Thursday 18th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Zaria Massacre: Islamic Movement in Nigeria Rejects Sheikh Zakzaky’s Blindness

Zaria Massacre: Islamic Movement in Nigeria Rejects Sheikh Zakzaky’s Blindness
- A member of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) has rejected the news that Sheikh Zakzaky has lost his eyesight.Explaining the latest status of leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky, a member of the movement Hassan Bala asserted “the only reliable news is that the physical condition of Sheikh Zakzaky’s wife is improving and the leader himself is still alive.”In response to a question about ...

An Introduction to Irfan

An Introduction to Irfan

The Order for Hijab in the Quran

The Order for Hijab in the Quran
Reasonable Precautions Adultery is the root of degradation of society in the world and eternal punishment in the hereafter. Islam has therefore prescribed some obligatory rules for our protection. Allah, in His unsurpassed wisdom made these rules incumbent upon us. If these rules are obeyed, the Muslims can protect themselves from such a serious sin. 1.The Order for Hijab in the Quran The Holy Quran has ordered women to cover themselves in ...

"My heart was broken by the screams of the martyr Fakhrawi, won by the Pearl Roundabout and crushed by electric shocks"

"My heart was broken by the screams of the martyr Fakhrawi, won by the Pearl Roundabout and crushed by electric shocks"

Importance of Salat al-Jama'ah (Congregational Prayer)

Importance of Salat al-Jama'ah (Congregational Prayer)
By: Allamah Syed Muhammad Husain Tabataba'i Salat Al-Jama'ah (Congregational Prayer) It is mustahabb for all Muslims to recite al-salat al-yawmiyyah in the form of salat al-jama'ah. The thawab (Allah's reward) for salat al-jama'ah is several thousand times more than the thawab for the salat recited individually. Conditions Concerning Salat Al-Jama'ah (i) Imam al-jama'ah (the leader or imam of congregational salat) must be a mukallaf (the one ...

The Hadith Transmitted by the Companions abou Mut'a

The Hadith Transmitted by the Companions abou Mut'a
Adopted from the Book : "Temporary Marriage in Islamic Laws" by : "Sachiko Murata"3. The Hadith Transmitted by the CompanionsIn Sunni sources hadith have been transmitted from the Prophet showing that he banned mut'a during his lifetime. In most of the Sunni 'sound collections' (sihah), it is related from 'Ali that he said: 'Verily the Prophet of God banned the mut'a of temporary marriage and the eating of the meat of domesticated asses.'1 In ...

Last moments of the three Bahraini martyrs with the "Turbaned Man"

Last moments of the three Bahraini martyrs with the "Turbaned Man"
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Why has the execution sentence been issued? How the fabricated charges against Abbas Al-Samea, Ali Al-Singace and Sami Mushaima brought them to the guillotine of execution. On March 3, 2014, Bahraini authorities announced that three soldiers were killed along with an Emirati officer in a bomb blast it said went off in Diyya town north of the country. Bahrainis still question the story. At that time, people of Diyya not ...

A Pious Man and Wife

A Pious Man and Wife
A pious man never uses any means, except the lawful ones, and never accepts any unlawfully made money, in order to earn his living. Thus, he respects the rights of all with whom he deals, and no one is harmed by his activities outside the home. He does not get involved in what is religiously unlawful due to his piety and does not lose the treasure of purity of his soul and contentment. When a pious man has finished working and returns home, he ...

Thousands of Shia Muslims commemorate Ashura in Turkey

Thousands of Shia Muslims commemorate Ashura in Turkey
Thousands of Turkish Shia Muslims have commemorated the martyrdom anniversary of Prophet Muhammad's grandson Imam Hussein (PBUH), on the Day of Ashura. (Bayt Agency) - Turkish Shias mourned the martyrdom of Imam Hussein by holding ceremonies in Istanbul’s Halkali district and other parts of the country, Hurriyet newspaper reported. Wearing black clothes, young Turkish women carried the names of the Karbala martyrs on headbands and cups in ...

Islam is not against desire and pleasure

Islam is not against desire and pleasure
‘They ask you what is permitted to them? Say: all good things are permitted for you…’ (Qur’ān 5:4) However, what is evident from the verses of the Noble Qur’ān is that Islām in no way, shape or form forbids man’s persuit of pleasure. Neither does it ever ask man to disregard a natural desire that exists within him. ‘…Allāh desires ease for you, and He does not desire hardship for ...

