Saturday 28th of September 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Qur"anic Outlook Regarding the "Heart"

Qur"anic Outlook Regarding the "Heart"
Perhaps I need not explain here that in the language of literature and mysticism the term heart does not mean the organ situated in the left side of the human body, which pumps blood into the blood vessels. What is implied is the sublime and distinguishing faculty of the human soul, as can be readily understood from the following examples from the Qur"an and verses of Sa"di: Surely in that there is a reminder to him who has a heart ... (50:37)My ...

Grand Ayatollah Safi receives seminary officials

Grand Ayatollah Safi receives seminary officials
Grand Ayatollah Lotfollah Safi Golpaygani, a senior Shia cleric received Hujjat al-Islam Jamshidi , head of Iranian women seminaries along with a group of other seminary officials in his office in Qom on Monday, June 19. During the meeting, the senior Shia cleric expressed his condolences on the occasion of martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali (as) and thanked the women Islamic seminaries for gathering a comprehensive encyclopedia consisting of ...

Study: Wearing Hijab Helps Body Confidence

Study: Wearing Hijab Helps Body Confidence
Study: Wearing Hijab Helps Body Confidence(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The research, conducted by Dr Viren Swami from the University of Westminster and colleagues looked at body image issues amongst British Muslim women.Dr Swami explained: "In the West anxiety about body image, for women, is so prevalent it's considered normal. This study aimed to explore how these attitudes differ within a British Muslim community."A total of 587 Muslim women ...

The Relationship between the Holy Qur'an and the Progeny of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)

The Relationship between the Holy Qur'an and the Progeny of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)
By:Ayatullah Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari The hadith concerning the "two weighty trusts" known as hadith al-thaqalayn is one of the most widely accepted and authoritative of all the traditions narrated from the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, and it has also been recorded in the principal Sunni books of tradition. It possesses the highest degree of authenticity and acceptance. The text is as follows: "I leave among you ...

famili Rihab sat alone, musing to herself about the recent events that had taken place within her home.

famili Rihab sat alone, musing to herself about the recent events that had taken place within her home.
CHAPTER ONE   Rihab sat alone, musing to herself about the recent events that had taken place within her home. "….everything is over. Hasanat has achieved happiness, having decided upon a harmonious future for herself. All the guests have left after celebrating the happy occasion with Hasanat, whose finger is now embellished with an engagement ring. She has got the man of her dreams and is now thinking of her future happy marriage. ...

Obligations of husband and wife

Obligations of husband and wife
After describing the concept of marriage from Islamic point of view and the rituals prescribed in connection with it, let us now refer to the obligations which it imposes on the two parties. These obligations include financial and human responsibilities. Financial responsibility(Nafaqah)maintenance is a legal responsibility in the Islamic family system. Generally speaking it is of two kinds:(1) Maintenance conditonal on the pecuniary condition ...


HUMAN NATURE OF WOMEN   Every one of us has experienced a special relationship with a woman. We have been born from our mother’s wombs; we have shared our thoughts and opinions with our sisters; they have perfected our lives to the extent that we consider them as major players in the center stage of our existence. This is why when we write about the human nature of women we are writing about humanity at its best.    Religious messages ...

Detention of Bahraini Shia cleric renewed for 15 more days despite conclusion of investigations

Detention of Bahraini Shia cleric renewed for 15 more days despite conclusion of investigations
Former Member of Parliament Sheikh Hassan Isa's defence lawyer Abdullah Al-Shamlawi said that the Public Prosecution renewed for the fourth consecutive time, on Thursday (October 22, 2015), the detention of Sheikh Hassan Isa for 15 additional days, although the investigations were concluded. It is noteworthy that Sheikh Isa's latest detention renewal was made on October 7, 2015.For its part, Bahrain's main opposition party Al-Wefaq National ...

Islam has emphasized and stressed this point. The Prophet (a.s) said:

Islam has emphasized and stressed this point. The Prophet (a.s) said:
Islam has emphasized and stressed this point. The Prophet (a.s) said:     إذا أراد أحدكم أن يتزوج المرأة فليسأل عن شعرها, كما يسأل عن وجهها, فإن الشعر أحد الجمالين     "When one of you intends to marry a woman, he should ask about her hair, just as he asks about her face (beauty), since the hair is one of the two beauties (of women)."   And similarly, it has ...

Bahraini forces severely attack with tear gas on solidarity rally for Saudi mosque attack victims

Bahraini forces severely attack with tear gas on solidarity rally for Saudi mosque attack victims
Bahraini police Sunday fired tear gas to disperse demonstrators in Manama's western districts, populated by the Shiites, who took to the streets in solidarity with the victims of the terrorist attack on a mosque in Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province.A suicide bomber detonated explosives during prayers at a Shia mosque in the village of Qadeeh, Qatif governorate, killing 21 people and injuring more than 100 on Friday. Saudi branch of the Islamic ...

