Tuesday 23rd of July 2024
Q & A
ارسال پرسش جدید

Is it recorded in history that Prophet Abraham (AS) and his wife Sara were brother and sister to each other?

Is it recorded in history that Prophet Abraham (AS) and his wife Sara were brother and sister to each other?
Was Sarah and Ibrahim half brother and sister? Is it true? When did it change and which prophet explicitly forbade incestuous marriages between aunts or uncles and nephews or nieces?..Concise answer It has not stated in the main authentic Shia sources that Abraham (AS) and Sara were brother and sister to each other. Indeed, it has been reported in some Sunni sources and then in some Shia books that when Nimrud threw Abraham into the fire ...

Is it true that Imam Mahdi alayhis-salam weeps blood for Imam Husayn?

Is it true that Imam Mahdi alayhis-salam weeps blood for Imam Husayn?
Question: Is it true that Imam Mahdi alayhis-salam weeps blood for Imam Husayn? Answer: Yes it is true. Imam Mahdi, may Allah hasten his reappearance, mourns for Imam Husayn alayhis-salam every day - night and day - and he weeps blood for his great grandfather, as seen from his declaration he makes in his Zeyarah, known as Zeyarah of Nahiyah: “. . . now that I could not be with you on the day of Ashura to defend you and fight your ...


1 Question: What is the criterion of [chess] being haraam as a gambling tool? Is it the preparation with the intent of gambling or through use of urf (generally accepted practice, custom, or usage)? Also, is there any difference between an urf of a particular society and an international one? Answer: The criterion is that it be set up for gambling and used for it, in such a manner that it is readily known as a gambling tool. It suffices ...

Should parents be obeyed in all cases? The Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answer

Should parents be obeyed in all cases? The Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answer
The Grand Ayatollah Sistani answered a question about obeying parents. Question: The mother asks her son to divorce his wife, otherwise she will disown him, because she does not agree with her daughter in law, is it Wajib to obey the mother in this case? The Grand Ayatollah Sistani: It is not Wajib to obey the mother in this case, and her saying about disowning her son has no effect; of course bad words must not be used against the ...

Is the belief that great divine people [awliyā’] have supernatural power tantamount to polytheism [shirk]?

Is the belief that great divine people [awliyā’] have supernatural power tantamount to polytheism [shirk]?
Is the belief that great divine people [awliyā’] have supernatural power tantamount to polytheism [shirk]?                                                               Reply: It is clear that when a person wants someone to do something for him or her, the former thinks that the latter is capable of doing it and this capability takes two forms: 1. This capability may be of ...

The Sacred Wood Plate on Noah's (A.S.) Ark

The Sacred Wood Plate on Noah's (A.S.) Ark

How is it possible to get rid of obsession with cleanness and uncleanness?

How is it possible to get rid of obsession with cleanness and uncleanness?
[16] Tawdhih al-Masail (with annotation) [together with Treatises of other Maraje'], vol.2, p. 926.[17] For further information about views of religious authorities see: Mahmoodi, Sayyid Mohsen, Masail Jadid az Didgah Ulama wa Maraje' Taqlid, vol.4, p. 145, Sahib al-Zaman Publications, 2nd edition, 1384 (Persian calendar).[18] Ibid, vol.1, p. 133 and 134.[19] ...

Is it permissible to change a lavatory into a mosque?

Is it permissible to change a lavatory into a mosque?
Is it permissible to expand a mosque by leveling an adjacent toilet and making it part of masjid area? How can that place be annexed to the mosque? Concise answer   [2] Majma' al-Masail (by Gulpaigani), vol.1, p. 138, issue No. 45 "…If the said land has not been endowed with the intention of building a mosque over it, or the underground was not meant for mosque and only the ground floor annexed to the women's section was ...

What is meant by line, dot etc. in mysticism (irfan) and what does the narration “I am the dot under the “ba” signify”?

What is meant by line, dot etc. in mysticism (irfan) and what does the narration “I am the dot under the “ba” signify”?
What is meant by line, dot etc. in mysticism (irfan) and what does the narration “I am the dot under the “ba” signify”?Concise answerIn mysticism, numbers, letters, shapes etc. are language codes signifying certain occult realities of the world. The ”dot” signifies the real unity of God whose image is placed in man”s heart (mind) and it is for the same reason that the ”perfect man” (insan ...

Questions Relating to Ashura/Karbala (8)

Questions Relating to Ashura/Karbala (8)
One of the precepts strongly recommended by the divine law of Islam [shari‘ah] is holding ceremonies with the intention of paying homage to the signs of Allah. Upholding this precept is considered an act resulting from the piety of the hearts. There is no dispute or disagreement among the various schools of thought regarding the essential verdict pertaining to this precept. Disagreement, however, lies in the question of whether application of ...

Did the Holy Prophet (pbuh) order Abu Bakr, during his illness, to lead the congregational prayers?

