Monday 22nd of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
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Starting Life as a Mother

Starting Life as a Mother
  When the sperm of the man enters the womb of the woman and fuses with the ovum, the process of fertilisation and the woman becoming a mother commences. The fertilised egg(the ovum) starts fast metamorphosis and ultimately takes the final shape of a human being. In fact the age of a person can be counted from the day the process of fertilisation takes place. One intellectual writes: “When a person arrives in this world, he would already ...

Teachers from Wales to do Ramadan fast with Muslim students to show Islam is 'nothing to be afraid of'

Teachers from Wales to do Ramadan fast with Muslim students to show Islam is 'nothing to be afraid of'
Three Welsh teachers say they will join their Muslim students’ sponsored fast in an effort to counter Islamophobia wave in the UK. “Seeing the efforts they make to study while doing Ramadan, we wanted to show we empathise and want to show that there is community support within the community here,” the teachers said. “By participating in the fast, we hope to show solidarity with our Muslim students as well as those in ...

Islamic Centre Hamburg, leading Shia center in Europe

Islamic Centre Hamburg, leading Shia center in Europe
The Islamic Centre Hamburg was established half a century ago to date. It was registered in Germany by Ayatollah Mohammad Hosseini Beheshti on February 8, 1966.Such great Muslim scholars as Hojjs. Mohammad Mohaqeqi, Mohammad Mojtahed Shabestari, Mohammad Moqaddam, Mohammad Baqer Ansari, Seyed Reza Hosseininasab, Ayatollah Seyed Abbas Qaemmaqami, and Ayatollah Reza Ramezani serving as its directors over the years, the center has carried out ...

When Will the Gates of Hell Open?

When Will the Gates of Hell Open?
Happiness and misery have different ranks. Neither everyone who is in Heaven nor everyone who is in Hell have the same rank. The Hell has seven doors, each taking the newcomer to a different place. The more sever one’s sins, the lower the rank of the Hell he enters.The Gates of Hell:According to Holy Qur’an, “And verily, Hell is the promised abode for them all! To it are seven gates: for each of those gates is a (special) class ...

Turkey appoints first ever hijab-wearing female minister

Turkey appoints first ever hijab-wearing female minister
The 52-year-old Ayse Gurcan has become Turkey’s first ever hijab-wearing female minister. She was appointed by Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu as one of the members of the interim Cabinet announced on Friday, August 30, and will serve as the minister of family and social policy. Gurcan, a mother of three, is a member of the board of the Foundation for Youth and Education (TURGEV). She is seen as the mastermind behind the ...

Hijab and its importance

Hijab and its importance
One Ethiopian female student was asked why you follow the rules of Islam such as fasting, hijab (head cover), prayers: she answered: I am following because Allah had ordered us to follow so as a Muslim, it is our duty to follow the rules taught to us by God.1. Why is Hijab compulsory for the girls in Islam?We observe how the media is ruthlessly misusing the external appearance of the woman by disrobing her. And only Allah knows, to what worst ...

Hajj (Pilgrimage To Mecca)

Hajj (Pilgrimage To Mecca)
Every Muslim who has attained puberty and has sufficient means not only to undertake a journey to Mecca but also for the subsistence of his dependants during his absence, must once in his life time perform pilgrimage.Kaaba is the edifice which was presented to God as a gift by His Prophets Abraham and Ishmael.The rites for the pilgrimage begin on the 8th of the eleventh month and culminate into the Idd of Sacrifice on the 10th. (II:158, 196-203; ...

Indian mob kills Muslim teen for carrying beef, one arrested

Indian mob kills Muslim teen for carrying beef, one arrested
Cows are revered by Hindus and slaughtering them as well as possession or consumption of beef is banned in most Indian states, with some imposing life sentences for breaking the law. Junaid Khan, 15, was travelling from New Delhi on Friday with three of his brothers when a fight erupted over seats. Between 15 and 20 men pulled out knives and set upon the brothers while making anti-Muslim comments and insisting one of the packets they were ...

Penury, Both Contemptible and Praiseworthy

Penury, Both Contemptible and Praiseworthy
The Prophet of Islam (S) has said that the first to enter the Heaven will be the faqirs or the impecunious persons. When they are admitted to the Heaven, people will wonder why they were allowed to enter without any questioning. Then the faqirs would say that they needed not to render any account that they were neither king nor had any high ranks in the world. They had no wealth to be responsible for apportioning it. They were busy in the world ...

The Tale of a Seeker of the World

The Tale of a Seeker of the World
Bin Babawiyah quotes through a reliable source that Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq (as) has told about a person who lived in the olden days. The man sought to find livelihood through fair means. He failed. He tried illegitimate means and even then he didn't succeed. Satan came to him and told him that he would suggest a stratagem to the man to succeed in his efforts. The person agreed. Satan suggested to him to float a new religion. Encourage people to ...

