Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Professor Ansarian,s speech is to start in Shiraz

Professor Ansarian,s speech is to start in Shiraz
As professor Ansarian has had numerous speeches regarding the moral issues before in the very city, this time his lectures will last for nine ...

Militants brutally kill up to 50 Afghan civilians in northern province Shia village

Militants brutally kill up to 50 Afghan civilians in northern province Shia village
Insurgents have attacked a village in the northern Afghan province of Sar-e Pul, killing as many as 50 people, including women and children, according to officials.The militants attacked a security outpost in the Mirza Olang area of Sayaad district overnight, torching 30 houses, Zabihullah Amani, a spokesman for the provincial governor, said on Sunday.He said fighting was still going on but as many as 50 people, including children, women and ...

Bahraini Shiite cleric released after spending 1 year in jail

Bahraini Shiite cleric released after spending 1 year in jail
Activists said that Sheikh Ali Naji was released and is heading towards his father's house in Al-Himla. The authorities accused Sheikh Naji of taking part in the open Diraz protest that started on June 20, 2016 in protest against the decision that revoked the citizenship of the Shiite majority spiritual leader Sheikh Isa Qassim. The authorities forcibly dispersed Diraz protest on May 23, 2017 which left 5 killed, dozens injured and about 300 ...

Bahraini government closes Diraz main entrance

Bahraini government closes Diraz main entrance

The regime forces had killed five citizens, wounded dozens, and arrested around 300 people on May 23, 2017, during their crackdown on the ongoing sit-in held outside Sheikh Qassim's house.

The Bahraini authorities have placed more cement barriers around the Diraz area, which has been besieged by government forces for about a year.

Saudi Arabia Birthplace of Takfirism: Grand Ayatollah Makarem

Saudi Arabia Birthplace of Takfirism: Grand Ayatollah Makarem
Speaking at a ceremony to mark the birth anniversary of 8th Shia Imam, Alī ibn Mūsā ar-Riḍā, in Mashhad on Friday, Senior Shia cleric Grand Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi asserted,  "Gnostics tend to regularly evaluate their own conscience in order to reach higher levels of mysticism. We also need to review our life choices and past deeds in order to purify our soul and reach felicity."The Shia source of emulation then touched on ...

Brutal crime of Saudi warplanes in Yemen's Sa'ada; martyrdom of nine women, kids

Brutal crime of Saudi warplanes in Yemen's Sa'ada; martyrdom of nine women, kids
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - At least nine civilians have been martyred as Saudi warplanes carried out fresh air strikes against a northwestern province. Yemen’s al-Masirah television network said on Friday that as many as seven bodies had been retrieved following the air raid against residential buildings in al-Safra District of Sa’ada Province.All martyrs are women or children including a 2 and a 3 year-old kid. There are 3 ...

Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah hails victory of resistance fighters in Arsal

Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah hails victory of resistance fighters in Arsal
In a speech on Friday evening, Nasrallah said that the Syrian leadership did not object to facilitating the exchange agreement and was very positive, noting that the Syrian leadership shouldered a huge burden and took it off the shoulders of the Lebanese people by agreeing to have  militants and their families return to Syria.“It is our moral duty to thank President Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian forces on the ground which cooperated ...

Raqqa liberation beginning of end for ISIS in Syria

Raqqa liberation beginning of end for ISIS in Syria
Located in northeast Syria with 1,900 square kilometers of size, Raqqa was seized by ISIS terrorist group in winter 2013 and vast swaths of it have remained under its control to date.Geographically, the city is located on the northeast banks of the Euphrates River and is a significant farming area of Syria. The city is supplied with water and power by the Tabqa Dam.Three Syrian provinces of Aleppo, Al-Hasakah, and Deir ez-Zor meet in Raqqa. The ...

Boko Haram decapitates loggers in restive Borno, Nigeria

Boko Haram decapitates loggers in restive Borno, Nigeria
The decapitated bodies of the three loggers were found by the roadside,” on Monday, said local vigilante Ibrahim Liman in Maiduguri, the state capital. “Decapitation is a Boko Haram hallmark,” he added. Boko Haram terrorists have increasingly targeted loggers in their armed campaign, accusing them of spying and passing information to the military and the local militia fighting them, Liman said. The latest victims were seized ...

Suicide bomber attacks NATO convoy in Kandahar, Aghanistan

Suicide bomber attacks NATO convoy in Kandahar, Aghanistan
Several casualties are feared in the attack that destroyed at least two NATO vehicles in the outskirts of Kandahar city, said Zia Durrani, spokesman for the Afghan police in the region.The NATO-led Resolute Support Mission confirmed the suicide attack in a statement, adding that it was gathering information to assess the situation on ground.Qari Yosuf Ahmadi, spokesman for the Taliban in southern Afghanistan, claimed responsibility for the ...