Did the Holy Prophet (pbuh) order Abu Bakr, during his illness, to lead the congregational prayers?
The Sunni historians claim that when the Holy was unable to attend the public prayers because of his illness, he ordered Abu Bakr to lead the congregational prayers. Is it true?Concise answer Some narrations have been related in the Sunni sources concerning the appointment of Abu Bakr by the Holy Prophet (pbuh) as a prayer leader. In case we accept them, some unacceptable complications and ambiguities will arise. Even if it is assumed that the ...

Willingness of Jesus Christ to die for our sins

Willingness of Jesus Christ to die for our sins
Willingness of Jesus Christ to die for our sinsPeter and the two sons of Zebedee were with Jesus Christ before the elders of the people and the chief priests came to take him to be crucified. Jesus at this point talked to Peter and the two sons of Zebedee as in Matthew 26:38 "Then saith he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me." Then Jesus went a little further away from them and prayed to ...

what is the meaning of "Ramadan"?

what is the meaning of "Ramadan"?
* The word "Ramadan" and "Ramaz" are Arabic words, which means the extreme radiation of sun that has a burning state and the reason for naming this month has been expressed by the great prophet of Islam:”” this month has been named Ramadan because its luminosity and heat burns away the past sins and change the black pages of the case into white.the heat of this month melts the mountains of sins and makes the human soul pure and erase ...

What to do when the lender cannot be found? The Grand Ayatollah Shobairi’s answer

What to do when the lender cannot be found? The Grand Ayatollah Shobairi’s answer

The Grand Ayatollah Shoabairi  Zanjani answered a question about not being able to find the lender.

Question: I have some debts to pay back and lost hope of finding the lenders, is paying to charity on their behalf is an immediate necessity or not?

The Grand Ayatollah Shoabairi: Yes, it must be paid in the first possible opportunity, with the permission of the fully qualified Mojtahid.

Why is Surah Al-Baqarah called by this name?

Why is Surah Al-Baqarah called by this name?
The Surah Al-Baqarah is referred to by this name because the story of the cow of the Israelites in verses of 67 to 71 is repeated several times. (وَ إِذْ قالَ مُوسى لِقَوْمِهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ یَأْمُرُکُمْ أَنْ تَذْبَحُوا بَقَرَةً قالُوا أَ تَتَّخِذُنا هُزُواً قالَ أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ أَنْ أَکُونَ مِنَ ...

S: In the Holy Qur'an it is written that God has created everything - God is the Creator of everything (39:62) - and it is also stated that He has created everything in favorable - He Who made best everything which He hath created... (32:7). In this mann

S: In the Holy Qur'an it is written that God has created everything - God is the Creator of everything (39:62) - and it is also stated that He has created everything in favorable - He Who made best everything which He hath created... (32:7). In this mann
The Creation of EvilS: In the Holy Qur'an it is written that God has created everything - God is the Creator of everything (39:62) - and it is also stated that He has created everything in favorable - He Who made best everything which He hath created... (32:7). In this mann er there a relation has been made between creation and goodness - meaning that everything that is created and existing is good. However, by contrast, reasoning and also some ...

The unity of the Divine design [tadbīr]

The unity of the Divine design [tadbīr]
3. The unity of the Divine design [tadbīr] Since creation belongs exclusively to God, the design of the order of being also belongs to Him. There is only One Designer in the world, and by means of the rational proof [dalīl al-‘aqlī] that affirms the idea of the unity of the Divine creative power the unity of the Divine design is proved. In numerous verses, the Glorious Qur’an states that God is the Only Designer of the world, as in the ...

Fasting person anaesthetized for operation/the Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answer

Fasting person anaesthetized for operation/the Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s answer
The Grand Ayatollah Sistani answered a question about a fasting person who is anaesthetized for operation. Question: A person who is fasting is anaesthetized for operation, is his fast is correct or must he eat? The Grand Ayatollah Sistani: If the person has previous intention and becomes unconscious without having control and gains consciousness in middle of the day, according to necessary precaution must complete the fasting for that day and ...

When and why were the terms Ayatollah and Hujjat ul-islam began to be used to refer to our scholars? I would like to explore about their origin, meaning and distinctions.

When and why were the terms Ayatollah and Hujjat ul-islam began to be used to refer to our scholars? I would like to explore about their origin, meaning and distinctions.
I always had the doubt and I would like to ask when and why the term Ayatollah and Hujjat ul-islam began to be used to refer to our scholars. I would like to explore about its origin and meaning. Unfortunately I have not found information yet.Concise answerConsidering that the word "Ayat" literally means sign or symbol[1], the expression 'Ayatollah' can be used to refer to any signs of God. That is to say, God's every single creature is in fact ...


1 Question: َAssalamu Alaikum; I hope that the answer of my question is published in the website so everybody especially my husband can read it, although it sounds a common sense or silly but a lot of men don't do it or don't know how to do it in the propery way. My husband does the prayer as required but he does not use any water after urinating, what is (al-hukm al-shar'ei) about that? I repeat please publish the answer so he can read it ...