Wednesday 24th of July 2024
Q & A
ارسال پرسش جدید

Is it true that every human being has a twin or an associate?

Is it true that every human being has a twin or an associate?
As for whether human beings have twins or not, there are a few narrations. It has been reported that God, the Exalted, told Iblis: I will not give Adam a child except that I will give the like of it to you. Every human being has a satanic associate.[1]In another tradition, it has been reported that the Prophet (S) said:  "There is no one without a twin (associate) appointed for him from genie." Someone asked him: "O Messenger of Allah, do ...

Types of tawassul-2

Types of tawassul-2
Indeed, this hadīth is considered acceptable by all muḥaddithūn so much so that after narrating the quoted hadīth Ḥākim al-Nayshābūrī describes it in his Mustadrak as an authentic [ṣaḥīḥ] hadīth while Ibn Mājah who narrates it on the authority of Abū Isḥāq says: “This tradition is authentic.” In the book, Abwāb al-Ad‘iyyah, Tirmidhī confirms the authenticity of this tradition. Also Muḥammad Nasīb ...

Why do you regard your Imāms as “infallible” [ma‘ṣūm]?

Why do you regard your Imāms as “infallible” [ma‘ṣūm]?
  Why do you regard your Imāms as “infallible” [ma‘ṣūm]?                                                                 Reply: There are numerous proofs which confirm the infallibility [‘iṣmah] of the Imāms who are all members of the Prophet’s Household [Ahl al-Bayt]. We shall mention only one of them: According to a narration related by both Shī‘ah and ...

The solution for the boy and the girl who are willing to marry but due to high dowry demanded by the girl’s family the marriage is cancelled

The solution for the boy and the girl who are willing to marry but due to high dowry demanded by the girl’s family the marriage is cancelled
Question: Is it allowed to demand high dowry in Islam? In your opinion, is there a solution for the girl and the boy who are willing to marry but due to high dowry demand by the girl’s family, the marriage is ...

Why do the Shī‘ah prostrate on turbah [dried clay]?

Why do the Shī‘ah prostrate on turbah [dried clay]?
Reply: Some think that prostration on the earth or turbah taken from the burial site of martyrs is tantamount to worshipping it and consider it a form of polytheism [shirk]. In reply to this question, it must be noted that there is a great difference between the phrase, “as-sujūd lillāh” [prostration for Allah], and “as-sujūd ‘ala’l-arḍ” [prostration on earth]. The problem of the mentioned people is that they fail to ...

Verily, the Companions of the Cave [Aṣḥāb al-Kahf] hid their faith (on account of some expediency) and pretended to be infidels; so, Allah gave them double reward. Abū Ṭālib also concealed his faith and (due to certain expediency) feigned polytheism; so,

Verily, the Companions of the Cave [Aṣḥāb al-Kahf] hid their faith (on account of some expediency) and pretended to be infidels; so, Allah gave them double reward. Abū Ṭālib also concealed his faith and (due to certain expediency) feigned polytheism; so,
Verily, the Companions of the Cave [Aṣḥāb al-Kahf] hid their faith (on account of some expediency) and pretended to be infidels; so, Allah gave them double reward. Abū Ṭālib also concealed his faith and (due to certain expediency) feigned polytheism; so, Allah granted him double reward.[1] From the set of the stated proofs, we realize that Abū Ṭālib enjoys the following praiseworthy qualities: 1.   Staunch faith in God and the ...

Is calling on someone tantamount to worshipping him and to polytheism?

Is calling on someone tantamount to worshipping him and to polytheism?
  Is calling on someone tantamount to worshipping him and to polytheism?                                                               What has prompted this question to be posed is the outward meaning of some of the verses of the Qur’an, which seemingly prohibit invoking anyone other than Allah. ﴾ أَحَدًا اللهِ مَعَ تَدْعُوا فَلاَ للهِ ...

Is to swear by other than God regarded as a kind of polytheism?

Is to swear by other than God regarded as a kind of polytheism?
Is to swear by other than God regarded as a kind of polytheism?                                                               Reply: The interpretation of the words “monotheism” [tawḥīd] and “polytheism” [shirk] must be in consistency with the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (ṣ) because the Glorious Qur’an and the conduct of the Messenger of Allah (ṣ) are ...

What is raj‘ah [“return”] and why do you believe in it?

What is raj‘ah [“return”] and why do you believe in it?
Reply: In Arabic, raj‘ah literally means “return” but it is used to mean “the return of a group of people after death and prior to the Day of Resurrection”. This truth is contradictory to neither reason nor the logic of revelation. From the viewpoint of Islam and other divine creeds, the essence of man consists in his absolute soul, which is also described as the “self” [nafs], and after the extinction of the body it continues to ...

