Wednesday 17th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

CAIR: Anti-Muslim incidents in US saw 57% rise in 2016

CAIR: Anti-Muslim incidents in US saw 57% rise in 2016
A total of 2,213 anti-Muslim incidents were recorded across the country, up from 1,409 in 2015. There was also a 44 percent rise in hate crimes in the same period. Incidents had increased 5 percent in 2015 from the year before. These included a wide range of bias incidents from repeated cases of arson attacks on mosques to street assaults and employment discrimination. The council also reported an uptick in unwarranted contacts against Muslims ...

Intercession and God’s Knowledge

Intercession and God’s Knowledge
The Knowledge of God is eternal and He knows from the beginning what will happen to a certain creature and based on the changing state of that creature He will make a certain Divine decision. In this sense, different wills have been granted based on the number of temperaments and changes in the subjects. Thus no flaw or change has been made in the First Order of God, rather, each knowledge is appropriate in proportion to its subject and any will ...

Development of Woman's Character

Development of Woman's Character
Motives of Co­operation   Development of Woman's Character The social activity paves the way for participation and presence in various arenas, the factor causing development of dimensions of existence and blossoming of talents and aptitudes."Whoever gives up merchandise, two thirds of his mind "brain" will be lost." 139From all this, it becomes clear for us that staying at home or seclusion and separation from society and people results in ...

Muslims win majority in City Council of Hamtramck, US

Muslims win majority in City Council of Hamtramck, US
The U.S. city of Hamtramck has recently elected a Muslim-majority City Council for the first time in the country. The town of Hamtramck, in the state of Michigan, was a long-time Polish-Catholic enclave, but it has been demographically changing recently, and the election has shown how far the city had come. The three people who received the most votes were Muslim, two were incumbents - Anam Miah and Abu Musa - and the third, newcomer Saad ...

Bahrain regime slams UK, US interference over Wefaq party dissolution

Bahrain regime slams UK, US interference over Wefaq party dissolution
Bahrain has rebuffed its British and US allies over a ban on the main opposition group in the country, insisting it "will brook no interference in its internal affairs."In a  statement issued late on Monday, foreign ministry hit back its western allies as saying:    "Such statements and positions are unacceptable interference in the internal affairs of the kingdom of Bahrain, and in the decisions of the Bahraini judicial ...

Second message of Imam Khamenei to western youth distributes in Sydney, Australia

Second message of Imam Khamenei to western youth distributes in Sydney, Australia
The second message of leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khamenei to western youth distributed in Sydney with cooperation of AhlulBayt World Assembly's center in ...

I want to know the philosophy behind the Kunday niaz (offering) which is given all over my country in the months of Rajab and Sha’ban.

I want to know the philosophy behind the Kunday niaz (offering) which is given all over my country in the months of Rajab and Sha’ban.
In the months of Rajab and Sha’ban all over my country the Kunday niyaz (offering) is held, now I want to know the philosophy behind this action. Also, some claim that Yazid or some of the enemies of Ahlul-bayt (as) died and to celebrate their death this function is held. I have read a tradition from the sixth Imam where he says that if you want to fulfill any needs then one must prepare a sweet dish and offer it to the Imam. Can you ...

Photos: Grand Ayatollah Shubairi Zanjani meets with Ayatollah Jannaati

Photos: Grand Ayatollah Shubairi Zanjani meets with Ayatollah Jannaati
Grand Ayatollah Shubairi Zanjani meets with Ayatollah Mohammad Ebrahim ...

Analysis: Anti-US sentiment runs deep in West Asia

Analysis: Anti-US sentiment runs deep in West Asia
- Anti-Americanism or anti-US sentiment has been defined as dislike of or opposition to the United States governmental policies, particularly foreign policy, or American people in general. But, as they say, there is no smoke without fire. So how did the US come to plant hatred toward its policies around the world? To begin with, we shall distinguish between anti-US sentiment that is directed at Washington’s policies and the ...

Women's Special Etiquette

Women's Special Etiquette
Women's Special Etiquette Proper covering In many Quranic verses the Muslim women are ordered to abstain and keep aloof from displaying their charms and adornment, like the following:· "... and display not your finery like the display of the ignorance of yore..." "33:33" · "... and they display not their adornment save what is apparent of it; and to draw their veils over their bosoms..." "24:31" · "O "Our" Prophet "Mohammed"! say thou unto ...


