Thursday 18th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Photos/ lecture by professor Ansarian at a congregation of the beginning of government week- The Ishrag Saloon of Hamedan.

Photos/ lecture by professor Ansarian at a congregation of the beginning of government week- The Ishrag Saloon of Hamedan.

Boko Haram use of children as 'human bombs' soars in 2017: UN

Boko Haram use of children as 'human bombs' soars in 2017: UN
Unicef is reporting a four-fold increase in use of children as "human bombs" by the Boko Haram terrorist group in northeastern Nigeria already this year compared to all of ...

Taliban suicide bombing kills 7 people in southern Afghanistan

Taliban suicide bombing kills 7 people in southern Afghanistan
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - A Taliban suicide car bomber targeted a military convoy in Afghanistan's southern Helmand province on Wednesday, killing at least seven people, a provincial official ...

ISIS uses child as suicide bomber against Iraqi forces in Tal Afar /

ISIS uses child as suicide bomber against Iraqi forces in Tal Afar /
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - ISIS commanders seem to have reached a new level of desperation in resisting the Iraqi forces in Tal Afar, now turning on the children to slow down the progress of the ...

Bahraini police attack prisoners for practicing Shiite religious rituals

Bahraini police attack prisoners for practicing Shiite religious rituals
Bahraini Activists on social media said that Jaw Prison police attacked on Tuesday night (August 22, 2017) detainees in building 14 and transferred some of them to solitary confinement for practicing Shiite religious ...

Iranian Deputy FM: Confronting Israel, Takfiri terrorists requires unity

Iranian Deputy FM: Confronting Israel, Takfiri terrorists requires unity
Lebanese Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdullatif Derian received at Dar al-Fatwa the Assistant Iranian Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs, Hussein Jaber Al-Ansari, accompanied by Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon, Mohammad ...

At least 30 civilians killed in Saudi airstrikes in Sana'a / Graphics

At least 30 civilians killed in Saudi airstrikes in Sana'a / Graphics
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Dozens of people have lost their lives in fresh air raids conducted by Saudi warplanes against residential areas in Yemen’s western Sana’a ...

Bahraini youth released after 7 years in prison on political cases

Bahraini youth released after 7 years in prison on political cases
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - The Bahraini security authorities released on Monday (August 21, 2017) youth Mahmoud Hussein (Al-Diwani), from Ma'ameer, after serving his 7-year jail term over political reasons. Hussein was arrested on August 21, 2010 in a house raid in a security campaign that targeted activists and dissidents. He was accused of "scrap fire".Hussein was sentenced to 7 years in prison and his colleague in the same case, youth ...

Professor Ansarian: The divine teaching should be spread from the mosques/ if we don,t hurry, the mosques will be taken from us.

Professor Ansarian: The divine teaching should be spread from the mosques/ if we don,t hurry, the mosques will be taken from us.
\According to public relations and international affairs of cultural institution of DarolErfan, professor Ansarian in the week of universal commemoration of mosques in Hamedan said: the first place which was built to draw people,s attention toward Allah Almighty was Kaaba. He added: Kaaba is an international and universal place which is not dedicated to a special nation. \The author of the great book of “Tafsir Hakim” by emphasizing ...

Saudi-led aggressors failed to achieve political objectives in war on Yemen

Saudi-led aggressors failed to achieve political objectives in war on Yemen
During a live televised speech for a group of Yemeni commanders and tribal leaders in the capital Sana’a on Friday, Houthi underlined Ansarullah’s support for an “honorable peace” in Yemen that would guarantee the sovereignty of the country, stressing that surrendering to the enemy pressures is no option for the nation.The Ansarullah leader warned that the enemy seeks to change the results of the failed war to its favor ...

Imam Khamenei calls Martyr Hojaji brilliant example of Islamic Revolution’s growth

Imam Khamenei calls Martyr Hojaji brilliant example of Islamic Revolution’s growth
Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei made the remarks in a meeting with cultural officials of Yazd and Hamedan provinces in Tehran on Monday.“Officials of cultural arena have the duty to boost and support Revolutionary spirit in different fields,” noted Leader calling Martyr Mohsen Hojaji a brilliant example of Islamic Revolution’s growth.“Dear martyr Hojaji shined in a world full of visual and audio deceits; yet in such a world ...

