Wednesday 26th of June 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Problem of Origin of Life

The Problem of Origin of Life
Ordinarily, when (theistic) thinkers want to relate the matter of life to God and Divine will, they bring up the problem of origin of life on the earth and the question regarding the cause of the first emergence of life. Conclusive scientific evidence indicates that life had a definite begin ning on the surface of the earth, that none of the various types of living creatures, including animals and plants, have always existed since eternity. This ...

Nubuwwah, Prophethood

Nubuwwah, Prophethood
  As I have said before, society needs rules and laws to preserve peace and justice, that the law cannot be free from inequities unless it is given by Allah. But I have told you earlier that Allah cannot be seen, He cannot appear Himself before human beings to give them His law. Therefore, Allah appoints somebody to represent Him on the earth. That Viceregent of Allah is called "Prophet." As a mirror has a bright side to receive light and ...

Rituals of the Holy Month of Ramadan

Rituals of the Holy Month of Ramadan
SAHAR (Morning Meal)The time for the completion of your morning meal is about ten minutes before "Subh-e-Sadiq" is 80 minutes before sunrise. The following Du'a may be recited at the time of Sahar.Bismillah-Ir Rahman-Ir RaheemYaa mafza'ee 'inda kurbatee wa yaa ghausee "inda shiddatee ilaika faze'to wa bika-staghasto wa bika luzto laa aloozo bi-siwaaka wa laa atlob-ul-faraja illa minka fa-aghisni wa farrij,'anni yaa mai-yaqbal-ul-yaseera wa ...

Children in Islam

Children in Islam
Children, whether male or female, are the greatest and most beneficial blessing that God has favored his servants with. The Prophet Abraham (Pbuh) did not have any children and was sad about this. When he was very old, God gave his worthy servant two sons: Ismael and Issac. Issac is the source of the divine Prophets until the time of Jesus and Ismael is the source of all the Prophets to the time of Muhammad, the last Prophet ...

Hate crimes up in Michigan since Trump's election

Hate crimes up in Michigan since Trump's election

The Reality of Taqwa

The Reality of Taqwa
The word ‘Taqwa’ is derived from the root ‘waqaya’ which means ‘to safeguard’ or ‘to abstain’. In the Islamic terminology it is defined as the action of restraining oneself from disobeying the commands of Allah (S.w.T.). When Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) was asked to elaborate on the meaning of the word, ‘Taqwa’ he replied, “Submit to the command {of Allah (S.w.T.)} and do ...

Sunnis have no problem visiting shrines of Shiite Imams - says seminary professor

Sunnis have no problem visiting shrines of Shiite Imams - says seminary professor
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Hujjat al-Islam Mohammad-Amin Pouramini, a professor in the Islamic Seminary of Qom city, Iran, stated that the belittling of the term “hَarَam” (shrine) by Wahhabi networks when referring to Mashhad’s Holy Shrine of Imam al-Ridha is an attempt to taint and discredit Shiite Islam. He noted that the Wahhabi school of thought often condemn Shi’a Muslims for making pilgrimages and giving respect to ...

Activists calls for mass protests on eve of Sheikh Isa Qassim's verdict

Activists calls for mass protests on eve of Sheikh Isa Qassim's verdict
A preliminary sentence is expected to be issued against Sheikh Qassim tomorrow (Sunday, May 7, 2017). Since June 2016, the Bahraini authorities have launched the harshest campaign against Shiite majority and opposition in the country since 2011 and revoked the citizenship of Sheikh Isa Qassim without a trial. This act prompted condemnations of Bahrain's key allies, US and UK. Thousands of Bahrainis have been protesting outside the house of ...

The reason for Imam al-Zaman’s prolonmgued age

The reason for Imam al-Zaman’s prolonmgued age
 The reason for Imam al-Zaman’s prolonmgued age   Question:  Why wasn’t Imam al-Zaman’s birth postponed to the era of his re-emergence (zuhur)?     Brief Answer   The answer to this question can be clarified by expounding the underlying philosophy of the occultation and the waiting for his reemergence, as well as by becoming aware of the advantages and blessings that benefit us from his existence even as he is in ...

Grand Ayatollah Safi: Genuine Ahlubayt's teachings must be promoted

Grand Ayatollah Safi: Genuine Ahlubayt's teachings must be promoted
In a meeting with officials of IRIB Radio Maaref (Islamic teachings) in Qom, Grand Ayatollah Lotfollah Safi Golpaygani, a Shia source of emulation, hailed this radio station as a great media network in Iran and asserted, "The programs which are broadcasted in Radio Maaref must attract people to Islam and Ahlubayt's (as) teachings." Appreciating Radio Maaref's programs, the senior cleric pointed out that this radio station has become a rich ...

