Friday 5th of July 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
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Father's Day Celebration in different countries

Father's Day Celebration in different countries
Father's Day is a celebration inaugurated in the early twentieth century to complement Mother's Day in celebrating fatherhood and male parenting, and to honor and commemorate fathers and forefathers. Father's Day is celebrated on a variety of dates worldwide and typically involves gift-giving, and special dinners to fathers and family-oriented activities. In 2008, it is celebrated on June 15 in most countries.In Iran it is celebrated on the ...

What Can Muslim's Eat?

What Can Muslim's Eat?
5:88] Eat of that which Allah hath bestowed on you as food lawful and good, and keep your duty to Allah in Whom ye are believersMuslims can eat meat and vegetables.The restrictions are moslty realted to the type of meat we can eat. We must eat food that is halal, i.e. slaughtered in an Islamic manner. We are allowed to eat animals such as cow, sheep, camel and chicken etc. Muslims can not eat pigs, carnivorous animals, reptiles, insects, animals ...

Islam Finds Home among Latino Americans

Islam Finds Home among Latino Americans
For Jaime Fletcher, an American of Colombian origin, Islam came to him at an unexpected moment in his life. “One night that I was with a friend of mine who I’d grown up with, after leaving a club and drinking, we were sitting outside of his house. He looked at the liquor that he had in his hands and he said, ‘I can’t believe I’m still doing this,’” Fletcher, the then gang member who drink, chase ...

Egypt’s Oppressed Shi’ite Muslims Struggle for Rights, No Matter the Regime in Charge

Egypt’s Oppressed Shi’ite Muslims Struggle for Rights, No Matter the Regime in Charge
Salaam friends. Today we will focus on the continued oppression of the followers of the Ahl al-Bayt of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) in Egypt, which once used to enjoy glory and freedom for people of all creeds during over two-and-a-half centuries of rule by the Fatemids, who built the city of Cairo and established the al-Azhar academy in honour of the Prophet's Immaculate Daughter, Hazrat Fatema Zahra (peace upon her).  Today the 3-million ...

Hundreds of Shiites attend 'anti-terrorism' rally in Washington

Hundreds of Shiites attend 'anti-terrorism' rally in Washington
Hundreds of Shia Muslims turned a major annual spiritual ritual into an antiterrorism rally Sunday, marching, singing and praying for hours from trendy Dupont Circle to the White House as tourists and brunch-goers rubbernecked. Hundreds of Shia Muslims turned a major annual spiritual ritual into an antiterrorism rally Sunday, marching, singing and praying for hours from trendy Dupont Circle to the White House as tourists and brunch-goers ...

The Opinions of the Four Sunni Schools of Law about Mut'a

The Opinions of the Four Sunni Schools of Law about Mut'a
Adopted from the Book : "Temporary Marriage in Islamic Laws" by : "Sachiko Murata"The Opinions Of The Four Sunny Schools Of Law 1The general opinion of the four Sunni schools of law concerning the reason mut'a was permitted and then afterwards prohibited can be summarized as follows: At the beginning of Islam, the Muslims were in the minority and were often at war. Many of them were not able to marry and raise families, since they were ...

Islamic Conditions for Marriage

Islamic Conditions for Marriage
Marry those among you who are single, or the virtuous ones among your slaves, male or female. [Holy Quran: Nur 24:32] Religion and Piety The revered religion of Islam is in fact a system supplied with beliefs, morals and practical matters. Religious faith in Islam consists of joining up of the heart with God and belief in the Day of Judgment; the angels; the Prophets and the Glorious Quran. Morality in Islam consists of humbleness; humility; ...

This Is The Way I Nurture My Sons and Daughters

This Is The Way I Nurture My Sons and Daughters
This Is The Way I Nurture My Sons and Daughters I tried to be a friend of, not to impose myself on, my sons or daughters. When I noted an error on their part, I did not seek their attention through harshness or beating, but through suggestion and reference; also directly, with gentle or sharp words that do not injure. I want them to enjoy their lives, and I have helped them in their life choices. I used to let them be, without meddling in ...

Reversion to Islam from Vietnam

Reversion to Islam from Vietnam
I testify that there is no God, but AllahI testify that Muhammad is the Prophet of AllahThat is the Shahadah I had pronounced from the bottom of my heart in front of a crowed audience at a mosque in the Kingdom of Belgium on the 19th of May, 2000, when I just reached the age of 26.I was born and grew up in Hanoi, Vietnam. Thanks to the blessings of Allah, I was allowed to come to Belgium in 1998 to study for the Master of Science degree in ...

Families give their minor daughters to ISIS in exchange for protection in Libya

Families give their minor daughters to ISIS in exchange for protection in Libya
The British newspaper “The Times” reported the existence of families in the Libyan city of Derna that give their daughters to the extremists in exchange for protection. According to doctors in the city, the extremists force young girls to marry them in exchange for providing protection for their families. In 2013, doctors recorded one case of underage marriage every three weeks, but since the proliferation of foreign fighters in ...

