Monday 22nd of July 2024
ارسال پرسش جدید

The birthday of Ali Al-Akbar (The older)

The birthday of Ali Al-Akbar (The older)

Avoiding Imitation of the Kufaar...

Avoiding Imitation of the Kufaar...
The ummah is at a time of crisis never seen before in our long history. Europeans gained domination over our lands; they attacked our homes, used their military might against us, occupied our countries, and established their domination over us, causing the loss of many Muslim lives in the process. Then, they turned towards taking people away from Islam- by setting up missionary centres, missionary charity organisations (such as the Red Cross - ...

The Media’s Bias against Islam’s Preachers

The Media’s Bias against Islam’s Preachers

Imam Husain's Role in Reviving Islam

Imam Husain's Role in Reviving Islam
On the third day of the blessed month of Sha'ban, the fourth year after Hijrah and a year after the birth of Imam Hasan (A.S.), the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) was given the news of the birth of Imam Husain (A.S.). He hurried to the house of Imam Ali and Fatima al-Zahra '."O Asma '. " he ordered Asma ', the daughter of Umays , "bring me my son."She took the newborn to him. The infant was wrapped in a piece of cloth. The face of the Messenger of ...

Is Islam a Terrorist Religion?

Is Islam a Terrorist Religion?
Is Islam a Terrorist Religion?   Not in the least. Islam strictly condemns the use of violence against innocent lives. There is no justification in Islam for terrorism. Targeting the lives of innocent civilians and their property through suicide bombings or any other means of attack is haram (impermissible), and those who commit these acts are criminals, not martyrs. The Qur’an states in this regard: "Whoever kills a person ...

Sin is a Barrier to the Acceptance of Invocation (Dua)

Sin is a Barrier to the Acceptance of Invocation (Dua)
  The Reality of Taqwa The word 'Taqwa' is derived from the root 'waqaya' which means 'to safeguard' or 'to abstain'. In the Islamic terminology it is defined as the action of restraining oneself from disobeying the commands of Allah. When Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) was asked to elaborate on the meaning of the word, 'Taqwa' he replied, "Submit to the command (of Allah) and do not go near the prohibited." It means that one should endeavor to ...

Titles of Hazrat Abbas (a.s.)

Titles of Hazrat Abbas (a.s.)
1-Qamar-e-Banihashem (The Moon Of Banihashem's Progeny) This was his most famous nickname. The reason behind that was his good looking face which was resembled to the moon. 2-Saqqa' (The One Who Brings Water) This is his another famous nickname.Since he was dealing with bringing water to Imam Hussein (A.S)'s camps and supplying Imam's thirsty children with water, he was given this nickname. 3-Hamel-ul-Lava' (The One Who Carries the ...

Duas at Hajj

Duas at Hajj
Whenever one intends to make a journey especially for Hajj or Ziyarat then first, one must pray to Allah swt for safety and well being, then make a will, give sadaka . Then when one is ready to leave he should say 4 rakaats namaaz in the house in this manner – in each of the 4 rakaats recite sura Al – Hamd and then sura – Tawheed. After namaz recite the following. ALLAHUMA INNII ATAQARRABU ILAIKA BIHINNA FAJALHUNNA KHALIFATII FEE AHLII ...

Connotations of “bismill¡hi” in Kumayl Supplication

Connotations of “bismill¡hi” in Kumayl Supplication
Great Arab grammarians believe that the Arabic word ‘ism (name)’ is derived from ‘sumuw’ meaning greatness. The All-Compassionate connected the preposition ‘bi (in)’ to ‘ism (name)’ in this phrase to connote that by reciting the phrase, the supplicant wants to beseech Allah. The supplicant should be aware that calling Allah is not sufficient; rather the soul should be purified by seeking forgiveness from the Almighty. In fact ...

The Prophet and Prophetic Tradition - The Last Prophet and Universal Man-2

The Prophet and Prophetic Tradition - The Last Prophet and Universal Man-2
From the Muslim point of view, the Prophet is the symbol of perfection of both the human person and human society. He is the prototype of the human individual and the human collectivity. As such he bears certain characteristics in the eye of traditional Muslims which can only be discovered by studying the traditional accounts of him. The many Western works on the Prophet, with very few exceptions, are useless from this point of view no matter ...

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and may the blessings of Allah be upon our Master and Prophet, Muḥammad, and his pure progeny, and may the curse of Allah be upon all their enemies.

