Thursday 18th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Social Independence of Women

Social Independence of Women
Social Independence of Women     INDEPENDENCE OF CHOOSING DESTINY   One day a girl, who looked very perturbed, came to the Holy Prophet and said: "O Messenger of Allah! My father has done me a great injustice".  "What has your father done?"  "He has a nephew and he has married me to him without taking my consent".  "If so, agree to what he has done and be the wife of your cousin  "I don't like my cousin. How can I be the wife ...

Campaign to highlight hijab and its import

Campaign to highlight hijab and its import
A campaign to encourage university students to recognize the religious significance of the hijab is set to begin here on ...

Trust and Peace of Mind

Trust and Peace of Mind
Man needs stability more than any other thing in his life. Those who struggle to achieve their goals without being stable in their lives would face failure and defeat. Moreover, as one's responsibilities increase his need for stability increases too. Therefore, it is everyone's duty to learn how to avoid anxiety in order to gain stability in his life. Struggling to acquire wealth, power, fame, and other material gains is nothing but ...

Do Muslims Get Along with Jews and Christians and other Faiths or Non-faiths?

Do Muslims Get Along with Jews and Christians and other Faiths or Non-faiths?
Yes, of course Muslims get along with people of the Jewish and Christian faiths. It is a myth or bad rumor that Muslims hate Jews and Christians or anyone else, for that matter, who isn't Muslim.  The Qur'an, sadly, has been taken out of context more then once surrounding this issue. It is incumbent upon us, as Muslims, to get along with those around us regardless of their beliefs, epically those of other faiths who believe in God. The ...

Children and Play

Children and Play
Most parents view playing as a waste of time. They would like a child to grow out of the love for playing and get into more serious things like studies, research, or even household chores. It seems more like a childish behavior that must be tolerated, and the sooner it is over the better. However they forget that play is an important part of growing up, and is vital for the physical and emotional development of the child. Play is the first ...

Methods of Leadership are Relative and Temporary

Methods of Leadership are Relative and Temporary
At a certain time and place, it may be through one thing that people receive guidance, however it is possible that in another time and place, that same thing may lead to misguidance and being led astray! If the same logic that causes an old, illiterate woman to become a true believer is used by an intelligent, learned person, then it may actually cause him to being led astray.  Furthermore, it is possible that a book that is in agreement with ...

What are The Pillars of Islam?

What are The Pillars of Islam?
Islam is divided into two categories. Think of Islam as a tree. You have the roots of religion, without roots a tree cannot grow, and then the branches of Islam, without which there will be no beauty. We will start by explaining the roots of religion. There are 5. They are called the Usool-e-Deen.1. Tauheed Tauheed refers to the oneness of Allah. It means there is no God other then Allah . He isn't the son of anyone, nor is anyone His ...

The World View of the Holy Qur’an

The World View of the Holy Qur’an
Before anything else, we should study the intellectual and cultural environment from which the Holy Qur’an arose.From the point of view of all historians, the Hijaz was among the most underdeveloped and backward areas of the world at that time. During the Age of Ignorance, the people of this area are referred to as savage or half-savage.From the point of view of ideology, they were very firm worshippers of idols and stone and wood statues ...

Iranian Qari recites Quran at Moscow Friday Prayers

Iranian Qari recites Quran at Moscow Friday Prayers
An Iranian Qari attended the Friday prayers in Moscow on Friday and recited verses from the Holy Quran at the ...

Inclination to Shiite in New Zealand Increasingly Growing

Inclination to Shiite in New Zealand Increasingly Growing
Referring to existence of 12000 twelve-Imams Shi'as in New Zealand, a Member of Board of Directors of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) Islamic Foundation in New Zealand reported about the increasing inclinations to Shi'ite in this country. Member of Board of Directors of Ahl al-Bayt Islamic Foundation in Auckland, New Zealand in a professional meeting on conditions of Muslims in New Zealand said among researchers of Islamic Research Foundation of Astan Quds ...

The Effect of Command and Prohibition Children

The Effect of Command and Prohibition Children
Being a ware of three important sections aspects of a person"s personalityMind, parent, wisdom and child will be of great help for us; parents that           of great help for us, parents that are more familiar to these three aspectsof personality mind are more successful in training children and bringingup logical, self- reliant and effective individuals. Parents who know theparent section of ...

