Sunday 21st of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Family of Imam Ali (a.s)

Family of Imam Ali (a.s)
Ali's Regard for Fatema Ali's regard for Fatema was the same as was the regard of the Holy Prophet for Lady Khadija. Until the life of Lady Khadija, the Holy Prophet did not accept the hand of any other woman and likewise until the life of Fatema, Ali did not marry any other woman. The critics of Islam, in their ignorance of the truth, betray their prejudice in their venture to criticise saying that the Holy Prophet was extremely polygamous. ...

Jealousy And The Evil Eye

Jealousy And The Evil Eye
Jealousy And The Evil Eye What does common custom deem jealousy or "the evil eye", concerning which some supplications and prayers of refuge have been narrated? I have perceived no detailed proof or actual instances of jealousy in this sense. Rather, we find that the situation of people of whom others are jealous do not have any effect on their person. The issue of jealousy to be analyzed is the evil which the jealous person may cause for the ...

Beauty Of Concealment And Concealment Of Beauty

Beauty Of Concealment And Concealment Of Beauty
Address by Sister Zahra Rahnavard at the Seminar for Studying Hejab. The Seminar for Studying Hejab was held on Sunday, 16th Dey 1364 (5th January 1986) at Farhang Hall. It was attended by some Members of the Majlis (Iranian Parliament), experts and officials of the Educational Affairs Section, Sector 11, Department of Education, Tehran. At this Seminar Sister Zahra Rahnavard gave a speech on "Zeebaiye Hejab va Hejabe Zibayi" (Beauty of ...


If you want your son to be that human being who would draw his way in life with determination and confidence, one who would overcome all obstacles and would become a successful personality in the future. You have to adopt the following recommendations,  that  were  reached through scientific experiments and reaffirmed by the experience of parents, over many successive generations:   1 - Let him Depend on Himself A child cannot depend on ...

FBI investigate threatening letter to the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix

FBI investigate threatening letter to the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix
A civil rights group has asked the FBI to investigate a threatening letter sent to a Phoenix mosque that was once a place of worship for gunmen in a shooting three weeks ago at a Texas cartoon contest featuring cartoons of the prophet Muhammad.The Council on American-Islamic Relations says one of its lawyers spoke with an FBI agent about the letter that was mailed over the weekend to the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix, where the gunmen, ...

Al Khalifa forces intensifie Ashura crackdown

Al Khalifa forces intensifie Ashura crackdown
Bahraini authorities are stepping up their clampdown on annual Ashura commemorations, targeting all displays associated with the occasion as well as those observing it. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Bahraini authorities are stepping up their clampdown on annual Ashura commemorations, targeting all displays associated with the occasion as well as those observing it. On Friday, Salam for Democracy and Human Rights reported that detainees in ...

Families of stranded Pakistani workers in Saudi Arabia hold protest in Islamabad

Families of stranded Pakistani workers in Saudi Arabia hold protest in Islamabad
- Dozens of family members of Pakistanis stranded and unpaid workers in Saudi Arabia staged a protest demonstration in Islamabad asking the government to take concrete steps for bringing back those people. The protesters were carrying placards and banners seeking serious help of the government regarding problems of the stranded Pakistanis. Presently around 9,000 Pakistani workers of two defaulted companies are facing the issues regarding ...

Canadian actress assaulted after her scarf is mistaken for hijab

Canadian actress assaulted after her scarf is mistaken for hijab
A woman artist's efforts in Toronto, in Canada, to stay warm ended up giving her a chilling glimpse into Islamophobia after she was assaulted by a man who mistook her scarf for a hijab. Kayla Gerber, a 24-year-old actress, had just left a rehearsal near Bloor and Bathurst streets in Toronto on Monday when a man approached her as she walked. “He told me to take off my hijab and get the out of his country and he just kept repeating that ...


THIRD: NOBILITY OF THE FAMILY   (A FUNDAMENTAL AND UNAVOIDABLE CONDITION FOR BOTH SIDES)   Family nobility does not mean fame, wealth,and social status. Rather it means modesty, purity and religiousness. Marriage with someone is equal to a bond with a family, tribe, and a race.   It is not logical that in connection with marriage one says:"I desire to marry this person and have notion do with his or her family, relation, and tribe", ...

