Friday 5th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
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65.6 million people forcibly displaced worldwide in 2016: UN

65.6 million people forcibly displaced worldwide in 2016: UN
The estimated figure for the end of 2016 is an increase of 300,000 on 2015, according to its annual report. It is a smaller increase than 2014-15, when the figure rose by five million. But the UN high commissioner for refugees Filippo Grandi said it was still a disheartening failure of international diplomacy. "The world seems to have become unable to make peace," Mr Grandi said. "So you will see old conflicts that continue to linger, and ...

Religious Leadership Optimistic about Political Reforms in Iraq: Cleric

Religious Leadership Optimistic about Political Reforms in Iraq: Cleric
Sadr al-Din al-Qubanchi, the Friday Prayers Leader of the holy city of Najaf, emphasized that the introduction of political reforms while the fight against terrorism is underway is good sign. Undoubtedly, Iraq is experiencing a new political system as it has formed a new government by various parties and groups, the cleric said. Since the political process in Iraq is in its early stages, the country’s government needs more time and ...

White paper and philosophy of Islamic Movement of Nigeria

White paper and philosophy of Islamic Movement of Nigeria
By Sameer El-hajjFor long, I have been expressing my concern over the psychological normalcy of Governor El-Rufa’i of Kaduna state. Something is definitely wrong, which could either be a biological psychotic problem or a psychosomatic disorder. The prayers of people whom he cheated, exploited, and oppressed during his tenure as the minister of the Federal Capital Territory must be taken into consideration, could that really be the source ...

US seeks control over Pak nukes

US seeks control over Pak nukes
The following is Press TV's exclusive full-length interview with Hamid Gul, a retired general who served as head of the Pakistani military's Inter-Service Intelligence, on his opinion about the reason behind the recent escalating violence in Pakistan. Press TV: Asif Ali Zardari and Nawaz Sharif are seemingly bracing for a long-term political struggle there, would this provide the militants with the opportunity to perhaps fan the flames of ...

Prophet Jesus in Islam

Prophet Jesus in Islam
esus has been referred to as ‘Issa and his chaste mother as Maryam in the Holy Quran.Both Jesus and his mother Mary have been held in high esteem in Islam. Muslims believe in Jesus as the Prophet of the Almighty God and his mother Mary as a pure and chaste woman who conceived and gave birth to her son purely by the will of God without any mortal touching her.Let us briefly look at some of the verses from the Holy Quran, which talks about ...

Transfer of Caliphate to the Marwanids

Transfer of Caliphate to the Marwanids
By: Rasul Ja'fariyan Dispute Between Hijaz and Damascus Seemingly subsequent to Imam Husayn's martyrdom, there existed no hurdle facing the Umayya. It was Yazid's impudence that had one of the Muhajirun's descendant, 'Abd Allah Ibn Zubayr, muster up courage and cause turbulence in Hijaz. Although one of the instigators of the war of Jamal was he, during Imam Husayn's several-month presence in Mecca, despite his own mind and due to his political ...

The Order for Hijab in the Quran

The Order for Hijab in the Quran
The Holy Quran has ordered women to cover themselves in some situations. "And say to the believing women that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts and do not display their ornaments except what emerge thereof. And let them wear their head coverings over their bosoms, and not display their ornaments..." (Surah Nur 24:31) It is also mentioned in Surah Ahzab, "O Prophet! Say to your wives and daughters and the women of the ...

Italian teen who fled to join ISIS 'wants to come home'

Italian teen who fled to join ISIS 'wants to come home'
The 19-year-old, who has been in Syria since last July, allegedly told her family: "I'm sorry. I want to come home." The family are now under police protection as security forces fear that the phone call could lead to miliants seeking revenge on her family. Il Mattino Padova reported that her parents are now getting increasingly worried about their daughter's safety. Since this conversation in December, they have not heard from their daughter ...

Either release those convicted over Diraz sit-in or grant them a fair trial

Either release those convicted over Diraz sit-in or grant them a fair trial
Amnesty International is asking Manama to either release the Bahrainis detained for their participation in the peaceful Diraz sit-in or try them in individualized proceedings that meet fair trial standards. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): Amnesty International is asking Manama to either release the Bahrainis detained for their participation in the peaceful Diraz sit-in or try them in individualized proceedings that meet fair trial standards. ...

How United States uses extremist movements?

How United States uses extremist movements?
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - By studding this article you will know better understanding why ISIS takes swats of Iraq and Syria, or Why ISIS takes Mosul by lightening offensive. Why Use-led coalition is so un-efficient or why Russia intervention in fight against ISIS opposed by West. This article shows prominent figure like Bin laden and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and other terrorist groups were less than chess pieces and more important we have a better ...

