Wednesday 24th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Namaz of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Namaz of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
It is a 2 Raka't Namaaz (SALAT)(a) In each raka't after surah Faatih'ah recite surah Qadr 15 times.(b) In every Rukoo and Sajdah recite Surah Qadr 15 times.(c) After every Rukoo and Sajdah recite Surah Qadr 15 times.(d) After Salam recite the following Dua’a:English Translation:There is no god except Allah Our Lord, And the Lord of our ancestors and forefathers. There is no god except Allah, The “One and Only” Lord Master, We ...

Reversion to Islam from Vietnam

Reversion to Islam from Vietnam
I testify that there is no God, but AllahI testify that Muhammad is the Prophet of AllahThat is the Shahadah I had pronounced from the bottom of my heart in front of a crowed audience at a mosque in the Kingdom of Belgium on the 19th of May, 2000, when I just reached the age of 26.I was born and grew up in Hanoi, Vietnam. Thanks to the blessings of Allah, I was allowed to come to Belgium in 1998 to study for the Master of Science degree in ...

Woman to society with both positive and negative aspects

Woman to society with both positive and negative aspects
What is the philosophy of motherhood? What is the relation of woman to society with both positive and negative aspects? Can motherhood be one of the factors that contribute to building a good and faithful nation that can resist corruption and tyranny? The answer: Once, I heard Ayatollah Muhammad Taqqi al-Mudarrisi say in one of his lectures, 'If you want a good society, you have to look for a good mother, because if you find society sinking ...

Islamist Orange Employee Provided French Terror Group With Potential Hit List

Islamist Orange Employee Provided French Terror Group With Potential Hit List
An Islamist Orange employee provided a terrorist group in France with a list of names, addresses and cellular and landline telephone numbers of personalities, including prominent French politicians such as Nicolas Sarkozy and Roselyne Bachelot, French Newspaper Le Figaro reported on Monday.The revelation that the Orange employee dubbed “Dawoud” provided the leader of Forsane Alizza with the list of potential targets came as members ...


The holy Qur'an has presented Asiya bint Muzahim as one of the best role models for women. Asiya's greatness is in the fact that although she was the wife of one of the most Powerful, arrogant and tyrant rulers of Egypt, she was able to see and accept the truth in message of Prophet Moses. For her, wealth, beauty or status was not the main criterion of human excellence; she realized that without faith in God, a human being has nothing. God had ...

The Revolution

The Revolution
The RevolutionThe Muslims' anger increased because of Uthman's and his rulers' behaviour. The Prophet's Companion's in Madina wrote to people every where: If you want Jihad, then come to it. Because your Caliph has corrupted Muhammad's religion.For this reason, the delegates from Kufa, Egypt, Basra, and the like came to Madina and went to the Caliph to ask him to change his based policy. But he dismissed them. So, they went to Ali Bin ...

The First Visit to Sheikh Zakzaky in Abuja After One Month of Army's Brutal Attack on Islamic Movement

The First Visit to Sheikh Zakzaky in Abuja After One Month of Army's Brutal Attack on Islamic Movement
As the demand for the unconditional release of Leader of Islamic Movement of Nigeria, Sheikh Zakzaky, and hundreds others continue, a reliable information confirmed that a team of the Nigerian Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) which comprises of Scholars and Lecturers have, on Wednesday the 13th January 2016, met with Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky in a house in Abuja at about 2 pm local time.According to a member of the committee, Prof. ...

Divine Virtues in the Family

Divine Virtues in the Family
Allah (God) wisely and fairly willed to create pairs of everything in the firmly-founded and extensive order of Creation. In the expansive scene of Creation the pairing of everything is an absolute truth with no exception. Even before man came to know this fact through his knowledge and perform scientific research on it, the Glorious Quran had made this truth known in numerous verses, including verse 49 of the Blessed Surah (Chapter) entitled ...

At least 22 killed, 36 wounded in separate bomb attacks in Afghanistan

At least 22 killed, 36 wounded in separate bomb attacks in Afghanistan
More than 20 people were killed in separate bomb attacks in Afghanistan on Monday, including at least 14 when a suicide bomber struck a minibus carrying Nepali security contractors in the capital Kabul, officials said. A witness saw several apparently dead victims and at least two wounded being carried out of the remains of a yellow bus after the suicide bomber struck the vehicle in the capital. Hours later, a bomb planted in a motorbike ...

Anti-Semitic Zionism

Anti-Semitic Zionism
 Anti-Semitic "Zionism professes that Jews have exclusive right to my homeland. Any Jew has the automatic right to go to stay in" Israel. "My relatives, who were expelled in 1948, do not have that right. If that is not racism, What is it? " "I confess in all sincerity: when I saw on television the Israeli tanks on their way to Ramallah, an idea went through my soul in an involuntary and inevitable way: My God, how well you can see the star ...

