Thursday 18th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Man’s and Woman’s Independence in Islam

Man’s and Woman’s Independence in Islam
Mankind's creation is based upon his freedom in life, independence in carrying out daily affairs and in control over choices. No one has the right to make another his slave imprisoning that individual to serve his own needs. To deprive others of freedom and free will is a mortal sin, capital treason and a great crime. Liberty and the control over one's affairs are ingrained in man's essence, whose nature was created with this truth in mind. ...

Free Choice & Divine Seal & Lock upon the hearts of the Perverse

Free Choice & Divine Seal & Lock upon the hearts of the Perverse
Free Choice & Divine Seal & Lock upon the hearts of the Perverse   Question:Isn’t there a discrepancy between Islam’s view of the human being as a creature endowed with free choice and assertation of the Qur`an that Allah (awj) shuts the hearts, ears and eyes of some to the truth?     Brief Answer   In many verses there is mention of the unbelievers’ and hypocrites’ hearts, eyes, and ears being sealed and of the sinful ...

London Muslims Promote Tobacco-free Ramadan

London Muslims Promote Tobacco-free Ramadan
Muslims in London Borough of Tower Hamlets have launched a new campaign to help smokers quit tobacco before the holy fasting month of Ramadan, offering them counseling and health services.“Ramadan is an ideal time to start healthy habits,” Dr Somen Banerjee, director of public health at Tower Hamlets Council, told East London Advertiser on Wednesday, May 28.“The health and financial benefits of quitting tobacco extend beyond a ...

Iran’s International Quran Contest shows Iran’s stance on cultural and political affairs: Hojjatoleslam Taghavi

Iran’s International Quran Contest shows Iran’s stance on cultural and political affairs: Hojjatoleslam Taghavi
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Head of the Policy Council of Friday Prayers' Leaders Hojjatoleslam Seyyed Reza Taghavi has said the launch of International Quran competition in Iran reveals Islamic Republic’s position on political and cultural matters. Hojjatoleslam Taghavi, in an interview with the news staff at the International Quran Competition, said that the competition indicates Iran’s endeavor on spreading the Quranic culture in the ...

A Pious Man and Wife

A Pious Man and Wife
A pious man never uses any means, except the lawful ones, and never accepts any unlawfully made money, in order to earn his living. Thus, he respects the rights of all with whom he deals, and no one is harmed by his activities outside the home. He does not get involved in what is religiously unlawful due to his piety and does not lose the treasure of purity of his soul and contentment. When a pious man has finished working and returns home, he ...

Prominent Egyptian Quran reciter passes away

Prominent Egyptian Quran reciter passes away
Shazli, who was the deputy head of the Arab country’s Quran Reciters Union died at the age of 69 in Armania village, Beheira Governorate, north of Egypt. He had just returned from a trip to Austria. Born in 1948, Shazli was a Quran master, international reciter and referee and a faculty member of Al-Azhar University. He travelled to Iran several times to recite the Quran and serve as member of panels of judges in the country’s ...

Security in life for a couple

Security in life for a couple
Whatever good, (O man!) happens to thee, is from God; But whatever evil happens to thee, is from thy (own) soul. [Holy Quran: Nisaa 4:79] The Good and the Bad Man is a creature consisting of the intellect, the heart, the soul and the body. Good and bad aspects exist for each part of man's being; all the good ones originate in God and all the bad ones originate in man himself. Nothing but benefits, goodness, mercy and blessings come from the ...

Ways of combating anxiety

Ways of combating anxiety
(A.S) said: Knowing that my daily sustenance is from God and will not go to anyone else, calmed me. In fact the reason for calmness and staying away from anxiety is to believe in God and the power of the Almighty. Because believing in the fact that God has the power over all the matters and will act accordingly can take away the worries that whatever is due to a person from God will be given to that person and no one else. In another words, the ...

The value of the mind in our life

The value of the mind in our life
By His Eminence, the late Religious Authority, Sayyed Muhammad Hussein Fadlullah (ra)Translated by: Ghassan RimlawiTo discuss the topic of the value of the mind in our life, we cannot but go back to the Holy Quran and the Sunnah to determine the view of Islam from the mind; the mind that we have neglected and resorted instead to our instincts, which became the bases of our politics and relations. The mind, thus, is alienated in our societies, ...


IFFICULTIES ON THE WAYThe army of Islam was faced with great difficulties on its way from Madina to Syria and it is for this reason that it had been given the name of Jayshul 'Usrah (the army of hardship). However, their faith and fervour overcame all these difficulties and they welcomed all the hardships that came in their way. When the army of Islam reached the land of 'Thamood' the Prophet covered his face with a cloth on account of the hot ...