Chapter Seven: The Nasibi attack on the Prophet (sa) Salafi belief that Prophet (s) remained an idol worshiper for 40 years (God forbid)We read in Sahih al-Sirah al-Nabawyiah by Dr.Muhammad Rezq al-Tarhuni, volume 2 page 41:كان على أمر قومه أربعين عامًا“For forty years, He was on the faith of his people”.Similarly we read: Tafseer Al-Kabeer, Page 424, By Mohammad Fakhr ud-Din RaziTafseer Al-Kabeer, Page ...

Respect for the Mosque

Respect for the Mosque
It should be remembered that Allah has termed the Mosques as his homes. Therefore, they are places where people can seek nearness to Allah. Otherwise, Allah is not restricted to any home or place. In comparison with other places, the mosque has more Favor and Blessings of Allah. Therefore it is better to offer the mandatory prayers in a mosque, preferably with a congregation. Similarly giving the Zakat (Religious Tax) in public is preferable. ...

Muslims Mourn Imam Hussein’s (AS) Martyrdom in Ethiopia

Muslims Mourn Imam Hussein’s (AS) Martyrdom in Ethiopia
On the occasion of Muharram and martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS), mourning ceremonies have been organized by Ethiopian Muslims across the country. (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - On the occasion of Muharram and martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS), mourning ceremonies have been organized by Ethiopian Muslims across the country.The programs in Addis Ababa city are held every night with the participation of Iranians residing in the ...

Prayers of the Parents Are Accepted Soon

Prayers of the Parents Are Accepted Soon
The supplication of parents for the welfare of the child are quickly answered by Allah and in the same way their ill wish (curse) due to displeasing them also takes quick effect. Numerous traditions have been recorded in this connection. One such tradition is connected with the merits of Dua-e-Mashlool. It is said that a young man had lost the use of his right hand which was paralysed due to the curse of his father. After his father's death, the ...

The Saddest Night

The Saddest Night
The night after the day of Ashura is called the Shaam e Ghareebaan. It was a very difficult time for all the family of Imam Hussein (A.S) when he had been killed, the evil men of Umar ibn Saad’s army started to loot the body of the Imam. They took everything: his armor, his clothes, his shoes, his sword, even the ring from his finger. Then Umar ibn Saad ordered his troops on horseback to trample the Imam Hussein’s body.Then they rode ...

Wefaq slams Bahraini police over excessive use of force

Wefaq slams Bahraini police over excessive use of force
Bahrain’s main opposition movement, al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, has condemned the Al Khalifa regime’s police for excessive use of force against Shia mourners commemorating the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hossein (Peace Be Upon Him), the Third Infallible Successor of Prophet Mohammad (Blessings of God upon him and his progeny).  According to Press TV, the condemnation on Wednesday came after regime forces clashed ...

Photos: Victims of terrorist attack on memorial ceremony of "Abdul Ali Mazari"

Photos: Victims of terrorist attack on memorial ceremony of "Abdul Ali Mazari"
A mortar attack on a large ceremony attended by Afghanistan's chief executive and other leading government figures in Kabul on Thursday killed three people and wounded 22 others, officials said. The explosions happened during a ceremony marking the 24th anniversary of the death of Shia Hazara leader "Abdul Ali ...

The Family of Abraham (as): A Social, Economic, Political and Religious Model

The Family of Abraham (as): A Social, Economic, Political and Religious Model
  The study to follow is based on the story of the family of Abraham (as) as described in the Biblical passage of Genesis 12-22. It is an uncritical contemplation of the Massoretic text of the Genesis story in the Bible as it stands in the Hebrew. The question I pose is not how the original narrator understood the matter of the family. Rather, I pose the question of how a historically significant text, one attached to several great religious ...


HAS THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS HUMILIATED WOMAN?  The Declaration of Human Rights (article 23, clause iii) says: "Everyone, who works, has the right to a just and favourable remuneration, ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection   Clause (i) of article 25 says: "Everyone has the right to a standard of living, adequate for the ...

Ayatollah Khamenei: No deal if anti-Iran bans hold

Ayatollah Khamenei: No deal if anti-Iran bans hold
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution underlined that anti-Iran sanctions must be terminated, rather than suspended, under a nuclear deal whose text was finalized in July, stressing that Iran would not accept any deal that does not include the lifting of the sanctions. “If the sanctions are not going to be removed, then there will be no deal,” Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said in a Thursday meeting with members of Iran’s ...