Thursday 18th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Dead Coming to Life in the World

Dead Coming to Life in the World
By: Ayatullah Shaheed Sayyid Abdul Husain DastghaibOn several occasions the dead do come to life in this world also. Just look at the vegetable world. You observe in the spring season that the trees become alive after their death due to drying up. They once again get a fresh rooh or life. The earth which had died also becomes alive. Fa Yh Yee…Mautihaa (Surah Room: 30, V: 24)On a number of occasions a dead man has also become alive again. ...

True Concept of Piety of a family

True Concept of Piety of a family
The literal infinitive and root of the abstract Arabic noun TAQWA, which has the most beautiful and original meaning, is "WQY". WAQAYA means self-control, being fearful and protecting one's self from all divinely prohibited actions. Actually the word WAQAYA means the spirit, power and ability attained by the practice of giving up sinning, by practicing abstinence and by self-restraint against committing sins. keeping the soul's control over sin ...

Boko Haram militant burn kids alive in northeast Nigeria

Boko Haram militant burn kids alive in northeast Nigeria
A survivor hidden in a tree says he watched Boko Haram extremists firebomb huts and heard the screams of children among people burned to death in the latest attack by Nigeria's homegrown extremists. Scores of charred corpses and bodies with bullet wounds littered the streets from Saturday night's attack on Dalori village just 5 kilometers (3 miles) from Maiduguri, the birthplace of Boko Haram and the biggest city in the northeast, according to ...

Over 20 million Muslims march against ISIS, but mainstream media completely ignores it

Over 20 million Muslims march against ISIS, but mainstream media completely ignores it
    In one of the largest organized marches in the history of the world, tens of millions of Shia Muslims made an incredibly heartening statement, by risking their lives to travel through war-stricken areas to openly defy ISIS. This massive event that would have undoubtedly helped to ease tensions in the West was almost entirely ignored by corporate media.(AhlulBayt News Agency) - In one of the largest organized marches in the ...


by Shaikh Musa Ibrahim Menk Social commandments begin with the birth of a child, hence we begin with the Prophet's Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam sayings regarding birth and the duties of parents to the newborn child. Saying of Adhaan (in the ears of a new-born child). Abu Rafey (R.A.) relates that "I saw the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam saying the adhaan of salaah in the ear of his grandson, Hasan, when the child was born to his ...


Of course, a father too has a great share in the process of tarbiyyat[upbringing] of the child. Tarbiyyat implies a certain sensitivity towards the child under his care, the emotional and physical needs and capacities of the child. It implies the ability to inspire confidence. It implies the courage to allow and promote creativity and innovation. It also means to trust and not to stifle, to be firm when needed and even to impose sanctions ...

The fourth "Ghadir Conference" to be held in Germany

The fourth "Ghadir Conference" to be held in Germany
The fourth international "Ghadir Conference" will be held in Gelsenkirchen by Islamic center of Imam Ali (AS) in collaboration with the Ahlul Bayt World ...

Thousands of dollars spent on Clash of Clans game; Grand Ayatollah Sistani rules on it

Thousands of dollars spent on Clash of Clans game; Grand Ayatollah Sistani rules on it
The Islamic Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence Sayyed Ali al-Sistani has ruled on a game called, “Clash of Clans” where it is, nowadays, played and sold its stages for thousands of dollars.Such a game has been going viral among a large number of the youth where some advanced stages of it have recently been sold for $4000.His Eminence stated that adult people who play it have to refrain from playing it, otherwise they can ...

Common law Authority

Common law Authority
Common law Authority The author in this connection holds that common law can be sometimes authority of legislation and some other times authority of interpretation. In the first part, he considers common law of time of legislator to be the criterion and should be recognised. In the second part, he regards common law of present time to be the basis and should be obtained. Confusing these two will verily entail numerous detriments. Then he shows ...

How was the Holy Quran compiled?

How was the Holy Quran compiled?
Have the verses of the Holy Quran been compiled and gathered according to the taste, liking and desire of the companions or according to the will and instruction of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him. Did Uthman not put the Quranic verses relating to caliphate and vicegerency among the verses of Ahkaam (legal rules)? Is publication of the Quran on the basis of the sequence of the revelation a kind of innovation (bid'ah)? If it is not, why does ...

Top Bahrain activist Nabeel Rajab calls for release of al-Singace to attend his mother's funeral

Top Bahrain activist Nabeel Rajab calls for release of al-Singace to attend his mother's funeral
Rajab stressed that the worst moments he experienced and shall never forget were inside prison when he lost his mother and was deprived of attending her funeral, adding that "this act reflected all the authorities' oppression, tyranny, hatred and revenge against me due to my support of human rights." Ahlul Bayt News Agency - The President of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR), Nabeel Rajab, called on the Bahraini authorities to release ...