17-year-old teen arrested for the murder of American Muslim Al-Jumaili

17-year-old teen arrested for the murder of American Muslim Al-Jumaili
A 17-year-old teen called Nykerion Nealon has been arrested in connection with the murder of an American Muslim who was shot while taking photos of the snow in Dallas. The police ruled out that the attack was a hate crime, news agencies reported. According to Dallas police, Nealon shot Ahmed Al-Jumaili, 36. Police said witnesses saw two men heading in opposite directions walk by and then come back and shoot Al-Jumaili, an Iraqi migrant ...

Death' - according to the Traditions / Hadiths

Death' - according to the Traditions / Hadiths
The traditions also contain beautiful, subtle, instructive and interesting interpretations regarding death, some which are mentioned.1. The bridge of crossingIn some of the traditions, death has been referred to as a bridge, over which people, at the time of transfer from this world to the other world, shall cross and reach their goal, which is the other world.  For example, Imàm Hussain (as) on the day of Ashura, speaking to his ...

Comparison of Muslim and Christian Prayers

Comparison of Muslim and Christian Prayers
We will mention some examples of Christian worship in comparison with what we have mentioned about Islamic worship. The Bible says: And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. "This, then, is how you should pray: "‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come, your will be ...

Vatican Accuses Turkey Over Syrian Christians Abduction

Vatican Accuses Turkey Over Syrian Christians Abduction
A prominent bishop on Wednesday accused Turkey of preventing Christians from fleeing Syria while allowing terrorists responsible for their persecution to cross its border unchecked. Jacques Behnan Hindo, the Syrian Catholic Archbishop of Hasakeh-Nisibi, made the claim on Vatican Radio, a day after the ISIS group abducted at least 150 Assyrian Christians from villages which had been under the control of Kurdish forces. "Every day, families are ...


MAKE ME A MOON MAKE ME A SUNMother give me two ringsI will make two things Moon I will from oneFrom another sunGive me a glassIn it I will grow grassBasin small I will takeTo make a little lake With much joySaid little boyHe thought, butI must be nutHow can I makeSun, moon, lakeI must be madThe boy saidSome water he got to drinkAnd sat aside to thinkWho makes sunlightThe moon so brightWho can digLakes so bigIn thought So seriously he ...

Bahrain: Sheikh Ali Salman - A Letter to My Beloved Daughter

Bahrain: Sheikh Ali Salman - A Letter to My Beloved Daughter
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - To the fruits of my heart, My dear son Mojtaba, My dear daughter Naba’, You are the joy of my heart and you know how much I love you, long to see you, and dream about the future I desire for you. Allow me, dear Mojtaba, to address your little sister in this letter, to answer a question that is keeping her innocent mind busy: “Why were you detained, dad?” Since she is still not aware, like you are, of ...

British ISIS plan to assassinate Queen Elizabeth

British ISIS plan to assassinate Queen Elizabeth
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - British terrorists, under orders from so-called jihadist commanders in Syria, plan to assassinate Queen Elizabeth II next Saturday, according to the tabloid The Mail on Sunday.The attack will take the form of a “deadly pressure cooker bomb” set to detonate near the queen as she attends events in central London to commemorate the 70th anniversary of V-J Day in World War II.The report comes before the threat ...

Necessity of Good Akhlaq

Necessity of Good Akhlaq
"I have been sent by Allah to teach people good manners" The above hadith shows us how important good Akhlaq (manners) is considered in Islam. A person once came to the Holy Prophet (S) and said that there was a woman who observed fast during daytime and spent her nights in prayers, but she was ill-mannered and hurt her neighbours with her tongue.The Holy Prophet (S) said that the old woman was worthless and that she would be one of the inmates ...

Crying for Fear of Allah

Crying for Fear of Allah
Imam ‘Ali Naqi (A.S) narrates that Prophet Musa (A.S) asked Allah, “O Allah! What is the reward for one whose eyes shed tears with your fear?” The reply was, “O   Musa (A.S)! I shall save his face from the heat of the Hellfire and prevent him from the hardship of the Hereafter!”The Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H) said, “One whose eyes water with the fear of Allah, in return for every drop of his tears ...

Signs of the Pious

Signs of the Pious
Using the Quranic verses and religious traditions, religious authorities consider the following to be signs of the pious: a)Learning enough of the religious sciences necessary for his actions, morality, business deals and relations with family members and the society b)Protecting his body's health by using hygienic measures and observing good etiquette while eating and drinking c)Resorting to one's intellect in daily affairs and being ...