Saturday 20th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

The status of woman in the world-view of Islam

The status of woman in the world-view of Islam
As for the first part the holy Qur’an is not only a collection of laws. It does not contain merely a series of dry commands and laws without comment. It contains both laws and history both exhortation and the interpretation of creation and countless other subjects. Just as the Qur’an lays down rules of action in the form of law on some occasions so it also comments upon existence and being. It explains the secrets of the creation of the ...

There is No Prohibition on Shaving The Beard

There is No Prohibition on Shaving The Beard
There is No Prohibition on Shaving The Beard I have concluded that there is no prohibition, since the basis of prohibition is the hadith which states: "Clip the mustache and spare the beard, and do not appear as the Jews." If then, the ruling is predicted on a consideration of appearance for the purpose of differentiating between Muslims and Jews, then this is specific to the situation where the Muslims are a minority and others a majority ...

New Jersey Muslims Urged To Share Ramadan

New Jersey Muslims Urged To Share Ramadan
Seeing Ramadan as opportunity to spread peace and love among New Jersey faiths, an online initiative has urged Middlesex County Muslims to share food with their neighbors and friends during the holy fasting month. “As the Month of Fasting or Ramadan approaches, we would like to encourage Muslims near and far to take part in the Ramadan Sharing Initiative,” South Brunswick resident and Board of Education member Azra Baig was quoted ...

Future of Israel Not Long, Our Choice is to Stay in Aleppo, Aoun and Berri Our Candidates - Hezbollah Leader

Future of Israel Not Long, Our Choice is to Stay in Aleppo, Aoun and Berri Our Candidates - Hezbollah Leader
- Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah emphasized Saturday that the "Israeli" aggression on Lebanon in July 2006 dispossessed the Zionist people from their trust in their leadership and the "Israeli" military institutions as it shook the deep-rooted "Israeli" military doctrine. He further asserted that July Victory reasserted that "Israel" is more fragile than a spider web and that its destiny is to be wiped from ...

Muslims protect Christians in Kenya militant attack

Muslims protect Christians in Kenya militant attack
Muslim passengers on board a bus in Kenya have defied a demand from militants attacking the vehicle to identify Christians travelling with them, witnesses say.  The attack took place in Mandera County in northeast Kenya on Monday when gunmen believed to be affiliated with Somalia's al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab militant group shot at the bus carrying 60 passengers, killing two people. According to Abdi Mohamud Abdi, a Muslim who was ...

The Shariah Position

The Shariah Position
The Messenger of God prohibited discipline at a moment of anger. When a person is angry, he cannot judge well which situations calls for discipline and instruction for the child. Likewise, too, we find that Islam forbids negative actions by the nurturer which are not absolutely necessary for imposing discipline. We are not permitted to use harsh words-words of abuse, vilification, and ridicule against the child. All of these have negative ...

House cleaning; Heart cleaning!

House cleaning; Heart cleaning!
The old is going, let him go,The new, ringing out across the snow!Look at the sky,Spring draws nigh!It’s playing lyre,For us seeking our household fire!Warmth is knocking at the door,Winter is shaken to the core!Heart of nature is quickening,Pairs of birds are on the wing!Let’s ring in the new,And turn to the True!Give up hostility, brutality,Observe highest human dignity!When we are dressing the part,Off the False, clean our heart!Keep our ...

Islam and Modern Life

Islam and Modern Life
Islam and Modern Life ISLAM AND MODERN LIFE - I  The question of religion and modernity is one of those subjects which do not concern the Muslims alone. Other religions also had to face this question. Many liberal minded people in the world have renounced religion, because they are under the impression that religion and modern life are incompatible. They think that inertia, stagnation and rigidity are the inherent properties of ...

Islamic Movement in Nigeria: We are being pushed to the wall

Islamic Movement in Nigeria: We are being pushed to the wall
By Abdulmumin GiwaI have heard a lot of commendations on the peaceful conduct of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN) under the revered leadership of His Eminence Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky (H) which is so matured in its thought and ideas to the extent of managing itself through most tempting situations.The IMN had been attacked on several occasions where its members are mercilessly killed and their property destroyed by the Nigerian government ...

Tens of Thousands of Shia Muslims commemorated Ashura in Kargil

Tens of Thousands of Shia Muslims commemorated Ashura in Kargil
    Tens of Thousands of Shia Muslims in Kargil district of Jammu and Kashmir commemorated Ashura and renewed their allegiance to Prophet's grandson Imam Hussain (pbuh).(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Tens of thousands of people from every corner of Kargil district of Jammu and Kashmir, dressed in black, took to the streets of Kargil town on Sunday, the tenth day of the lunar month of Muharram (25.11.2012), to mourn the tragedy on a ...

