Sunday 21st of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Mosque in Belgium Opens Its Doors to Homeless in Cold Season

Mosque in Belgium Opens Its Doors to Homeless in Cold Season
In response to the appeal to the President of the District Council of Bressoux Droixhe, the "Al-Itissam” mosque plans to open its doors to the homeless. According to ajib website, Nasr-Eddine Mousawi, director of the mosque said it will host the needy and homeless from Saturday, January 19 through a period of extreme cold. As the temperature drops every year, Muslim associations and mosques provide aid, food and comfort for people in ...

US Muslims subject to discrimination

US Muslims subject to discrimination
The recent surge of Islamophobia in the United States has become a growing concern for US Muslims as more human rights violations are being reported. There is a growing concern over civil rights abuses of Muslims, including unlawful arrests, detention and violence -- especially against those in prison. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace recently held a forum in Washington DC addressing these concerns. Professor John Esposito of ...

Kurdish Yazidi woman recognizes her ISIS abuser in Germany

Kurdish Yazidi woman recognizes her ISIS abuser in Germany
- A Kurdish Yazidi woman who survived the so-called Islamic State (ISIS/IS) captivity accidently saw her IS abuser in Germany.The Kurdish Yazidi woman who is now receiving psychological treatment in Germany happened to see the IS militant who had maltreated her for four months while she was in IS captivity, Al-Alam News Channel reported on Sunday.The IS militant who is said to be of Syrian origin is now living with his family in a refugee camp ...

Threat to burn Quran has damaged U.S. image worldwide

Threat to burn Quran has damaged U.S. image worldwide
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - ABNA - A U.S. pastor’s threat to burn copies of the Quran has damaged the image of the United States, the U.S. ambassador to the Vatican said.“The deliberate destruction of any holy book is an abhorrent act,” said the ambassador, Miguel H. Diaz.Plans by a small Florida Pentecostal church to burn the Quran Sept. 11 represent “disrespectful acts” and in no way reflect “the sentiments of the American people or ...

Iftar at holy Madinah mosque costs $670,000 a day

Iftar at holy Madinah mosque costs $670,000 a day
Ahlul Bayt News Agency, The Saudi Gazette reported the cost of each meal – which includes yoghurt, dates, dugga and Saudi coffee – amounts to at least SR2.5 per person ($0.66). The tradition differs from that of the Grand Mosque in Makkah, where only dates and Saudi coffee are allowed. The Madinah tradition is for residents of the city to serve worshippers, and preparations begin from 3pm onwards every day, the newspaper said. More than ...

Attacks on Shia Teachers and Schools in Pakistan

Attacks on Shia Teachers and Schools in Pakistan
Militant Wahhabi groups have been linked to sectarian killings of members of the Shia minority, including Shiite members of the Hazara ethnic community.Between January 2008 and April 2010, at least 76 individuals were killed and 62 injured in suspected sectarian attacks.Among those targeted and killed by militants have been at least 22 teachers and other education personnel. The most prominent assassination was that of the provincial minister ...

Muslims offer food, social services to community

Muslims offer food, social services to community
The boxes, given to Muslim families during their holy month called Ramadan, have become an annual tradition — one that was started by a couple of friends eight years ago, including Passaic resident and school board member Salim Patel. “We live here and are rooted here,” said Patel, a financial planner. “Our friends and family are here and we have come across people and individuals who are suffering from poverty and we ...

Al Wefaq deputy warns against Shia genocide

Al Wefaq deputy warns against Shia genocide
He said that the recent dissolution of Al Wefaq movement was the revenge by Al Kalifa since it was aware that the Shia movement represented the majority who had achieved 64 per cent of the votes in 2006 and 2010 proving the popularity of Al Wefaq. Bahraini cleric said,” We are facing a genocide project in Bahrain and dissolution of Al Wefaq besides invading religious beliefs and religious elites is part of this project.” Al Deihi ...

Strong 7.7 magnitude strikes Pakistan and Afghanistan, kills at least 180 people

Strong 7.7 magnitude strikes Pakistan and Afghanistan, kills at least 180 people
Early reports from Afghanistan and Pakistan say at least 180 people have died. At least 146 deaths have been reported in Pakistan and 34 deaths in Afghanistan. 7- India PM offers assistance to Afghanistan, Pakistan after earthquake   Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday offered assistance to Afghanistan and Pakistan as a major earthquake struck the region with epicentre in Afghanistan.He said he has asked for urgent assessment of the ...

Anti-Saudi demonstration in London to denounce human rights abuses and Shia genocide

Anti-Saudi demonstration in London to denounce human rights abuses and Shia genocide
This May 28, hundreds are expected to make a stand against al-Saud regime to reclaim human dignity, and reclaim religious pluralism – one of the founding principles of ...