Be sincere with your wife

Be sincere with your wife
  The Statistics show that insincerity and dishonesty are main  causes of broken relationships between wives and husbands in many societies. Islam as a complete prescriptive religion ,for all diseases and illnesses,  has instructed a heal and invited all men to the exercise of honesty and sincerity. This Important Islamic stress, honesty, is of special Importance in the focus of families and the life of couples. In his book “ The Islamic ...

Pakistani Shia doctor martyred by terrorists in Sahiwal

Pakistani Shia doctor martyred by terrorists in Sahiwal
Shia doctor embraced martyrdom due to firing of the terrorists of proscribed Deobandi terrorist outfit ASWJ in Sahiwal. Dr Qasim, a Shia doctor was at his clinic when he received a phone call in which he was told that he had a guest who was waiting for him at Sahiwal Chowk. He went to the Chowk where notorious terrorists ambushed him. He was martyred due to their firing. Shia parties and scholars have condemned the targeted murder of Dr Qasim ...

The Ninth Year after the Mission

The Ninth Year after the Mission
The Ninth Year after the MissionNine years after our Master Muhammad's mission passed. The number of the Muslims increased. Umar bin al-Khattab was very sensitive.One day, he took his sword to kill our Master Muhammad [s]. He asked about him. It was said to him:He's with his Companions in a house near al-Safa Mount.So, Umar headed for him. On the way to al-Safa Mount, a man belonging to the tribe of Umar named Naeem came across and asked ...

Thousands mourners attend Ashura in New York and Montreal

Thousands mourners attend Ashura in New York and Montreal
Thousands local and foreign Shiites have commemorated the day of Ashura in New York city America and Montreal city of Canada, on November, 25, 2012.   (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Thousands local and foreign Shiites have commemorated the day of Ashura in New York city America and Montreal city of Canada, on November, 25, 2012.Shiites marked the day to morn the martyrdom of Hussain ibn Ali (AS), the grandson of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad ...

The Effects of Hajj as Seen by the Infallible Imams

The Effects of Hajj as Seen by the Infallible Imams
Someone asked Imam Bagher (AS) : Why Hajj has been named " The Hajj of God's House"? Imam said: It means that the pilgrim has reached salvation.Imam Ali Ibn Hossain Zeinol Abedin (AS) says: perform Hajj and Omreh rituals in order to be safe and sound, to make it better living for your family and make a better life.Imam Ali Ibn Hossain Zeinol Abedin (AS) says: Pilgrim of God's House will be forgiven, and he is entitled to go to heaven and his ...

The Philosophy of Ashura Movement

The Philosophy of Ashura Movement
 Political and social movements throughout history have carried messages and ideals which are usually limited to specific time, place and circumstances. But the uprising of Imam Hussein (a.s.) and Karbala brings everlasting messages for the entire humanity. The ideals of this glorious and unique uprising are shining like a bright light for mankind showing the way towards prosperity in life and salvation in the hereafter. The emphasis is on ...

Salient Features

Salient Features
In the Name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful     Now let us begin with the salient features of this faith. My sect, like other sects of Islam, consists of some beliefs and some religious obligations. Its social life is based upon some well-defined ethical patterns. It has fully developed civil as well as criminal laws. All these aspects of religion are based upon the Holy Qur'an (The Book of Almighty Allah) and the Traditions of the ...

Hijab Supplement

Hijab Supplement
Allah states in Qur'an: ' And We did not create the heaven and the earth and what is between them for sport. Had We wished to make a diversion, We would have made it from before ourselves: by no means would We do (it).' Holy Qur'an (21:16, 17) The above surah amply emphasizes the seriousness with which Allah created this world and everything that exists therein, including the human beings. Allah created us for a specific and important purpose ...

Woman’s Status in the Logic of Revelation

Woman’s Status in the Logic of Revelation
The revered religion of Islam fundamentally differs from other religions and schools of thought in all areas. The Shiite school of thought is actually Islam interpreted by the Household of the Prophet (Pbuh) and the rightful successors to the Noble Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh). The Orthodox Islam has been expressed in the words of the Impeccable Imams. It differs greatly from all other schools of thought, cultures and religions in regards to its ...

Muslims in Italy slam acts of terror in Paris, Beirut

Muslims in Italy slam acts of terror in Paris, Beirut
Muslims have held street rallies in the Italian cities of Rome and Milan in condemnation of the recent terrorist attacks in France and Lebanon.  According to Press TV, the demonstrations on Saturday, under the theme of “Not in my name” began with a minute of silence to pay respect to the victims of the attacks. On November 13, shooting attacks and bombings in the French capital, Paris, claimed the lives of more than ...