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and may the blessings of Allah be upon our Master and Prophet, Muḥammad, and his pure progeny, and may the curse of Allah be upon all their enemies.
i In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful p   العالَمين رَبِّ للهِ اَلحَمدُ اَجمَعينَ اَعدائِهِم عَلىٰ اللهِ لَعنَةُ وَ الطّاهِرِينَ آلِهِ وَ مُحَمَّدٍ نَبِيِّنَا وَ سَيِّدِنَا عَلىٰ اللهُ صَلَّى و   All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and may the blessings of Allah be upon ...

Martyrdom anniversary of 'Ruqayya' daughter of Imam Hussain

Martyrdom anniversary of 'Ruqayya' daughter of Imam Hussain
Ruqayyah bint Hussain or Sukaina (Sakina is a derivative of "Sakoon" meaning "Peace") was the daughter of Husayn ibn ‘Alī and Rubab (the daughter of the chief of the Kinda Imra al-Qays tribe). Sayeda Sakina was born on 20 Rajab, 56 AH. Her titles includes Sakina, Ma‘sūmah, Aatika, Kulthūm, and Zaynab. Her early years were said to have been spent in Medina. Her brothers included Ali ibn Husayn, Ali al-Akbar ibn Husayn, Ali Asghar ibn ...

How To Be Allah’s Favorite?

How To Be Allah’s Favorite?
If man wishes to become Allah’s favorite, he must follow Ahl al-Bayt at the top of whom is Allah’s Messenger. This adherence will lead man gradually to spiritual purification to the extent of his capacity. Hence, he will become Allah’s favorite. To reach this station, it is only possible through Ahl al-Bayt, for they are the straight path and the best guides for the followers of spiritual path. The criterion for being Allah’s favorite ...

The Humiliation of the Liars

The Humiliation of the Liars
One of the harmful effects of lying is that it embarrasses and humiliates people. This is one of the greatest harms of lying, because grace and honor are precious matters that strengthen the family bonds and help people to live in better individual and social situations. But sometimes people's ignorance causes them hurt their own honor and grace by lying and get in the path towards death and destruction. The liars try to make something untrue ...

The Qur'an Possesses Revelation and Exegesis

The Qur'an Possesses Revelation and Exegesis
We shall discuss the word, exegesis, ta'wil, in relation to three Qur'anic verses. Firstly, in the verses concerning the implicit mutashabih and the explicit verses: "But those in whose hearts is doubt pursue, in truth, that which is allegorical talking dissension by seeking to explain it. None knows its explanation except God". (III: 7) Secondly, the verses, "In truth we have brought them a scripture which we expound with knowledge, a ...

Ten requests from Allah

Ten requests from Allah
In the sixth invocation of Sahifeh Sajjadieh, Imam Zaynol Abedin (a) has asked many things from Allah, the greatest which worth mentioning everywhere. Professor Hossein Ansarian, the great theologiest and researcher, in his book “ the land of lovers”  interprets these request one byo ne fluently. The present text is a cut from the book.  1. Performing the good: سُئِلَ أميرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَC عَنِ ...

Muharram the Month of Mourning

Muharram the Month of Mourning
Muharram is commemorates the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain, the grandson of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). Muharram is the first month of Islamic calendar.During this month, while on a journey, Hazrat Imam Hussain, his family members and a number of his followers were surrounded by the forces of Yazid, the Muslim ruler of the time. During the siege, they were deprived of food and water and many of them were put to death. The incident ...

Quranic verses denounce lying

Quranic verses denounce lying
Allah the Almighty says in Surah Nahl, verse 105: "Only they forge the lie who do not believe in Allah's communications, and these are the liars." And in Surah Zumar it is mentioned: "Surely Allah does not guide him aright who is a liar, ungrateful." (Surah Zumar 39:3) It can be understood from the verses of the Quran that a liar calls for divine curse and invites the anger of Allah. For example: "... and pray for the curse of Allah on the ...

The Life Of Lady Zaynab (SA)

The Life Of Lady Zaynab (SA)
To throw light upon the odorous memories and to work perseveringly for obtaining the items of such memories; these two things cast on souls good manners, virtues, and acquaintance with the conducts of the past personalities who were characterized by high merits, piety, righteousness, and decency. Thus, the noble, deep-rooted character of Lady Zaynab should not be passed over because she has contained all points of immaculacy, majesty, dignity, ...

The Sermon of Imam Sajjad in Kufa

The Sermon of Imam Sajjad in Kufa
His name today is remembered for the ignominy his deeds bought him; he, who rejoiced at the sight of holy blood. When young Ali took the mantle of Imamate, times were hard on the AhlulBayt of the Prophet. His is the saddest story of all time. On the 10th of Muharram at the time of Asr Prayers, when his father Hussain was alone in the battlefield ready to do battle, he withdrew to the camp of his ailing son, came beside his bed, woke him and told ...