Saturday 27th of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

Do Not Use the Bounties for Committing

Do Not Use the Bounties for Committing
  Do Not Use the Bounties for Committing Sins   Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) wrote a letter to certain friends of his: If you wish that your life and the hereafter be accomplished with the best of the deeds and that your soul be captured (death occurs) in this condition, then acknowledge the supremacy of Allah. Do not misuse the bounties and gifts granted to you by Allah in committing acts that are forbidden by Him and become ...

Karbala and the Imamat

Karbala and the Imamat
Name: ‘Alī.Agnomen: Abu Muhammad.Title: Zaynu ‘l-’Ābidīn; Sajjād.Father: Husayn bin ‘Ali bin Abi Tālib.Mother: Shahr Bānu, daughter of Yazdigird, the last Sasanid king of Persia.Birth: 15 Jamādā ‘l-ula 36 AH in Medina.Death: 25 Muharram 95 AH in Medina.Imam ‘Alī ibn al-Husayn was the son of the third Imam and his wife, the queen among women, the daughter of Yazdigird the last Sasanid king of Iran . He was known as “Zaynu ...

Our Records Are Inside Us

Our Records Are Inside Us
There are three stages of judgment on the Doomsday: The first stage is the stage of the records. Many verses in the Holy Qur’an talk about the records that contain every deed of people; they are so accurate and complete that they will amaze and frighten people: “And the Book (of Deeds) will be placed (before you); and thou wilt see the sinful in great terror because of what is (recorded) therein; they will say, "Ah! woe to us! what a Book ...

Know that the traveller to Allah has, generally speaking

Know that the traveller to Allah has, generally speaking
The "purifier" is either water -which is, in this respect, basic or "earth". Know that the traveller to Allah has, generally speaking, two ways to take him to the loftiest goal, the station of proximity to the Divinity: The first of them, which is the principal and original one, is the journey to Allah by turning towards the Absolute Mercy, especially the compassionate mercy, which is the compassion that takes every being to its appropriate ...

Arbaeen of Imam Husayn, Ziarat al-Arbaeen with Simple Explanation

Arbaeen of Imam Husayn, Ziarat al-Arbaeen with Simple Explanation
What follows in this piece is a brief look at the “Arba‘een” [the commemoration of 40 days after the tragic events of Karbala] of Imam al-Husayn, peace be upon him. The article concludes with the Arabic text of Ziyarat Arba‘een with full English translation and a brief exposition on certain passages of this powerful and moving visitation. Insha-Allah, a more comprehensive understanding of this ziyarat will be presented in ...

Rotation of the Earth

Rotation of the Earth
Question: Astronomers believe that the shape of the Earth is spherical and it revolves around its axis; is it confirmed by science or still undecided? And if the Earth really revolves what are its scientific and perceptible signs? What is the reason that the Polestar, by means of which direction of Kiblah is ascertained, always shows up at the same location? Other than this, is there any matter available in the Holy Quran and Islamic ...

The Reality of Sin

The Reality of Sin
 In essence, the sinner has deposed the rightful king of his faculties – in wit, reason – and has supplanted it with desire and anger, which should be in the service of reason. When desire and anger have taken power as the rulers of the soul, they will be the sinner's beloved. Thus, whatever he wishes to do must be pleasing either to desire or to anger, and it is for this reason that he commits sin. Sin: The Snare of Satan In the ...

The Holy Qur’an and the Angels

The Holy Qur’an and the Angels
1-The Holy Qur’an considers faith as a composition of five fundamental principles. If a heart through contemplation over the natural and qur’anic facts and divine cognition and knowledge, believes in the five principles, then he is a believer and is accepted by God. Or else it would be a weak and defective faith. If a person believes in less than these five principles, it is considered defective; if he associates partner with God then he is ...

The Muslim Presence in America

The Muslim Presence in America
Abstract:Although Muslims began migrating to America in large numbers only in the nineteenth and particularly, the twentieth centuries, there are sources suggesting that the Muslim presence on the continent even predates Columbus’ famous voyage to the “New World.” This article looks at the community of Muslims in Amer-ica from a demographic, historical, organizational and soci-economic point of view. The author traces the different ...

Imam Reza’s (A.S) Historic letter to Shias as narrated by Abdolazim Hassani

Imam Reza’s (A.S) Historic letter to Shias as narrated by Abdolazim Hassani
(A.S) which is Imam Reza’s message to Shias. In part of the narrative, it reads:“Also, tell them not to involve in quarrels with each other; I have made a vow with myself that I ask Allah to allow the severest sufferings in the world for him who enrages any of my true followers and to place him among the losers in the ...

