Thursday 4th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Veil of A Muslim Woman

The Veil of A Muslim Woman
Scholars have established various explanations elucidating the subject of women covering. The two essential reasons as to why Muslim women must cover are to protect and defend women, as well as society. Covering is a form of protection, maintenance of chastity, and aid in the avoidance of negative temptations in society for women and men alike. When women cover, they provide dimensions of moral character and dignity, not only for themselves, but ...

The Law of Matrimony

The Law of Matrimony
Section OneThe Law of MatrimonyIn Creation, In Civilisations and In Religions God 8 has said in his masterful book: 'And of everything we have created pairs so that you might take notice'. 9 The law of pairs is so deeply intrinsic to created objects that one does not find any atom or galaxy or anything smaller or larger than these that is not subject to this law. If one looks to creation in all its vastness and what it holds, from stars and ...

Islam and the Position of Women

Islam and the Position of Women
The West's vociferous partisans of Women's Lib. have no idea of the revolutionary leap forward in women's position which Islam brought about. In the days of Islam's first appearance the position of women was that of chattels of the men - little above the domesticated animals. Yet the West, for all their vaunted freedom, have added nothing to what Islam gave to women, except liberty for increased corruption and licentiousness. Islam prohibits ...

Postponing the Repentance

Postponing the Repentance
The Holy Qur’an has proposed ways for people to make up for their mistakes. In the words of Qur’an, this is the act of asking for forgiveness called ‘repentance’ which has different types:1.To deny the mistake one has committed.2.To admit that you did it, but to try to justify it by bringing excuses.3.To admit that you have made a mistake or have committed a sin and to promise not to do it again and to try your best to ...

A Healthy Society under the Grace of Ethics

A Healthy Society under the Grace of Ethics
We know that man has a social life, and undoubtedly, "society" is the most important factor in development, improvement and or retardation and degeneration of men. The sociologists believe that man without society loses everything (sciences and knowledge, mental perfection, affections, and even speaking and similar subjects).   The situation of children being isolated from the human society for any reason, and trained in an ...

Utmost Humility of the Holy Imams (A.S.)

Utmost Humility of the Holy Imams (A.S.)
It is recorded in Safinat’ul-Bihār that Imam Mūsa Ibn Ja’far (a.s) said Salām to a black Sudanese as he passed by him. Then he went near him and spoke with him for sometime. After that he said: Tell me if there is anything I can do for you. People said: O son of the Messenger! You go towards such a person and ask about his needs while he is more needful than you? Imam (a.s.) said: He is a servant of Allah (S.w.T.) too and our brother in ...

Marriage advice

Marriage advice
Increased divorce rates in recent years demonstrate that many couples have failed to consider the key principles that keep a marriage alive and fruitful.Islam however, acknowledges the enormity of the institution of marriage by equating it to half of one’s faith. Marriage is a challenge and there definitely aren’t any shortcuts to take. Nonetheless, there are a few key principles outlined by the Qur`an and ahadith that are useful in ...

Islam’s Original Plans for Marriage

Islam’s Original Plans for Marriage
And those who pray, "Our Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous." [Holy Quran: Furqan 25:74] Marriage Negotiations When a marriage is being considered, it is customary among Muslims to conduct investigations about both families. Then they conduct negotiations to determine the conditions for the marriage and the wedding ceremony, and to establish the amount of ...

The Meaning and Concept of Philosophy in Islam

The Meaning and Concept of Philosophy in Islam
In the light of the Qur'an and Hadith in both of which the term hikmah has been used,1 Muslim authorities belonging to different schools of thought have sought over the ages to define the meaning of hikmah as well as falsafah, a term which entered Arabic through the Greek translations of the second/eighth and third/ninth centuries. On the one hand what is called philosophy in English must be sought in the context of Islamic civilization not only ...

Four Atlanta-area mosques receive death threats

Four Atlanta-area mosques receive death threats
Four Atlanta-area mosques have received death threats in recent weeks, leading a rights organization to urge heightened ...

Hijab, a Divine Value

Hijab, a Divine Value
“Tell the believing men that they shall subdue their eyes, and safeguard their private parts (from being seen). This is purer for them. God is fully Cognizant of everything they do. And tell the believing women to subdue their eyes, and safeguard their private parts (from being seen). And they shall not display their beauty and ornaments, except what is apparent of it. And they shall draw their scarves over their bosoms ” (Holy Qur’an, ...

The Influence of Islamic Philosophy and Ethics on The Development of Medicine During the Islamic Renaissance

The Influence of Islamic Philosophy and Ethics on The Development of Medicine During the Islamic Renaissance
I - Islam and the Promotion of Science As the Moslems challenged the civilized world at that time, they preserved the cultures of the conquered countries . On the other hand, when the Islamic Empire became weak, most of the Islamic contributions in art and science were destroyed. This was done by the Mongols who, out of barbarism, burnt Baghdad (1258 A.D.), and by the Spaniards, who out of hatred, demolished most of the Arabic heritage in Spain. ...

Receiving one’s Record from Behind the Back

Receiving one’s Record from Behind the Back
Then he who is given his Record in his right hand,”‌“Soon will his account be taken by an easy reckoning,”‌“And he will turn to his people, rejoicing!"“But he who is given his Record behind his back,”‌“Soon will he cry for perdition,”‌“And he will enter a Blazing Fire.”‌ (Al-Inshiqaq: 7 to 12)The Qur’an has talked about people who get their Records with ...

Treatment and Penance of Backbiting

Treatment and Penance of Backbiting
 It is necessary to keep in mind the forecited disadvantages of backbiting.* It is necessary to pay the greatest attention to self-discipline by applying the noble traits to oneself.As he was asked about his educator, Muhammad ibn Hanafiyeh said: “It is my Lord Who educated me in myself. I have followed and imitated any element that is enjoyed by men of sense when I found good, and I have avoided any element that is practiced by the ...

Family in Islam

Family in Islam

Iranian people, students stage anti-US rallies

Iranian people, students stage anti-US rallies
 The Iranian demonstrators taking part in rallies held on Thursday on the National Day of Fight against Global Arrogance, condemned the US for its continued hostilities towards the Islamic Republic and “endless” crimes committed by Washington across the world. The Iranian demonstrates, in a statement released and read out at the end of the nationwide rallies held to mark the 37th anniversary of US Embassy Takeover, condemned ...

Islam and the Family

Islam and the Family

Babies Who Spoke

Babies Who Spoke
“So relate the stories that perhaps they will give thought.” (7:16)History is filled with stories about miracles and happenings that we today consider ‘supernatural’. Each miracle serves a purpose and is suited to the circumstances it is in. Learning about these ‘miracles’ helps strengthen the attachment to our beliefs and principles.In this article, we discuss one phenomenon that today we agree is ...

Battle of Khaybar

Battle of Khaybar
The March to Khaybar The truce the holy Prophet had made with Mecca now made it possible to concentrate on the dangers which lay to their north. The greatest of these was the town of Khaybar, occupied by Jews who were for the most part implacably hostile to Islam. The sorcerer Labid had almost certainly been bribed from there, though that could have been the work of an individual. But there were far more evident and general reasons for taking ...

The cultural invasion of the minds

The cultural invasion of the minds
Today we suffer from early maturity. This is due to the cultural invasion of the minds and spirits of our youth by the voices and images of the atheist global media. Pornography is an international catastrophe causing sexual arousal. Therefore, it is both religiously ordained and morally expected of the Islamic government and people, the rich, the relatives and the parents to do all they can to ease the marriage of the youth. They should ...