Sunday 16th of June 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Great Lady Mary in Islam (01 of 03)

Great Lady Mary in Islam (01 of 03)
Mary, the Mother of Jesus, holds a very special position in Islam, and God proclaims her to be the best woman amongst all humanity, whom He chose above all other women due to her piety and devotion. “And (mention) when the angels said, ‘O Mary!  Indeed God has chosen you, and purified you, and has chosen you above all other women of the worlds.  O Mary!  Be devoutly obedient to your Lord and prostrate and bow with those bow (in ...

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi: Ulema, Elite should draw up Tehran, Riyadh's political stands

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi: Ulema, Elite should draw up Tehran, Riyadh's political stands
Senior cleric Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi said on Wednesday that political stands of Iran and Saudi Arabia should be drawn up by the two sides' Ulema and elite and not the low-profile extremist people. Ayatollah Makarem made the remarks in a meeting with Iran's Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Hossein Sadeghi on Wednesday. Referring to the headlines and articles published in the media, he said despite differences of opinion and stands of both sides' ...

ISIS bans private internet access in Syria’s Shaddadi to prevent media from reporting atrocities against civilians

ISIS bans private internet access in Syria’s Shaddadi to prevent media from reporting atrocities against civilians
The radical group of Daesh (ISIS) has banned  private internet access in the city of Shaddadi in Syria’s northeastern province of Hasakah, activists said on Saturday.The ISIS-affiliated Sharia Court issued a decision to close all private internet cafés across Shaddadi city. It also banned the residents from using any internet devices at home. The Sharia Court has vowed that anyone violates the decision “will be ...

Love in The Relationship between God and Man

Love in The Relationship between God and Man
Some of the great Islamic philosophers have said that love is the relationship we have with those things that contribute to the maintenance and completion of our existence. When we experience or meet such things we don’t like to be separated from them and we feel a great need for them in our lives. This attachment is what we call love.Thus we find ourselves loving food, loving wealth, loving power, the opposite sex, etc., all of which ...

IHRC: Saudi's Execution of Sheikh Nimr another blow to reform movement

IHRC: Saudi's Execution of Sheikh Nimr another blow to reform movement
The execution of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr in Saudi Arabia represents another assault by Riyadh on the forces of reform and political empowerment in the Muslim world.The outspoken leader was executed after being convicted in 2014 under charges that included disobeying the ruler, inciting sectarian strife and encouraging, leading and participating in demonstrations.His killing signals a renewed determination in Riyadh to undermine opposition and reform ...

His Behavior in his House

His Behavior in his House
As for the behavior of Ima`m Zayn al-'Abidin, it was similar to that of his grandfathers, who were the source of guidance to mankind. The Ima`m spared no effort to follow the behavior and guidance of his grandfather Ima`m 'Ali, the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him.  The narrators said: "He (Ima`m Zayn al-'Abidin) followed his grandfather's behavior. When worship made him tired, he sighed deeply and said with regret: 'I am not strong ...

12 Boko Haram fighters killed in gun battle in Nige

12 Boko Haram fighters killed in gun battle in Nige
Security forces in Niger killed around 12 fighters of the terrorist militant group Boko Haram who launched an attack in the southeastern region of Bosso close to the border with Nigeria, according to an army statement on Saturday. Three members of the security forces were lightly wounded during Friday's battle and government forces captured machine guns, rocket propelled grenade launchers and mobile telephones from the enemy, said army ...


One of the great merits of the writings of Michel Chodkiewicz is that he has placed the Muhammadan dimension of Ibn ‘Arabi’s spirituality at the center of his concerns. Too often in earlier studies of al-Shaykh al-Akbar, scholars pretended that he had appeared in Islam almost in spite of the Koranic revelation and that his chief contribution was to formulate a philosophical system that had certain advantages over Western philosophy ...

A Meeting with Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Al-Sadr

A Meeting with Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Al-Sadr
I went with Abu Shubbar to al-Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr's house, and on the way he honoured me and talked to me about the famous Ulama and about Taqlid (adoption of a legal decision by the Mujtahid) and so on ... until we entered the house where we found al Sayyid al Sadr surrounded by many young turbaned students. Al-Sayyid stood up and greeted us, then I was introduced to him and he welcomed me warmly and sat me next to him. After that he ...

Bahraini Shi'a child tortured in detention, transferred to solitary confinement

Bahraini Shi'a child tortured in detention, transferred to solitary confinement
The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) stated that the Bahraini child Ali Abdullah Isa (15 years old) was recently arrested in a raid on his father's house in Zayed city in the early hours of the morning by members of civilian security forces and was taken to the juvenile detention center. BFHR added that he "was harshly beaten and tortured, despite his medical condition as he suffers from sickle cell anemia and was born with a punctured ...

