Thursday 4th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Facts With Deep Meaning

Facts With Deep Meaning
Islam fixed stated times for prayer, and embellished them with a certain precise, accompanying rituals. It stipulates rules for the prayer's correctness, outlines conditions under which it is fruitless and clarifies the objectives of worship that must be reached in order for the prayer to be complete in its full sense. These conditions weave from the spiritual atmosphere and the rites a sacred formula encompassing the entire scope of prayer. ...

The Worst People

The Worst People
Living in seclusion and not having a companion leads to many difficulties. It causes depression, despondency, nervous disorders and all types of mental and physical disorders. Being alone causes one to enter the world of imagination and vain thoughts and succumb to mental and moral illnesses. The Prophet (Pbuh) said: Most of the People of the Fire on the Day of Judgment are those who refused to marry and start a family."[Marriage in Islam, ...

Marriage in Islam

Marriage in Islam
From: Marriage in Islam by Muhammad Abdul-Rauf, Ph.D with comments from Albani's book ' The Etiquettes of Marriages and Weddings' Mutual Rights and Obligations In order to ensure an atmosphere of harmony and to promote a cheerful and successful life in the newly established nest of the newlyweds, Islam has provided guidance in defining the relationship between husband and wife and in distributing the rights and obligations arising from this ...

Three Ethical Pillars of Politics

Three Ethical Pillars of Politics

Duties During Pregnancy

Duties During Pregnancy
The time of pregnancy is a boring and difficult period during which the various systems in the body undergo strange changes. If it was not for the love of the child, mothers who have once become pregnant would refuse a second pregnancy. In this period some of the internal glands start to increase secretions, and the body uses more and more nutrients. However, the pregnant woman cannot eat food property due to nausea, and a lack of appetite. Some ...

Epistemology of Prophethood in Islam

Epistemology of Prophethood in Islam
Dr. Jalal al-HaqqRevelation as a medium of information about the content of reality has not been particularly a subject of scholarly interest in Western tradition of philosophy and philosophical theology. Medievalists talked of `revelation' but they did not mean by it an epistemic activity in which God `spoke' to a human person: it was rather for them a concrete event in which God `entered' into a human body.The `Word' of God (Logos) which, ...

Benefits of Marriage

Benefits of Marriage
Marriage is one of the fundamental sociological institutions. Mankind, since its very beginning, has kept to it without any disruption. Even the so-called 'uncivilized' tribes and primitive societies treat marriage as a sacred bond. Such an institution must be based on the foundation of the nature itself.Philosophy of Muslim Marriage: Islam has based its matrimonial laws on the correlation between masculinity and femininity. Obviously this ...

Backbiting is prohibited in Islam

Backbiting is prohibited in Islam
Not only is backbiting is prohibited but to listen to gossips has also been condemned in Islam. It is necessary to avoid being in conformity with the backbiters or listening to them, for the listener of backbiting is regarded as partner in the sin. It can be achieved by denying backbiting verbally, changing the subject into another innocent one, leave the session of backbiting, or, in the least, deny backbiting in heart, so as to be saved from ...

Late Ayatollah Bahjat has been quoted as having said: "The aged ones of this era will witness the moment of the reappearance of the Imam of Time (atf)." What is your opinion concerning this saying of the late Ayatollah?

Late Ayatollah Bahjat has been quoted as having said:
We have enquired the office of late Ayatollah Bahjat about whether or not the Ayatollah had said those words and they denied that he had said them. Instead, His Eminence had said that whenever difficulties and hardship increase, then the time of reappearance is near. This saying by Ayatollah Bahjat is derived from a narration which says: "Before the reappearance, the seditions become visible and the world will be filled with oppression and ...

The Reward for those who swallow their Anger

The Reward for those who swallow their Anger
a) The first reward granted to those who swallow their anger is that they shall have protection on the Day of Resurrection.If Allah was to grant a person protection on the Day of Resurrection, which is also the day known as: The Day of Grief; The Day of Everything in the Open; The Day of Trepidation; The Day of the Great Fear; and The Day of the Distress, then is there any greater blessing or gift?!In the same way, if a person was to possess the ...

