Thursday 18th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Signs of the Pious

Signs of the Pious
Using the Quranic verses and religious traditions, religious authorities consider the following to be signs of the pious: a)Learning enough of the religious sciences necessary for his actions, morality, business deals and relations with family members and the society b)Protecting his body's health by using hygienic measures and observing good etiquette while eating and drinking c)Resorting to one's intellect in daily affairs and being ...

Bosnian Muslim Basketball player rejoices at lifting hijab ban

Bosnian Muslim Basketball player rejoices at lifting hijab ban
Rejoicing the decision to end hijab ban for basketball players, a Bosnian Muslim player has expressed happiness after receiving approval from the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) to don her hijab during matches. "I am very happy. I have always fought for what I believe is right,” Bosnian professional basketball player Indira Kaljo said on Wednesday. Kaljo made her comments during her visit to the Turkish capital Istanbul, where ...

Numerous traditions have been recorded from the Ahlul-bayt (a.s.)

Numerous traditions have been recorded from the Ahlul-bayt (a.s.)
As it is Wajib to fulfill the rights of the parents, it is also necessary to give them due respect and honour. Numerous traditions have been recorded from the Ahlul-bayt (a.s.) 1) One must not address the parents by their names. However, they can be addressed by their title or kunniyat. 2) One must not precede them while walking, nor should one sit down before them. 3) While having meals one should not begin before the parents. Hazrat Imam ...

Palestinian female prisoners suffering in cold winter weather

Palestinian female prisoners suffering in cold winter weather
The Israeli Prison Service has failed to provide adequate care for at least 29 female Palestinian prisoners being held in Israel's Hasharon prison this winter, a lawyer for the PA's Committee of Prisoners' Affairs said Monday. Hanan al-Khatib said the Israeli authorities have not provided the 29 prisoners, 11 of whom are teenagers, with proper heating and blankets, as temperatures hit freezing point. While extra blankets are available for ...

Canadian PM Trudeau praying with Muslims at mosque

Canadian PM Trudeau praying with Muslims at mosque
A video documenting Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s visit to a mosque in Canada has recently emerged, showing him joining Muslim worshipers for evening prayers during Ramadan in 2013, nearly two years before he was ...

Ten Important Points about Hell

Ten Important Points about Hell
. Who are to be punished by the snakes and scorpions in the Hell?     - Stingy people     - Bad-tempered people     -Those who disturb othersProphet Muhammad says, “There are snakes in the Hell, as big as a camel. When they bite someone, it will hurt for forty years. They are there to punish the stingy, the bad-tempered, and those who disturb others. -Those who refuse to pay ...

Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. But do we? Part 2 of 2

Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. But do we? Part 2 of 2
Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. But do we? Part 1 of 2Manners isn’t all please, thank you and do you mind, it comprises of  many other actions and ways of dealing with people and things around us.When speaking of good morals and manners The Sixth Imam (as) says that his father has brought him up with three,1. Whoever keeps bad friends will not be safe.2. Whoever doesn’t restrict their words will have regret.3. ...


MARRIAGE: A MEDIUM OF REACHING ALLAH   We have already described that one of the important factors in making spiritual progress is having a well-bred and suitable spouse.   Young brother and sister, do you desire to start upon a spiritual journey and reach a place where Allah stamps your heart with His approval and pleasure, when you are still young and your heart is pure and the dust of abjectness and sin has not yet contaminated your ...

London Protesters Demand Justice For Zaria Massacre Victims During Buhari Visit

London Protesters Demand Justice For Zaria Massacre Victims During Buhari Visit
The aim of the protest is to call attention to the Zaria massacre, in which at least 350 Shiite Muslims were killed by the Nigerian military, and the abuse and unlawful detention of Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky, the leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN). AhlulBayt News Agency - The Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) is staging a protest and vigil for Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky in London, where President Muhammadu Buhari is attending an ...

How Do We Eat and Drink?

How Do We Eat and Drink?
Islam gibes us guidelines on how, when, and what to eat. There are numerous traditions that warn of the consequences of excessive eating and inform us of the benefits of hunger and eating in small quantities. The Prophet has said that a man whose consumption of food is little has a healthy stomach and a pure heart, and a man whose food is plenty has a sickly stomach and a hard heart.Time of EatingA very simple narration of the Prophet that we ...

Allowable Expediences and Non-Expediences

Allowable Expediences and Non-Expediences
  As a conclusion to our previous discussion, there are two points to be mentioned. One is that the science of the principles of religious jurisprudence has two expressions which are of use to us here. Some things do not have the advisability to make them obligatory nor do they have the maliciousness to be ruled as forbidden. As they do not contain the criteria to oblige or forbid, they are allowable and because of this they are called ...