Family Life In Islam

Family Life In Islam
  1. Introduction A sensible and well-balanced family system is the very foundation of a happy life. Indeed, it is the root of an advancing civilization. Religion comes to take human beings closer to Allah. Therefore, it must create an atmosphere conducive to that ideal; otherwise, it cannot achieve its goal. No religion can be regarded as complete unless it has a well-defined code of family life which expressly shows the exact role and ...

US Muslims prepare special `Eid treats

US Muslims prepare special `Eid treats
Anticipating `Eid al-Fitr celebrations next Friday/Saturday, US Muslims are preparing to welcome the religious holiday with special food treats in halal burger joints and kebab palaces.   “The parents will stay home and eat biryani,” Zayn Hassan, a Pakistani-American student who was buying macarons to break the daily fast at Shawarmania in Astoria, Queens, told New York Times on Wednesday, July 15, Onislam.net ...

Where is Mecca and what's the Kabba and Hajj?

Where is Mecca and what's the Kabba and Hajj?
Mecca is the capital city of Saudi Arabia's Makkah province, in the historic Hijaz region. It has a population of 1,294,167 (2004 census). The city is located 73 kilometers (45 mi) inland from Jeddah, in the narrow sandy Valley of Abraham, 277 meters (909 ft) above sea level. It is located 80 kilometers (50 mi) from the Red Sea.The city is revered as the holiest site of Islam, and a hajj pilgrimage is required of all able-bodied Muslims who can ...

Iranian activists urge OIC to help stop Saudi regime from Sheikh Nimr’s execution

Iranian activists urge OIC to help stop Saudi regime from Sheikh Nimr’s execution
Iranian human rights activists and academics have called on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to pressure Saudi rulers and prevent them from carrying out the death sentence handed down to prominent religious scholar Ayatollah Sheikh Nimr Baqr al-Nimr.  According to the reports, in a letter to OIC Secretary General Iyad Ameen Madani on Wednesday, the Iranian activists expressed regret over Riyadh’s decision to uphold ...

Azerbaijan ban on Quds Day demos serves Israel’s interests

Azerbaijan ban on Quds Day demos serves Israel’s interests
- Azerbaijan has barred people from holding International Quds Day rallies, held annually to show solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people, under the pressure of the Zionist lobby groups, a political analyst ...

British White Widow fake jihadi has masterminded 400 murders

British White Widow fake jihadi has masterminded 400 murders
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - White Widow Samantha Lewthwaite has masterminded the murder of 400 people after becoming a key member of terror group Al Shabaab, it was claimed last night.The British fake jihadi is thought to have orchestrated a number of attacks including last month’s slaughter of 148 people at a university in northern Kenya.Lewthwaite, the widow of London 7/7 bomber Jermaine Lindsay, is believed to have risen rapidly through ...

Imam Khomeini's week lecture series enters its second day at Kano / Photos

Imam Khomeini's week lecture series enters its second day at Kano / Photos
- The lecture series in remembrance of the demise of Imam Ruhullah Khomeini (QS) organized by the Academic Forum of the IMN across the nation enters its second day, on Monday 30th May, 2016.In Zone B, two lecture presentations titled “Wila’a and Bara’a” by Malama Maimuna Abdullahi and “Shaikh Zakzaky (H), a symbol of unity and spiritual son of Imam Khomeini (QS)” by Malama Maimuna Maigandi.The Lecture ...

Ramadan Relieves Nigeria’s Poor

Ramadan Relieves Nigeria’s Poor
When Ramadan moon appears in the Nigerian sky, thousands of less privileged Muslims in the West African county are certain that quality feeding is guaranteed as the rich, politicians and governments try to outdo one another giving out foods, money and other welfare packages. "At least 84 feeding centers have been established across the state to ensure smooth conduct of the annual event," Tukur Alkali, religious affair commissioner for Nigeria's ...

Tips For Acne Free Skin

Tips For Acne Free Skin
Everyone longs for a flawless, radiating skin free of acne and pimples. Acne not only ruins the look and your skin, it also makes you feel awkward and lowers your self-confidence. It is imperative for you to feel good about yourself in order to present a self-assured image to the world at large. Acne occurs when the pores in your skin get blocked with sebum, a kind of oil that greases your skin and hair. Acne is more common during puberty years ...