Wednesday 24th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Imam Khamenei: We will export oil as much as we intend

Imam Khamenei: We will export oil as much as we intend
On the occasion of the National Week of Labor and Laborers, a group of laborers from across the nation met with Ayatollah Khamenei—the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution— at the Hussayniyeh of Imam Khomeini (r.a), on Wednesday April 24, 2019. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): On the occasion of the National Week of Labor and Laborers, a group of laborers from across the nation met with Ayatollah Khamenei—the Supreme Leader of the ...

Iran issuing free visa for Iraqi visitors

Iran issuing free visa for Iraqi visitors
Iran's embassy in Baghdad started issuing fee visas for Iraqis on Monday. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Iran's embassy in Baghdad started issuing fee visas for Iraqis on Monday. 'Free visa for Iraqi people has been issued since April 1, in Iran's embassy and Consulate Generals across Iraq,' an informed source at the embassy told Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA). The source also clarified that applying for visas is necessary for Iraqis, ...

What things enhance the sprituality in the family

What things enhance the sprituality in the family
The Principles of Spirituality in the Family   Help ye one another in righteousness and piety, but help ye not one another in sin and rancour: Fear God: [Holy Quran: Maida 5:3] Spiritual Blessings Many blessings have been bestowed upon man by God to live a pure life, and only God knows the value of these blessings. Some of these blessings left for us are the intellect, the Quran, Prophethood, Imamat, religious scholars and the literature on ...

Paradise, Reward of Love for Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)

Paradise, Reward of Love for Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.)
Love for Ahl al-Bayt, which is a heavenly gift, is to act according to Ahl al-Bayt’s teachings. The reward of such will be Paradise. In an excellent narration, Imam al-Sadiq (a.s.) is reported to have said: Once when the Holy Prophet was traveling, he dismounted and performed five prostrations. When he mounted again, one of the companions asked, “O Allah’s Messenger! We have noticed something which you did for the first time.” The Holy ...

Islam Symbols of the Moon & Stars

Islam Symbols of the Moon & Stars
The image of a crescent moon and star first appears in Islamic art in the late seventh century. The crescent moon, often accompanied by a five-pointed star, has become a prominent symbol of Islam. For example, a crescent moon has appeared on top of mosques since at least the eleventh century, while a crescent moon and star appear on the flags of several countries with majority Muslim populations. However, some Muslim scholars not only assert ...


Chapter Four: Difficulties And Hurdles OfMarriage Whenever it is said to a youth "Marry", he instantly presents the problems, difficulties, and hurdles of marriage and the first difficulty that he discusses is the economical and financial matters. He then counts the other problems one by one. It is a fact that there are really lots of difficulties on the way to marriage, which cannot be neglected. In this chapter, by the will of Allah, we ...

Islam, Freedom and Marriage

Islam, Freedom and Marriage
Of course there is a close link between the freedom and independence on the one hand and the marriage and selection of a girl on the other. This issue is very important from the view of Islam. Professor hossein Ansarian in his book “ The structure of family in Islam” lays emphasize on this important matter. The text to be followed is an exemplar. Mankind's creation is based upon his freedom in life, independence in carrying out daily ...

Wives and Husbands in Islam

Wives and Husbands in Islam
The rights of wives and husbands are completely described in the Glorious Quran. When studying them one can recognize these mutual rights as being one of the miracles of the pure culture of Islam. No other school of thought has so thoroughly attended to the rights of wives and their husbands until now, and none can do so from now until the end of time. These rights include obligatory and recommended rights. Disrespecting the obligatory rights ...

The Alliance of Fodhool

The Alliance of Fodhool
The Alliance of FodhoolSome people from Makkah attacked the pilgrims of Allah's House.A man and his daughter, belonged to the tribe of Khathaam, came to visit Allah's House. A young man from Makkah took the young girl by force.The Khathaamian man shouted: "Help! Help! Help!"A passer-by said to him:"Go to The Alliance of Fodhool."The man went to Abu Talib.Abu Talib founded the Alliance of Fodhool. It was an agreement signed by the Makkan ...


The Purpose of Life: Wherever God talks about the human beings (Insaan) or whenever He talks about human soul (Nafs) in the Qur'an, Muslims theologians and scholars have never considered that humanness or the soul as 'male' or 'female'. (See 51:56, 91:1-10; 53:38-39) The male or female division is only possible when we talk about the physical dimension of humans, not when we talk about the spiritual dimension. And so, from the Islamic ...