Governance of Jurist

Governance of Jurist
1 Question: What is Grand Ayatollah Sistani's opinion about Wilayat-e Faqih (governance of jurist)? Answer: Every jurisprudent (Faqih) has wilayah (guardianship) over non-litigious affairs. Non-litigious affairs are called "al-omour al-hesbiah". As for general affairs to which social order is linked, wilayah of a Faqih and enforcement of wilayah depend on certain conditions one of which is popularity of Faqih among majority of ...


called out, "There is no God but You. Glory be to You. I have done evil." So We answered him and delivered him out of grief even so do We deliver the believers. (Quran 21:87-8) In my last two discourses, I explained that worship and prayer, if correctly performed, eventually leads to a true affinity to God. The human being, through worship, will be a real servant of God and a real servant has a true affinity to God. In other words, to be a real ...

Is it possible to get perfection through any religions other than Islam? What about attaining tawhid (belief in one God)?

Is it possible to get perfection through any religions other than Islam? What about attaining tawhid (belief in one God)?
Is it possible to get perfection through any religions other than Islam? What about attaining tawhid (belief in one God)?Concise answer Although some facts can be seen with the existing religions in the world, the perfect form of truth which is belief in divine unity or one God exists in Islam. The most important reason is that other religions lack adequate documentation not to mention the existence of distortions and rational contradictions in ...

What is the Islamic law about taking off one,s shirt and beating the chest in mourning for Imam Hussein (a)?

What is the Islamic law about taking off one,s shirt and beating the chest in mourning for Imam Hussein (a)?
Concise answer Perhaps the "old shirt" story contains a moral message relating to one,s guarding his chastity and dignity. It has nothing to do with what you have mentioned in your message. No jurist has ever considered it as a reason for the impermissibility of taking off one,s shirt during mourning for Imam Hussein (a). What has been mentioned with great emphasis in the verdicts of grand jurists and religious authorities is that mourning, ...

When diseases are destroyed by vaccines, why pig meat is still Haram? The Grand Ayatollah Makarem’s answer

When diseases are destroyed by vaccines, why pig meat is still Haram? The Grand Ayatollah Makarem’s answer
Question: Why pig meat is Haram? Whilst like cow and sheep, (pig) has 2 piece hoofs and also with advances in medical science (including vaccines and special animal husbandry) it does not have diseases of the previous centuries? Therefore, based on this definite principle which has been mentioned, the meat of any animal which has the characters of that animal and by the way of glands and their secretion (hormones), it affects the morality of ...

How Often do Muslims Pray?

 How Often do Muslims Pray?
Other than these, one can pray whenever he or she desires, but these are counted as supererogatory prayers. Basically, Muslims must offer the five daily prayers (these are obligatory), but there is no limit to how much extra a person can ...


1 Question: Whenever I am thinking about a beautiful woman, there comes out a liquid that is very similar to semen? Is it semen? How can I understand that it is semen or a clean discharge? Answer: The said liquid is clean. However, when one cannot ascertain whether the fluid emitted from one's body is semen, urine or something else, it will be treated as semen if it is thrown out with lust and if the body is slackened. If all or some of ...


1 Question: Is there any restriction to wear pant having a long bottom, so that it come under our feet? Answer: In the present time, the context of hijab is the modest covering of a Muslim woman. A woman should not show her beauty or adornments except what appears by uncontrolled factors such as the wind blowing her clothes, and the head covers should be drawn so as to cover the hair, the neck and the bosom. 2 Question: Are girls ...

What are the results of disrespecting the parents

What are the results of disrespecting the parents
Not being able to worship and abandon the sins, Imam Reza (peace be upon him) says regarding this issue: " Allah Almighty has forbidden disobeying the parents and not observing their rights, because it brings about incapability of being successful to obey the commands and orders of Allah ...

What does “Shī‘ah” mean?

What does “Shī‘ah” mean?
What does “Shī‘ah” mean?                                                                 Reply: In Arabic “Shī‘ah” literally means “follower”. The Glorious Qur’an states: ﴾ لإِبْرَاهِيمَ شِيعَتِهِ مِن وَإِنَّ ﴿ “Indeed Abraham was among his followers [Shī‘ah].”[1] But the Muslims use the word “Shī‘ah” to mean ...

The Grand Ayatollah Sistani answered a question about fasting and educational problems.

The Grand Ayatollah Sistani answered a question about fasting and educational problems.
Question: Can a person who has an important exam, not to fast so that he/she is able to take the exam ...