ISIS coins its money in Turkey

ISIS coins its money in Turkey
Turkish media reported that the security forces in the state of Gaziantep on the border with Syria has been able to capture coined money issued by ISIS in ...

What Islam says about the family

What Islam says about the family
The family is the foundation of Islamic society. The peace and security offered by a stable family unit is greatly valued and seen as essential for the spiritual growth of its members. A harmonious social order is created by the existence of extended families; children are treasured and rarely leave home until the time they marry. Parents are greatly respected in the Islamic tradition. Mothers are particularly honored: the Qur'an teaches that ...


DISCUSSION WITH A FRIEND IN THIS CONNECTION   During the compilation of this book I had a discussion with a good, knowledgeable and informed friend, which I hereby persent to you. The friend said: "Do you not think the age you have described fit for marriage is an early one?" I said: "Why early? Do the sexual instinct and natural demand for a spouse and the mental maturity not reach the required standard fo completion at this age? Does a ...

The Reward of Loving Ahlul-Bayt(A.S.)

The Reward of Loving Ahlul-Bayt(A.S.)
I found the following astonishing tradition in one of the most famous Tafsir book of the Sunni brothers, that is, "Tafsir al-Kabir", by Fakhr al-Razi who is a leading Sunni scholar with multiple specialties in Tafsir, Fiqh, and theology. The full address of the document is given at the end. I have provided Arabic text for each sentence of this tradition. This tradition can also be found in other Sunni commentary books of Quran, "Tafsir ...

What is meant by “temporary marriage” {mut‘ah}?

What is meant by “temporary marriage” {mut‘ah}?
Reply: Marriage {nikah} is an agreement between a man and a woman. Sometimes this bond has a permanent effect and the contract {‘aqd} does not have time limit, and sometimes its effect is temporary and its time limit is fixed. Both kinds are recognized as legal and the only difference between them is that one is “permanent” and the other is “temporary”. In other aspects they are the same. The conditions below render ...

Naming and the first food for newborn

Naming and the first food for newborn
It is written in the “ The Islamic Structure of family” by Professor Hossein Ansarian that The Noble Kulayny, author of the book Usul al-Kafi has narrated the following tradition: Feed your baby first with the water from the Euphrates River and then the dirt from Imam Husayn's grave: if not possible use rain water. [Vasa'il, v.21, p.407] Adhan and Iqamah (The general call to prayer and the specific one): It is said the first part of the ...

A promise

A promise
The second type of promise is one that the man himself gives to Allah, like a vow or an oath. For an oath to be binding, it is necessary that it be expressed verbally. For example, if someone wants to vow to Allah and state it in Arabic language he should say \'Aahadto Allah\' (I have vowed to Allah) or \'Alayya Ahadollah\' (The vow for Allah is upon me). The statement of promise, oath or the vow can be in any language but expressed verbally. A ...

Nature of Man

Nature of Man
God Almighty has bestowed the man with many blessings so the God should be loved for His being so kind to them. However, the man has proved to be so selfish in loving gifts but forgetting the giver.  After being embellished with the ornaments of recognition of God the man can find an automatic process of love for his the Creator, God. Once the love for God is developed in the heart of a person then he/she will never resort (retreat) to doing ...


OPTIMISM TRUST AND PEACE OF MIND THE EFFECTS OF OPTIMISM ISLAM CALLS FOR OPTIMISM AND TRUST. Trust and Peace of Mind Man needs stability more than any other thing in his unstable life. Those who engage themselves struggling to achieve goals without being equipped with the weapon of stability face failure and defeat . Infact, as one’s responsibilities increase, his need for stability and assurance also increases. In light of this fact, it ...

“Invite others to the path of your Lord through wisdom and good exhortation and argue with them in the best possible manner. Without doubt, your Lord knows best those who have strayed away from His path and He also knows best those who have been correctl

“Invite others to the path of your Lord through wisdom and good exhortation and argue with them in the best possible manner.  Without doubt, your Lord knows best those who have strayed away from His path and He also knows best those who have been correctl
Introduction ) أُدْعُ إِلـى سَبِـيلِ رَبِّكَ بِالْحِكْمَةِ وَ الْمَوْعِظَةِ  الْحَسَنَةِ وَجَـادِلْهُم بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ إِنَّ رَبَّكَ هُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِمَنْ ضَلَّ عَنْ سَـبِيلِهِ وَ هُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِالْمهْتَدِينَ ( “Invite others to the path of your Lord ...