Canadian Girl Finds Inner Peace in Islam

Canadian Girl Finds Inner Peace in Islam
Tanya's Journey to Islam: I can say my life before Islam was very sporadic, with not too much grounding, no roots.I lived with my mother. My mother doesn’t have a strong religious background. She comes from a Christian background. Because of my mother’s and I lack of compatibility, I had to live in the street for a couple of months where I was then found and I was placed into a foster care.I was in three different foster homes before ...

Social Dimensions of Hajj

Social Dimensions of Hajj

Grades of Sileh Rahmi

Grades of Sileh Rahmi
The Different Grades of Sileh Rahmi Shaheed-e-Thani1 (r.a.) describes the grades of Sileh Rahmi in the following words: It is deduced from the traditions that the highest stage of Sileh Rahmi is to consider the relatives as our own selves. That is, we should wish for our relations whatever we wish for ourselves. The next stage of Sileh Rahmi is to help relatives overcome the difficulties and hardships they may be facing. Next, we must ...

Sheikh Abbas Qomi

Sheikh Abbas Qomi
He got the opportunity to attend the lectures of great scholars and remained under the tutelage of the esteemed teacher Mirza Husain Noori (R.A) till the latter expired in 1320 A.H. Al-Haaj Sheikh Abbas Qummi (R.A) was the embodiment of abstinence and piety. He was second to none in the training of oneself, being aware of the religious laws, trying to follow the infallible Ahle Bait (A.S) in worship, obedience, caution in speech, and keeping ...

Nigeria Muslims Urge Caution over Hijab Scare

Nigeria Muslims Urge Caution over Hijab Scare
"It is not surprising (if young Muslim ladies are avoiding hijab) given the context in which we are now where you see females being involved in attaching bombs to their body and many of them dying in the process," Dr Abubakar Mu'azu, a known researcher on the insurgency in the country's northeast, told OnIslam.net. "Hijab which ordinarily should be a dress of modesty and fear of God in the human mind is now being abused by evil ones in the ...

Hazrat Zaynab (S.A.), Aqeelat Bani Hashim

Hazrat Zaynab (S.A.), Aqeelat Bani Hashim
She was the Prophet’s granddaughter and the principal of women after her mother Fatimah (s.a.). She had all noble and high qualities that she had inherited from her grandfather Prophet Muhammad, her father Imam Ali and her mother Fatimah (peace be on them). Therefore, she was the highest example of honor, chastity, dignity and jihad. She established the edifice of the intellectual rise, and spread political and religious awareness through her ...

Life Under Islamic Purview

Life Under Islamic Purview
Islam categorizes human life into three distinct types:   1. Basic life 2. Comfortable life 3. Luxurious life  Basic Life The basic life is one in which a person is self sufficient in terms of food, clothing and shelter. If a person provides these basic requirements for himself and his family, he becomes deserving of rewards from Allah. Later on we shall see that a man who strives hard to provide livelihood for his family and a woman who ...

Islamophobic attack targets mosque in Netherlands

Islamophobic attack targets mosque in Netherlands
The far-right ‘Identitair Verzet’ movement hanged anti-Islam banners at the roof of Tevhid mosque which is under construction in Venlo city. Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Ahmet Dursun, head of Tevhid Mosque, condemned the incident and said there were many far-right extremists in their neighborhood, but they were not expecting such an attack. “We’ve held talks with mayor and some other officials. They are supporting us," ...

Much importance of woman's possition in human history & Islam

Much importance of woman's possition in human history & Islam
Woman’s Position in Human History and Islam Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) said: Most benefits come from women.[Vasa'il-al-Shia, v.14, p.11] Mental Deviation of Corrupt Men Regarding Women Haughty tribes and nations which lived without following God's teachings preached by the Prophets and mentioned in the scriptures all suffered from mental deviation regarding humankind and all world affairs. They made wrong judgments about Creation and nearly all ...

Muslims, Christians brotherhood in Karachi, Pakistan

Muslims, Christians brotherhood in Karachi, Pakistan
Who Is Hussain? of Karachi aimed to promote brotherhood not only within the Muslims but with other religions per the teachings of Hussain (A'). Prophet Muhamamd & Essa might have been in different eras but they spread the same teaching and for unity nothing could be as amazing as Christmas and the 12th Rabiulawal on consecutive days. Ahlul Bayt News Agency - More than 80 volunteers, 2500 packets of dates, 2 churches, 2 mosques; Who Is ...