist regime forces martyrs another Palestinian youth in Ramallah

Zionist regime forces martyrs another Palestinian youth in Ramallah
Zionist forces have martyred another young Palestinian man in the occupied West Bank as Tel Aviv’s violence continues unabated.  According to Press TV, Israeli regime authorities said on Wednesday that their forces shot dead the youth after what they called he allegedly stabbed a female Israeli officer in the neck. The killing was the latest in a series of Israeli shooting of Palestinians as part of the Tel Aviv ...

Twenty six nations attend Resistance festival

Twenty six nations attend Resistance festival
Ahlul Bayt News Agency ; More than 2,600 pieces from 26 countries and 23 Iranian provinces have been submitted to the secretariat of the Second International Islamic Resistance Festival. The secretary of the festival, Ali Tehrani Moqaddam, told ISNA on Tuesday that works from 26 countries, including Germany, England, China, Turkey, Indonesia, Lebanon, Syria, and Brazil, have been submitted to the secretariat of the festival. He noted that ...

Rebels' major attack on west of Aleppo foiled by Syrian forces, allies

Rebels' major attack on west of Aleppo foiled by Syrian forces, allies
- Syrian army and allied forces managed on Friday to foil an attempt by the armed groups to advance in west Aleppo toward the axes of Assad Dahiye – Military Academy and Manyan – New Aleppo, after the gunmen declared a new stage of “Abu Omar Maraqeb Assault” to lift what they call “blockade on gunmen in Aleppo eastern neighborhoods.” The clashes took place within walking distance in which various types of ...

Qur’anic Artworks on Show in Tehran

Qur’anic Artworks on Show in Tehran
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), An exhibition of Qur’anic artworks, photos, books and software is underway on the sidelines of the 27th International Holy Qur’an Competitions in Tehran. According to IRNA, the competition which opened Saturday brings together representatives from 60 Muslim countries. It is being held in two categories, namely reciting and memorizing the Holy Qur’an. This year, more than 90 representatives from 60 ...

Shia Muslims to Commemorate Arbaeen in London

Shia Muslims to Commemorate Arbaeen in London
Shia Muslims plan to commemorate Arba’een (religious observation that occurs 40 days after the Day of Ashura) in London. According to Al-Kosar Website, the devotees of Ahl-ul-Bayt (AS) in England will hold mourning ceremonies for Imam Hossein (AS) on the occasion of Arba’een. They will attend the ceremony with the aim of expressing their solidarity with millions of Iraqi mourners who take a long walk annually to Karbala on the occasion of ...

Istanbul to Host Int’l Halal Meeting

Istanbul to Host Int’l Halal Meeting
--The International Halal Products Council is to hold a meeting next October in Istanbul, Turkey, Risalehaber reported. Representatives of Halal products companies from 50 countries are expected to attend the meeting. According to Sami Büyüközer who heads Turkey’s Food Standards Agency, an exhibition of Halal products of Turkish companies will be held on the sidelines of the meeting. The global Halal industry is expected to surpass $ ...

Greatest global movement for the support of Qudas organized in Cairo

Greatest global movement for the support of Qudas organized in Cairo
Saeed-ul-Hassan the secretary general of seminar named “the supporters of Qudas” said that a global movement under the supervision of Sheikh Al-Azhar of Egypt has started to break free the seizure of the Muslims and Christians of Qudas, in which Muslim and Christian leaders and representatives of Arab league are participating. It is to be remembered that this movement started on 15th of February. Al-Hassan added that the issues like current ...

Bahrain Shiite clerics say will only perform Eid Prayers without any celebrations after move against Sheikh Qassim

Bahrain Shiite clerics say will only perform Eid Prayers without any celebrations after move against Sheikh Qassim
Shiite clerics and Imams of mosques in Bahrain announced that they will only perform the Eid (al-Fitr) prayers, marking the end of the holy Month of Ramadan, without holding any other celebrations.A unified statement was circulated by a number of Shiite clerics that read: "Due to the current situation, I will only perform the Eid prayers without any other celebration manifestations."One of the Shiite clerics sad that this move has come following ...

Memorize Quran’s Verses Quickly by Finding Relations among Them

Memorize Quran’s Verses Quickly by Finding Relations among Them
Understanding the general concept of related verses of the holy Quran and finding the relation existing among the verses could help to memorize those verses more quickly. Afsaneh Noruzi, memorizer of the entire Quran said: “A continuous and regular memorization is better than memorizing irregularly at various intervals. If one memorizes one verse daily, he will be more successful than one who memorizes many verses at once and does not review ...

Saudi forces raid Shiite home in Awamiyah, arrest 3 family members

Saudi forces raid Shiite home in Awamiyah, arrest 3 family members


Al Saud forces raided the home of "Muhammad Faraj" and attacked with straight shooting to his house, arrested three members of his family.

Earlier two of the sons of the family arrested by Saudi forces.

The Saudi regime suppresses any protest by Shia minority.

New Issue of Quranic Journal of Besharat Published

New Issue of Quranic Journal of Besharat Published
The 73rd issue of the Quranic journal of Besharat was published. Besharat Quranic Journal is published by Imam Reza (AS) Institute as a bimonthly journal for the youth. According to Mohammad Abdullahian, Managing Director of the Journal, “Besharat is published with the aim of promoting Quranic culture among the younger generation.” “Two issues of the Journal are allocated to women and their works”, said Mr. Abdullahian. He ...

Islamic University in Holland wins official recognition

 Islamic University in Holland wins official recognition
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Rotterdam Islamic University founded by the Turkish entrepreneurs in the Netherlands wins official recognition by the state after its successful negotiations. The Islamic University of Rotterdam has set itself the goal of creating a Muslim academic elite in the Netherlands, Turkish TRT said. The first and only Turkish Islamic University has been functioning in Rotterdam city of the Netherlands since 1997 and ...

1st Nat’l Quran Contest for Women in Iraq

1st Nat’l Quran Contest for Women in Iraq
Ahlul Bayt News Agency ;  The first national Quran memorization and recitation contest for Iraqi women will be held in the city of Kadhimain late October. According to Mozn Quran news agency, the competition is organized by the city’s Al-Iraqiyyah Quranic Institute. Rafi’ Al-‘Ameri, director of the institute, said Iraqi women who wish to participate at the competition can register at the institute every day from 3 to 6 pm. He added ...