UN urges all countries to keep weapons from terrorist groups

UN urges all countries to keep weapons from terrorist groups
The resolution, sponsored by Egypt, strongly condemns the continuing flow of weapons, military equipment, drones and improvised explosive devices to ISIS, al-Qaeda and their affiliates as well as illegal armed groups and criminals. "This is one of the first resolutions aiming to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons," Egypt's UN Ambassador Amr Abdellatif Aboulatta, the current Security Council president, said after the vote. "Arming of ...

Egypt ends visa-free entry for Qatari nationals

Egypt ends visa-free entry for Qatari nationals
Qatari nationals will now have to apply for a visa to enter Egypt, the ministry said on Monday. "It does not make sense to keep making exceptions for Qatar and giving it privileges in light of its current positions," said Ahmed Abu Zeid, Egypt's foreign ministry spokesman. The restriction will not affect spouses and children of Egyptian nationals, as well as Qatari nationals who are studying at Egyptian public universities, Abu Zeid said. ...

Three ISIS policewomen arrested in Iraq's Nineveh

Three ISIS policewomen arrested in Iraq's Nineveh
Capt. Amir Wasq, from Nineveh police service, said that the women were arrested after they returned their homes in Yarmuk neighborhood of Mosul. The captives had gone missing after the Iraqi forces raided and liberated Yarmuk recently. Shortly after they returned to their homes, the residents of the area reported them to police because they were famous because of their brutality and whipping the women who disobeyed ISIS ...

Muslim woman's hijab pulled off by a man in London

Muslim woman's hijab pulled off by a man in London
Aniso Abdulqadir was waiting for a tube at Baker Street station on 16 July when she says the man grabbed her headscarf before lashing out with his fists and pinning one of her friends up against a wall, the BBC reported. “This man at Baker Street station forcefully attempted to pull my hijab off and when I instinctively grabbed ahold of my scarf he hit me,” Abdulqadir tweeted and posted a picture of the man who allegedly attacked ...

Imam Khamenei: This year's Hajj best opportunity for rejecting violation of Al-Aqsa Mosque

Imam Khamenei: This year's Hajj best opportunity for rejecting violation of Al-Aqsa Mosque
Talking points from the Leader of the Revolution's speech are as follows: Today's meeting, among Hajj organizers and administrators, commenced with Ayatollah Khamenei touching on the great capacity the Hajj event offers to millions of Muslim pilgrims from around the world. The Leader of the Revolution urged Muslims to take advantage of this opportunity and said: "The Hajj event can host the greatest social & human capacity; it provides ...

U.S. quietness on Iran-Iraq military agreement

U.S. quietness on Iran-Iraq military agreement
ranian state media reports that the memorandum of understanding (MoU) “includes expansion of cooperation and exchange of experiences on combating terrorism and extremism, security of borders, as well as educational, logistic, technical and military support.” There hasn’t been much response to the MoU in the United States so far. But given what we know, it’s doubtful that the deal with be met with high-fives. The Trump ...

Taliban blow up dam with explosives in Kandahar

Taliban blow up dam with explosives in Kandahar
According to the local security officials, the incident took place earlier today in the remote part of Shorabak district. Provincial police spokesman Zia Durani confirmed that a water dam was detonated by the Taliban terrorists using explosives materials. Durani further added that the dam was constructed in a remote part of Shorabak district which was playing a key role in irrigating the agricultural lands. He said thousands of acres of land ...

Sayyed Nasrallah: We are on verge of massive victory

Sayyed Nasrallah: We are on verge of massive victory
Sayyed Nasrallah also saluted in a televised speech Yemeni Leader Abdul Malek Al-Huthi for his support to the resistance in Lebanon , Syria, and Palestine, and greeted the Lebanese Army on its anniversary, assuring that “it is a partner and the axis of the golden equation ‘Army-People-Resistance'”Focusing on Arsal battle in his speech, Hezbollah secretary general indicated that the goal of the battle in Arsal and Flita ...

US Muslims view Trump as unfriendly: Poll

US Muslims view Trump as unfriendly: Poll
Seventy-four percent of Muslims in the Pew Research Center survey released early Wednesday say Trump is unfriendly to them, compared to 12 percent who disagree. Nearly half of Muslims also say they have faced discrimination in the last year, including being treated with distrust, threatened or called offensive names. The percentage is higher for respondents who said they were more visibly identified as Muslim, like women who wore a head ...

Car bomb explosion near Shiite cleric's home leaves 24 martyrs in Kabul

Car bomb explosion near Shiite cleric's home leaves 24 martyrs in Kabul
    (AhlulBayt News Agency) - At least 24 people have been martyred and 40 other injured by a car bomb in the west of Afghanistan's capital, Kabul.Seek% buffered00:00Current time00:27VolumeA suicide car bomb has killed at least 24 people as well as the bomber and injured another 40 people early on Monday morning in a western neighborhood of Afghanistan’s capital Kabul where several prominent politicians reside.The bomber ...