Friday 26th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Hazrat Fatemeh (SA) mourning ceremony

Hazrat Fatemeh (SA) mourning ceremony

The second night of the mourning ceremony for the martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra (SA), the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (S), was held at Jamaran Hosseinieh (the house of founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini) in northern Tehran on Monday night with the participation of Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.

450-year old Holy Quran written in gold showcased in Dubai

450-year old Holy Quran written in gold showcased in Dubai
  The Holy Quran is part of the personal collection of Rateb Agha, Chairman, Agha Group.Speaking to 'Emirates 24|7', Agha said: “The Holy Quran is handwritten with gold water and the pages have been made out of pure gazelle leather. The covers of the Holy Quran have been crafted of pure natural palm trees and the origin is from Damascus.”On display from the Agha collection was an antique sword priced at Dh3.67 million.“The sword dates ...

Harrisburg mosque welcomes outspoken critic to Ramadan open house

Harrisburg mosque welcomes outspoken critic to Ramadan open house
Matthew Jansen, an outspoken Donald Trump supporter, studied and broke bread with some of the new faces of America in Harrisburg Friday and, we're pleased to report, bridges of understanding were built. Jansen's unlikely visit to a Ramadan celebration at Harrisburg's Hadee Mosque was prompted by what became a public furor over a voice-mail rant Jansen directed at a United Church of Christ pastor in York County earlier this month. In Jansen's ...

Blasts kill more than 120 in western Syria, ISIS claims responsibility / Graphics

Blasts kill more than 120 in western Syria, ISIS claims responsibility / Graphics
ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks in the Mediterranean cites that have up to now escaped the worst of the conflict, saying it was targeting members of President Bashar al-Assad's Alawite minority. The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said more than 120 people were killed. State media said 78 people died in the attacks on Assad's coastal heartland. Attackers set off at least five suicide bombs and two devices planted in ...

The first Shiite Geopolitical conference is taking place

The first Shiite Geopolitical conference is taking place
The first Shiite Geopolitical conference will be taking place by the geopolitical association of Iran along with the cooperation of other cultural and research institutions. According the reports the learning of the new influences on the Shiite in the new era and the significance of Islamic revolution of Iran for Shiite will be a subject of conversation. Since the revolution provided the formation of a government with Shiite wisdom in the ...

The first Australia Muslim MP sworn in on holy Quran

 The first Australia Muslim MP sworn in on holy Quran
Ahlul Bayt News Agency ; The first Muslim elected to Australia's parliament was sworn in on Tuesday with his hand on holy Quran. Ed Husic, whose mother and father are Bosnian migrants, said it was an enormous privilege to serve in Canberra as he conceded that his unique place in Australian political history was something of a milestone. "Given my background, there are some people taking a small slice of pride or happiness," he told The ...

Millions of Iranians Rally to Mark Islamic Revolution Victory

Millions of Iranians Rally to Mark Islamic Revolution Victory
ranian people from different walks of life, carrying flags and banners in support of the Islamic Republic, poured into the streets in their millions on Thursday to hold nationwide rallies marking the 37th anniversary of the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. People in capital Tehran and all other cities attended countrywide huge rallies this morning to commemorate the anniversary of victory of the Islamic Revolution, which put an end to ...

3 martyred, 1 injured in terrorist attacks on Shia Muslims in Quetta

3 martyred, 1 injured in terrorist attacks on Shia Muslims in Quetta
Three Pakistani Shiite Muslims martyred in Quetta in two separate terrorist attacks. Two Pakistani Shiite Muslims, Izzat ullah and Muhammad Hassan, were martyred at Ispani road of Quetta fur by the Takfiri terrorists of Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat related to Molana Mengal group. Bodies of both martyrs were shifted to the civil hospital of Quetta for legal procedure. It needs to be mentioned here that this was the third incident of target killing in ...

US campaign in Afghanistan has failed, troops should leave': Russian envoy

US campaign in Afghanistan has failed, troops should leave': Russian envoy
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - The US campaign in Afghanistan has failed and Washington needs to withdraw its troops, says the Russian president’s special envoy to Afghanistan. He added that Kabul has grown into a “global incubator of international terrorism.” The US has spent more than $780 billion in Afghanistan since 2001, according to the National Priorities Project (NPP), with the research tank saying that “every hour, ...

"Army of Orphans" Thirsty for Revenge : News ISIS Propaganda Video Shows

 "Army of Orphans" Thirsty for Revenge : News ISIS Propaganda Video Shows
The terror group vowed payback for the “massacre” perpetrated by the West against the self-proclaimed caliphate in the name of “so-called precious freedoms,” the inserts read, reassuring followers that the extremist organization has enough means by which to defend their cause.US President Barack Obama, Russian and French leaders Vladimir Putin and François Hollande, alongside Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad are shown ...

