Wednesday 24th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Greek Diplomats Visit Imam Reza (AS) Holy Shrine in Mashhad, Iran

Greek Diplomats Visit Imam Reza (AS) Holy Shrine in Mashhad, Iran
A group of Greek diplomats visited Razavi Holy Shrine. A group of Greek diplomats and their families visited Razavi Holy Shrine and Astan Quds Razavi’s activities. Holding different lectures and some question and answer sessions accompanied by experts, visiting Central and Carpet Museums, offering cultural products and blessed packages, showing Holy Shrine’s introductory video clip, and touring inside the Holy Shrine were some of ...

Analysis: Words as Weapons in Hezbollah’s Psychological Warfare

Analysis: Words as Weapons in Hezbollah’s Psychological Warfare
- In a conventional war, rockets, rifles, and bombs are used in the battlefield to target the opponent’s military. In psychological warfare, however, confrontation tactics are different, attacks are staged conceptually, and weapons can be no more than a cluster of words, capable of wounding the enemy, inflicting damage, and penetrating an armored tank like a barrage of rockets, or a hail of bullets on a house of glass.Hezbollah ...

Training Oneself within the Family

Training Oneself within the Family
  So far our discussion was on the formation of families and its advantages. In the previous discussion, the advantages were mentioned. One of these is the training of the self within the family. Home is a place for embellishing oneself with noble traits. Within the family, the husband and wife can train themselves, embellish themselves with noble traits. They can not only cultivate good habits themselves, but also motivate other members of ...

Freedom, Its Limits and Boundaries

Freedom, Its Limits and Boundaries
By: Muhammad Taqi Misbah Yazdi Since Islamic society must be administered on the basis of Islamic laws and decrees, the law-implementers must not go beyond the bounds of Islamic decrees and orders since people are bound to act upon Islamic laws. A skeptical voice questions: Is this concordant with human freedom? In making rules and regulations for his life and the manner of implementing them, man has to be free. For us to say that he has to ...

A ban on chairs in mosques triggers outrage in Bangladesh

A ban on chairs in mosques triggers outrage in Bangladesh
A ban on using chairs in mosques has provoked outrage in Bangladesh, with critics saying it will exclude the elderly and the physically challenged from prayers. The Islamic Foundation, an autonomous government agency, issued the fatwa over the weekend, saying devotees must instead use prayer mats. But the move has attracted criticism both from within the government and Muslim clerics. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina told a weekly cabinet meeting ...

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi slams US inhuman response over Tehran terror attack

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi slams US inhuman response over Tehran terror attack
Speaking in a local gathering, Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi said the Iranian nation's hatred toward US today is more than ever.The grand ayatollah also described the twin simultaneous terrorist attacks killing 17 and wounding 52 more on June 7 as a nasty incident.Commenting on many condolence messages extended to Iran by a large number of countries over the recent terrorist attacks, Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi strongly criticized a number of US ...

Nigeria suffering worst humanitarian crisis in world amid war with Boko Haram: UNICEF

Nigeria suffering worst humanitarian crisis in world amid war with Boko Haram: UNICEF
 - In its short, seven-year insurgency, Boko Haram has emerged as one of the most ruthless and deadly radical militant groups on the planet. But the 20,000 people killed in the recent clashes in northeastern Nigeria could be dwarfed by the number of children facing death through malnutrition in areas affected by the fighting, the UN has warned. Nowhere else in the world is suffering a humanitarian crisis on the same scale, according ...

How Our Prayers are Answered?

How Our Prayers are Answered?
The reality of the prayer is that it is making a connection with the maker of the major decisions in the throne. That is, as Allah carries out his creation in the way He likes; so too is His foreordaining of things-weather abolishing or confirming them-is linked to the wish of the servant himself in regards to changing his fate! It is known that blocked ways are such in regards to us, the incapable mortals, not in regards to whom who has in His ...

The habit of telling untruths

The habit of telling untruths
* Habit: An individual may have the habit of telling untruths because of ignorance, influence of the surroundings, or feebleness of the religious restraint. A wise man said: “It is so difficult to wean him who found sweet the suckling of untruth." * Greed: It is surely one of the strongest incentives of untruth. * Enmity and envy: These two things have very often induced to invent false accusations and fabricate libels against enemies. The ...

