Saturday 27th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

French Fears of the Freedom of the Burqa

French Fears of the Freedom of the Burqa
Recently, in an irrationally anti-Islamic move, the French National Assembly approved the controversial bill on banning the wearing of the Islamic veil or burqa in public places. Of the 557 MPs, 335 members voted in favor of the bill. If approved in the fall by the Senate and then by the Constitutional Council, the law would impose a fine of 150 euros or $190 on any Muslim lady wearing the burqa outside her home in public, when the fact of ...

The Islamic Community (3)

The Islamic Community (3)
1. Amr Bi ’L-Ma‘Rūf & Nahi ‘Ani ’L-Munkar: Bidding The Good & Forbidding The Evil Islam: A Social Religion.Islam is not a religion in the spiritual sense of the word only; it deals with all aspects of human life. Islam also seeks to create peace and harmony in the social life of a Muslim society. It has instituted ways to promote good and prevent evil in the society. The most important social principle of Islam is known as “amr bi ...

The Natural and Intellectual Rights in Islam

The Natural and Intellectual Rights in Islam
The Father:My child! My purpose of speaking about the religious issues was for you to become familiar with a sample of the beliefs of you father and mother, and to become certain that it is not without reasons that they are fond of religion. Even, if these discussions did not convince you, and if you still are of your old opinion about them, and should think your parents are old fashioned and superstitious, this rights, to be rude to them or to ...

Thousands Converge in Brussels to Honor ISIS Terrorist Attack Victims

Thousands Converge in Brussels to Honor ISIS Terrorist Attack Victims
At least 3,000 people are taking part in the march against terror and hatred in Brussels on Sunday to commemorate victims of recent ...

Three kinds of punishments

 Three kinds of punishments
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says, \"A person who commits sodomy with a boy will acquire such a Janabat (impurity) that even all the water of this world cannot remove it. Allah will be wrathful at him and curse him. (That is He will take away His Mercy from him and will award Hell for him.) What a dreadful place it is! Then the Heavens shudder of it. And the person who allows another to mount him from behind to commit sodomy, then Allah puts him ...


ISLAM AND POLYGAMY  In contrast to polyandry, Islam has not totally abolished polygamy, but has restricted it. On the one hand, it has fixed the maximum number of wives, which one can have, at four, and, on the other, it has stipulated certain conditions and has not allowed everyone to indulge in having several wives. We shall discuss the conditions stipulated by Islam later and will explain why Islam has not banned polygamy.  It is ...

Sajda al-Shukr- The Prostration of Thanksgiving

Sajda al-Shukr- The Prostration of Thanksgiving
Prostration of thanksgiving after every mandatory prayer was the practice (Sunna Mu’akkada) of the Prophet (PBUH).Imam Ja’far Sadiq (A.S) has hinted at it’s being mandatory and said that when a person makes a prostration of thanksgiving, Allah addresses the angels and tells them that a sincere creature is doing the Sajda al-Shukr. He asks the angels to suggest what Reward must be given to the person. The angels would suggest ...

Thousands of people take part in Ashura mourning of Nardaran, Azerbaijan

Thousands of people take part in Ashura mourning of Nardaran, Azerbaijan
About 10 thousand people - locals, visitors from Baku and other regions of the country took part in ceremonies. Ahlul Bayt News Agency - In the village of Nardaran (30 km from Baku), holds a ceremony to mark the Ashura mourning. Thousands of faithful fill the village of Nardaran and its surroundings: locals, as well as people come from the capital and from around the region.On the day of Ashura, traditionally one of the most crowded mourning ...

Lucknow Shiite clerics in demand abroad for Muharram programs

Lucknow Shiite clerics in demand abroad for Muharram programs
- Do not be surprised if you find the airport crowded with Shia clerics, because these clerics from Lucknow are now being invited from all parts of the world to address the Muharram majlis, a religious congregation during the period of mourning.Well known Shia cleric Maulana Kalbe Sadiq is already in London for the first 12 days of Moharram and will then tour other parts of Europe to hold the majlis.Another Shia cleric, Maulana Mirza Mohammad ...

Texas University Students Try on Headscarves for World Hijab Day

Texas University Students Try on Headscarves for World Hijab Day
The event was intended to encourage open discussion about Muslim customs and aimed to answer any questions non-Muslims may have about hijabs. Any interested non-Muslim women were invited to don the headscarf for the day, or even just for a moment, in order to gain knowledge and insight about the culture of hijabs. The event was hosted by the Muslim Student Association and a discussion was held later in the day to answer questions and concerns ...

