Wednesday 17th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Tunisia holds Israel responsible for safety of Marzouki, flotilla activists

Tunisia holds Israel responsible for safety of Marzouki, flotilla activists
AhlulBayt News Agency - Tunisia on Monday condemned the interception by the Israeli navy of one of the vessels of the Freedom Flotilla III which was carrying humanitarian assistance to Gaza, calling to immediately release all participants in the flotilla.Tunisia called, in a Foreign Ministry statement, to immediately release all participants in the Freedom flotilla, holding the Israeli occupation authorities responsible for their safety and that ...

Sayyed al-Houthi: We will defend Yemeni western coast / Saudi Arabia, Emirates puppets of US, Israel

Sayyed al-Houthi: We will defend Yemeni western coast / Saudi Arabia, Emirates puppets of US, Israel
The Leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement says Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are puppets of Washington and Tel Aviv. (AhlulBayt News Agency) - Leader of the Yemeni Revolution Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi on Sunday vowed to defend the Yemeni western coast.This came during a televised speech he delivered to the nation and aired by Al-Masirah TV channel, reviewing the latest developments in the western coast battles.Sayyed ...

The Veil

The Veil
 IntroductionThe veil is one of the most important controversial issues in the societies on the general social level because of its great influence on the determination of the identity of the society and because of its basic and crucial role as regards the approach and the behavior of the society with both its men and women.As a result, the veil is always exposed to campaigns of distortion and weakening by means of controversy and suspicion ...

Household and Home

Household and Home
In addition to positive worldly gains, marriage and maintaining a spouse and attending to the children have serious spiritual benefits. Working and striving to provide sustenance for the wife and children are considered to be a wonderful form of worship being equal to engaging in war in the way of God. The following has been narrated from the Immaculate Imams: One who works really hard to provide for his family's sustenance from what is lawful ...

The Baqi Tragedy (In Holy Madina)

The Baqi Tragedy (In Holy Madina)
As we approach the 86th anniversary of the tragic occasion of the demolition of the holy graves of Baqi in Medina (which took place on the 8th of Shawwal in the year 1345 AH), we are greatly saddened at the injustice. That holy piece of land is the burial place of great personalities without whom the history of Islam is incomplete. It is the burial place of four of our great infallible Imams: Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba, Imam Ali Zainul Abideen, Imam ...

Iran to begin arrangements for Arbaeen pilgrimage

Iran to begin arrangements for Arbaeen pilgrimage
The registration of visa applicants planning to visit Iraq for Arbaeen will begin by the end of the current Iranian month, which falls on August 22, Mohsen Nezafati, an official at Iran's Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization told Tasnim.He also noted that all Iranian pilgrims will have to submit an application through a designated website.If Iranian and Iraqi officials agree on all conditions, pilgrims will begin to obtain visas as early as ...

Luqman-The Wise Sage

Luqman-The Wise Sage
Admonition To The Young SonLuqman was not a messenger. He was a Hakim (the wise one). Almighty God had gifted him much intelligence and a high moral character. It is said that he was the son of Prophet Ayyub’s sister or aunt and lived during the time of Ayyub (a.s).The Holy Prophet has said that though Luqman Hakim was not a messenger, he was a very wise and farsighted man who worshipped only One God.Once a man asked him “Are you the ...

Parents Cannot Restrain From Obligatory Acts Nor Can They Compel You to Commit the Prohibited

Parents Cannot Restrain From Obligatory Acts Nor Can They Compel You to Commit the Prohibited
It should be known that the parents are not the absolute authority upon all the affairs of Haraam and Halaal. Their authority is restricted by the dual dictum, that they must not prohibit a Wajib thing and nor should order something Haraam. If a situation demands the parents have to be disobeyed in absolute obedience to the commands of Allah and His Prophet (s.a.w.s.). "And We have enjoined on man goodness to his parents, and if they contend ...

American Islamic Outreach Foundation hosts event to end wrong stereotypes about Islam

American Islamic Outreach Foundation hosts event to end wrong stereotypes about Islam
The American Islamic Outreach Foundation hosted a "Meet your Muslim neighbor" event, inviting thousands of people in the surrounding community to do just that. On Saturday afternoon, a Muslim call to prayer echoed through the Islamic Community Center of South Charlotte, a foreign sound to some inside. "There are people around this mosque who are not Muslims, we want people to feel secure and safe from us and we want to feel safe and secure ...

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi describes ISIS as 'the most brutal group in history'

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi describes ISIS as 'the most brutal group in history'
Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi explained that Western governments are supporting and strengthening ISIL, the most brutal group in history, as a means to achieve their evil goals. During the 19th part of his nightly Ramadan lecture series on the subject of Du’a Makarim al-Akhlaq (Imam as-Sajjad’s “Supplication on Noble Moral Traits”) being broadcast on Iranian television, Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi said that in ...

