Wednesday 24th of July 2024
Q & A
ارسال پرسش جدید

What is badā’ and why do you believe in it?

What is badā’ and why do you believe in it?
What is badā’ and why do you believe in it?                                                               Reply: In Arabic, the word “badā’” literally means “manifestation” and “appearance”, and in the parlance of Shī‘ah scholars it applies to the change in the natural course of someone’s destiny as a result of his or her righteous and wholesome behavior. The ...

Abū Ṭālib’s behavior toward the Prophet (ṣ) is indicative of his faith

 Abū Ṭālib’s behavior toward the Prophet (ṣ) is indicative of his faith
When a just and fair person considers all these eloquent literary works, which bespeak with utmost explicitness of the conviction and belief of Abū Ṭālib in the One God and the prophethood of the Holy Prophet (ṣ), he will realize the soundness of the Shī‘ah’s view concerning Abū Ṭālib’s true faith, and feel regret about the groundless accusations made by some writers for political reasons against the true believer of Quraysh, ...

What is the criterion of taqiyyah [dissimulation

What is the criterion of taqiyyah [dissimulation
                                                              Reply: Taqiyyah means concealing one’s conviction and faith from the enemies to avoid worldly, spiritual or religious harms, and it is one of the religious obligations of every Muslim on which the Holy Qur’an emphasizes. Taqiyyah from the Qur’anic viewpoint    The Glorious Qur’an has referred to this ...

Is celebrating the birthday of the saints [awliyā’] of God a kind of polytheism and innovation [bid‘ah]?

Is celebrating the birthday of the saints [awliyā’] of God a kind of polytheism and innovation [bid‘ah]?
Is celebrating the birthday of the saints [awliyā’] of God a kind of polytheism and innovation [bid‘ah]?                                                               Reply: Although honoring the memory of meritorious servants of God by celebrating their birthday is an indisputable issue from the perspective of learned men, in a bid to remove any kind of doubt in this regard, ...

Did the Ansar believe in the caliphate of Abu Bakr and is that why they did bey’ah with him?

Did the Ansar believe in the caliphate of Abu Bakr and is that why they did bey’ah with him?
The Ansar opposed Abu Bakr and did bey'ah with Sa'd bin Ubadah, and Ali sat in his home and wasn't with either group. Afterwards, all of the Ansar did bey'ah with Abu Bakr; the reason for their bey'ah can be one of the following:1- They were forced to do bey'ah2- It became clear to them that Abu Bakr was more deserving of the caliphate3- There was no particular reason for their bey'ah with himOther than these three reasons there can be no other ...

Superiority of the station of imāmah

Superiority of the station of imāmah
Superiority of the station of imāmah From the previous discussion, it is clear that the responsibility of a nabī and rasūl does not go beyond reminding the people and showing them the way. Whenever a nabī or a rasūl reaches the station of imāmah, he has to shoulder a more crucial responsibility, and this entails that he has to implement divine programs and execute the decrees of the sacred religion on the way of establishing a model and ...

What will the world be like during Imam Mahdi’s rule?

What will the world be like during Imam Mahdi’s rule?
What will the world be like during Imam Mahdi’s rule? Quranic verses and traditions all show that during Imam Mahdi’s (rule) there will be great progress in every aspect of our lives. Our life, way of living and thinking will be revolutionized. Some of the events that will occur can be listed as: 1        Injustice and tyranny will be exterminated for good and there will be global peace. Regarding the verse: “And say: The truth ...

S: Every tangible entity has a particular cause, which can be known by means of experiment. According to this (general rule), every supernatural entity can be accepted as a (tangible) entity in which its cause is unknown. At most, it can be said that as l

S: Every tangible entity has a particular cause, which can be known by means of experiment. According to this (general rule), every supernatural entity can be accepted as a (tangible) entity in which its cause is unknown. At most, it can be said that as l
Denial of MiraclesS: Every tangible entity has a particular cause, which can be known by means of experiment. According to this (general rule), every supernatural entity can be accepted as a (tangible) entity in which its cause is unknown. At most, it can be said that as long as the causes of such supernatural entities are unknown that entity is considered a miracle. A: The notion of the cause and effect relationship states that every contingent ...


1 Question: Is it permissible for a boy of fifteen years to have a girl friend? Answer: Friendship with a non-mahram is not allowed. 2 Question: Is it permissible for a Muslim to have a non-Muslim friend? Answer: A Muslim is allowed to take non-Muslims for acquaintances and friends, to be sincere towards them and they be sincere towards him, to help one another in fulfilling the needs of this life. Almighty Allãh has ...

The criterion for selecting the Ja‘farī madhhab

The criterion for selecting the Ja‘farī madhhab
The criterion for selecting the Ja‘farī madhhab The other question which is posed here is: What is the criterion for recognizing the Ja‘farī madhhab from among the Muslim schools of jurisprudence as the source for codifying the laws and regulations of the country? The answer is clear and that is because the vast majority of the Iranians are Muslims who believe in the Ja‘farī school of jurisprudence and think it can define their ...

