Thursday 18th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society meet 129 MPs to promote goodwill and peace

Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society meet 129 MPs to promote goodwill and peace
Each of the MSPs were specially handed a rose and greetings in celebration of our remembrance of the births of the Prophets Muhammad and Jesus [Peace be Upon Them], along with quotes of the Prophet Muhammad highlighting the universal values of virtue, generosity and peace. (AhlulBayt News Agency) - Members of the Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society engaged with all 129 Members of The Scottish Parliament including leaders across parties, and their ...

Scientific Indications of Resurrection

Scientific Indications of Resurrection
One of the valuable benefits that have been derived from the ceaseless progress of experimental science is that it has proven the possibility of the man's restoration to life. The advancement of human knowledge has, in fact, opened up a very interesting area of exploration in this respect, placing the matter in a new light and making it possible to examine it with precision for the very first time. This achievement contributes significantly to ...

Bahrain court upholds dissolution of main Shiite opposition

Bahrain court upholds dissolution of main Shiite opposition
"The Bahraini authorities have not presented any credible evidence that Wefaq is anything but a peaceful opposition movement which has been seeking reform in the country in the face of increasing government repression," said Amnesty's Research and Advocacy Director, Philip Luther. Back in May, a court increased from four to nine years the prison term for Sheikh Ali Salman, Wefaq’s secretary general. The cleric was arrested in December ...

A glance at Iran’s support for Sunni Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina

A glance at Iran’s support for Sunni Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina
As July 11th marks the 21st anniversary of the barbaric massacre of over 8000 Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Muslims are still being massacred in Palestine, Kashmir, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and elsewhere in the world.'In Occupied Palestine, the United States is the most pivotal factor for the obtuseness and effrontery of the Zionist; and it’s the most important factor in driving most Arab states into compromising with ...

Misguidance from Allah

Misguidance from Allah
Misguidance from Allah   Question: What is the meaning of Allah’s (awj) misguidance in the Qur`an?     Brief Answer   Misguidance is a non-existent entity. Since guidance means to lead someone to a goal, then misguidance is the absence of guidance. In the parlance of the logicians, the relation between guidance and misguidance is privatives and positives (‘Adam wa malakah). In other words, if guidance were to exist in a ...

Relationship and Friendship

Relationship and Friendship
Relationship needs friendship more than friendship needing relationshipLove for RelativesImam Ali (PBUH) says “do meet relatives even with simple greetings”‌.O, people! No one, however rich, is needless of his relatives (tribe) and their practical and verbal supports. They are the greatest group to support when you are lost and to look after you in time of accidents and catastrophes. A good name you leave for yourself through ...

Utah Islamic Center in USA invites people to 'meet the Muslims'

Utah Islamic Center in USA invites people to 'meet the Muslims'
 It's not often that the last prayer of the day inside the Utah Islamic Center in Sandy, Salt Lake County, is met with a packed audience, but it's happened three times in just as many weeks. Imam Shuaib Din says a sudden surge of interest came surprisingly after the US presidential election. "It was a pleasant surprise, all the warm feelings and cards," Imam Din said. "How much they stood with us, and against hate rhetoric." He said the ...

Indonesian govt urged to fulfill rights of Sampang Shia refugees

Indonesian govt urged to fulfill rights of Sampang Shia refugees
SIDOARJO, Indonesia (AhlulBayt News Agency) - The Indonesian national commission for women (Komnas Perempuan) has reported that there are 332 Shia refugees in Sampang who are left unattended. They are sheltered in Puspa Agro Flat, Sidoarjo, East Java.Indonesian Komnas Perempuan Commissioner Riri Hariroh said in a statement that it has been 4 years that the Shia Muslim refugees feel like strangers in their own land. Riri added that on their visit ...

Forty Hadiths on Ramadhan

Forty Hadiths on Ramadhan
Introduction:The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) has said: "Those people from amongst my ummah, who memorize forty Hadiths (traditions) pertaining to those issues of religion, which they are in need of, Allah shall resurrect them on the Day of Judgment as jurisprudents and scholars." (Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 2, pg. 156; Al-Ikhtasaas, pg.2) Hadith No. 01Why the name 'Ramadhan'?The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his ...

Islamic Ethics in the Family-2

Islamic Ethics in the Family-2
  Feigning Feigning is one of the very good attributes few people have. Seeing someone's mistakes and acting as if you didn't, so that the one who made the mistake really believes you didn't notice his/her error is one of the best spiritual attributes. Feigning in regards to your wife's errors is a very noble act which must be continued into the future. The Commander of the Faithful (Pbuh) said: Half of a wise person's existence is patience ...