Obeying Parents is Obeying Allah

Obeying Parents is Obeying Allah
Obedience to parents is obedience to Allah. To obey parents and not to cause them any kind of distress or discomfort is of extreme importance. This importance can be judged by the fact that in the Holy Quran, Allah's command to serve Him is immediately followed by His command to treat parents with gentleness and humility. "And your Lord has commanded that you shall not serve (any) but Him; and goodness to your parents. If either or both of them ...

DUA of Rajab Month

DUA of Rajab Month
The following du`a is recommended after the daily obligatory prayers in the month of Rajab.The du`a, according to Shaykh `Abbas Qummi in MafateeHul Jinaan has been taught by Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq (a). Sayyid Ibn Tawus has narrated that Muhammad ibn Dhakwan—known as ‘al-Sajjad’ due to his remarkable, long prostration during which he used to weep so heavily that he lost his sight—asked Imam Ja`far al-Sadiq (a.s), ...

Thought-Provoking Sermon of Zainab (S.A.)

Thought-Provoking Sermon of Zainab (S.A.)
By: Seyyed Ali Shahbaz “Those who have helped you to become the head of the Muslim State have done a big disservice to Islam and will soon know what awaits them. The end of all tyrants is terrible…” The person addressed in the above passage is not any of the presidents, prime ministers, kings, and sheikhs of our times, although the words exactly fit them for their incompetence, embezzlement of state funds, hypocrisy, indifference to, or ...


God created mankind to serve Him (LI:56). He endowed man with faculties and freedom of action and out of His Grace (LUTF) and Justice sent Prophets to instruct and guide mankind. No nation or community was left without such guidance. (X:47 and XVI:36). Some of these prophets were sent with Divine Revelation, scripture and miracles. The first Prophet was Adam and the last was Muhammad, the Seal of Prophets (XXX:40). While Quraan mentions only ...

Haidh (Menstruation or Period)

Haidh (Menstruation or Period)
Haidh (Menstruation or Period)   Haidh is a type of blood that is discharged from the womb of a woman every month. In order to better understand haidh let us follow the eight simple steps below:   Verification   If the blood seen is other than what is stated below, then it is haidh.             If the blood is not of istihadha If the blood is not of nifas (blood seen after childbirth) If the blood is not from a ...

The Veil of a Muslim Woman-2

 	   The Veil of a Muslim Woman-2
Fatma: Nevertheless, there are some scholars who recommend that in certain societies women should cover completely. Would this not go against the ideology that men should “lower their gazes” and not think of women in an ill manner? How are men to learn and practice this idea if Muslim women are continuously asked to cover extensively?   Sayyid: Most scholars do not advocate the extent of such practices (complete covering). Certainly, it ...

As a Muslims, Can I still Eat Bacon/Pork?

As a Muslims, Can I still Eat Bacon/Pork?
In Islam, pork was forbidden for human consumption more than 1400 years ago. The wisdom behind this Divine prohibition was only discovered in the 20th century by doctors and scientists.The abstention from eating pork is one of the steps taken by Islam to practice hygiene and to attain purity of soul. There is a saying in English that "a man becomes what he eats". According to physicians and medical experts, pork is a harmful diet. The ...

". . . Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (of Allah) and those. invested with authority among you. . ." (Qur'an, 4:59).

Jabir asked the Holy Prophet: "O Messenger of Allah! We know Allah and His Prophet; but who are those persons invested with authority whose obedience has been joined by Allah with that of yourself?" The Prophet said: "They are my Caliphs and the Imams of the Muslims after me. First of them is `Ali, then Hasan, then Husayn, then `Ali son of Husayn, then Muhammad son of `Ali (who has been mentioned as Baqir in Torah).   O Jabir, you will ...

Attaining Perfection

Attaining Perfection
 Attaining Perfection   Question: How can perfection be attained?     Brief Answer   This topic needs to be discussed in three parts.   1. Definition of Kamal (Perfection) and How It Differs from Tamam (Completion) and Progress   Completion applies when speaking about the parts of a thing, as in the case where a thing is composed of several parts and all the parts are put together, it is said that that thing is complete. ...

Allama Nasir Jafri's message on Pakistan's 70th Independence Day: This pure land a great blessing of Allah for us

Allama Nasir Jafri's message on Pakistan's 70th Independence Day: This pure land a great blessing of Allah for us
AhlulBayt News Agency - Head of Majlis Wahdat Muslimeen Allama Raja Nasir Abbas Jafri felicitate Pakistani nation on the eve of Independence day. He said that this pure land is a great blessing of Allah for us. Every person must thank this blessing by playing their individual role in the development, integrity and stability of this country. He said that Pakistan is a state which came into being on the name of Ideology of Islam. Day and night ...