Statement of Ahlulbayt World Assembly on threshold of international Jerusalem (Quds) Day 2018

Statement of Ahlulbayt World Assembly on threshold of international Jerusalem (Quds) Day 2018
AhlulBayt World Assembly has issued a statement on threshold of international Jerusalem (Quds) Day 2018. (AhlulBayt News Agency) - AhlulBayt World Assembly has issued a statement on threshold of international Jerusalem (Quds) Day 2018. The Assembly statement stated: we are approaching the last Friday of this holy month, which is named as the Jerusalem (Quds) Day by the Founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini (maythe ...

How to Choose a Spouse

How to Choose a Spouse
In a very important tradition by the noble Prophet of Islam it is stated in Arabic "Al-Naqess Melown" which means "The evil-doer is denied God's Mercy." Undoubtedly, the Arabic term "Naqess" in this tradition does not carry its usual meaning. It does not refer to someone without eyes, a hand, a foot or having any other type of congenital deformity. Here it refers to one who has not taken steps to attain wisdom, to acquire good habits nor to ...

What Is The Philosophy Behind Tayammum ?

What Is The Philosophy Behind Tayammum ?
Numerous people question as to what benefit could the hitting of hands upon the earth and then wiping them over the forehead and the back of the hands possibly possess (Tayammum), especially in the light of our knowledge that very many of the soils are dirty, polluted and a medium for the transfer of microbes? In answering such objections, attention ought to be paid to two points: 1. The Ethical Benefit:Tayammum is one of the acts of ...

Belgique : un instituteur accusé d’avoir infligé une effroyable punition à un petit écolier musulman

Belgique : un instituteur accusé d’avoir infligé une effroyable punition à un petit écolier musulman
Agence de Nouvelles d'Ahlul Bait (ABNA) : Diffusés sur Facebook par sa maman saisie d’effroi, les stigmates de l’inacceptable punition infligée à ce petit bout de chou de 5 ans par son instituteur accusé de s’être mué en bourreau, illustrent le calvaire enduré pour avoir simplement refusé de se ranger à la queue leu leu. Traîné par le cou, avec une ...

How Often do Muslims Pray?

How Often do Muslims Pray?
here are five daily obligatory prayers. These are the dusk prayer (Maghrib), night prayer (Ishaa), dawn prayer (Fajer), noon prayer (Zuher), and the afternoon prayer (Asr). Besides these there are a few other prayers that should be performed only on certain occasions, but not regularly, like the prayer at the burial ceremony of a Muslim who has passed away, the prayer on two specific Islmaic festivals (called "Eid"), etc.Other than these, one ...

Consequences of Unlawful Money in One’s Life

Consequences of Unlawful Money in One’s Life
. LavishnessOne who accepts unlawful money can neither reach a good spiritual position, nor could he have firm beliefs. Unlawful money has many negative consequences, one of which is lavishness. Many people have been afflicted with lavish lifestyle; so, they cannot get the answer to their prayers.   2. The Difficulty of HappinessOne, whose prayers are not heard, because of his lavish lifestyle, cannot easily gain happiness.3. ...

Challenges Facing the Family and Society

Challenges Facing the Family and Society
Challenges Facing the Family and SocietyDivorce Yesterday and Today It was usual in Islamic countries for marriages to take place in a context of common sense and compatibility. It was the family who would find the appropriate partner with regard to religion, moral behaviour, financial status and physical character. For this reason, marriages on the whole were successful.The family's choosing for their offspring did not negate the choice and ...

PRAYERS: Philosophy Behind Wudhu And Ghusl?

PRAYERS: Philosophy Behind Wudhu And Ghusl?
What Is The Philosophy Behind Wudhu  And Ghusl ? ? Undoubtedly, wudhu possesses two manifest benefits - the medical benefit and the ethical and spiritual one.  From the medical point of view, washing of the face and hands - and that too fives times a day or at the very least, three times a day – has an appreciable influence as far as the cleanliness of the body is concerned.   Wiping the head and the exterior ...

Message Of Hejab From A Muslim Woman

 Message Of Hejab From A Muslim Woman
Hearken! O Woman! This jingle jangle is the clink of your chains! What an old and rusty clink! As if it has continued to ring for thousand of years of history till this day. under the dominance of the systems devouring the blood of humanity, Throughout the decadent society in which you live, In the depth of your thoughts, wishes and tastes, and even your decisions, These chains, which have pierced from your skin into your flesh, Have gone ...

Visitors to New Delhi book fair receive free Quran copies

Visitors to New Delhi book fair receive free Quran copies
Several stalls at the ongoing World Book Fair in New Delhi have books on Islam to communicate the true meaning of the religion and in a bid to spread peace. Among the books on display are "What is Islam" and "Leading A Spiritual Life". Islam-A Complete System for Life is the hall stocking Islamic books. It also conveys the message of Islam through the digital medium. The organizers admit there is less footfall as compared to other halls but ...