Wednesday 24th of July 2024
Q & A
ارسال پرسش جدید

Can a man marry to a woman whom he has already committed adultery with?

Can a man marry to a woman whom he has already committed adultery with?
Can a man marry to a woman whom he has already committed adultery with or he can never get married to her?Concise answerThere would be no problem for a man to get married to a woman whom he has already committed adultery with if she had no husband or got divorced but passed her Iddah (waiting period) completely on that time. Imam Khomeini (r.a) said in this regard: "If a man commits adultery with a woman who has no husband or gets divorced and ...

Where and when did mourning for Imam Hussein (A.S.) start first?

Where and when did mourning for Imam Hussein (A.S.) start first?
complete question When we look at the lives of the Holy Prophet (S) and the Imams (A.S.), not only we do not see anything about mourning and lamentation but there are evidence and sayings prohibiting such acts. For example, Hamza (A.S.) was martyred in the Battle Uhud or later when Ja’far bin Abi Talib was martyred, not only the Prophet (S) did not hold such ceremonies but he forbade others from doing so. Now, the question arises as to ...

In contemplating the traditions of Ahlulbayt, what aspect of their life is meant?

In contemplating the traditions of Ahlulbayt, what aspect of their life is meant?

Why do the Shī‘ah perform the five daily prayers in three periods?

Why do the Shī‘ah perform the five daily prayers in three periods?
Why do the Shī‘ah perform the five daily prayers in three periods?       Reply: In order to clarify this point, we had better examine the views of jurists [fuqahā] in this regard first: 1. All Muslim groups agree that in ‘Arafah[1] one may perform both noon [ẓuhr] and afternoon [aṣr] prayers successively without any interval between them, and in Muzdalifah[2] it is also permissible to say sunset [maghrib] and night ...

Where does the domino effect of mutanajjis items stop?

Where does the domino effect of mutanajjis items stop?
The issues of najis items has been set forth in the Manual of Islamic Laws by Ayatollah Khamenei may Allah grant him long life. My question is regarding purity of the items and impure intermediaries. If an essential impurity is with the third intermediary, will it make another item impure, if it comes into contact with it? Please explain.Concise answerGrand Aytollah Khamenei's view about a mutanajjis (an item which has come into contact with an ...

A review of Ḥadīth aḍ-Ḍuḥḍāḥ

A review of Ḥadīth aḍ-Ḍuḥḍāḥ
Relying on such narrators like Sufyān ibn Sa‘īd ath-Thawrī, ‘Abd al-Malik ibn ‘Umayr, ‘Abd al-‘Azīz ibn Muḥammad ad-Darāwardī, and Layth ibn Sa‘d, some authors (and compilers) like Bukhārī and Muslim attribute the following two statements to the Holy Prophet (ṣ): a. “.ضحضاح إلىٰ فأخرجته النّار من غمراتٍ في وجدته” “He is in a shallow place of Fire [ḍuḥḍāḥ].[1] But had ...

A glance at the traditions-4

A glance at the traditions-4
14. And thus, elsewhere in his Ṣaḥīḥ, Bukhārī says: :عنهم الله رضى عبّاس ابن و أيّوب أبو و عمر ابن قال . العشاء و المغرب – وسلّم [وآله] اليه الله صلى – النّبىّ صلّى “(‘Abd Allāh) ibn ‘Umar, Abū Ayyūb and Ibn al-‘Abbās (may Allah be pleased with them) said: The Prophet (ṣ) observed the maghrib and ‘ishā’ prayers (together without ...

The Ideological Basis of Economic Activity

The Ideological Basis of Economic Activity
The ideological basis in Islam may be summarized into six basic principles: The cornerstone is that everything has to start from the belief in God as the Creator, Lord, and Sovereign of the universe. This implies willingness to submit to God’s will, to accept His guidance, and to have complete and unqualified servitude to Him. This means that Muslims - individually and collectively - should not imitate or emulate any other system if it ...

What happened to Imam Hussein's horse (Dhuljanah) in Karbala?

What happened to Imam Hussein's horse (Dhuljanah) in Karbala?
Concise answerThe writers of books on what happened on Ashura (these books are referred to as ‘maqatil’) have not mentioned much about what happened to Dhuljanah. What is mentioned is that he made his mane bloody with the blood of the Imam and returned to the tents neighing very highly. When the household of the Imam heard Dhuljanah they came out of the tents and found out that the Imam had been martyred.[1] But some of the later ...

Is the tendency of the majority of people to infidelity compatible with the fact that religion is inborn?

Is the tendency of the majority of people to infidelity compatible with the fact that religion is inborn?

Is abortion allowed as a result of rape? The Grand Ayatollah Mosavi Ardabili’s answers

Is abortion allowed as a result of rape? The Grand Ayatollah Mosavi Ardabili’s answers
Question: As you are aware some of the reasons for abortions are due to rape where some girls or women unwillingly or by force such as: hypnotism, sleeping drugs, anaesthetic agents, etc., are forced into adultery and become pregnant. To preserve their dignity, to have the opportunity to marry, etc., they do not report it to the related authorities, and afterwards they are under severe stress which in some cases can harm the health of the ...