Ayatollah Sobhani: Understanding code of ethics is a must

Ayatollah Sobhani: Understanding code of ethics is a must
The renowned Iranian cleric of highlighted the prime importance of taking the cognizance of code of ethics. Grand Ayatollah Ja’far Sobhani underscored the prime importance of ethical behaviour and code of ethics in the society stressing, “Ethical behaviour is highly important.” “Given that, it is incumbent upon us to build our behaviour based on as such principles, because the Holy Prophet Muhammad had also emphasized ...

Issue of Hijab

Issue of Hijab
Our discussion will center on the issue of the modest dress (hijab) in Islam but as we had mentioned, we must first hold a more general discussion because the modest dress is not exclusive to Islam. That is, it is not the idea that the modest dress appeared for the first time in the world with Islam. It existed before Islam among ancient peoples other than the Arab nations. It existed in ancient India and in ancient Iran, as well. The modest ...


THE SPECIAL PHILOSOPHY OF ISLAM IN RESPECT OF FAMILY RIGHTS  With regard to the rights of man and woman, Islam has a special philosophy of its own which differs from what happened 1400 years ago and what is happening now. It does not believe that in all cases man and woman have the same rights and obligations. In certain cases their rights and obligations are different, with the result that in certain cases their position in this respect is ...

Religion and Art

Religion and Art
X. Religion and Art Aristotle presents us with the religious cult of Pure Act and astral intelligences, which animate the celestial bodies. Pure Act, which is not a creator and which ignores terrestrial becoming and hence is not divine providence, can be the object only of a rational cult. Astral intelligences, which have a true influence upon cosmic becoming, would give place to a physical religion. Religious teaching in Aristotle is inferior ...

Bahrain: 66 Torture Cases & 39 Arrests during April's Third Week

Bahrain: 66 Torture Cases & 39 Arrests during April's Third Week
- The Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) stated that the Bahraini security authorities arbitrarily arrested 39 citizens, adding that 66 others were subjected to torture and ill-treatment during the third week of April, 2016.In a statement on the human rights situation in Bahrain during the period between April 15 and 22, the forum noted that the authorities made 46 illegal house raids and cracked down on 15 peaceful protests. BFHR said that ...

Natural Postulates of Family Rights

 Natural Postulates of Family Rights
Summary :   We have said that man enjoys a sort of innate dignity. The very nature of his creation has bestowed on him a number of inalienable and untransferable rights and freedoms. This is the spirit and basis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.   Text :   We have said that man enjoys a sort of innate dignity. The very nature of his creation has bestowed on him a number of inalienable and untransferable rights and freedoms. ...

Trusting in everyone who has accompanied the Prophet (S)

Trusting in everyone who has accompanied the Prophet (S)
The Sunnis have trusted in every Muslim who has accompanied the Prophet (S) even for one time as if companionship with the Prophet (S), according to their opinions, has made the companions infallible; therefore they have trusted in all what the companions have narrated (as they have claimed) from the Prophet (S) concerning the laws and the verdicts of the Shari’ah. They have relied on that and acted according to it without researching whether ...

Doctrine of the Infallibility of the Imam

Doctrine of the Infallibility of the Imam
Adopted from the book : "The Faith of Shi'a Islam" by : Allamah Muhammad Ridha al-Muzaffar"We believe that, like the prophet, an Imam must be infallible, that is to say incapable of making errors or doing wrong, either inwardly or outwardly, from his birth to his death,either intentionally or unintentionally, because the Imams are the preservers of Islam and it is under their protection. Their position in regard to Islam is the same as the ...

Points of Interacting with Children

Points of Interacting with Children
1. Reminders and requests should be given with gentleness and softness so as not to create a barrier between parents and child. 2. If your child is respected, he/she is less likely to rebel against the rules of the house. Respect and good interaction between parent and child are the bases in forming the child’s character. It is narrated from the Prophet (s): “Respect your children and talk to them with (good) manners and a likeable ...


THE ISLAMIC MOVEMENT FOR WOMEN'S LIBERATION   Islam has done a great service to women. It not only put an end to the absolute control of the fathers, but gave women freedom, a personality and independence of thinking and opinion.  It officially recognised her natural rights. However, there are two basic differences between the steps taken by Islam and what is happening in the West and is being followed by others.  The first difference ...