Sunday 21st of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Belgique : un instituteur accusé d’avoir infligé une effroyable punition à un petit écolier musulman

Belgique : un instituteur accusé d’avoir infligé une effroyable punition à un petit écolier musulman
Agence de Nouvelles d'Ahlul Bait (ABNA) : Diffusés sur Facebook par sa maman saisie d’effroi, les stigmates de l’inacceptable punition infligée à ce petit bout de chou de 5 ans par son instituteur accusé de s’être mué en bourreau, illustrent le calvaire enduré pour avoir simplement refusé de se ranger à la queue leu leu. Traîné par le cou, avec une ...

Benevolence to Parents is Wajib

Benevolence to Parents is Wajib
The verses of the Quran as well as the traditions of the infallible Imams (a.s.) not only prohibit displeasing and angering the parents, but also stress that benevolence towards them is Wajib. A few examples of the Quranic Ayats are presented for the readers: 1) "And We have enjoined on man goodness to his parents." (Surah Ankaboot 29:8) 2) "Be grateful to Me and both your parents..." (Surah Luqman 31:14) The above verse is specially worth ...

How Often do Muslims Pray?

How Often do Muslims Pray?
here are five daily obligatory prayers. These are the dusk prayer (Maghrib), night prayer (Ishaa), dawn prayer (Fajer), noon prayer (Zuher), and the afternoon prayer (Asr). Besides these there are a few other prayers that should be performed only on certain occasions, but not regularly, like the prayer at the burial ceremony of a Muslim who has passed away, the prayer on two specific Islmaic festivals (called "Eid"), etc.Other than these, one ...

Consequences of Unlawful Money in One’s Life

Consequences of Unlawful Money in One’s Life
. LavishnessOne who accepts unlawful money can neither reach a good spiritual position, nor could he have firm beliefs. Unlawful money has many negative consequences, one of which is lavishness. Many people have been afflicted with lavish lifestyle; so, they cannot get the answer to their prayers.   2. The Difficulty of HappinessOne, whose prayers are not heard, because of his lavish lifestyle, cannot easily gain happiness.3. ...

Challenges Facing the Family and Society

Challenges Facing the Family and Society
Challenges Facing the Family and SocietyDivorce Yesterday and Today It was usual in Islamic countries for marriages to take place in a context of common sense and compatibility. It was the family who would find the appropriate partner with regard to religion, moral behaviour, financial status and physical character. For this reason, marriages on the whole were successful.The family's choosing for their offspring did not negate the choice and ...

PRAYERS: Philosophy Behind Wudhu And Ghusl?

PRAYERS: Philosophy Behind Wudhu And Ghusl?
What Is The Philosophy Behind Wudhu  And Ghusl ? ? Undoubtedly, wudhu possesses two manifest benefits - the medical benefit and the ethical and spiritual one.  From the medical point of view, washing of the face and hands - and that too fives times a day or at the very least, three times a day – has an appreciable influence as far as the cleanliness of the body is concerned.   Wiping the head and the exterior ...

Message Of Hejab From A Muslim Woman

 Message Of Hejab From A Muslim Woman
Hearken! O Woman! This jingle jangle is the clink of your chains! What an old and rusty clink! As if it has continued to ring for thousand of years of history till this day. under the dominance of the systems devouring the blood of humanity, Throughout the decadent society in which you live, In the depth of your thoughts, wishes and tastes, and even your decisions, These chains, which have pierced from your skin into your flesh, Have gone ...

Fun and Pastime in their True Extent

Fun and Pastime in their True Extent
Our Youth ...the Shariah View Fun and Pastime in their True Extent What may be said to youths who view the state of youth as a time when they must engage in fun, chatting into the late hours, horseplay, and the like? We would like for youths to meditate deeply on the following questions: What is pastime? What is horseplay? What is lust-be it sexual, related to food, drink, or other bodily instinct or craving of human beings? We call on ...

Visitors to New Delhi book fair receive free Quran copies

Visitors to New Delhi book fair receive free Quran copies
Several stalls at the ongoing World Book Fair in New Delhi have books on Islam to communicate the true meaning of the religion and in a bid to spread peace. Among the books on display are "What is Islam" and "Leading A Spiritual Life". Islam-A Complete System for Life is the hall stocking Islamic books. It also conveys the message of Islam through the digital medium. The organizers admit there is less footfall as compared to other halls but ...

The Traditions that the Prophet Appointed Imam Ali as Guardian and Successor

The Traditions that the Prophet Appointed Imam Ali as Guardian and Successor
The Eighth Spurious Argument:THE TRADITIONS THAT THE PROPHET APPOINTED IMAM ALI AS GUARDIAN AND SUCCESSORThe Shias are criticized for saying that the Prophet Muhammad (s) had recommended that the Imamate and the caliphate were for Ali and his sons (a), and that the Prophet's Companions had opposed his testament.THE ANSWERAmong both Shias and Sunnis it has been established that the Prophet (s) had appointed Ali to be the Caliph and Imam after ...