Muslim women protest against push to ban burka in Australia

Muslim women protest against push to ban burka in Australia
Ahlul Bayt News Agency ; MUSLIM women have rallied in their hundreds to oppose moves to ban the burka in Australia, condemning the push as part of an orchestrated "war on Islam" in the West. Women swathed in veils and wielding placards declaring "my burka - conviction not coercion" and "leave my mum alone - we love nikab" gathered yesterday in a park in Punchbowl, southwestern Sydney. The first public protest against calls to ban the veil, the ...

Hijab first in British parliament

Hijab first in British parliament
 A 16-year-old girl is thought to have become the first person to speak from the House of Commons despatch box in the British parliament while wearing a hijab, The Times newspaper reported Saturday.  Sumaiya Karim a biology, chemistry, history and maths student, was speaking as the Youth Parliament held its annual session in the lower house's chamber, where Britain's MPs gather.  Karim, from Wokingham, west of London, said: "Wearing the ...

HRW claims Nabeel Rajab to face 18 years in jail

HRW claims Nabeel Rajab to face 18 years in jail
The trial of the prominent Bahraini human rights activist Nabeel Rajab is scheduled to resume on February 21, 2017, Human Rights Watch said today. He faces a total of 18 years in prison based on two sets of speech-related charges that clearly violate his right to free expression. His eight months in pretrial custody appeared to amount to arbitrary detention.Rajab’s initial charges stem from comments critical of the Saudi Arabia-led ...

Rare copy of the Koran to be published online

Rare copy of the Koran to be published online
 A rarely-seen manuscript of one of the world's most important copies of the Koran is to be published online, it was announced here Wednesday. The ornate, hand-written holy book, estimated to be around 500 years old, is so precious and fragile scholars have been unable to put it on display, a spokesman for Manchester University, where the manuscript will be on show, said. Each of the 470 pages measures 88x60cm, the size of a large plasma ...

Islamic Scholar Calls For Respect And Peace Between Kyrgyz And Uzbek Communities

Islamic Scholar Calls For Respect And Peace Between Kyrgyz And Uzbek Communities
Tehran, Iran -- On the Anniversary of Sardasht Chemical Bombardment and National Day for Campaign against Chemical Weapons, the photo show "Messengers of Peace" will be held in Tehran, Iran. According to the reporter of Chemical Weapons Victims Information Base: The Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support, Foundation of Martyrs and Veterans Affair and Tehran Peace Museum will hold this joint photo show named "Messengers of Peace" in ...

ISIS executes teenager in Kirkuk on charges of spying

ISIS executes teenager in Kirkuk on charges of spying
The ISIS terrorist group has executed an Iraqi teenager in southern Kirkuk, after accusing him of spying for the Kurdish Peshmerga forces, local sources reported on Saturday. The 15-year-old boy was arrested by ISIS terrorists earlier on Tuesday. “The terrorist group claimed that after interrogations the teenager confessed that he has been spying for the Kurdish Peshmergas,” a local sources said. “They executed him by firing ...

3 Police Officers Killed in Bahrain

3 Police Officers Killed in Bahrain
According to Jordanian news agency reporting from Manama, the Bahraini army and security forces tried to dislodge protesters from Lo Lo Square on Wednesday. This led to clashes between the pro-democracy protesters and security forces, resulting in the killing of 3 police officers. One of the officers was run over by a vehicle. Also on Wednesday, Saudi soldiers and Bahraini soldiers attacked the pro-democracy protesters who had staged a sit-in ...

Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Bagher (AS)

Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Bagher (AS)
-- Iran Cultural Center in Armenia held a mourning ceremony on November 24 on the occasion of martyrdom anniversary of Imam Mohammad Bagher (AS). Organized at Kabud mosque of Yerevan, the ceremony started after the evening prayer performed by Hojjat-ol-Islam Ibrahimi , and included Tavassol supplication and mourning songs on the occasion. The life of the fifth Imam of Shias and his efforts to introduce Islam were elaborated by the preacher. ...

Half a Million Bahrains to Hold 'Day of Rage' on Friday

Half a Million Bahrains to Hold 'Day of Rage' on Friday
In an interview with Press TV, Sheikh Ali Salman from the Al-Wifaq Society elaborates on the Bahraini uprising as being an internal problem better solved between the people and government, not reliant on foreign intruders or to cause divisions between the Sunnis and Shias. Press TV: The images we're broadcasting, the tearing down of Pearl Square, do you think this will dishearten the protesters? Salman: The people in Bahrain will continue ...

Photos/Professor Hussein Ansarian,s lectures in the first ten days of Muhrram in husseiniya of Qasim ibn al-Hassan

Photos/Professor Hussein Ansarian,s lectures in the first ten days of Muhrram in husseiniya of Qasim ibn al-Hassan