The Author of the Two Bibliographical Encyclopedias

The Author of the Two Bibliographical Encyclopedias
For any ordinary passer-by, the sight of the white-turbaned Shaykh walking down the Najaf-Kufah road on Tuesday afternoons might not have been of any special attention, other than the brief exchange of greetings that is customary in those parts. Our religious scholar --as his headgear and apparel suggested-- was perhaps not the only one trekking the 10-km distance to Masjid al-Sahlah on foot every week. In those days before the Baathists cast ...

Rights of the Islamic Society

Rights of the Islamic Society
Merits of the Islamic SocietyBecause of its remarkable qualities, the Islamic society, in the reign of its prosperity, was nonesuch and ideal among the international civilized nations. Its individuals composed one compact family of virtues and dignities. It has been a nonesuch example of belief that included secrets of monotheism, showed true traits of divinity, declared the reality of prophesy, and explained the dimensions of the ...

Sadaqah Spent on Poor Relatives

Sadaqah Spent on Poor Relatives
Many of us consider spending of Sadaqah on relatives as wrong and believe that such an act is disgraceful. Contrary to our belief and thinking, Islam encourages us to do the same.It is reported from Imam ‘Ali bin al-Hussein (A.S) that the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) has said, “Begin your charity at home. By this I mean that you spend on your father, on your mother, on your sister and on your brother. Thereafter, follow the ...

Why do I as a muslim woman wear Hijab?

Why do I as a muslim woman wear Hijab?
I probably do not fit into the preconceived notion of a “rebel”.  I have no visible tattoos and minimal piercing.  I do not possess a leather jacket.  In fact, when most people look at me, their first thought usually is something along the lines of “oppressed female.”  The brave individuals who have mustered the courage to ask me about the way I dress usually have questions like: “Do your parents make you wear that?” or ...

The Manifestations of Virtue in the Family

The Manifestations of Virtue in the Family
There are some symptoms on base of which we can judge if or life is good or there are some inefficiencies associated with it. In order to check the efficiency of your life on the basis of Islamic criteria, we have cut a part from the book “ The Islamic structure of family “ by Professor Hossein Ansarian.   She is not in a position for man to fight with her and turn the house into a field for combat and struggle. Consider the following two ...

Iraqis protest outside Bahraini embassy in solidarity with Sheikh Isa Qassim

Iraqis protest outside Bahraini embassy in solidarity with Sheikh Isa Qassim
- People have held demonstrations in the Iraqi cities of Basrah and Baghdad to express solidarity with Bahrain’s prominent Shia cleric, Sheikh Isa Qassim, who was recently stripped of his citizenship by the Al Khalifah regime.Hundreds of residents of Basrah gathered near the governorate building on Friday to denounce Mamma’s removal of Sheikh Qassim’s nationality, the Arabic-language al-Sumaria news website reported.Elsewhere, ...

Women’s role in Islam discussed in Azerbaijan

Women’s role in Islam discussed in Azerbaijan
Seyyed Ebrahim Ebrahimi, Iranian’s cultural attaché in Baku, addressed the forum which was attended by a group of female scholars and intellectuals. Ebrahimi also referred to Surah An-Nisa of the Holy Quran which includes numerous references to women and noted that Hazrat Khadijeh (SA), Hazrat Zahra (SA) and Hazrat Zeynab (SA) are the best role models for women. Also speaking at the program was Azadeh Taleh Ava, head of the ...

The Day of Arafah

The Day of Arafah
The ninth day of Dhul Hijjah is the day of 'Arafah. It is the day when Hajj pilgrims stand on the plain of 'Arafat' (a flat wide desert about 22 km south east of Makkah Mukarramah) to pray.'Arafat literally means knowledge and science.1- 'Arafat represents the beginning of man's creation, our forefather Hazrat-e Adam. It was the Devil (satan) who misled our forefather and caused the downfall of Hazrat-e Adam and Haw'a. For years, they were ...

The recommendations of Islam on wedding & nuptial night

The recommendations of Islam on wedding & nuptial night
Islam’s Original Plans for Marriage And those who pray, "Our Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous." [Holy Quran: Furqan 25:74] Marriage Negotiations When a marriage is being considered, it is customary among Muslims to conduct investigations about both families. Then they conduct negotiations to determine the conditions for the marriage and the wedding ...

Kenyan police arrest 4 men for trying to join ISIS

Kenyan police arrest 4 men for trying to join ISIS
Kenya police say they have arrested four men on suspicion of attempting to leave the country to join extremist groupof ISIS in Libya. The four men appeared in court in the coastal city of Mombasa Monday where police, through a public prosecutor, asked for authorization to hold the suspects for an additional 30 days, in order to further investigate the men before charging them. Police say that in the past year at least 20 Kenyans have gone to ...