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi: Iraqi Kurdistan secession doomed to fail

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi: Iraqi Kurdistan secession doomed to fail
The main purpose of Iraqi Kurdistan secession is to create a base for the arrogant powers in the region, but the joint efforts of the neighboring countries including Iran, Iraq and Turkey will neutralize this plot; the security and stability of the region will not be ...

Bahrain accused Sheikh Al-Banaa for inciting hatred against regime on Ashura

Bahrain accused Sheikh Al-Banaa for inciting hatred against regime on Ashura
The prominent Shiite cleric Sheikh Hani Al-Banaa said that the authorities allegedly charged him with "inciting hatred against the regime and disobedience of law" based on a lecture he delivered in Ashura.He added in an interview with Al-Wasat that the lecture over which he was referred to trial included that: "Imam Hussain (pbhu) succeeded in making the source of Sharia be in the hands of the religious scholars and specialists and not based on ...

Ahlul Bayt World Assembly's member of high council: Women must be active in promoting virtue and preventing vice

Ahlul Bayt World Assembly's member of high council: Women must be active in promoting virtue and preventing vice
Sheikh Mohsen Mojtahed Shabestari, in a meeting with educated women of Tabriz, stated: in Surah At-Tawbah, God has enumerated five characteristics of faithful people and some of them are same both for men and women. He then added: in the current conditions with all of these enemy campaigns, not only should women try to improve themselves, but also must try to improve society. He held that promoting virtue and preventing vice (Amr bilMaroofwaNahi ...

Sheikh Zakzaky’s lawyers: Why Islamic Movement in Nigeria stayed away from Judicial Commission of Inquiry

Sheikh Zakzaky’s lawyers: Why Islamic Movement in Nigeria stayed away from Judicial Commission of Inquiry
Lawyers to the detained leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, Ibraheem El-Zakzaky, have attributed their absence at a Judicial Commission of Inquiry instituted by the Kaduna State government to the commission’s inability to facilitate access to their client.In a statement Monday signed by Festus Okoye on behalf of Mr. El-Zakzaky’s legal team, the lawyers said the Kaduna State government had already made up its mind to frame ...

what is permissible for men.

what is permissible for men.
We have said that there are two issues involved here. First, what is obligatory upon women and what is permissible for men. Those points which are clear are that it is obligatory upon women to cover themselves except for their face and hands. This is neither compulsory nor in the Holy Quran; nor in the traditions can we find reason to believe that it is obligatory upon women to cover their face and hands.  But as to whether it is permitted for ...

London: Muslims, Christians stand side by side outside Saudi embassy in defence of ‪‎Sheikh Nimr‬

London: Muslims, Christians stand side by side outside Saudi embassy in defence of ‪‎Sheikh Nimr‬
On Sunday, Saudi Arabia’s Supreme Court upheld a death sentence issued against the cleric last year. The execution warrant will be sent to Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to be approved and then implemented. Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Activists have once again gathered outside the Saudi embassy in London calling on Riyadh to halt the execution of prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr Baqi al-Nimr and his nephew.The participants in the ...

Muslim leaders announce plans to tackle Islamophobia in US

Muslim leaders announce plans to tackle Islamophobia in US
Muslim leaders in the United States are unveiling initiatives in an effort to tackle Islamophobia, which has particularly peaked in the country due to anti-Islam statements by GOP candidate Donald trump.   The plans, including voter registration drives and open-house days at mosques, were announced in Washington on Monday, a day after an emergency summit over the matter was attended by 100 leaders from across the country, the Associated ...

Every Age has Its Morals

Every Age has Its Morals
Every Age has Its Morals The morals Imam Ali referred to, therefore, are those that change and are reflected in daily relations and manners, and every new horizon. We find that in the past man had limited horizons. People's values were limited to their lives and to working in order to reach particular, limited ends. But life has expanded, and with it knowledge. Changed also are the ways of instruction and the benefits. Thus, the Imam wanted to ...

Woman and Family

Woman and Family
Woman and Family Chapter 3 The second area of human life of woman and man, being the arena of family life, and this chapter will be dedicated for manifesting the common identity of woman and man within the framework of family. Yes, it is impossible to believe in the equal human character of woman and man unless by proving it in all arenas of life. In chapter two, commonness "between woman and man" in human and individual maturities was laid to ...

Family of Imam Ali (a.s)

Family of Imam Ali (a.s)
Ali's Regard for Fatema Ali's regard for Fatema was the same as was the regard of the Holy Prophet for Lady Khadija. Until the life of Lady Khadija, the Holy Prophet did not accept the hand of any other woman and likewise until the life of Fatema, Ali did not marry any other woman. The critics of Islam, in their ignorance of the truth, betray their prejudice in their venture to criticise saying that the Holy Prophet was extremely polygamous. ...