Ghina (Songs)

Ghina (Songs)
1 Question: Some people recite salaams on the tune of some songs. Is it haram or halal ? Answer: If the recitation is not in a Lahvi manner, it is not haram. (Lahvi means something that is provocative and suitable for revelry). 2 Question: What is your ruling on ghina or song? Answer: Singing (al-ghinã’) is harãm: doing it, listening to it, or living of it. By “singing — al-ghinã’,” I mean an amusing ...

The ruling for watching sex films without enjoyment/the Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answer

The ruling for watching sex films without enjoyment/the Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answer

The Grand Ayatollah Sistani answered a question about watching sex films without sexual pleasure.

Question: Can sex films be watched without sexual pleasure?

The Grand Ayatollah Sistani: It is not allowed if there is a fear of committing sin; even apart from that based on Wajib precaution, it is not also allowed.

Where was Lady Fatima Zahra buried

Where was Lady Fatima Zahra buried
Since she had undergone much pain and suffering after the demise of her father[4], she asked Imam Ali (a.s.) to bathe and shroud her body, give her the coffin and bury her in the darkness of the night so that those who oppressed her might not attend her burial ceremony. She also asked that she be buried in an undisclosed location in Medina. Acting as per Fatima s will, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.) buried her in the darkness of the night and ...

Do the Shī‘ah think that Jibra’īl (Archangel Gabriel) has committed treachery when he conveyed the message [risālah] to Muhammad instead of ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib

Do the Shī‘ah think that Jibra’īl (Archangel Gabriel) has committed treachery when he conveyed the message [risālah] to Muhammad instead of ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib
Do the Shī‘ah think that Jibra’īl (Archangel Gabriel) has committed treachery when he conveyed the message [risālah] to Muhammad instead of ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib?                                                               Reply: Before proving the groundlessness of this loathsome accusation made against the Shī‘ah by some ignorant or spiteful people, it is ...

Eid Prayer

Eid Prayer
1 Question: How is Eid prayer offered? Answer: Eid prayers has two Rak'ats. In the first Rak'at, a person should recite Surah al Hamd and a Surah and then they say five takbirs, and after every takbir he should recite qunut. After the fifth qunut, he should say another takbir and then perform Ruku and two Sajdah. He should then stand up and say four takbirs in the second Rak'at, and recite qunut after everyone of these takbirs. ...

Can a man marry to a woman whom he has already committed adultery with?

Can a man marry to a woman whom he has already committed adultery with?
There would be no problem for a man to get married to a woman whom he has already committed adultery with if she had no husband or got divorced but passed her Iddah (waiting period) completely on that time. Imam Khomeini (r.a) said in this regard: "If a man commits adultery with a woman who has no husband or gets divorced and passes her Iddah completely he will be able to get married to her. However, he is supposed to wait till she menstruates ...

Since it is superstitious to do the chelle practice in order to conceive a child, which supplications and prayers do you recommend in this regard?

Since it is superstitious to do the chelle practice in order to conceive a child, which supplications and prayers do you recommend in this regard?
Since it is superstitious to do the chelle practice in order to conceive a child, which supplications and prayers do you recommend in this regard?Concise answerBased on our research through hadith collections, we did not find any reference to the chelle practice for pregnancy. As for supplications for pregnancy, there are some points to be noted:1-This world is a place of tests and tribulations, and everyone is tested in one way or another; one ...

The way to divide common assets of a couple between inheritors after the death of the husband/the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s answers

The way to divide common assets of a couple between inheritors after the death of the husband/the Grand Ayatollah Khamenei’s answers
The Grand Ayatollah Khamenei answered questions about dividing common assets of a couple between inheritors after the death of the husband. Question: A husband and wife were civil servants and used to spend their money jointly for living expenses, and (now) the husband has died, what is the ruling about the assets? Are all the assets are counted as what is left by the deceased and one fourth is taken by the wife and the rest belong to other ...

Is it permissible to contract temporary marriage with a female who is not having her husband with her as he has been living abroad for about 5 years?

Is it permissible to contract temporary marriage with a female who is not having her husband with her as he has been living abroad for about 5 years?
Is it permissible to contract temporary marriage with a female who is not having her husband with her as he has abandoned her and has been staying abroad for about 5 years?Concise answer Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei (may Allah grant him long life): Insofar as a woman is married to her husband - as in the given example - it is not permissible to marry her. In fact, if a woman has some differences with her husband who is not willing to ...

Can the Muslim man and woman be guardians for a disbelieving child? The Grand Ayatollah Makarem’s answer

Can the Muslim man and woman be guardians for a disbelieving child? The Grand Ayatollah Makarem’s answer

The Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi answered a question about the guardianship of disbelieving (Kafir) child by Muslims.

Question: Can the Muslim man and woman be guardians for a disbelieving child who is Najes (impure)?

The Grand Ayatollah Makarem: If the guardianship and education of the child are given to them, in Taharat (cleanliness) that child follows them.