Islam did not rise except through Ali's sword and Khadija's wealth,

Islam did not rise except through Ali's sword and Khadija's wealth,
by:Yasin.T.al JibouriINTRODUCTION: "Islam did not rise except through Ali's sword and Khadija's wealth," a saying goes. Khadija al-Kubra daughter of Khuwaylid ibn (son of) Asad ibn Abdul-`Uzza ibn Qusayy belonged to the clan of Banu Hashim of the tribe of Banu Asad. She was a distant cousin of her husband the Messenger of Allah Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn Abd Manaf ibn Qusayy, Allah's peace and blessings be upon him ...


Commentary : Two possibilities have been advanced for the interpretation of the Qur'anic phrase:/ 'innahu rabbi 'ahsana ma waya/(verily He is my Lord. He made good my abode). A- It is the Almighty, my Lord, Who has honored my position and I seek refuge in Him. B- The 'Aziz is my lord who has honored me as his guest and he told you about me to give me a good abode, and I will not betray him. Both possibilities have their own advocates which ...

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi: America is the biggest supporter of terrorism

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi: America is the biggest supporter of terrorism
A religious scholar of Qom, while pointing towards theprovision of American aid to terrorists, said that America has assisted Daesh more than others but still it says that Iran is the supporter of terrorism and this is a paramountlie. Ayatollah Nasir Makarem Shirazi, while giving alecture in Masjid-e-Azam, has describedthat we must work for the welfare of each otherand said that a person can help others with his wealth and he can make wise use ...

The Event of Ghadir Khumm in the Qur'an, Hadith, History

The Event of Ghadir Khumm  in the Qur'an, Hadith, History
  In Usul-e-Kafi we find narrations of the Innocent Imams about nomination and appointment by God and His Apostle of Hazrat Ali and eleven other Imams to Wilayat and Imamat, i.e., to the office of the religious and temporal leader and ruler of the Ummat, to obey whom was a religious obligation. Since the first to be nominated was Hazrat ALI, and at Ghadir-i-Khum the proclamation was made only in his favour, we will, at this stage, take up ...

The best form of worship is to contemplate

The best form of worship is to contemplate
In another hadith, it is stated that an hour's contemplation is better than a night's worship.' [4] And according to a Prophetic tradition, the contemplation of an hour is better than a year's worship. In another tradition it is stated that an hour's contemplation is better than sixty years of worship (according to another hadith, seventy years). And some traditionists and fuqaha' have even mentioned it as being better than a thousand years of ...


IJTIHAD (Ijtihad is the process practised by a jurisprudent to discover secondary divine legislation (laws) regarding the organizing of human life and his diverse relations or endeavouring to discover and deduce the Islamic laws and regulations from their sources like the laws concerning worship, possession, business, property, judiciary, politics and family affairs...etc.) Ijtihad is a learning (knowing) process and  has a ...

The “Ontology of Violence” and Western Foreign Policy-2

The “Ontology of Violence” and Western Foreign Policy-2
III.) The “Ontology of Violence” and Western Foreign Policy From the 17th century to the present, however, western people have frequently been uncomfortable with the brutal, stark features of the Ontology of Violence. Consequently, they have often de-emphasized these features and emphasized the optimistic side of the “Enlightenment” view: that humans are basically rational creatures, and that scientific progress is leading to world-wide ...

Freedom in determining one’s future

Freedom in determining one’s future
A young girl came before the holy Prophet perplexed and anxious and exclaimed: “O Messenger of Allah. . . From the hand of this father...” “But what has your father done to you” the Prophet asked. “He has a nephew” she replied “and he has given me in marriage to him before consulting me in the matter”. “Now that he has done it ” said the Prophet “you should not oppose it. Agree to it and be your cousin’s ...

(SALAT) of Ameerul Momineen Ali

(SALAT) of Ameerul Momineen Ali
Imam Jaffar-As-Sadiq (as) said that whoso prays the 4 Raka't Namaaz (SALAT) of Ameerul Momineen Ali (as), comes out of the evil whirlpool of sins, as a baby comes out from the womb.The Holy Prophet (SAWW) said that whoso prays this namaaz and recites the Dua'a at the end, is absolved from the accountability of all his sins (provided no more sins are committed).Pray this 4 Raka't Namaaz exactly like any 4 Raka't obligatory Namaaz (Zuhr, Asr, ...

divine proximity

 divine proximity
The one who found the destination in divine proximity and dedicated himself to Allah and handed over his heart to him, would never stop behind the barriers. Catastrophes and calamities won’t stop him.if a man is closely related to his beloved one, he not only won’t express worries and incapabilities but tolerating the problems and difficulties get easier and enjoyable for him as well. When the polytheists of Mecca forcefully asked ...