Islam Is a Religion of Peace, Basketball Icon Underlines

Islam Is a Religion of Peace, Basketball Icon Underlines
The outspoken sports star has come under fire by some after writing in "Time Magazine" earlier this month that the attack in France was not about religion, but "about money." "Knowing that these terrorist attacks are not about religion, we have to reach a point where we stop bringing Islam into these discussions. I know we aren't there yet because much of the Western population doesn't understand the Islamic religion," Abdul-Jabbar wrote. On ...

Pakistan condoles with Iran over floods

Pakistan condoles with Iran over floods
Pakistan has extended deepest condolences and sympathies on the loss of human lives caused by heavy rains and flash floods in several provinces of Iran. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Pakistan has extended deepest condolences and sympathies on the loss of human lives caused by heavy rains and flash floods in several provinces of Iran. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Dr. Mohammad Faisal in a statement said people and government of Pakistan ...


Islamic Revolution was triumphed in February 11, 1979 after passing through ebbs and flows of developments. But the period after Muhammad Reza Pahlavi fled Iran in January 16, 1979 witnessed a quick pace of developments leading to the eventual victory of the revolution and the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The following is a day to day account of those events leading to the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. January ...

Let's Invite Each Other to Piety

Let's Invite Each Other to Piety
Considering that not all men and women can attain the first two degrees of piety being (1) outstanding and (2) especial piety, we should not invite the general public to these two stages of piety as these degrees of piety belong only to the Prophets, the Imams and God's especial Saints. However, it is feasible for all men and women to attain ordinary or the general type of piety; that is to abstain from the religiously forbidden ethical, carnal ...

"Islamic Philosophy" from " Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy"

"Islamic Philosophy" from " Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy"
Islamic philosophy may be defined in a number of different ways, but the perspective taken here is that it represents the style of philosophy produced within the framework of Islamic culture. This description does not suggest that it is necessarily concerned with religious issues, nor even that it is exclusively produced by Muslims.1-The early years of Islamic philosophyIslamic philosophy is intimately connected with Greek philosophy, although ...

The Disadvantages of Slander

The Disadvantages of Slander
The Disadvantages of Slander The most dangerous disadvantage of slander is the destruction of the spiritual personality of the slanderer’s conscience. Those who violate the natural path of their thought will lose their thinking balance and their excellent behavioral system; in addition to harming people’s feelings by revealing their secrets and faults. Slander destroys the throne of human morality and deprives man of his dignity and noble ...

Analysis: Seven Challenges Ahead of Yemen’s Ansarullah for Government Building

Analysis: Seven Challenges Ahead of Yemen’s Ansarullah for Government Building
- Failure to reach a nationwide consensus Yemen is the only country among the Arab states that while the tribes are playing the major factor in its political structure it is not suffering from the pitfalls of government building. In fact, unlike many of the Arab countries, the Yemeni national identity is not artificial, rather, it is historically-developed and deep-rooted. This makes Ansarullah have no difficulty building the upcoming ...

Monarchy was not under UK occupation since Al-Khalifa rule

Monarchy was not under UK occupation since Al-Khalifa rule
Buainain’s statement during the Parliament session called a response from MP Majid Al-Majid, who expressed fears of “falsification of history ...

Anonymous declares war on Daesh after Paris attacks

Anonymous declares war on Daesh after Paris attacks
Hacker group Anonymous has declared total war on the Takfiri Deash terrorist group in the wake of the recent deadly attacks in the French capital of Paris.  Hacktivist, which is an offshoot of Anonymous, released a video on YouTube, pledging to hunt down every single supporter of the terrorist group online. A spokesman for the group said in the video post, “War is declared. Get prepared,” adding that: “The French ...

The Mystics Stations (Maqamat) in Islamic Irfan

The Mystics Stations (Maqamat) in Islamic Irfan

Opposition Figure: Continued Detention of Sheikh Salman to Prolong Bahraini Crisis

Opposition Figure: Continued Detention of Sheikh Salman to Prolong Bahraini Crisis
The deputy secretary-general of al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, Bahrain's main opposition bloc, said the continued detention of Sheikh Ali Salman, the secretary-general of the group, will only prolong the crisis in the Persian Gulf Arab country. “Convicting Sheikh Ali Salman, is tantamount to convicting national unity, internal peace, moderation and public demands, which have been raised by the sheikh,” Sheikh Hussain Aldaihi ...