Monday 17th of June 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Muslims, Christians brotherhood in Karachi, Pakistan

Muslims, Christians brotherhood in Karachi, Pakistan
Who Is Hussain? of Karachi aimed to promote brotherhood not only within the Muslims but with other religions per the teachings of Hussain (A'). Prophet Muhamamd & Essa might have been in different eras but they spread the same teaching and for unity nothing could be as amazing as Christmas and the 12th Rabiulawal on consecutive days. Ahlul Bayt News Agency - More than 80 volunteers, 2500 packets of dates, 2 churches, 2 mosques; Who Is ...

Moscow Islamic Center to Host Mourning Ceremonies in Muharram

Moscow Islamic Center to Host Mourning Ceremonies in Muharram
According to the Iranian Cultural Center in Russia, the mourning rituals will start from Wednesday, October 14, with the participation of the devotees of Imam Hussein (AS). Beginning after Maghrib and Isha prayers every night, the program includes lectures by Hojat-ol-Islam Ameri followed by eulogy recitations. Shia Muslims, and others in different parts of the world, hold mourning ceremonies every year to mourn the martyrdom anniversary of Imam ...

London: First Arab Muslim woman to officiate at Wimbledon 2015

London: First Arab Muslim woman to officiate at Wimbledon 2015
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - LONDON: Kuwaiti line umpire, Aseel Shaheen, has become the first Arab woman to officiate at Wimbledon.The 41-year-old is among 350 men and women officiating at Wimbledon 2015. The majority of umpires and line judges at the championships are British, but around 60 are invited to take part from overseas.Shaheen, who became a line judge after enrolling on a course in 2002 admitted that even though she didn’t a lot ...

A Father's Family Duties

A Father's Family Duties
Why does the Quran say al-rrijalu qawwamun 'ali an-nisa ? The definition of the patriarchal family system has been the subject of various interpretations and comments in the laws of different countries. Basically the point should be discussed as to whether or not it is necessary that one should rule over the other in the bilateral partnership which is established between a husband and wife, whose goal is marital living and raising of ...

About Hur al-'Ayn

About Hur al-'Ayn
Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq (as) has said: O Abu Baseer! There is a canal in the Heaven on either bank of which are stationed maids. The mu'min who passes that way would select the maids who would willingly accompany him. Allah will create and station more maids in their place.The Hur al-'Ayn are created with luminous soil. Their limbs would appear shining from within a thousand garments. The heart of the mu'min would be the mirror for the Hur al-'Ayn. ...

Child rearing & the importance of father's role

Child rearing & the importance of father's role
The Role of the Father in Child Rearing   O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a man of evil, nor thy mother a woman unchaste! " [Holy Quran: Maryam: 19:28] Consider the Following Four Facts It is understood from verses 33-37 of the Chapter Al-i-Imran and verse 28 of Chapter Maryam that man's development and perfection depend upon the following four factors. 1- A believing father 2- A believing mother 3- A good and sympathetic ...

Express love to your wife: A Quranic recommendation:

Express love to your wife: A Quranic recommendation:
God has established love in our hearts as husbands or wives and recognizes this to be one of the signs of His Existence. This fact is a manifestation of the importance and extent of love and especially the love and affection of man towards a woman. And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are ...

Repentance in Islam (Tawbah): Seeking Forgiveness (Al-Istighfaar)

Repentance in Islam (Tawbah): Seeking Forgiveness (Al-Istighfaar)
Allah (SWT) Most High says in Noble Qur'an, "Ask your Lord for forgiveness and then turn in repentance to Him..." (11:3)Also Allah (SWT) Most High says in Noble Qur'an, "O you who believe! Turn (in repentance) to Allah with sincere repentance; Perhaps your Lord will remove your evil from you... “(66:8)It should not be forgotten that we, being human beings are prone to committing sins. Sinless are nobody in the universe except the Masumeen ...

Islamic Ethics in the Family Structure

Islamic Ethics in the Family Structure
The Value of Good MoralityIt is necessary for the parents to consider a few things which are repeatedly stressed in the Holy Quran for the sake of themselves and their children. It is not difficult to have good morals and avoid evil acts. It is easy to put morals into action and avoid unethical acts in a short period of time. This will not only ease our progress on the highway towards God, but it will also strengthen our marriage; increase our ...

Quran the Message that Bestows life

Quran the Message that Bestows life
The Book sent by the Merciful Lord through his exalted Prophet (s.a.) contains natural and spiritual laws, it has the message of life and teachings that enliven the hearts. The Almighty says, يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ اسْتَجِيبُواْ لِلّهِ وَلِلرَّسُولِ إِذَا دَعَاكُم لِمَا يُحْيِيكُمْ “O you who believe! Answer (the call of) Allah and His Apostle ...

