Saturday 27th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
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Friday and congregational prayers resumed in Bahrain Shiite Mosques

Friday and congregational prayers resumed in Bahrain Shiite Mosques
Following a four-week pause, Friday and congregational prayers were resumed in Shiite mosques today on Friday (July 15, 2016), as part of a joint decision made by Shiite clerics AhlulBayt News Agency - Following a four-week pause, Friday and congregational prayers were resumed in Shiite mosques today on Friday (July 15, 2016), as part of a joint decision made by Shiite clerics. Sheikh Mohammad Sanqour led the largest Friday prayer in Al-Diraz ...

What is Temporary marriage?

What is Temporary marriage?
One of the most dangerous problems that destroy human societies is the problem of sex. As it is well known, sex is the basic factor that makes life continue as willed by Allah the Almighty Who has made masculinity and femininity in everything - man, animals, plants…etc. Allah says: And of everything We have created pairs that you may be mindful. Qur'an, 51:49 And Allah has made wives for you of your kind, and has given you children and ...

: I seek refuge in Thee from a child who orders me around instead of being obedient

: I seek refuge in Thee from a child who orders me around instead of being obedient
As you read, Islam does not allow us to marry off our daughters to several groups of people including the corrupt, the stupid, the ill-tempered, and the alcoholics. Thus by prohibiting such marriages, a woman's respect and honor are safeguarded. In the same manner, Islam prohibits the marriage of young noble, believing men with those women who do not meet divine and Islamic conditions. There exist many important traditions cited in authentic ...

Bahrain courts revoke citizenship of 33 people within three days

Bahrain courts revoke citizenship of 33 people within three days
 The Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) strongly condemns the government of Bahrain’s increasing use of citizenship revocation as a tool to punish political dissent, rendering many people stateless, thus leaving them vulnerable to human rights violations.In 2016, BCHR documented the revocation of 30 citizenships by the criminal court, in addition to 12 revocation sentences being upheld by the court of appeal. Within the last three ...

Minneapolis mosque donating food 'won't turn anyone down'

Minneapolis mosque donating food 'won't turn anyone down'
"At this time of the month, I'm out of food, totally out, so I have to depend on places like this," Jenkins said. Robinson says the food is a lifesaver. "It means that it's a blessing for me, right, because a lot of people are struggling. Times are hard," she said. The need for food assistance is real, but things are headed in the right direction in Hennepin County. In September 2015, the number of people who needed food assistance was ...

India: Hindu extremists kills Muslim man

India: Hindu extremists kills Muslim man
Hindu extremists in northern India has beaten a Muslim man to death and injured four others after accusing them of smuggling cows to be slaughtered for beef.  According to local media reports, the casualties were caused after the mob chased the truck loaded with five cows and ten bulls and attacked the five men in the vehicle in Sarahan, a village in Himachal Pradesh State, located about 260 km north of the capital, New ...

Patience – A Formidable Weapon

Patience – A Formidable Weapon
Our conception of sabr is one of waiting, tolerating, of biding time. But interestingly, the tawhidi culture that Islam inherently promotes presents patience as a voracious, moving, strong and balanced trait.  In his book Discourses on Patience, Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Khamenei explains this with the diverging stories of Hurr ibn Yazid ar-Riyahi & Omar bin Sa’d. Both soldiers were enlisted in the army of the tyrant caliph Yazid ibn ...

Sayyed Nasrallah Warns Israel of 3rd Lebanon War, and to Al-Saud: Ground Intervention in Syria Will End You

Sayyed Nasrallah Warns Israel of 3rd Lebanon War, and to Al-Saud: Ground Intervention in Syria Will End You
Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered on Tuesday a speech in which he tackled a number of regional issues.Addressing a mass crowd commemorating the Martyr Leaders Day, His Eminence congratulated via screen the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Leader, the Iranian President and people on the 37th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution's victory.He further hailed the oppressed Yemeni people, suffering the brutal ...

Suspension of Newspaper: Further Threats to Freedom of Press in Bahrain

Suspension of Newspaper: Further Threats to Freedom of Press in Bahrain
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) and the Bahrain Human Rights Society (BHRS) express grave concern about the new threats against the freedom of press that have been created by suspending the only independent newsletter in the country; "Al-Wasat" newspaper, and the harassment of journalists over opinion articles. On 06 August 2015, the Information Affairs Authority (IAA) announced that it has temporarily ...

Does verse 159 of Surah al-An\'am make reference to disunity and discord in the religion of Islam or to all divine religions?