Did Mukhtar keep any love of Abu Bakr and Umar in his heart? Why didn’t he defend Imam Hussein in Karbala?

Did Mukhtar keep any love of Abu Bakr and Umar in his heart? Why didn’t he defend Imam Hussein in Karbala?
Is it true that Mukhtar Thaqafi kept love of Abu Bakr and Umar in his heart and it is said that he is going to fall down Sirat Bridge and Imam Hussein (AS) will save him. Where was he when Imam Hussein rose up against Yazid? Why didn’t he defend the Imam?Concise answerThe traditions about Mukhtar in our sources are divided into two categories; some of them praise and others simply reproach him.  The scholars who specialize in hadith ...

What is the difference between Satan and the carnal soul?

What is the difference between Satan and the carnal soul?
Man's real identity which is called soul has numerous aspects and layers. Qur’an mentions its three states (carnal, self-reproaching and peaceful).The carnal soul is formed when animalistic desires dominate man. It is a state of human soul that constantly commands human toward vices and to satisfy carnal desires.But Satan is literally and terminologically applied to any untamed and defiant creature whether human, jinn or animal.Iblis is a ...

Who was his mother?

Who was his mother?
Who was his mother?His mother was The Virgin Mariam (Mary) the daughter of Imran (father) and Hinnah (mother). When Hinnah carried Mariam in her womb she vowed to offer Mariam to God by letting her serve Him in one of His houses of worship. When Mariam was born her mother wrapped her in a piece of cloth, and took her to Al-Aqsa Mosque where she was handed over to the priests.When the priests looked at her, and found out that she was the daughter ...

The reason for clinging to the Sunnah of the Prophet (ṣ)

The reason for clinging to the Sunnah of the Prophet (ṣ)
The leaders of the Shī‘ah have enjoined their followers to cling to the Sunnah of the Prophet (ṣ) alongside the Qur’an, commending both the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet (ṣ). Imām aṣ-Ṣādiq (‘a) says: الله كتاب من شاهدًا له فوجدتم حديث عليكم ورد "إذا به." أولىٰ به جاءكم فالّذي إلاّ و (ص) الله رسول قول من أو If you are introduced to a ...

Is the saying authentic that, "Satans are chained during the Holy Month of Ramadan”?

Is the saying authentic that, "Satans are chained during the Holy Month of Ramadan”?
In some authentic traditional sources like Al-Kafi and Tahzib, a tradition has been mentioned regarding the blessings of the Holy Month of Ramadan from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as follows, “When the Holy Month of Ramadan enters, the outcast Satans are chained."   In some authentic traditional sources like Al-Kafi and Tahzib, there has been mentioned a tradition regarding the blessings of the Holy Month of Ramadan from the Holy Prophet ...

1. When was the holy Qur'an compiled as an entity, and as a book that we have today?

1.       When was the holy Qur'an compiled as an entity, and as a book that we have today?
1.       When was the holy Qur'an compiled as an entity, and as a book that we have today? 1.       The Glorious Qur'an was compiled as a book during the lifetime of Rasulollah (S) in his instructions, who in turn was instructed by the Almighty.  When the holy Qur'an was compiled, its correctness was confirmed by Rasulollah (S).  The Qur'an we have today is that compiled during the lifetime of Rasulollah (S) and approved of by ...

The Islamic Opinion about Education

The Islamic Opinion about Education
Question: Western and eastern scholars have written many books and detailed studies on education, and Islamic scholars have also written much on this subject. Would you please give us a summary of the Islamic opinion in this concern?The answer: In spite of what has been said about education by scholars, whether concurring or conflicting, I think that what the Prophet (S) and his progeny (a.s.) have said is the most correct because they are ...

Is it possible to establish a relationship with Imam Mahdi (aj)?

Is it possible to establish a relationship with Imam Mahdi (aj)?
Concise answer When two individuals know nothing about each other, there is no way they can have a relationship, unless at least one of them knows the other sparking a two way knowledge and awareness that will finally end in a relationship. As for having a relationship with Imam Mahdi (as), he is one end of the relationship that knows us very well and has affection for us. What is left for us, the other end, is to know our imam well and become ...

How can sinners be forgiven by God?

How can sinners be forgiven by God?
Imam Sadeq (AS) narrated that Allah (SWT) sent a revelation to Prophet Dawood (AS): O’ Dawood, whenever my believing servant commits a sin, and then leaves it and repents, and since he/she becomes embarrassed when remembers that sin, I (God) will forgive him/her, and will remove that sin from the memory of his/her protecting angels; and change that sin into good and reward; and have no fear of doing so; and I am the kindest [1]. Sheikh ...