Sunday 21st of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Egypt extends state of emergency in parts of Northern Sinai

Egypt extends state of emergency in parts of Northern Sinai
The Egyptian government has extended the state of emergency in parts of Northern Sinai in a bid to curb the militancy in the volatile region.  The government said on Wednesday that the three-month extension will be implemented in Rafah, el-Arish, Sheikh Zuweid and the surrounding areas. The measure, which was implemented retroactively on Tuesday, was announced by President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in a written decree. Nighttime curfew ...

Terrorism Grew with US Troops in Afghanistan: Ex-President Karzai

Terrorism Grew with US Troops in Afghanistan: Ex-President Karzai
The US mission in Afghanistan carried out since 2001 has only deteriorated the political situation in the country, former Afghan President Hamid Karzai said. On Thursday, US President Barack Obama announced that Washington will keep 9,800 troops in Afghanistan throughout most of 2016, further maintaining 5,500 troops in after 2016, instead of fully withdrawing all of its forces from the country by the next year, as originally planned. Afghan ...

Top ISIS Leader in India Killed in Syria

Top ISIS Leader in India Killed in Syria
The leader of the ISIS in India, Mohammad Shafi Armar, was killed a few days ago in a bombing in Syria, which is a blow to the terrorist organization in this country, today revealed an intelligence source. A security spokesman explained that Armar, alias Yusuf, was given the task by the self-proclaimed ISIS caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, of creating a cell in this South Asian country. The official explained that he died in a US drone attack in ...

Boko Haram gunmen kill 15 in Nigeria's northeast

Boko Haram gunmen kill 15 in Nigeria's northeast
A terrorist attack by Nigeria's Takfiri group, Boko Haram, has killed 15 Muslims in the country's northeast. The attack early Saturday targeted the Kambari village with Boko Haram terrorists setting the entire area ablaze, Nigerian security officials said. People in Kambari, which is near the Muslim-dominated city of Maiduguri, were preparing for the morning prayers when the attack happened. A village leader was also among the ...

UK Muslims Run While Fasting to Raise Funds for Homeless

UK Muslims Run While Fasting to Raise Funds for Homeless
“Alhamdulillah!! volunteers completed the Mersey Tunnel 10k whilst fasting,” Muslim Event in UK page on Facebook reported. In the 11th running of the event, More than 3,000 runners ran through the Wallasey Tunnel on their way from Liverpool to New Brighton. For Muslims, the run itself was not their biggest challenge. “It is from the teachings of Islam to help our neighbors and those who are less fortunate in our own ...

Half a million visit Tehran Quran expo

Half a million visit Tehran Quran expo
Over 1.6 million people visited last year's exhibit, and it is expected that the number will increase by 25 percent this year, the exhibition's Public Relations Office told the Persian daily Iran on Saturday. The vibrant exhibition is being held concurrent with the lunar month of Ramadan in order to encourage Muslims to recite the Holy Quran. The organizers placed around 500 programs on the agenda for this year's edition of the event, ...

FIFA Official Urges Hijab in Olympics

FIFA Official Urges Hijab in Olympics
 Seeing the Olympic games as an opportunity for Muslim athletes to shine and prove themselves, FIFA vice president for Asia Prince Ali of Jordan called for allowing Islamic headscarf in the coming London Olympics to gather athletes of different cultures under one undiscriminating umbrella."I think that the hijab will not hinder the participation of Muslim women in the Olympic Games," Prince Ali, half-brother of King Abdullah II, told Agence ...

World's most Famous holy Quran calligraphers in Medina

World's most Famous holy Quran calligraphers in Medina
The organizing committee of the congress has invited calligraphers to submit papers on Quranic calligraphy to the secretariat of the congress. The deadline for submitting papers is January 13.The congress will be held with the aim of honoring the calligraphers of the holy Quran, exchanging experiences, and studying methods applied in their works. An exhibition on Quranic calligraphy works and manuscripts will be held on the sideline of the ...

Half of US Muslims face prejudice

Half of US Muslims face prejudice
 According to the survey conducted by the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center, a Gallup research hub in the United Arab Emirates, 48 percent of Muslims in America said they had "personally experienced racial or religious discrimination" in the past year. The poll, which was carried out ahead of the tenth anniversary of the September 11 incidents, shows that American Muslims lead all other faith groups in rejecting terrorism and attacks on ...

West keeps mum on Saudi HR record

West keeps mum on Saudi HR record
Press TV has interviewed Syed Wasif, a professor of international law in Trinity University, Washington, regarding the West's policies towards the Saudi's human rights record. The following is a rough transcription of the interview. Q: We have been talking about Saudi Arabia's human rights record over the past years, especially in light of the descent that we are seeing with the uprisings, not just in the eastern provinces but also in sporadic ...