Tahreer Al­Mar'ah Fi 'Asr Ar­Risaalah

Tahreer Al­Mar'ah Fi 'Asr Ar­Risaalah
Tahreer Al­Mar'ah Fi 'Asr Ar­Risaalah By Abd Al­Haleem Mohammed AbuShaqqah "1st edition: Kuwait, Daar Al­Qalam Lil Nashr Wat­Tawzi', 1410H/1990AD", in six volumes.It is one of valuable and worthy works in the field of subjects on women, a collection that is produced with the good efforts of Abd Al­Haleem AbuShaqqah.In regard of his motive of compiling this book, the author says: I was doing investigation and researching on the Prophet's ...

Iran’s cultural center holds conference on Islamophobia in Berlin

Iran’s cultural center holds conference on Islamophobia in Berlin
The scientific conference on ‘Islam, Islamophobia & Extremism' took place in Berlin with the efforts of Iran's cultural center and in collaboration with the Islamic Studies Foundation. The event was held on February 6 and attended by scholars and analysts from Germany, Austria and Iran as well as a number of German students and intellectuals. The conference that was hosted in Hotel Steglitz International in Berlin centered around various ...

The Heart is the Source of Truth

The Heart is the Source of Truth
What is the meanings for the expression “ God is in the heart of believers” , what is heart and what are qualities associated with heart? Are all answered in the words of Professor Hossein Ansarian “ The Islamic structure of family”. The text to be followed is a cut.   In Islamic works there are various, surprising explanations about the heart: The territory of God[Bihar al-Anwar, v.70, p.25] A spring [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.8, ...

Mexican Catholics find God in Islam

Mexican Catholics find God in Islam
MEXICO CITY (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - For almost five centuries Catholicism has been the dominant religion in Mexico. In 1970, Catholics comprised 96.7 percent of Mexico's population. By 2010, that number had fallen to 82.7 percent, according to the Pew Research Center. Most of this change is attributed to growth in other Christian denominations. Evangelicals, Protestants and Jehovah's Witnesses now account for 8 percent of Mexicans who ...

“Woman in Islam” Conference Held by Iranian Cultural Center in Venezuela

“Woman in Islam” Conference Held by Iranian Cultural Center in Venezuela
A conference titled “Woman in Islam; The End of Myths” was held by Iranian Cultural Center in Caracas, Venezuela. According to the website of the Islamic Culture and elations Organization, the Center for Cultural Interactions of Iran and Latin America, the representative of Al-Mustafa International University in Venezuela, cooperated in holding the program. The National Art Gallery of the capital city hosted the conference on ...

Ayatollah Javadi Amoli: Message of Ayatollah Khamenei for the youth in Europe is an appreciable move

Ayatollah Javadi Amoli: Message of Ayatollah Khamenei for the youth in Europe is an appreciable move
Ayatollah Javadi Amoli has appreciated the letter of Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei for the youth in Europe and North America. Ayatollah Javadi Amoli has addressed the ceremony of Quran Complex which was organized by Al-Mustafa International University. He said that message of Islam is flourishing and propagating worldwide due to the blessing of the blood of martyrs. It is our responsibility that we should play our part for the propagation of ...

US Muslim in Las Cruces launch street campaign to clear misconceptions about Islam

US Muslim in Las Cruces launch street campaign to clear misconceptions about Islam
A group of local Muslims in the city of Las Cruces in USA are hoping to clear up some common misconceptions about their religion by taking their message to main ...

The Differences Between English and Arabic

The Differences Between English and Arabic
Introduction: Arabic is the official language in many countries, including Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Morocco. Arabic is also the language of the Koran, so Muslims of all nationalities, such as Indonesians, are familiar with it. There are many Arabic dialects, but there is one version that is taught in schools and used by the media across the Arab world. Arabic is from the Semitic language family, hence its grammar is very different ...

A Child as the Result of a Mother's Efforts

A Child as the Result of a Mother's Efforts
The Arabic word "Um" which means mother and is extensively used in the Quran and the traditions essentially means root and source. This is because a child is in the womb for six to nine months and extracts his/her physical and spiritual needs from the body of the mother. Also, the baby constantly extracts his/her needs from the mother’s physical and nervous system. In fact a mother is the root or source of the existence of a child, and a child ...

Who was Abu Talib?

Who was Abu Talib?
By: Ali Khalfan I once saw a thread in one of the Islamic Forums on the net titled “Abu Talib” started by a Shi'ah sister and her intent of starting the thread was to confirm if the ahlul-Sunnah do believe that Abu Talib, the uncle of the Prophet (s.a.w.) was a disbeliever and from the discussion that ensued, the Sunnis who posted in the thread confirmed their belief without a doubt. In short, some very good references and arguments were ...