Senior Sunni Imam: Crimes in Yemen are crimes against humanity

Senior Sunni Imam: Crimes in Yemen are crimes against humanity
Ahlul Bayt News Agency -  Mamusta Amin Rasti, Friday prayer leader of Sanandaj city in the Iranian Province of Kurdistan, in his weekly sermon denounced Saudi crimes in Yemen expressing regret over the massacre of Yemeni nation. He said," Unfortunately we are witness to realization of anti-revolutionary objectives of the enemies of Islam by the help of Saudi Arabia since they have turned into puppets of the US and Zionist regime of ...

Why does the prophet's character change when he comes to power?

Why does the prophet's character change when he comes to power?
Why does the prophet's character change when he comes to power?Concise answer Although no proof was mentioned for such a question, but we must pay attention that a change of approach does not indicate a change of character and maybe the prophet did have an apparently different act regarding different issues depending on the time, place and situation, but we can not perceive any of these as a change of character. These different approaches had ...

Issues such as marriage, place of residence etc etc, concerning the life of the Twelfth Imam

Issues such as marriage, place of residence etc etc, concerning the life of the Twelfth Imam
Issues such as marriage, place of residence etc etc, concerning the life of the Twelfth Imam   Question: Is the Twelfth Imam married and if so does he have children? Where is his place of residence? What does he wear and what does he subsist on? What is the sense in praying for his wellbeing?     Brief Answer   The opinion that he has a spouse and children—although possible and not necessarily in conflict with the mission of ...

Critical Issues in Woman's Fiqh

Critical Issues in Woman's Fiqh
Critical Issues in Woman's Fiqh Masa'il Harijah Fi Fiqh Al­Mar'ahFirst volume: "As­Sitr Wan­Nazar" Second volume: "Ahliyyat Al­Mar'ah Li Twalli As­Sultah" Third volume: "Hoqooq Az­Zawjiyyah" Fourth volume: "Haqq Al­'Amal Lil Mar'ah". The author is Mohammed Mahdi Shams Ad­Deen. "First edition: Mu'assasat Al­Manaar, Qum". Masa'il Harijah Fi Fiqh Al­Mar'ah is the name of a collection which was compiled and written by Mohammed Mahdi Shams ...

Over 27 thousand Husseini processions across Iraq on Arbaeen pilgrimage

Over 27 thousand Husseini processions across Iraq on Arbaeen pilgrimage
More than 27 thousand Husseini processions will take part in serving the honorable pilgrims during the Arbaeen pilgrimage, according to the head of Husseini Rituals and Processions Department in Karbala.Statistics reveal that eight thousand processions are from the holy city of Karbala.Riyadh Ni’ma, the head of Husseini Rituals and Processions Department, said, “The service processions will be located on the main roads linked to the ...

Traditions Regarding Kindness to Relatives

Traditions Regarding Kindness to Relatives
There are numerous traditions to the fact that Sileh Rahmi is obligatory. In one of such traditions Imam Baqir (a.s.) relates from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) that he said: "I will (command) all the people of my Ummat, whether present or not, and those generations which are to come till the Qiyamat, who are still in the loins of their father and wombs of their mothers, that they should be kind to their relatives (and visit them) even if they ...

The Constructive Role of Religion

The Constructive Role of Religion
Many consider religion as the source for perfection of science. God, the Wise, Omnipotent and Omnipresent, is the Creator and Administrator of the universe. This is in stark contrast to the absurd atheist theory that considers the world the product of an incident for which it attaches no objective nor can provide any explanation. Religion and its ethereal principles have in fact mould the life of billions of people around the globe.In Islam, ...

Mutual Rights of Husband and Wife in Islam

Mutual Rights of Husband and Wife in Islam

Bahrain Revolutionary Forces Call for 'Al-Nimr's Disobedience' on Fifth Anniversary of Uprising

Bahrain Revolutionary Forces Call for 'Al-Nimr's Disobedience' on Fifth Anniversary of Uprising
The revolutionary forces called for "diverse civil disobedience" on the fifth anniversary of the uprising in Bahrain under the slogan "Al-Nimr's Disobedience" for "the leading role played by the martyr Sheikh Al-Nimr, especially that our fellow Saudis in the Eastern Province support our uprising, and for categorically rejecting the continued Saudi occupation that invaded our country under the umbrella of the ‘Peninsula Shield.'"The ...