Muslims: Remove 'offensive' cross ... from Catholic school

Muslims: Remove 'offensive' cross ... from Catholic school
A complaint that says crosses at Catholic school are “offensive”, and prevent Muslim prayers, has been filed against Catholic University in Washington, D.C. It is only the latest in an endless series of demands for Sharia Law adherence by Muslims in America. The complaint to the Washington, D.C. Office of Human Rights, filed by a leftist professor from rival George Washington University, says there are “too many ...

Iranian Scholars condemn death sentence of Sheikh Nimr in Saudi Arabia

Iranian Scholars condemn death sentence of Sheikh Nimr in Saudi Arabia
Grand Shiite clerics and scholars of Iran backlashed against the death sentence of renowned Shiite scholar Sheikh Nimr of Saudi Arabia. Renowned religious scholar of Iran; Ayatollah Jafar Sobhani while responding to the death sentence of Sheikh Nimr, said that the outcome of this order won’t be good hence it should be reviewed. He said that the only crime of Sheikh Nimr is that he raised his voice against injustice. Another Shiite ...

Use Your Own Case to Judge for Others

Use Your Own Case to Judge for Others
The parents should remember that they themselves were once young and were very eager to get married. They wished their parents would provide the means for their marriage. They hoped their parents would let them marry in an environment full of love and kindness without imposing hard conditions. If they observed that their parents raised issues or set up obstacles that might delay this divine cause, they would get upset with their parents and ...

A Reversion to the Truth

A Reversion to the Truth
My name is Abdul-Hussain,   I have decided to take the name Abdul-Husayn or 'Abd al-Husayn in recognition of my reversion to Shi'a Islam! I of course am still Abdul-Rahman (Servant of the Most Merciful) but the name Abdul-Husayn is a beautiful end to quest of study that finally led me to the truth of the Ahl al-Bayt(AS) and the Holy Imams(AS) that are so beloved to Allah. I'm a 20 year old caucasian male from the US. I was raised by my ...

Nuptial Night Customs

Nuptial Night Customs
Nuptial Night Customs   There are many verses of the Glorious Quran and traditions regarding intercourse which are very beneficial for both men and women. Consider some of the recommendations of the Prophet (Pbuh) and the Holy Household in this regard which have been narrated in the most authentic books on traditions. It is polite for the groom to take of the brides' shoes once she has been brought to his house. Then he should wash her feet ...

Incorrect understanding of Destiny

Incorrect understanding of Destiny
future dark for himself and ruined his luck. After some time he would end up in a hospital with a damaged kidney then either his heart would fail or his nerves break. We are sure that a man who does not know how to control carnivorous animals should not start playing with the tail of a lion or a cheetah. Otherwise he would become a morsel for them within no time. Surely when a gambler loses he himself is responsible for his bad luck. Someone has ...

Poor Ones Question Rasool Allah (P.B.U.H)

Poor Ones Question Rasool Allah (P.B.U.H)
Some of the poor people of Madinah approached Rasool Allah (P.B.U.H) and said to him: "The affluent ones perform acts of goodness like freeing slaves, giving charity, performing the Hajj etc., which are beyond our means (as a result, they shall be in possession of greater rewards than us)."Rasool Allah (P.B.U.H) said: "One, who recites Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest) a hundred times, shall be granted rewards which shall exceed the rewards ...

First four days of Muharram at Imam Hussain center of Windsor, Canada 1437-2015

First four days of Muharram at Imam Hussain center of Windsor, Canada 1437-2015
    Phtotos: First four days of Muharram at Imam Hussain center of Windsor, Canada 1437-2015Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Muharram is a month of remembrance and modern Shia meditation that is often considered synonymous with Ashura. Ashura, which literally means the "Tenth" in Arabic, refers to the tenth day of Muharram. It is well-known because of historical significance and mourning for the murder of Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of ...

In holy Ramadan Iraqi Christians Invite Muslims to Iftar banquet

In holy Ramadan Iraqi Christians Invite Muslims to Iftar banquet
In the holy month of Ramadan, Iraqi Christians have set up Iftar booths in different cities, offering food, water and dates to fasting Muslims to break their fast after evening Adhan (call to prayers). Ahlul Bayt News Agency - In the holy month of Ramadan, Iraqi Christians have set up Iftar booths in different cities, offering food, water and dates to fasting Muslims to break their fast after evening Adhan (call to prayers).According to ...