Ayatollah Noor Allah Tabarsi: Young generation thirsty of Imam Khomeini's thoughts

Ayatollah Noor Allah Tabarsi: Young generation thirsty of Imam Khomeini's thoughts
vAhlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Iran -- Thoughts of Imam Khomeini should be explained more for the young generation Ayatollah Noor Allah Tabarsi, Sari Friday Prayer Leader and Representative of Jurisprudent Guardian (Wali-e-Faqih) in Mazandaran province delivered Friday prayer sermons in Sari, provincial capital of Mazandaran and expressed: most of the thoughts of grand founder of the Islamic revolution are still unknown for youth and they ...

ISIS punishes 35 of its elements after trying to flee to Turkey

ISIS punishes 35 of its elements after trying to flee to Turkey
A local official in Anbar province announced on Thursday that ISIS has flogged 35 of its elements for trying to escape to Turkey. “ISIS managed to catch 35 of its elements in Abu Kamal area in Syria, after they had tried to flee to Turkey,” The official said . The official, who asked anonymity, added: “ISIS flogged these elements and shot their feet in front of the people, while issued sentences of imprisonment against ...

Chinese police killed a boy because of reading holy Quran

Chinese police killed a boy because of reading holy Quran
 A boy was killed by Chinese police on May 25 in xinjiang because the boy was studying holy Quran at the underground of a religious school. At first Chinese police tell the boy's mother that he killed himself in jail. But people told foreign media that is a lie!After the USA media reported it, Chinese police changed his saying that the boy was killed by his teacher! His teacher is a Mullah.The Mullah and his other students was ...

Bahraini authorities use the shotgun to protect Formula One

Bahraini authorities use the shotgun to protect Formula One
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) -Thousands of people demonstrated yesterday (18 April) in many areas (areas:Sitra, Ma’ameer, Tubli, A’ali, Hamad Town, Karzakan, Sar, Juffair, Karranah, Aboqowa, Sanabis, Bilad Alqadeem, Manama, Mahooz and AlDair) The demonstrators demanded an end to Formula One in Bahrain and the release of a prominent human rights activistAbdul Hadi al-Khawaja. Riot police used the shotgun extensively to suppress the ...

Malaysian Man and Woman Charged Just for Possessing Shiite Books

Malaysian Man and Woman Charged Just for Possessing Shiite Books
Two Malaysian people, including a homeopathy practitioner, were charged under the Perak Criminal (Syariah) Enactment 1992 for alleged involvement in banned Shia teachings.Dr Nur Azah Abdul Halim, 41, and Mohammad Ridzuan Yusof, 31, were charged at the Lower Syariah Court here just for possessing books and documents relating to Shia Islam teachings in separate locations early this month.Dr Nur Azah is alleged to have committed the offence at her ...

The Necessity of Self-Vigilance and Its Meaning

The Necessity of Self-Vigilance and Its Meaning
  The Necessity of Self-Vigilance and Its Meaning The most important subject in wayfaring to Allah is self-vigilance (Muraaqabe) for the purpose of attaining proximity to God. And it is the key to all kinds of felicity and the best way to attract virtues and blessings. The meaning of self-vigilance is when a servant, due to his attention to God, attains such a station of faith that:1. He sees no volition of his own and ...

Muslim Children follow religious rituals more than other

Muslim Children follow religious rituals more than other
University of Britain reported in its modern research that 98% children of Muslims follow their religious rituals, whereas this count in other religions is very low. This report revealed that Muslim youngsters actively participate in religious organizations and the education of Holy Quran in Arabic language has increased tremendously. The results of research by the faculty of sociology of Cardio University and the Islamic research center of ...

21 Terrorists arrested for targeted killings of Shia Muslims

21 Terrorists arrested for targeted killings of Shia Muslims
 Three terrorists were arrested due to joint efforts of Shia Hazara Muslims and security forces some days ago. After that, 15 more were arrested. It seems that on their tip-off, three more terrorists were arrested from Hazara graveyard in Hazara Town Quetta on Sunday night.The FC officials conducted the arrest operation and after exchange of heavy firing the terrorists were arrested.They all were shifted to unknown places. It is learnt that the ...

leader visited the tomb of Imam Khomeini (r.a)

leader visited the tomb of Imam Khomeini (r.a)

Islamic revolution leader Hazrat Ayatollah Syed Ali Khamnai has visited the tomb of Imam Khomeini and offered Fatiha. 

Then he visited the graves of Islamic revolution’s martyrs in Gulzar-e-Shuhada graveyard and also offered Fatiha there.

Ayatollah Sistani: 'mandated defense against enemies, not our Sunni brothers'

Ayatollah Sistani: 'mandated defense against enemies, not our Sunni brothers'
Ayatollah al-Sistani said:‌ “When ISIL and its supporters invaded Iraq, we issued a statement mandating defense against enemies and not confrontation with our Sunni brothers.” Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, the highest-ranking Iraqi jurisprudent, during a meeting with a group of academics demanded to "protect the unity of the war-torn country."  He stressed importance of helping refugees from Mosul, Ramadi, ...