What is the Fast of the Month of Ramadan

What is the Fast of the Month of Ramadan
O Believers! Fast is prescribed for you as it was for those before you so that you may ward off evil. (Fast) a certain number of days…(Holy Qur'an: Chapter 2, Verses 182-183)Every year in the ninth lunar month of the Islamic calendar, Muslims around the world abstain from food, drink, vain talk and certain other actions from before sunrise until after sunset.Fasting is prescribed in the Abrahamic faithsThe Jewish, Christian and Muslim ...

The Islamic Concept of Knowledge

The Islamic Concept of Knowledge
With this view, an attempt is made in this paper to delineate the different shades and connotations of the term 'ilm, i.e., knowledge, in the Islamic context. It is hoped that this brief attempt will serve as a step for future groundwork for the construction of a framework for an Islamic theory of knowledge. In the Islamic theory of knowledge, the term used for knowledge in Arabic is 'ilm, which, as Rosenthal has justifiably pointed out, has a ...

Consequences of Unlawful Money in One’s Life

Consequences of Unlawful Money in One’s Life
1. LavishnessOne who accepts unlawful money can neither reach a good spiritual position, nor could he have firm beliefs. Unlawful money has many negative consequences, one of which is lavishness. Many people have been afflicted with lavish lifestyle; so, they cannot get the answer to their prayers.   2. The Difficulty of HappinessOne, whose prayers are not heard, because of his lavish lifestyle, cannot easily gain happiness.3. ...

Greed is the Enemy of the Soul

Greed is the Enemy of the Soul
Greed is the excess fondness of money and fortune. It is one of the bad manners that draw to various evils and sins.Amir ul-Mu'minin (A.S) said: “Know with certainty that you cannot achieve your desire and cannot exceed your destined life. You are on the track of those before you. Therefore, be humble in seeking and moderate in earning because often seeking leads to deprivation. Every seeker of livelihood does not get it, nor is everyone ...

Eternity of Moral Values

Eternity of Moral Values
Before entering the discussion concerning the eternity of moral values it should be noted that according to the philosophies of `being' reality and knowledge as well as moral values are considered to be permanent. Though here I will not be concerned with the permanence of reality, but it is necessary to deal with the question as to why reality and ethics are dealt with separately.What is the difference between moral principles and other ...

What is the Fast of the Month of Ramadan

What is the Fast of the Month of Ramadan
O Believers! Fast is prescribed for you as it was for those before you so that you may ward off evil. (Fast) a certain number of days…(Holy Qur'an: Chapter 2, Verses 182-183)Every year in the ninth lunar month of the Islamic calendar, Muslims around the world abstain from food, drink, vain talk and certain other actions from before sunrise until after sunset.Fasting is prescribed in the Abrahamic faithsThe Jewish, Christian and Muslim ...

Paying the parents right

Paying the parents right
The noble prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said: every person who recite two rakaats prayer in Thursday night between Maghrib and Isha prayer, in each rakaat recite one time hamd sura, 5 times Ayat-Ol-Korsi and recite each one of the Al-Kafirun (109), Al-'Ikhlas (112) , Al-Falaq (113) and An-Nas (114) suras 5 times and after the prayer, repent to God (Istighfar) 15 times. Then put the reward of this prayer to her\his parents, so by this s\he pay the ...


ISLAM AND MODERN LIFE - II  Man is not the only living being which leads a social life. Many animals, especially insects, are gregarious. They follow sensible but fixed rules of co-operation, division of labour, production and distribution, and giving and receiving orders.  The bees, and certain kinds of ants and termites enjoy such superb systems, that it will take man, who considers himself to be the prince of creation, years, even ...

Rabi al-Awwal 8, the Day of Grief

Rabi al-Awwal 8, the Day of Grief
By: Seyyed Ali Shahbaz “Peace upon you, O the Representative of Allah, and the Son of Allah’s Representatives; and the Father of His Representative… Peace upon you, O he who speaks with the Book of Allah…” The above is a passage from the ziyarah or standard form of salutation to an Infallible Member of Prophet Muhammad’s (SAWA) Household, at the news of whose martyrdom today in 260 AH (874 CE), according to contemporary accounts, the ...

The Virtues of Hijab

The Virtues of Hijab
1. An act of obedience. The hijab is an act of obedience to Allah and to his prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), Allah says in the Quran: "It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His messenger have decreed a matter that they should have an option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him), has indeed strayed in a plain error." [Noble Quran 33:36] Allah also said: "And ...