Thursday 25th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Paris to host art exhibit on Islamic Revolution

Paris to host art exhibit on Islamic Revolution
The collection of 70 portraits will go on display during an exhibition at the Iran Art Gallery in Paris in September 2010, Taheri said.Tehari, who is also the director advisor of the Visual Office of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, said that Iran’s cultural attaché office in France invited him to display his work.The collection contains portraits of martyrs and commanders from the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88) as well as political and ...

Pakistani Cities to Host Razavi Arts Exhibition

Pakistani Cities to Host Razavi Arts Exhibition
Khatib, who is in charge of the Iranian Culture House in Karachi, told IQNA that the expo will be held on the Ten-day Karamat occasion (the ten days between birth anniversaries of Hazrat Masoumeh (SA) and Imam Reza (AS)- August 28-September 7). He said works by three Iranian artists in the categories of painting, calligraphy and Taz'hib (illumination) will be put on display at the arts expo. On the auspicious occasion, Iran's Islamic Culture ...

Muslims face US seizing of four mosques over "Iran aid"

Muslims face US seizing of four mosques over
The mosques are in New York City, Maryland, California and Texas. US moved to seize four mosques in the US and a skyscraper in Manhattan on Thursday over their alleged financial aid to Iran, in an extraordinary step likely to worsen relations between Washington and Tehran. Prosecutors in Manhattan filed a civil complaint in the federal court seeking the forfeiture of more than $500m in assets of the Alavi Foundation, which ...

Largest Shiite Organization in pakistan rejects Obama’s apology

Largest Shiite Organization in pakistan rejects Obama’s apology
 Largest Shiite Student’s Organization in Pakistan Imamia Students Organization (ISO) Pakistan has strongly condemned the Quran burning in Afghanistan and rejected US President Obama’s apology. “Burning Quran is a anti-Islam planned agenda  to destabilize the region, this act is unapologetic and this  act is evidence of open Americans open terrorism against Muslims.”  Central Secretary General of ISO Pakistan Muhammad Taqi told The ...

It's not radical Islam that worries the US

It's not radical Islam that worries the US
 "The Arab world is on fire," al-Jazeera reported last week, while throughout the region, western allies "are quickly losing their influence". The shock wave was set in motion by the dramatic uprising in Tunisia that drove out a western-backed dictator, with reverberations especially in Egypt, where demonstrators overwhelmed a dictator's brutal police.  Observers compared it to the toppling of Russian domains in 1989, but there are important ...

Top Iranian commander martyred in Iraq fighting against ISIS

Top Iranian commander martyred in Iraq fighting against ISIS

Top Iranian commander killed in Iraq fighting with ISIS

Top Iranian commander, Hamid Taghavi was martyred yesterday fighting against ISIS terrorists near Balad city in Salah ad Din province in Iraq.

Hamid Taghavi was from city of Khozestan.

He was one of the key commander in city of Samerra where two holy Shiite shrine is there. He was martyred in battle against ISIS terrorists yesterday.


Norwegians: 'Ban Israeli products'

Norwegians: 'Ban Israeli products'
According to the survey conducted by the InFact Institute and published Wednesday, 9.5 percent of Norwegians are already boycotting Israeli products. The news comes a day after the Norwegian Health Minister and leader of the country's Socialist party, Kristin Halvorsen, called on the international community to ban arms trade with Israel. On Monday, Norway summoned the Israeli ambassador to Oslo and slammed Israel's deadly attack on the Freedom ...

Afghan MP urges unity among Muslim nations

Afghan MP urges unity among Muslim nations
Afghan parliament member Nazir Ahmad on Monday urged unity among Muslim nations and warned against enemies' divisive plots. He made the remarks in the ongoing 'International Congress on Extremist and Takfiri Movements in the Islamic Scholars' View' held in Qom. Takfiri groups have paved the way for sacrilege of Muslim Ummah by non-Muslims, he added. The senior MP noted that Takfiri groups have been created to make discord among Muslims. The ...

raq to dissolve Iraqi Airways

raq to dissolve Iraqi Airways
Iraq has said it will dissolve state-owned Iraqi Airways over the next three years and pursue private options to avoid asset claims made by Kuwait over their 1990-91 war. Wednesday's move came a day after the airline halted flights to Britain and Sweden under threat that its planes would be seized by Kuwait in a row over war reparations. Amer Abdul-Jabbar, Iraq's transport minister, said the cabinet had decided on Tuesday to dissolve the ...

Discrimination Excluding British Muslims from Jobs

Discrimination Excluding British Muslims from Jobs
Muslims are facing the worst job discrimination of any minority group in Britain, according to new research which found that they had the lowest chance of being in work or in a managerial role. Muslim men were up to 76 per cent less likely to have a job of any kind compared to white, male British Christians of the same age and with the same qualifications. And Muslim women were up to 65 per cent less likely to be employed than white Christian ...