Does verse 159 of Surah al-An\'am make reference to disunity and discord in the religion of Islam or to all divine religions?
Salamun alaikum, what is the interpretation of verse 159 of Chapter al-An\'am assuming that it refers to dispute and disunity in the religion of Islam?Concise answerThe Holy Quran says in verses 159 of Chapter al-An'am:«إِنَّ الَّذِينَ فَرَّقُوا دِينَهُمْ وَ كانُوا شِيَعاً لَسْتَ مِنْهُمْ فِي شَيْ‏ءٍ إِنَّما أَمْرُهُمْ إِلَى اللَّهِ ...

What points needed to pay attention before the marriage

What points needed to pay attention before the marriage
The Divine and Islamic Conditions for Marriage Marry those among you who are single, or the virtuous ones among your slaves, male or female. [Holy Quran: Nur 24:32] Religion and Piety The revered religion of Islam is in fact a system supplied with beliefs, morals and practical matters. Religious faith in Islam consists of joining up of the heart with God and belief in the Day of Judgment; the angels; the Prophets and the Glorious Quran. ...

Qur'anic guidance about the reality of man and the history of mankind

Qur'anic guidance about the reality of man and the history of mankind
Mankind was but one people; so Allah sent the prophets as bearers of good tidings and as warners, and He sent down with them the book with the truth, so that it might judge between the people in that in which they had differed. And none differed about it but the very people who were given it, after clear signs had come to them, revolting among themselves; whereupon Allah guided, by His will, those who believed to the truth about which they ...

Israeli jets launch fresh airstrikes against Gaza

Israeli jets launch fresh airstrikes against Gaza
Israeli warplanes have carried out a wave of airstrikes against positions of the Hamas resistance movement in Gaza, promoting two retaliatory rocket launches from the blockaded enclave towards the Israeli-occupied territories. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Israeli warplanes have carried out a wave of airstrikes against positions of the Hamas resistance movement in Gaza, promoting two retaliatory rocket launches from the blockaded enclave ...

Al-Wefaq's suspension an alarming new crackdown to eliminate all remaining opposition in Bahrain - HRF

Al-Wefaq's suspension an alarming new crackdown to eliminate all remaining opposition in Bahrain - HRF
Human Rights First on Tuesday (June 14, 2016) said that the suspension of Bahrain's main opposition group Al Wefaq is part of an alarming new crackdown by the government, designed to eliminate all remaining opposition in the country."The Bahraini government seems determined to kill all avenues of peaceful dissent. This is a dangerous course, and is likely to fuel extremism and deepen political instability," said Human Rights First's Brian ...

The True Identity of Women (Part 7)

The True Identity of Women (Part 7)
Women: Qur'anic examples of outstanding human beings There have been many discussions about the Islamic view of women and I have spoken in this regard on many occasions. I have repeatedly said that in the Holy Qur'an women have been mentioned as examples of believers and disbelievers. This is an interesting point.Allah the Exalted mentions the names of two women as examples of outstanding and pious human beings - not examples of outstanding and ...

The Rights of the Children and Parents

The Rights of the Children and Parents

Brief A'amal for Arafah Day and Night

Brief A'amal for Arafah Day and Night
9th day of Zilhajjah is called The Day of Arafah while the night between Zilhajjah 8 and 9 is called Night of Arafah. There have been reported different acts to be performed on these occasions. Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH ) said: “your Adiyah (prayers) are fulfilled and repentance is accepted in this night.” He who spends this night in worship will be given the reward of 170 years of worship.To take bath and recite Ziarat-e-Imam Hussain ...

Ayatollah Javadi Amoli: Qur’an, sole way towards unity among Muslims

Ayatollah Javadi Amoli: Qur’an, sole way towards unity among Muslims
rand Ayatollah Abdullah Javadi Amoli, senior Shia jurisprudent, met with members of the national conference on legal alliance of the Muslim world and said a great asset to reach Islamic unity is logics highlighting the high capacities of seminaries to reach solidarity. He said,” Unity is not achieved merely through preaching or recommendations” and added a prerequisite to resolve disagreement is to distinguish the nature of ...

Illiterate Moroccan women learn to write Quran

Illiterate Moroccan women learn to write Quran
67000 Moroccan women who didn't know how to read and write took part in a literary program in mosques across the country. After learning how to read and write in the three-month intensive program held by the country’s Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Ministry, the women together wrote a copy of the Quran. At the end of the program, each of them wrote one word of the Holy Book in Othmani style of Arabic writing. After the entire Quran was ...

Leaked ISIS files likely genuine: German police

Leaked ISIS files likely genuine: German police
Leaked documents containing names, birth dates and phone numbers of ISIS members are very likely to be genuine, German federal police said on Thursday. German federal police spokesman Markus Koths said there was "a very high probability" that documents reported by German media as identifying German terrorists were genuine. "The Federal Criminal Office has knowledge of this type of document of the so-called ISIS" said police spokesman Markus ...