Professor Ansarian: Allah Almighty is the only friend and helper

Professor Ansarian: Allah Almighty is the only friend and helper

Inauguration of Main office of Imam Reza (as) Dar ul Quran in the presence of Quranic figures

Inauguration of Main office of Imam Reza (as) Dar ul Quran in the presence of Quranic figures
Quran: The director of Imam Reza (as) Dar ul Quran has announced the opening of the main office of this Dar ul Quran aiming to organize the activities of its branching through out the Tehran on Thursday 19th of Azar (10th December). Hatim Rajabi, the director of Imam Reza (as) Dar ul Quran by announcing the opening of the main office, said to Shabestan news reporter: Imam Reza (as) Dar ul Quran is active with 8 branches and 500 students through ...

Distribution of prepared Friday sermons among Bahrain's mosques by Justice Ministry

Distribution of prepared Friday sermons among Bahrain's mosques by Justice Ministry
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - The Under Secretary of the Bahraini Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs, Fareed Al-Muftah, unveiled that the ministry is in the process of issuing a notice soon calling on the preachers to adhere to moderate religious discourse, and every preacher in mosques and places of worship to follow the regulations of religious discourse or else face the necessary measures that will be taken against whoever violates these ...

Sheikh Zakzaky to be transferred to Lagos

Sheikh Zakzaky to be transferred to Lagos
Speaking on the special programs for the holy month of Ramadan, A Nigerian expert said, " attempts have begun last month to carry out legal prosecuation in the supreme court of Nigeria regarding the Zaria incident in order to protect the rights of Shia citizens," Abdallah Tanko had in interview with Hawzah News on the latest issues regarding Sheikh Zakzaky's conditions during the holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan in Nigeria Speaking on the ...

Quran and Etrat Two Inseparable Islamic Principles

Quran and Etrat Two Inseparable Islamic Principles
   Addressing the opening ceremony of 2nd Shamseh Quranic Festival, Hojat-ol-Islam Mohsen Qarati, said that the Holy Quran and Etrat are two inseparable principles of Islam and should always stay together for guidance and salvation of mankind.He further said that people need to get further acquainted with the Holy Quran and try to contemplate on its divine teachings in order to be able to enjoy its sweet taste.Referring to the current ...

Birth of Imam al Redha (as) marked at the Islamic Centre of England

 Birth of Imam al Redha (as) marked at the Islamic Centre of England
The birth anniversary of Imam Ali Al Redha (as) was marked at the Islamic Centre with a lecture by Hujjatul Islam Seyyed Ali Abbas Razawi.After underlining the importance of all the Imams of Ahl ul Bayt (as) in safeguarding the correct understanding of our faith, Seyyed Razawi focused on the life of Imam Ali ibn Musa Al Redha (as) the 8th Imam from the descendents of the family of Prophet Muhammad (s). The speaker provided some interesting ...

Indonesia: RI becomes world’s halal standard reference

Indonesia: RI becomes world’s halal standard reference
Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA.ir), Indonesia became a standard reference for determining the Halal world together with Malaysia and Singapore. “The result of our agreement in this meeting, we equate Halal standards with reference to Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore,” said President of the World Halal Council Lukmanul Hakim in Jakarta, Sunday. The deal was taken in the international meeting on halal standards are followed by 31 institutions ...

a review of methods for countering the Takfir in Islamic world and its effects

a review of methods for countering the Takfir in Islamic world and its effects
Author: Seyyed Ma'soum Abdullahi Abstract At the current age, the World of Islam is faced with the challenge of Takfiri movements. Every day, many innocent Muslims around the world are killed. With reference to the causes for formation and promulgation of Takfiri thoughts among the Muslim, it is incumbent on all the Muslim to adopt the methods for confronting the Takfiri thought and eradicating it. In this regard, moderation, enhancement of ...

Silence of Arab officials over the incident of desecration of the Holy Quran

Silence of Arab officials over the incident of desecration of the Holy Quran
 Muhammad Zamgot, while conversing with Al-Alam news channel pointed towards the shameful action of burning the Holy Quran by American soldiers in Afghanistan and said that the wave of protest has risen in Afghanistan and entire world due to this action and till today many Afghan Muslims have been killed in the way of defending the Holy Quran. This Lebanese scholar added that international pride headed by America feeds on hatred for Muslims ...

Grand Ayatollah Makarem: Worship paves the way to reach human tranquility

Grand Ayatollah Makarem: Worship paves the way to reach human tranquility