Hamburg Friday Prayers' leader discusses 'shortcomings' of UDHR

Hamburg Friday Prayers' leader discusses 'shortcomings' of UDHR
Hujjat al-Islam Ramazani-Gilani, stated that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has several shortcomings, one of which is due to its lack of proof, as it is a human-made and not a divine document. The Friday prayers’ leader and the imam of the Islamic Centre of German city of Hamburg, Hujjat al-Islam Dr. Reza Ramazani-Gilani, stated that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has several shortcomings, one of which is due to its ...

Muslim community of New York announces to start a hunger strike in support of Allama Jaffri over Shia killing in Pakistan

Muslim community of New York announces to start a hunger strike in support of Allama Jaffri over Shia killing in Pakistan
Muslim community of New York announces to start a hunger strike in support of Allama Jaffri over Shia killing in Pakistan. AhlulBayt News Agency - Muslim community of New York announces to start a hunger strike in support of Allama Jaffri over Shia killing in Pakistan. Hunger Strike of Secretary General Majlis Wahdat Muslimeen Allama Raja Nasir Abbas Jaffri against the massacre of Ahle-Tashyyu people in Pakistan has entered into 14th day. ...

1000s hold funeral for 2 Palestinians martyred by Israel

1000s hold funeral for 2 Palestinians martyred by Israel
Thousands of mourners have held the funeral procession for two Palestinians martyred by Zionist regime’s forces during a raid in Qalandiya refugee camp in the occupied West Bank.   The Palestinian Ma’an news agency reported the funeral for Laith Ashraf Manasra, 20, and Ahmad Abu al-Aish, 28, was held on Monday and their bodies were laid to rest. The two were martyred in clashes that erupted when Israeli troops stormed the ...

Sayyed Nasrallah: Takfiris & Wahhabis not Sunnis; Wahhabism, main threat in region; extremist groups will later turn on Riyadh

Sayyed Nasrallah: Takfiris & Wahhabis not Sunnis; Wahhabism, main threat in region; extremist groups will later turn on Riyadh
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - BEIRUT: Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah held Saudi Arabia responsible for the chaos in the region, in remarks published by Al-Akhbar newspaper."Saudi Arabia killed us in the July 2006 war and it is responsible for all the killings in the region," Nasrallah reportedly said.He lashed out at Riyadh, accusing it of serving U.S. interests in the region."It has always been hiding but now after it was exposed and ...

An Introduction to 'Al-Kafi' of Al-Kulayni

An Introduction to 'Al-Kafi' of Al-Kulayni
The AuthorThe author of al-Kafi was thiqat al-Islam, Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ya'qub b. Ishaq al-Kulaini al-Razi. He died in 328 A.H. or 329 A.H. (939 or 940 A.D.). Very little is known of his life and there is some dispute as to whether the nisba by which he is known is al-Kulaini or al-Kulini. However, it is agreed that it refers to a village in Iran, Kulain or Kulin; both were villages there.[1]He first worked as a religious scholar and faqih ...

A Heavy Burden

A Heavy Burden
Honoring the rights of the parents is a really heavy burden which only those who truly believe in God and the Hereafter can bear. The Holy Quran has stated the characters of a believer in:  The answer of the Believers, when summoned to God and His Apostle, in order that He may judge between them, is no other than this: They say, "We hear and we obey": It is such as these that will attain felicity. [Holy Quran: Nur: 24:51-52] Note the ...

Men are the protectors and maintainers of women

Men are the protectors and maintainers of women
  Behavior A couple\'s behavior towards each other must be accompanied by politeness, nobility, friendship, cooperation, love and humbleness. Their acts should be based on mutual respect and honor. A man should realize that a woman is a delicate creature with love, affection, and modesty. All these traits must be considered when dealing with a woman. A woman must realize that a man is a strong and robust creature having stronger physical ...


PUBLISHER'S WORDImamate, which means leadership, is a principle of Islam that is probably one of the most debated and, at the same time, most misunderstood of all its principles. Even the word "Imam" has been taken on as a general term of leader, where, in Islam it has a very precise designation. The Imams of the Ahlul Bayt [a] were not leaders chosen by the people, although many times in order to take their rightful position among the ...

Arbitration in Islam

Arbitration in Islam
From time to time differences arise on various questions between the people living together. Historical and personal experience shows that no society has ever existed, between the individuals or the social organizations of which there have never been any differences. Such differences have always existed in all societies from the primitive and semi-barbaric to the most advanced and civilized. Usually the differences and clash of interests arise ...

Shaking Hands with a Non-Mahram Woman

Shaking Hands with a Non-Mahram Woman
By : The Scholar Murtuda MutahhariAnother issue is shaking hands. Of course, all of these issues arise only when there is no lust or fear of deviation present; otherwise they are clearly not permitted. Again, the traditions and religious edicts confirm one another in this matter. The Imam was asked if it is permitted to shake hands with a non-related woman. He said, "No, unless the hands be covered or the woman be mahram." One must not shake the ...