Saturday 20th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Education in Islam

Education in Islam
1) Importance of EducationIn a society where religion and knowledge in general and science in particular do not go hand in hand, it seems necessary to briefly describe the position of Islam vis-à-vis knowledge, Islam, in theory as well as in practice, has always promoted knowledge. Distinctive mark of human beings over the angels is knowledge:"And Allah taught Adam all the names…” (2:31)The first verses of the Quran began ...

Woman wearing a niqab forced to leave Paris Opera

Woman wearing a niqab forced to leave Paris Opera
  The press revealed on October 19, 16 days after the event, that during a performance of La Traviata at the Opéra Bastille in Paris, a woman spectator was made to leave on the orders of the deputy manager of the Paris Opera, Jean-Philippe Thiellay, because she was wearing a niqab. She was a tourist from a Persian Gulf state holidaying in Paris with her husband. According to Thiellay, "some members of the choir indicated that they would not ...

Can the Islamic Intellectual Heritage be Recovered?

Can the Islamic Intellectual Heritage be Recovered?
By "the Islamic intellectual heritage" I mean the ways of thinking about God, the world, and the human being established by the Qur’ān and the Prophet and elaborated upon by generations of practicing Muslims. I use the term "intellectual" to translate the word ‘aqlī, and by it I want to distinguish this heritage from another, closely related heritage that also has theoretical and intellectual dimensions. This second heritage is the ...

Treachery and its Faults

Treachery and its Faults
Treachery and its Faults No one doubts that there are many factors which greatly influence the spread of corruption. When a thorough investigation is carried out regarding the factors which cause immorality and social lowliness, it becomes evident that the most influential factor of all is the prevalence of treason on men’s minds and reasons. We also discover that the danger which is inflicted on society from treachery and its devastating ...

Importance of Family in Islam

Importance of Family in Islam
FamilyCertain animals such as ants, bees, termites and several ©species of monkeys are social, that is they live in communities. The social life of some of these gregarious animals is characterized by some very significant and interesting systems.Man is also a social and gragarious animal that has the most varied and the most interesting social life that we know. Society and its kindsSocial life usually originates from a set of natural or ...

Shiite protest Sheikh Zakzaky’s prolonged detention

Shiite protest Sheikh Zakzaky’s prolonged detention
The prominent cleric and his wife were taken into custody on December 14, 2115, after deadly clashes between the supporters of the IMN movement and Nigerian troops. Nearly 350 members of the Shia movement were killed in the clashes. The sheikh was brutally injured and his house was reportedly destroyed by the army in the incident. The judge said he had given 45 days for authorities to provide new accommodation for the Zakzaky family. The ...

Muslim Roses Clear Ottawa Misconceptions

Muslim Roses Clear Ottawa Misconceptions
Facing increasing misconceptions about Islam, Ottawa Muslim students and volunteers have dared freezing cold to hand over roses to passersby, emphasizing their faith's teachings of love and mutual understanding. "We know what our faith stands for and want to make it known to others as well," Zoharana, a volunteer who handed out roses and who didn't give her last name. Zoharana, a student of U of Ottawa, was among the volunteers who handed out ...

Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah: Despite Ordeals, We Will Inevitably Pray in Al-Quds

Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah: Despite Ordeals, We Will Inevitably Pray in Al-Quds
Sayyed Nasrallah started his speech by stressing that the Palestinian cause is the most rightful one in our region. “There is no rightful and legitimate cause like al-Quds and countering the Zionist enemy,” his eminence said. “One may mix between right and wrong, but when we talk about al-Quds we are before and evident right,” Sayyed Nasrallah said referring to the different stances from the events taking place in ...

Turkish people hold rally in Istanbul in solidarity with Syria

Turkish people hold rally in Istanbul in solidarity with Syria
Hundreds of people have organized a rally in the city of Istanbul to voice their solidarity with the Syrian government and people in their war against terrorism. The demonstrators, supporters of Turkey’s main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), gathered at Kadikoy Square on Sunday, raising Syrian and Turkish flags, and holding banners with slogans condemning the war on Syria. The chairman of CHP Youths Department, Porcay ...

Boy's Experience

Boy's Experience
Boy's Experience "This is a story of a boy's experience who went to Hajj with his parents"Last year I went with my parents to Arabia to take part in the glorious ceremony of hajj. What an auspicious journey it was! And how I wish you had been there and seen those glorious rites of hajj.A little distance to Makkah, we stopped at a place called the miqat. There we took off our clothes and put on ihram (the plain white coverings). As I put on ...