1st & 2nd night of Muharram program at al-Khuee Center of New York, USA

1st & 2nd night of Muharram program at al-Khuee Center of New York, USA
    1st & 2nd night of Muharram program at al-Khuee Center of New York, USA 1437-2015Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Muharram is a month of remembrance and modern Shia meditation that is often considered synonymous with Ashura. Ashura, which literally means the "Tenth" in Arabic, refers to the tenth day of Muharram. It is well-known because of historical significance and mourning for the murder of Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of ...

Religious Genocide - How Saudi Arabia in Yemen is seeking to destroy a chapter of Islam's history

Religious Genocide - How Saudi Arabia in Yemen is seeking to destroy a chapter of Islam's history
By Catherine Shakdam While Saudi Arabia has been active in portraying its war in Yemen as one of liberation - a concerted effort to bring democracy and political self-determination to this poorest nation of the Arabian Peninsula, months of brutalities, indiscriminate bombings, war crimes and other aggravated human rights abuses are telling another story.A story rooted in sectarian hatred and religious extremism; a tale of indoctrination and ...

Muslim women answer New Yorkers questions about hijab

Muslim women answer New Yorkers questions about hijab
Muslim women in western New York invited other community members to learn more about the Islamic culture. At the Walden Galleria, people had the opportunity to ask western New York Muslims questions about the head scarf and try one on themselves. "We're here to just spread awareness and let people know what the hijab is, where it came from and why we wear it," said Julie Boody, executive director of WNY Muslims. "The public is with this ...

Relationship between governance of a jurist and the authority of a jurist

Relationship between governance of a jurist and the authority of a jurist
Relationship between governance of a jurist and the authority of a jurist   Question: What is the relationship between governance of a jurist (wilayat al-faqih) and authority in jurisprudence (marja’iyat)?     Brief Answer   Wilayat is a part of marja’iyat in the culture of the Shi’as. The great maraji’ not only guided people with respect to the divine Law, but they also led people in the particular problems of ...

Spiritual and Intellectual Needs of a Family

Spiritual and Intellectual Needs of a Family
  Today’s discussion is about the fourth need - the spiritual need. Just as a person needs to be physically satisfied, he needs spiritual satisfaction. This is the main difference between human beings and the animals. Animals only have instincts and physical needs. At the most they need love and sympathy. But man has both the physical as well as the spiritual aspects in his nature. This spiritual aspect has been endowed to him from the Aalam ...

Marriage Made in Heaven

Marriage Made in Heaven
Here is Gabriel informing me that Allah gave Fatema to you in marriage, and made forty thousand angels testify to her marriage. He also revealed to the Tree of Tooba to sprinkle them with gems, rubies, jewelry and embellishments. When it had done this, the Houris rushed to collect these gems, rubies, jewelry, and embellishments to exchange them for gifts until the Day of Resurrection."  These are the tidings that Prophet Muhammad ...

Prophet Saleh

Prophet Saleh
The tribe of Thamud was living happily in the land of Hajar which was located between Syria and Hejaz. They were enjoying the green gardens, big springs and rivers, the productive land and beneficial animals of this country. But gradually idolatry and corruption got over spread among the people of this tribe and consequently God appointed Saleh, a pious man of a noble and respectful family in Hajar, who was quite well-known for his knowledge and ...


APPREHENSION OF NOT DOING JUSTICE  To be fair, it must be admitted that the number of those, who observe in letter and spirit all the conditions laid down by Islam in respect of polygamy, is very small. According to the Islamic law, if a man apprehends that the use of water may be harmful to him he should not perform ablution for prayers, and if he apprehends that fasting may be harmful to him he should not keep fast. You come across many ...

Ayatollah Noori Hamedani warns against indecent moves in Muharram

Ayatollah Noori Hamedani warns against indecent moves in Muharram
Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Grand Ayatollah Hussein Noori Hamedani, top Iranian jurisprudent, issued a statement on the occasion of Muharram and banned any overstatement and extremist move during the mourning ceremonies of Muharram.The message by senior cleric runs,” In confrontation with distortions brought into Islam, we have to know that moves like using machetes or any word in contrast with the honor of these days is religiously ...

Prominent Pakistani Shiite Human Rights Activist 'Syed Khurram Zaki' Martyred in Karachi

Prominent Pakistani Shiite Human Rights Activist 'Syed Khurram Zaki' Martyred in Karachi
A leading Pakistani Shiite human rights activist, Syed Khurram Zaki, has been murdered by Islamic extremist of Wahhabis, in North Karachi area on Saturday late night AhlulBayt News Agency - A leading Pakistani Shiite human rights activist, Syed Khurram Zaki, has been murdered by the Saudi-funded Wahhabi radical Islamist movement of ASWJ, in North Karachi area on Saturday late night.Syed Khurram Zaki, the editor of political website Let Us Build ...