A Brief Analysis of Ne’mat (Bounty) in the Holy Quran

A Brief Analysis of Ne’mat (Bounty) in the Holy Quran
By: Jerrmein Abu ShahbaPraise be to Allah Who is Manifest before His creation because of themselves. Who is apparent to their hearts because of clear proof; Who created without meditating, since meditating does not befit except one who has thinking organs while He has no thinking organ in Himself. Praise is due to Allah whose worth cannot be described by speakers, whose bounties cannot be counted by calculators, whom the height of intellectual ...

Characteristics of the disobedient child

Characteristics of the disobedient child
The sixth Greater Sin is to be disobedient to one's parents as expressly mentioned in the traditions from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and the Pure Imams (a.s.). These have already been quoted in the first chapter. A tradition of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says that the greatest sins are shirk and to be disobedient to one's parents. The seriousness of disobedience to parents as a Greater sin can be gauged from the fact that the Holy Prophet ...

What is the Least Amount of Sileh Rahmi

What is the Least Amount of Sileh Rahmi
Every kind of Sileh Rahmi, the failure of which is viewed as a sort of Qat-e-Rahmi, is obligatory for us. For example, if a person is unable to fulfill his needs due to poverty or is unable to get medical aid for any reason, or is in debt; and he approaches a rich relative for help; it is obligatory on the rich person to help him. Even if the rich person is not approached directly but comes to know the predicament of his poor relative, it is ...

Last of all comes the tyrannical man; about whom we have once more to ask, how is he formed out of the democratical? and how does he live, in happiness or in misery?

Last of all comes the tyrannical man; about whom we have once more to ask, how is he formed out of the democratical? and how does he live, in happiness or in misery?
Republic, IX, passim Last of all comes the tyrannical man; about whom we have once more to ask, how is he formed out of the democratical? and how does he live, in happiness or in misery? Yes, he said, he is the only one remaining. There is, however, I said, a previous question which remains unanswered. What question? I do not think that we have adequately determined the nature and number of the appetites, and until this is accomplished the ...

The Virtues and Vices of Wealth

The Virtues and Vices of Wealth
O ye people! Eat of what is on earth, lawful and good; and do not follow the footsteps of the Evil One, for he is to you an avowed enemy. [Holy Quran: Baqara 2:168] The Virtues and Vices of Wealth A man's need for property and wealth to manage his life's affairs, and especially with the burdensome responsibility of managing a family, is a completely natural need. Wealth and property, business and commerce are not in any way connected with ...

The Value of Friendship

The Value of Friendship
The Value of Friendship Love is a natural human feeling. It is for this reason we see every man is attracted by an internal power to other members of his kind. Thus, this instinctive need must be fulfilled and every one must establish brotherly relations with certain individuals or groups so as to benefit socially from such relations. Love is the foundation of security and comfort. It is the most enjoyable spiritual need which develops with ...

The Merits Of And Demerits Of Its Delay Timely A Marriage

  The Merits Of And Demerits Of Its Delay  Timely A Marriage
Chapter Three: The Merits Of Timely A MarriageAnd Demerits Of Its Delay   In the first chapter, we described the overall merits, excellence and benefits of marriage, and now by the grace of Almighty Allah we will consider the merits of marriage at the beginning of youth and demerits and losses of its delay. A timely marriage has many benefits, and a delayed marriage has many losses. Here, we will refer to some benefits of timely ...

Nabeel Rajab denied access to lawyers and family

Nabeel Rajab denied access to lawyers and family
BCHR said that it is highly concerned over its President's mental and physical health as Rajab has been held in pretrial detention for over a year now, which has taken a grave toll on his health. BCHR reiterated its call on the Bahraini authorities to release him on humanitarian grounds. The center noted that on 14 June, his lawyers walked out of the trial in protest of Rajab's absence in court. The trials have been postponed to 2 July and to 7 ...

Beware of the Curse of the Oppressed

Beware of the Curse of the Oppressed
The Prophet of Allah (S) says, "Beware of the curse of the oppressed that it goes beyond the skies and Allah looks at him with kindness and says, ‘Raise his prayer, I shall accept it!'"The Prophet (S) also said, "Prevent yourself from your father's curse. It is sharper than the spear!"It has come in the traditions that four types of prayer are not rejected by Allah::1. A father's prayer for his son. 2. Prayer of the oppressed against the ...

Prayers Of A Traveller (Musafir) And Qadha Prayers

Prayers Of A Traveller (Musafir) And Qadha Prayers
(According to the fatwas of Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Sistani) Prayers Of A Traveller (Musafir) A traveller should reduce the Rak'ats in Zuhr, Asr and Isha prayers, that is, he should perform two Rak'ats instead of four, subject to the following eight conditions: The first condition is that his journey is not less than 8 farsakh . A farsakh in shariah is a little less than 51/2 kilometres. (When converted into miles, 8 farsakh is equal to 28 miles ...