Bahraini Regime Detains Top Shia Cleric 'Mohammed al-Mansi'

Bahraini Regime Detains Top Shia Cleric 'Mohammed al-Mansi'
The Bahraini regime, in another move to silence voices of dissent, detained Mohammed al-Mansi, a leader of the Islamic Clerics Council, local reports said. Bahraini security forces arrested the prominent cleric under the pretext of holding prayers without legal permission from the Al Khalifa regime. Sheikh Mansi is known for his efforts to pursue the issue of destruction of 43 Shiite mosques by the Manama regime. According to the report, the ...

Thugs attack recipients of Ramadan food gifts from Sheikh Zakzaky; 'Not accept food from Shiites because it is poisoned'

Thugs attack recipients of Ramadan food gifts from Sheikh Zakzaky; 'Not accept food from Shiites because it is poisoned'
Thugs attack recipients of Ramadan food gifts from Sheikh Zakzaky; 'Not accept food from Shiites because it is poisoned' AhlulBayt News Agency - Recipients of the annual gifts of Ramadan food items from Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky in Gyallesu, Zaria were on Tuesday attacked by thugs carrying machetes, sharp object and sticks where they seed the items and litter the streets with them.The food items include maize, corn, sugar and rice which are ...

Possbility of Decline in Imam al-Mahdis government

Possbility of Decline in Imam al-Mahdis government
Possbility of Decline in Imam al-Mahdis government   Question: Historically, we see that every civilization eventually declines. Is it not possible that the government of Imam al-Mahdi (ع) will also decline? In particular, might not people eventually become discontent with his government?     Brief Answer   Such a decline in the government of Imam al-Mahdi (ع) is inconceivable.   Governments decline for one of two reasons: ...

Discrimination Against Muslim Students in Ghanaian Education Institution

Discrimination Against Muslim Students in Ghanaian Education Institution
The Muslim Community in the Western Region on Friday demonstrated to express their displeasure over discrimination against their female students who wear the hijab, a traditional scarf worn by Muslim women to cover their hair and neck and sometimes their face. They insisted that Muslim students should not be forced to attend Sunday church services in schools. Government later warned that heads of institutions, including schools and work ...

Ukraine Muslims hold workshop on Hijab

Ukraine Muslims hold workshop on Hijab
Ukraine's Muslim community has organized recently a workshop on traditional ways of wearing national headscarves and Islamic Hijab. The zest of this workshop was a tour into the Ukrainian folk headwear. The specific characteristics of the headscarves vary from region to region. Oksana, the historian of the folk costume, says the tradition of covering hair of married women is deeply rooted in the Ukrainian culture. After the training, all the ...


HOW DOES ISLAM BUILD THE FAMILY By studying the Islamic religion, and analyzing its ideas, laws and values concerning the building and organizing of this great cultural project, `The Family', one may broadly classify its measures as follows:- 1. The call to build the family: 2. Organizing the family relations: To complete our study we shall explain these two steps for the readers' benefit. 1- The Call to Build The ...

About the Sufferings of the Pious in the World

About the Sufferings of the Pious in the World
It is narrated from Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq (as) that the prophet of Islam (S) said: For great suffering, man gets equally rewarded by Allah. When Allah considers a person His friend, he puts him to severe test too. If the person confronts those hardships with patience and forbearance, he would receive Allah's Help. If the person doesn't resign to the Will of Allah, his suffering will be the more.Abdallah bin Bakr asked Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq (as), ...


CRITERIA OF SPOUSE SELECTION   We must have certain standards for the selection of a spouse. That is to say, girls and boys must have criteria and know what kind of spouse they wish to have and with what qualities and virtues. This is the actual work. It is much like someone who wants to travel, so he must fix and specify his destination and then start the journey. But if he only knows that he needs to travel but does not have any aim, ...

The Statutes Of Marriage

The Statutes Of Marriage
II. The Statutes Of Marriage A. The Dower (mahr) Whenever a man marries a woman, he must give her a dower in return for the sexual gratification he is to receive. The dower must consist of a specified amount of property, cash, or profit. It must be ritually pure and owned by the husband. All schools agree that the dower does not have to be mentioned in the contract. If it is mentioned and does not fulfill the conditions required for dowers, ...

'Sileh Rahmi' Prolongs Life

'Sileh Rahmi' Prolongs Life
It is reported from Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that he said to Maysar, "O Maysar, truly your lifespan has increased, what good actions have you been performing?" Maysar replied, "In my youth I used to earn from my labours an amount of five Dinars a day and I used to give these to my maternal uncle." Yaqoob Magribi was once in the presence of Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.). Imam (a.s.) said,  "You and your brother had an argument over the ...