Toward Peace

Toward Peace
STARTING POINTAlone among the entire creation, the human being is a thinking, rational creature, endowed with the wonderful powers of Intellect and Will. By means of these two amazing powers, he can decide his fate and determine his path, either choosing the way leading towards happiness or the miserable road of tragedies and torments. He is the only one responsible for his destination, and must therefore think deeply and search for the path of ...

The Real Visage of the Hijab (modest dress)

The Real Visage of the Hijab (modest dress)
The fact is that the covering or its new expression, hijab, is not concerned with whether or not it is good for a woman to appear in society covered or uncovered . The point is whether or not a woman and a man's need of her should be a limitless, free association or not. Should a man have the right to satisfy his needs with every woman and in every place short of committing adultery? Islam, which looks at the spirit of the problem, answers: No. ...

The Worldly Benefits of Kindness to Relatives

The Worldly Benefits of Kindness to Relatives
Numerous reports (Rawayaat) testify that Sileh Rahmi (kindness to one's relatives) also has worldly benefits. Like, increase in the life-span, postponement of death, increase in the number of descendants etc., Hazrat Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) related three traditions from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) in the court of Mansur Dawaniqi (l.a.). 1) "A man who has only three years of life remaining, performs an act of kindness to his relatives and ...

General Conditions of Covering

General Conditions of Covering
General Conditions of Covering The extent of covering in every school and society depends on many things such as way of looking at man, the family, range of admittance of social participation of woman, rate of influence of both sexes on each other... etc.Proposing the issue of covering in the Islamic religion had the same rule, as in this school has admitted certain ultra­material and bestial maturities for man, female and male, as man being ...

Bahrainis stage fresh protests in solidarity with Sheikh Isa Qassim

Bahrainis stage fresh protests in solidarity with Sheikh Isa Qassim
Protesters, carrying candles, took to the streets of the northern villages Abu Saiba and Shakhoura on Sunday night to commemorate Sheikh Qassim's supporters of who lost their lives during a raid last month. Five people were killed and dozens other injured when regime forces attacked Sheikh Qassim’s supporters in the northwestern village of Diraz. The clergyman’s fate remains unknown, with some reports saying he is under house ...

Cleanliness and Hygiene in the Family Structure

Cleanliness and Hygiene in the Family Structure
abir, the son of Abdullah Ansari has been narrated as saying: The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) saw a man with badly disheveled hair. He asked him: Did he not find anything to comb his hair with? He saw another person with filthy clothes. He shouted: Did he not find any water to wash his clothes? [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.10, p.92]Imam Baqir (A.S) said: Sweeping your houses will eliminate poverty. [Mizan al-Hikmat, v.10, p.93]The sixth Imam (A.S) said: ...

Afghan Forces Kill Over 40 ISIS Militants in 24 Hours

Afghan Forces Kill Over 40 ISIS Militants in 24 Hours
Afghan security forces and national defense killed 58 insurgents, including 43 ISIS terrorists in the eastern Afghan province of Nangarhar, according to a ...

The Philosophical Issue Regarding Knowledge

The Philosophical Issue Regarding Knowledge

Muslim Pupil Refuses to Shake Hands with Female Teacher at German School

Muslim Pupil Refuses to Shake Hands with Female Teacher at German School
Teachers at a school in Germany staged a walkout protest at an end-of-term ceremony for A-level students after a Muslim pupil refused to shake the hand of his class mistress on 'religious ...

The Word hijab

The Word hijab
We believe in a particular philosophy in Islam for woman's hijab or modest dress which forms our intellectual point of view and in regard to analysis, it can be called the basis for the Islamic modest dress.  Before we begin our discussion, it is necessary to look at the meaning of the word hijab which is used in our age to refer to a woman's covering. This word gives the sense of 'covering' because it refers to a veil or a means of 'covering' ...

Islamic Ethics in the Family Structure

Islamic Ethics in the Family Structure
The Prophet (Pbuh) said: I recommend you to have good morality, since verily this will take you to heaven, and you should not be foul tempered since that will undoubtedly take you to Hell. [Vasa'il, v.16, p.29, Al-i-Bayt Press] The Value of Good Morality It is necessary for parents to consider a few things which are repeatedly stressed in the Holy Quran for the sake of themselves and their children. It is not difficult to have good morals and ...