Famine affecting over 20 million in Yemen, Somalia, S. Sudan, Nigeria

Famine affecting over 20 million in Yemen, Somalia, S. Sudan, Nigeria
The Security Council officially declared for the first time that the threat was directly linked to the armed conflicts raging in the afflicted areas. “The Security Council notes the devastating impact on civilians of ongoing armed conflict and violence,” the 15-member UN body said. It went on to issue a call for all parties “to urgently take steps that would enable a more effective humanitarian response.” According to the ...

IHRC calls on African Union intervention in Sheikh Zakzaky case

IHRC calls on African Union intervention in Sheikh Zakzaky case
Shaikh al-Zakzaky and his wife have been held in detention by the state since December 2015 along with 167 members of the IMN following their arrest during a savage military assault against the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) in December 2015. Both were shot during the attack in Zaria in which at least 1000 IMN supporters, including three sons of the couple, were killed and many properties and religious spaces belonging to the IMN and its ...

Wahhabism at Saudi Arabian foreign policy's service

Wahhabism at Saudi Arabian foreign policy's service
The Wahhabi clergy persistently ratify the royalty’s decisions and at the same time issue fatwas, religious verdicts, to endorse the regime’s political stances, making the Wahhabism's influence in the political structure more than a simple official role of a religious institution in the oil-rich Arab state. Beside the domestic policy, the foreign policy in recent years has been subject to the penetration of the strong Wahhabism, ...

Al Saud regime destroys ancient part of Awamiyah town

Al Saud regime destroys ancient part of Awamiyah town
Secretariat of mainly Shiite-populated  Eastern Province’s said on Tuesday al-Musawara neighborhood, the old district of 400-year-old Awamiyah town, has been fully demolished in preparation for the commencement of removal work.Local reports claim that some 60 bulldozers were engaged in the operations.Awamiyah, having a population of 30,000 people, has been surrounded by siege barricades put up by the Saudi security services since ...

No to referendum presently” campaign driven by understanding consequences

No to referendum presently” campaign driven by understanding consequences
Politicians and lawmakers from different Kurdish factions launched the campaign “No To Referendum Presently” on the same day.“We’ll announce officially launching the campaign ‘No To Referendum Presently’, he was quoted as saying, adding that “the decision of referendum at present time won’t serve the higher interest of Kurds”.The Gorran party lawmaker further stated “The referendum is ...

Liberation of Aleppo ruined U.S. calculations in region

Liberation of Aleppo ruined U.S. calculations in region
In his recent trip to Mashahad, Imam Khamenei paid a visit to the family of the martyred holy shrine defender, Javad Jahani. In this meeting an account of which is being published for the first time by the official website of Imam Khamenei, His Eminence referred to the liberalization of Aleppo, saying, "The case of Aleppo, was so important that it completely changed and ruined all calculations of the US, Saudi Arabia, and others in Syria, as a ...

Statement of ABWA on heinous genocide, abduction in Afghanistan

Statement of ABWA on heinous genocide, abduction in Afghanistan
Read the statement as follows:In the Name of Almighty God, the Demolisher of TyrantsTwo painful incidents occurred in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan with a five-day interval, leaving a stain of shame on the forehead of perpetrators.On August 1st, two suicide bombers attacked worshipers in the Shiite mosque “Javadia” in the southern city of Herat, first shooting at the worshipers and then detonating themselves inside the mosque. ...

Continuation of occupation projects in Southern Yemen

Continuation of occupation projects in Southern Yemen
Observers say the operation was a response from the United Arab Emirates to Hadi and Saudi Arabia after their car bomb exploded yesterday in Abeen at an Emirati camp. In Lahj, a citizen was assassinated by militias belonging to traitor Hadi. In Al-Muhara, the first assassination was carried out in the province yesterday, angering the capital of the province, an indication of the introduction of this province, the chaos and assassinations comes ...

Painful tragedy of innocent Shias massacre in Afghanistan/ ISIS, Taliban martyr 60, kidnap 47 girls

Painful tragedy of innocent Shias massacre in Afghanistan/ ISIS, Taliban martyr 60, kidnap 47 girls
    (AhlulBayt News Agency) - Reports say the death toll from a Taliban attack on a remote Shia village in northern Afghanistan has risen to 60.The civilians, including women and children, were massacred during an attack on the Mirza Olang Village in the northern Sar-e Pol Province overnight Sunday. A number of Afghan security forces were also among the dead.Fierce fighting began in the area on Thursday when militants, reportedly ...