Misgivings about the Religious Pluralisms of Seyyed Hossein Nasr and John Hick

Misgivings about the Religious Pluralisms of Seyyed Hossein Nasr and John Hick
Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen0n 25 October 1994, the Turkish scholar Adnan Aslan interviewed Profs. Nasr and Hick at the home of John Hick in Birmingham. The topic of discussion was religious pluralism, about which Dr. Aslan was writing his doctoral dissertation. Later Dr. Aslan published a book in which he compares the ideas of Profs. Nasr and Hick on religious pluralism. Unfortunately, I have not yet had the opportunity to see this work, but the ...

Life Does not Stop her Belief in God

Life Does not Stop her Belief in God
 was born into a lower middle-class English family, my mother was (and is) a housewife and my father worked at an electronics firm (he is now a lecturer in electronic engineering). My father came from a Catholic background, and my mother from a Protestant one. They had both shared a short spell in the Quaker church in the early 1970s but by the time I came along they were strong atheists and religion was never mentioned in our house, let ...

Imam Khamenei: UNESCO 2030 Agenda, Arrogant Powers's Plot to Control Nations

Imam Khamenei: UNESCO 2030 Agenda, Arrogant Powers's Plot to Control Nations
At this meeting, Imam Khamenei dubbed al-Quds Day as the day to fight a hegemonic arrogant system that seeks to dominate nations. He held: "Quds day, is approaching; it is an extremely important day, because not only is it about defending an oppressed nation of civilians who are driven out of their homes, we are indeed fighting against widely oppressive and cruel political system." Imam Khamenei further described support for Palestine as ...

Read This, So that You Won’t Commit Suicide!

Read This, So that You Won’t Commit Suicide!
Introduction:To keep the human beings alive and to ban the individual and group suicide is only possible by an appropriate interpretation of human and of human knowledge.This article aims to compare the two declarations of the Islamic Human Rights passed in 1990 and the Western Human Rights passed in 1948.An interesting point is that Iran has joint both these international Declarations.In the Islamic Declaration, this point is being emphasized ...

Wall between People of Paradise and People of Hell

Wall between People of Paradise and People of Hell
Another explanation of Araaf is that it is a wall, which will be erected between people of paradise and people of hell on Sirat as mentioned in Surah Al Hadid. The Lord of the Universe says: (0 My Dear Messenger!) On that Day, you will see the Faithful in such a condition that their radiance will enlighten their front and their side. (A voice will be heard): Good tidings to you for you will get the eternal paradise beneath which rivers flow. It ...

Islamic Ethics in the Family Structure

Islamic Ethics in the Family Structure
The Prophet (Pbuh) said: I recommend you to have good morality, since verily this will take you to heaven, and you should not be foul tempered since that will undoubtedly take you to Hell. [Vasa'il, v.16, p.29, Al-i-Bayt Press] The Value of Good Morality It is necessary for the parents to consider a few things which are repeatedly stressed in the Holy Quran for the sake of themselves and their children. It is not difficult to have good morals ...

Man's Situation in the Intermediate Realm

Man's Situation in the Intermediate Realm
The present existence of an intermediate realm and of separate destinations there for the virtuous and the wicked is a well-founded religious belief. There can be no doubt that after death the spirits of men the only element within them that is truly essential are transferred to the vast expanse of the non-material world.Just as the spirit appears in man's body and material form after it has been fashioned to completion, the spirit retains its ...

Shaykh Tusi: Father of Shia Jurisprudence

Shaykh Tusi: Father of Shia Jurisprudence
Such An Intelligent Youth Whose Fame Regarding His Foresight Would Endure Forever Muhammad ibn Tusi, famous as Shaykh Tusi is the most well known jurist and Mujtahid of the Shias who lived during the first half of the 5th century A.H. He was originally an inhabitant of Tus and was born there in 385 A.H. He received primary education in his homeland of Iran and after that he moved to Baghdad for higher studies. During those times Baghdad was the ...

Rights group urges UN to help stop execution of Saudi Shia cleric

Rights group urges UN to help stop execution of Saudi Shia cleric
A leading human rights organization has called on the United Nations to intervene and help stop the execution of a prominent Shia religious figure in Saudi Arabia.  According to Press TV, in a Monday letter to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) called for exerting pressure on Riyadh to revoke the death sentence given to Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr and to release him ...

Traditions on the Value and Importance of Marriage

Traditions on the Value and Importance of Marriage
1 -The Prophet (Pbuh) said: God’s Mercy and attention will be bestowed upon man in four situations: when it rains; when a child kindly looks at his/her father; when the door of the Ka'aba (House of God) is opened and when a marriage contract is drawn up and two join each other in a new life.[Marriage in Islam, p.17] 2 -The Prophet (Pbuh) said: You must marry and marry off your single sons and daughters. The sign of a Muslim's prosperity is ...