More US Troops in Afghanistan Than Iraq: Pentagon

More US Troops in Afghanistan Than Iraq: Pentagon
WASHINGTON - For the first time, more US forces are deployed in Afghanistan than Iraq, amid a buildup of American troops in the Afghan war, the Pentagon said on Monday. About 94,000 US troops are now in Afghanistan, while 92,000 remain in Iraq, where commanders are gradually scaling back the US contingent, Lieutenant Colonel Elizabeth Robbins told AFP. The latest troop numbers reflect a shift in US priorities under President Barack Obama, who ...

Two Spanish-Language Islamic TV Channels to Broadcast in Spain

Two Spanish-Language Islamic TV Channels to Broadcast in Spain
 A new Islamic TV channel in the Spanish language starts broadcasting today December in Spain with a second Islamic station following a week later.  Hispan TV will be available in Spain and Latin America starting today. The station has Iranian backing. Following closely on its heels on 01 January 2012, the Saudi-backed Cordoba Television station will be launched, owned by the Foundation for the Message of Islam.  Headlines on HispanTV's ...

How Lebanon has repelled the Islamic State

How Lebanon has repelled the Islamic State
Global debate in recent weeks has centred on United States President Barack Obama's initiative to prevent the advance of the Islamic State. But another force has emerged as an unlikely rampart against the barbaric and delusional leaders of the self-proclaimed caliphate: Lebanese pluralism. Indeed, despite the shortcomings of its political system, Lebanon can provide a template for managing cultural diversity and rejecting radicalism in an ...

Security Tightens in Pakistan ahead of Ashura

Security Tightens in Pakistan ahead of Ashura
Pakistan's Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan on Saturday said that the Ministry of Interior (MoI) has deployed around 33,000 troops of army and civil armed forces including Rangers and Frontier Corps across 54 districts of the country to assist the provincial governments in maintaining law and order during Muharram. In a statement, the minister issued directives to law enforcers to remain on high alert during the next few days. He said ...

Saudi Wahhabi Forces Martyr Shia Tteenager in Qatif

Saudi Wahhabi Forces Martyr Shia Tteenager in Qatif
Saudi security forces have shot dead a 19-year-old boy in the city of Qatif in the Eastern Province.Nasser al-Mahishi was martyred on Monday while walking on a street alongwith his friends. A demonstration was held near his home after he was shot. Sources informed that more than 10 people including a 6 years old girl have been severely injured. Saudi forces surrounded the area. Bodies transferred to the hospital.Protesters chanted slogans ...

Muslim holidays narrowly avoid ban in Russian republic

Muslim holidays narrowly avoid ban in Russian republic
A Russian republic has nearly banned two of the biggest Muslim holidays in response to a local resident's complaint.Among the holidays protested by the discontented local were Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha – the end of the holy month of Ramadan, and the end of the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca.In 1992, Bashkortostani authorities declared both to be non-working days – taking into account that Islam is the region’s dominant religion. The local’s ...

Two Shia Men Abducted

Two Shia Men Abducted
The two Shia men Mohammad Ali alias Gul Mohammad and Hassan Ali were abducted by the personnel of law enforcement agencies wearing plain clothes from their homes on mid night of 28th of May 2011 from Incholi society. The family of these missing Shia men were lodged the FIR against the personnel of Crime Investigation Department (CID) of Sindh against the illegal abduction and looting of the valuables from their homes during the raid. The ...

Number of British Women Muslim Converts Increases

Number of British Women Muslim Converts Increases
There has been a huge increase in the number of young, white Britons choosing to become Muslims, yet several recent studies have shown how these women experience a severe lack of help during this transition. As this week has seen two and half million Muslims celebrate the annual religious holiday of Eid; displaying their commitment to hajj by beginning their pilgrimage to Mecca, Richard Peppiatt from the Independent has found that of the 5,200 ...

New Islamic financing package

New Islamic financing package
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), MAYBANK Singapore is offering smaller firms an Islamic commercial property loan that comes with one of the longest fixed interest rate terms here. The product, called Maybank Islamic Term Financing, will provide small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME) with financing for completed commercial and industrial properties, on a mid- to long-term basis. Maybank said in a statement on Tuesday that both fixed- and ...

Mosque robbed in Saudi Arabia

Mosque robbed in Saudi Arabia
A Saudi man waited for construction workers to leave a mosque project site at night, entered the building and stole nearly SR40,000 ($10,800) worth of power cables, a newspaper in the Gulf kingdom reported on Thursday.A resident who happened to be passing in the area saw the thief leaving the site in the eastern province of Ihsa, the Arabic language daily 'Alihsa' said.“He provided police with the man’s descriptions…a few hours later the ...