Knowledge and Immortality in Spinoza and Mulla Sadra

Knowledge and Immortality in Spinoza and Mulla Sadra
For the most part, we English-speaking historians of 17th century philosophy continue in a state of relative ignorance of the history of Arabic and Jewish philosophy. The works of Sadr a-Din Shirazi or Mulla Sadra are a case in point. Most of his works have not been translated. And, despite some useful studies and surveys, an analytical literature of interest to philosophers is still missing, as Hossein Ziai has noted. There are a number of ...

Iraqi Murder Shows US Muslim Hatred

Iraqi Murder Shows US Muslim Hatred
The murder of a young Iraqi-American mother on the outskirts of San Diego has shed light on a rise in hate crimes against Muslims in the United States, The Daily Beast reported on Sunday, April 1. “We’ve seen an increase of reports just in the last few months, including some disturbing bullying of young Muslim students, discrimination in employment, and even harassment in prisons, and not just by fellow prisoners but even by prison ...

The Most Important Islamic Sources that speaks of the art of Islamic warfare

The Most Important Islamic Sources that speaks of the art of Islamic warfare
By: Muhammad Dhahir Watr Despite the fact that the wars of the Prophet (s) were fought over a relatively short period (10 years), his method and style of command and military leadership lasted for a long time; because Muslims and others, within the military and without, have discussed, studied and analyzed this subject from the beginning of the first century A.H. up to this day and have not neglected it. The Glorious Qur'a-n is the most ...

Young Palestinian with Down’s Syndrome Died of Wounds by Israeli Army Fire

Young Palestinian with Down’s Syndrome Died of Wounds by Israeli Army Fire
The Palestinian Health Ministry has reported that a young Palestinian man died, on Sunday evening, from serious wounds he suffered on May 4th, after Israeli soldiers shot him during an invasion of Sa’ir town, northeast of ...

Nigerian Shiite Islamic Movement celebrates 'Puberty Day' in Bauchi

Nigerian Shiite Islamic Movement celebrates 'Puberty Day' in Bauchi
Several number of children who reached the age of puberty attended the programme of Yawm Taklif (puberty day) in Bauchi. AhlulBayt News Agency - Several number of children who reached the age of puberty attended the programme of Yawm Taklif (puberty day) in Bauchi. Mallam Ahmad Yashi  led two units of prayers on Thursday the 11th of June 2015 .The children, who came from several districts around Bauchi, listened to lectures on acts of ...

What are the sources of Shi‘i jurisprudence {fiqh}?

What are the sources of Shi‘i jurisprudence {fiqh}?
By: Sayyid Rida' Husayni NasabReply: Following the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet (S), the Shi‘ah infer religious laws from four fundamental sources:1. The Book of Allah (Qur’an);2. The Sunnah of the Prophet (S);3. Consensus {ijma‘}; and4. Reason {‘aql}.Now, we will take a glance at the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet (S) which are the most fundamental fountainheads of Shi‘i jurisprudence ...

American Muslim youth community organizes annual halal food festival

American Muslim youth community organizes annual halal food festival
For four years, the American Muslim youth community center has organized an annual halal food festival to draw Muslim families and also to enhance friendship ties with non-Muslims. This year’s festival, held Saturday at Rowland Park, drew vendors from Central Jersey, New York City and even as far away as Ohio. Thousands of people attended and they included many local and immigrant Muslims as well as non-Muslims. Crescent Foods, a company ...

Indian Shias flock to Iraq for the world's biggest pilgrimage

Indian Shias flock to Iraq for the world's biggest pilgrimage
    More than three crore Muslims are expected to gather in Karbala for Arbaeen, which commemorates the martryrdom of Imam Husain (AS) in the seventh century.The pilgrimage of Arbaeen has begun. In the world’s largest annual gathering of people, Shia Muslims from across the world throng to the city of Karbala in Iraq to mark the fortieth day after the death anniversary of Imam Husain, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad who ...

The Nature and Origin of Tyranny

The Nature and Origin of Tyranny
Aristotle: The Nature and Origin of Tyranny Politics, Book III, Chp. 8, selections But there are difficulties about these forms of government, and it will therefore be necessary to state a little more at length the nature of each of them. For he who would make a philosophical study of the various sciences, and does not regard practice only, ought not to overlook or omit anything, but to set forth the truth in every particular. Tyranny, as I ...

Greek Diplomats Visit Imam Reza (AS) Holy Shrine in Mashhad, Iran

Greek Diplomats Visit Imam Reza (AS) Holy Shrine in Mashhad, Iran
A group of Greek diplomats visited Razavi Holy Shrine. A group of Greek diplomats and their families visited Razavi Holy Shrine and Astan Quds Razavi’s activities. Holding different lectures and some question and answer sessions accompanied by experts, visiting Central and Carpet Museums, offering cultural products and blessed packages, showing Holy Shrine’s introductory video clip, and touring inside the Holy Shrine were some of ...