Chapter Nine: The Nasibi attack on the wives of the Prophet (s) Nasibi attack on Ayesha’s dignityBefore analysing the text let us pose the following questions to those with rational minds:    If two of your relatives went to your home and asked your mother about how to perform Ghusl after sex how would you react?    Is it not an insult to ask such a question to your mother?    How would you ...

US Muslims Hand out Roses on Christmas Day in Washington

US Muslims Hand out Roses on Christmas Day in Washington
A group of Muslims in the US capital handed out hundreds of roses and Quranic messages of humanity in front of the city’s subway station on the occasion of Christmas Day. A group of Muslims in the US capital handed out hundreds of roses and Quranic messages of humanity in front of the city’s subway station on the occasion of Christmas Day. The Muslims along with a number of students at the Johns Hopkins University on Saturday gave ...

Shia and Sunni in Turkey unite for Muharram

Shia and Sunni in Turkey unite for Muharram
(Bayt Agency) - Islam does not accept injustice of one group over another said Fermani Altun, head of an Alevi foundation in Turkey. Speaking at a dinner in Ankara attended by politicians from the ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party, to celebrate the Islamic sacred month of Muharram, Altun added "we do not have an Shia-Sunni problem in Turkey'. Alevi Muslims in Turkey follow a mystical branch of Islam which finds its roots in the Shia ...

Religious Training of children

Religious Training of children
Religious Training of children       Parents have been given the noble duty of guiding the future generation. It is their task to ensure that their children get a sound religious education. In this they are carrying on the work of the Prophets, who guided the people. The Holy Qur’an says:   O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is man and stones. (66: 6)   In today’s society, a lot of ...

Guidance to Right Arguments

Guidance to Right Arguments
Every man out of his natural disposition has some conception of the Day of Resurrection because there is no one who would not like to know the ultimate future of man and of this world, where the life's struggle of man ends and what the real purpose of life is? We have two answers to this question as follows: (i) All the Divine religions according to the arguments, we shall advance at a later stage, have an optimistic view of the future of ...

The heart, the soul and the body

The heart, the soul and the body
Whatever good, (O man!) happens to thee, is from God; But whatever evil happens to thee, is from thy (own) soul. [Holy Quran: Nisaa 4:79] The Good and the Bad Man is a creature consisting of the intellect, the heart, the soul and the body. Good and bad aspects exist for each part of man's being; all the good ones originate in God and all the bad ones originate in man himself. Nothing but benefits, goodness, mercy and blessings come from the ...

Paying the parents right

Paying the parents right
The noble prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said: every person who recite two rakaats prayer in Thursday night between Maghrib and Isha prayer, in each rakaat recite one time hamd sura, 5 times Ayat-Ol-Korsi and recite each one of the Al-Kafirun (109), Al-'Ikhlas (112) , Al-Falaq (113) and An-Nas (114) suras 5 times and after the prayer, repent to God (Istighfar) 15 times. Then put the reward of this prayer to her\his parents, so by this s\he pay the ...

Bahraini baby enters his second year without citizenship

Bahraini baby enters his second year without citizenship
The Bahraini authorities refused a request submitted by his mother, lawyer Balqees Al-Manami, to give her baby a passport, even a one-way travel document, however, the Immigration and Passports Directorate has not replied to her request yet.Sayed Ali is a victim of the political revenge practiced by the Bahraini authorities against Bahraini citizens. His father was stripped of his citizenship while Sayed Ali was still an embryo, thus he was born ...

Indian Analyst: Saudis victory in Yemen impossible

Indian Analyst: Saudis victory in Yemen impossible
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - 'Despite rising US doubts the Saudi extremists are determined to pursue their warmonger approach in Yemen, but is seems quite certain that Riyadh has got itself entangled in a war in which no victory is foreseeable,' wrote Gwita in an article in Hindu newspaper's Tuesday edition.He noted that the new Saudi monarch only a few hours after coming to throne appointed his son who is less than 30 years old and ...

Laziness in Offering Prayers

Laziness in Offering Prayers
Laziness in offering mandatory prayers is a trait of the hypocrites. Mu'min should not be tardy about offering prayers and should fulfill this obligation with humility and fear of Allah.Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq (as) has said that when one thinks of performing a good deed, then he should hasten to accomplish it; lest Satan diverts his mind and the deed is not done! Dedication of Heart in PrayerImam Ja'far As-Sadiq (as) has said, "Abstain from two ...